I don't know about you but I am in such a weird state. It feels like all around me is falling apart but inwardly, I am calm and actually quite joyful. Crazy! Any one else feeling this loving energy as the world morphs?
I have all kinds of old thought forms coming up too. Old ideas, fears, panics, confusion, all these wild emotions yet I am calmly watching them pass by. I am noticing and giving them the space to be seen but it is not carrying me into any emotional state. It is quite different as often when fear, panic, confusion comes up, I get scared, could cry, could feel all alone, etc... However, today I am just calmly releasing. It feels like I have this great power inside or watcher that is just letting go of the old and outworn. I am not avoiding these emotions that at others times I would just put a happy face on it. I have problems with no solutions as of yet however, I am not being drawn into the emotional drama of it. I am not trying to do either, it just is. So if you are feeling some crazy odd feelings, just watch. Be in the be of it, not the doing. Often when problems surface we jack out the mind into doing to solve. For some reason that is not how it is coming through right now. I feel like we are in a clearing phase. A new world needs to come forward but there needs to be space for it. So all the pieces of me that are not going to help the current situation seem to be showing up. I am recognizing the parts and emotions without getting engaged in it like other times. Sometimes tears or feelings come but as I look at them, they seem to go away. The usual yipping or grabbing on and funneling to more of those type feelings are not coming up. It feels odd yet really good. I look at this as the letting go of old things. I feel a very lovely feeling at the same time. Just loving on myself, watching this surf and allowing this observation to be the practice rather than the doing to solve. That lets me realize this is a clearing of sorts to allow solutions to come in. I don't even feel like I need to do anything. This is a bit weird as I usually go into solve mode. Yes, they need to be solved and soon yet I am not drawn to do it. Just watching and listening to these pieces of myself as they show up, get their say and then go away. If you find this coming up of situations or emotions happening or things are triggering you, Just WATCH! It is easier in this moment. It is like a victim or confused girl of me is just needing to be heard and released. Making room for solutions, creativity, new expansion and fun answers. This is how I am reading it. It feels cleaning. Very weird and odd. I feel like our world is also showing us the most wild outrageous as well. Rather than react....., notice and if it causes something in you, just watch it. Don't engage. I feel like it is easier to do this where as at other times I had to redirect and it took energy to do this. Today, it is just surfacing, I am watching, it is leaving and all while I am quite calm and solid inside. This is kind of weird to me but welcomed!!! Light to us all as we morph together into something else and we don't know what it is to be. Uncertainty high. Just allow. Creativity works like that. You are doing something creative and don't usually know the full end but embrace the mystery of creating. If you need support, I am always available. I do coaching and have been through quite a transition for many years and have excellent ways to manage and still be in joy. It has become quite a mastery! Love to you all!!
Yes, we are all looking for quick ways to find health. This potion, that supplement, diet drugs, this energy drink or that powdered mix, so many options and do they work? I have tried so many things for I am curious and it is my field. Having the podcast, we have interviewed many folks with all kinds of bio hacking, powdered mixes, cleanses, you name it, I have heard of it.
Until I found the ionized hydrogen water, I can't really say I loved any of the things I tried. I am not big on powdered anything for it all tastes the same. I don't really trust most ingredients and for supplements, I am avid about Standard Process Products as the best. I don't really recommend many of the things on the market. They are mostly fads and we need ideas that can stick and change our health in ease that are part of our daily life easily. I am big on real food as medicine. The thing about the water is that it is basic. It is something we already do and it is well documented that our tap, well and bottled water is contaminated. Most don't drink the 8 glasses a day as a minimum because your body doesn't want crappy water. Once you get quality water, you won't go back. You drink more and find many health ails are alleviated. We are 70% water and all systems need adequate amounts. 85% of the people are dehydrated. It creates a big problem on all levels. The acid body, acidosis, is considered the basis of all illness. Simple drinking water can heal us. Crazy we are so uninformed. I get it that the answer seems so simple. I thought that too when this business came my way. I researched it for days from so many angles. From the bad press on it, the good press, the plethora of published medical papers and you tube videos for days. I kept hearing inwardly "Get into water.' That was 4 years ago. Best choice ever!!! I figured at least I would have good water to drink and shower with the 2 appliances. I couldn't lose and I knew it was a powerful healing tool. Just eliminating the chlorine alone was powerful as it's issues, especially with the thyroid, are well documented. As a health and beauty girl, a Clinical Homeopath, a non toxic lifestyle fanatic and one who has spent 4 years interviewing folks on our you tube in the healing arts, I knew this was a solution we need and never consider. If we are so much water it seemed to me a far quicker path to health to treat the 70% of us rather than the 30% with small little changes. It is so easy to drink good water too. Not a big change. We are already drinking water, especially if you are into any kind of health, so it wasn't a "hard" shift at all. Actually quite simple. Not like dieting or guzzling some disgusting powder that you won't stick too. Water is easy. The greater thing for me beyond the drinking was the ability to fully detox my home. Not just buying this laundry detergent or getting a lesser of evils cleaners but using water for it all! That is what was the most exciting to me for this is a huge problem. It takes real detail these days to have truly non toxic stuff. They advertise things are natural and non toxic but with closer attention, they are not. The food is filled with unidentified toxins too so how do we manage this. That is why the ionizer is so perfect a solution! No more label reading of cleaners as I use water for the bathroom, kitchen, windows. glass and laundry. Imagine that. There are 7 types of water so each has it's surface that it cleans. The