We have a new set of planets for the rest of our lives. No more Capricorn which is work, slow progress, foundations. Now we have fast energy of Aquarius which is shifting quickly, revolutions of concepts and technologies, so the world is to change radically and in unexpected ways. No one has lived through this before so it is considered the great unknown. We all see how the last 10 years has changed more than we can ever imagine with technology. It is to amp out tremendously for Aquarius is about technology, innovation and also has a spin of the whole rather than the parts. Buckle up!
No one knows how this will play out but I do believe we will be seeing robots about, AI doing many of the thinking and production tasks, this will free us up to do things technology can't so creativity and energy understanding is paramount. Creativity is what energy is about. We are here to use this energy, this substance of the world to create. In fact, that is why we are here and we are realizing our power in this illusion. We are energy! So many consider this a hologram, a video game or projection from ourselves. It is quite interesting how we are addressing the world and twisting up how we saw it in years past. I find this all so exciting and curiously fun. As we consider we are divine beings, we stop looking at ourselves as mammals. A herd mentality is clearing out and the great creatorship through realizing we are consciousness, not just this animal body. What a shift!! Woah! Our body is of the earth but our consciousness is not of this and is creating within the earth. In this we realize that we are the planet and taking care of the planet is taking care of ourselves. We are using this space to create so to realize this, we have a mammal body and it is effected by how we treat all life. It makes all this very real to us all rather than saving the earth, we are saving ourselves. It is why I am so clear on the water being the best quality for it is the vehicle of communication on this physical level. It is a water planet and it connects all life. We want the best and we want to detox us and our homes of the chemicals, as this is our playground. It also awakens our higher faculties for it is the connection of this electrical divinity we are. The health and awareness that comes from drinking quality water isn't known until you do. It supports us to be more online with the larger whole. With all the new science, Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Greg Braddon, many quantum physicists are twisting around how we see our body, genes and our ability to shift matter. They are proving in science what many ancient traditions have been sharing for thousands of years. It flips the whole basis of science. Maybe you don't buy that yet but in the future we will use this to create in a new way. It also alerts us that we are able to shift our bodies in ways we never knew and our environment around us. We will see lots of new medical innovation to support health with this technology advancement. Perhaps to realize our medical model is very behind. I guess we will see. As a trail blazer and curious mind, I love this expansion we are in. To topple ways of thinking and living to transform the earth to a much more aligned and whole planet seems the way life should go and be. An ideal world has the possibility of being created. How exciting is that??? The uncertainty high but the possibility huge. And together we are adding into this as the creators we are. So how do we use this practically for many would say "Lyn, that is way out there". If you play with the new science, there is the ability to really be in creatorship of your world. No longer plagued by genes, by environment, by outside circumstances. Yes we are programmed and clearing those outdated ideas is a challenge. Not only in our mind but our body has memory of all this survival energy. Today we have so many sharing ways of using the imagination, the feeling/energy nature, the concept of the quantum field being everything so there is far more power than we have believed. We can play with these new ideas and see what happens. Far more hopeful, dynamic and exciting than ways of old. I find this all far more fascinating than who is in charge and how they will do anything to the world. For the outside doesn't run the creation, our inside does. So any time we are thinking the outside will shift, we need to go inside and shift how we view it. There is no savior but our own creative ways. There is a larger perspective that is coming online and I find that far more clear and powerful than what we see with our eyes. That is why I am about water quality, detoxing the earth, our youtube Embody A Magical Life and my work with woman and the pleasure of the parasympathetic system. These are shifting the world on a higher level that in the bigger picture will change our world faster and easier than thinking the physical level runs us. These things investigate and cultivate our creatorship. Be the change you want to see in the world has been said so many times. So has the microcasm and the macrocasm we are or as above so below. We can shift and change our world for the better from our highest mind and creative power. Maybe I won't be here to see it all to fruition but I am a forerunner to create this as our consciousness changes. I know most feel this shift, not really sure what it all means but realizing the world is not as we were taught. We have gone long enough allowing the haves creating a world that imprisons us in many ways through the way we think about our world. This is not new news, yet it is gaining tracks with the science shifting to quantum from newtonian physics. It is beyond me in many ways yet I glimpse it. And I am willing to play with these ideas to support the world to a greater place. It is clear that our current way is on the path of destruction. I find this all so fascinating and I use these ideas to awaken and inspire others to begin the shift. It sure gives us more power and allows our heart felt ideals of safety for all humanity to actually materialize. As we believe, so it is so. In reality we never considered the world to be here 100 years ago so why not expand to a lovely future that seems perhaps far off. If we are creating this with consciousness and group thinking, we can shift things fast. What fun that is to me and how useful we are in our conscious use of energy! Even the possibility of such things is hopeful and enlivening. I sense it so clear to be true and so I stake my flag on it. I participate in things and ways to be part of this new way physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I find it to be so much more magical than our dense matter creation we have been taught. To know we are the consciousness, not the body just expands so many things. Finally we are seeing all the worlds of spirituality and science sync up! What a magical time!! If you need support on any level, please reach out. It is time to really realize how incredible we are.
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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