sanitizer is the best, 100x more effective than bleach. Why don't we know of this hypochlorous acid, 2.5 pH water which is just electric salt water? Meanwhile we use all these toxic products, sanitizers that are off the charts in toxicity!! There has been a solution for years that nursing homes, hospitals and day cares use. Why hadn't I known with my search of over 30 years to live non toxic! So you can clear the inside by using the hydrogen water to detox our body, drag out toxins naturally and allow your body to use what it is made of to create the best health. I personally no longer have eczema that I have lived with for most of my adult life. I no longer have to worry about eating gluten which I always did. After a bit, I lost weight easily by doing nothing but drinking good water. I drop 15 pounds out of no where. Your body detoxes how it needs and eventually the middle weight just left me. The micro-clustered small molecules of water are quickly absorbed into your cells so your body can do its own magic. Very simple. That coupled with the non toxic home in one simple appliance is the fastest health hack there is. It is an investment yet imagine all you save and never have to deal with again. That is what I saw. I am quite lazy and want easy, practical solutions. This is the bomb on that front and why I decided to sell them. It is revolutionary to me. I have been around the block and never had heard of such an appliance let alone an easy answer to a solution I was always investigating. Now I am not so worried about the food. I do buy organic, get many things from farms, use Wild Pastures for my meat and know the water will clear any odd thing that lands in my food. I know my water is the best, my shower water is no only filtered but re-mineralized and my home has no toxins. I use coconut oil for my skin, shampoo bars, make my own toothpaste, use caster oil on my face. Perhaps my mascara or hairspray is toxic but that is about it. A great feeling! I also no longer contribute so largely to the plastic problem. I don't add any toxins to the water table and I feel very sustainable. I am a nature fanatic so that settles my heart too. It is such a powerful solutions with so many benefits. The ionizer lasts about 25 years if maintained. I get new filters, clean it monthly and annually send it to the manufacturer to make sure it is running well. It is a powerful tool but it should be. It gives me my water so I know it is the best and doing me well. It is the simplest health hack I ever found in all my 32 years looking. It solves many problems we face these days and I know I am on the best track with health and sustainability. Do reach out if you are interested in this magic appliance. You also get referral income from it. Many build empires of referrals. It is an opportunity like no other in health from my stand point! Ease and grace in health and beauty my mission! Have you ever felt like you were in a void? You are not what was but you are not yet what you will become? Of course, we are always becoming but there are moments where you just seem to be in a lost abyss. It isn't heavy or too dark, just not yet sure what will unfold next? We know what we want but we are awaiting the flow of it.
I am in that spot right now. I know where I am going yet I am quiet inside. There is no clear action to take other than the usual daily things. It is like getting to the other side of something. I often think I have been here for years in a way. I left my farm a long time ago and I can't quite yet say I have landed to such a peaceful, certain place I felt there since then. I have lived a lot but it just hasn't all added up to knowing exactly what I left for. When I left it seemed like there was something bigger out there for me to do. I felt like the whole farm was telling me to get out in the world. I did get out into the world and have done many things since then including supporting The Room at Meadowbrook, many odd jobs and moving to Colorado. I am in a my own business, have a youtube channel with my daughter and even back into doing event flowers. Inside I have not yet been able to fully feel like this is why I left. I feel I am on a precipice of something so wonderful and fulfilling. When I moved I asked for the right things to come in and show me how I was to express now. Patience has been my milestone on this leg. Slowly, surely, things have unfolded beautifully. All the pieces are not yet there, at least in my mind. Maybe that is part of it. As the world is in such flux maybe the full picture will never be seen. As humans, uncertainty is often a trigger. For most of my life, it seemed that there was more certainty or we thought there was. Now, it is clear that we are not certain what will unfold. It seems so much sinister info on all fronts is becoming known. How it will destruct or construct is up for grabs. Perhaps our certainty was a myth to begin with. I want to embrace the mystery of not knowing like a movie. Parts of me are not open to that. I allow this feeling of void. I allow that I am open to newness. I know where I would like to be. I am taking actions but not in the usual ambition mode. I have an openness that is not normal. I am ok not to know in many ways. I think the void is the creative space so it is kind of blurred or unknown. I am calmly walking through this void with as much openness as I can. It is trippy. I watch my desire to know come forward but remind my mind that if it is new, I will not be familiar or know it as something in the past. Very interesting spot. Many are probably also in this void. I think the world at large is here. We are not sure exactly how things will play out. It is like being the baby in the womb. It has no idea what is coming next. It probably is scary on some levels especially the squish through the canal and the opening of the lungs. We are again in a birthing process. It is the powerful spot of creativity. The mush of the caterpillar cocoon. So to all of you in this void personally or globally, let us remember this is the place of greatest creativity. Our daydreams, our imagination, our leaning into things is done so well here. Patience is part of this. Do not allow the mind or fear to take you too far. Let the imagination create what you want not what you are afraid of. I know the world has fear all around us yet we can be imagining and inspiring a great new world. That is what I am doing here. Taking care of myself. Using my void time to imagine and feel in. Letting my mind be blank. Feeling in my heart my truth that goodness is about and will come in so large that I am preparing for it. Let me know if I can support you in this great creation. It certainly is the time to be alive if you are an adventurer. For it is beyond my ideas. Yet my ideas are needed as is all our energy toward a more beautiful world. |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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