I am really playing with feeling states of the body. After many years in adrenal stress, cortisol and emergency living, I learn deeper of the word embodiment. Perhaps why my daughter and I have a you tube channel named Embody a Magical Life! I Would love for you to subscribe and join us! It is a time of really bringing our great brilliance, soul, into the body more deeply. It sounds so simple yet since we are run by the mind and patterns, being in the body is often words rather than a way of being.
I know when I began this journey of really feeling my body, which is energy rolling through this watery body, I had to remember what that full feeling of joy felt like in my body, in sensation, with my senses. I realized everything that happened seemed like an emergency when it was not. I was so used to that emergency feeling and found even simple issues, created cortisol. This noticing continues to grow my awareness and when I do, I can shift my whole body state in moments. It is a feeling body thing. It is not mindset and thoughts although they may be there, it is a feeling, the energy of my body. The body is our tool on this plane. So if we don't use it right, we can end up in illness or crisis physically. I know no one ever taught me correctly about the body. I have studied so many sciences and arts, each having a piece of embodiment, the feminine arts teaching me the most about it. I also think learning of being energy, understanding empathy, knowing I am a guide and projector for others in the Human Design energy system, all haven given me pieces of what this energy in the body thing we all are learning. Now ,I know I can share it more simply with you. The greater part of us is an electrical spark so to speak, the light. Our light interacts with matter, which is mostly water, a great conductor of electricity. That water, moves much slower than electricity and creates waves, emotions, energy in motion. And that is the movement of the world. I think we have lost this connect to the watery body and true emotions we feel as we move through life. In learning to notice, feel and let the wave wash on, I learned then to influence the next emotion, wave or feeling. Gliding through this watery, emotional matter then become a fun experience of all the waves there are. This is a new way to explain it, the easiest understanding on it today for it is far simpler than we make it. I also realized along this journey that I was in such a pattern of anxiety. My tired body longed for the higher states of joy, pleasure and fun more often. Don't we all? I was hindering them. Like being in a wave pattern in the water and not allowing myself to expand into the other feelings. We can't just wait to feel joy and pleasure from the outside, we can create them from the inside. As we do, our body reconnects with those waves and will easily begin to bring them in as we feel, flow past and allow the balance. In all of this, I learned it is my responsibility to notice my state of my body, connect to it, see what it needs to do to balance in that moment and then create the feeling I want. Breathe the very key to moving through this watery matter. Breathing takes away the rigidity, the edges, the stiffness of the body allowing that flow. We are in charge of this matter. We are the electricity animating the matter of the body. We didn't fully realize this along the way and are getting this awareness to really bring in our spark, through matter and into a lovely experience here in the watery world. I use watery world, for if you realize that is mostly what is here, over 70% of this planet and us, we all know how water moves. We can begin to understand flow and know what it feels like. So many have so little flow in life they forgot what it feels like. When I am afraid, rather than act, I allow that feeling, sense where it is in my flowing body and breath deep through it. I keep doing it until it shifts and I feel it flowing and shifting in my body. It may stretch my legs, or arch my back, usually causing me to stretch to move my body to support its release. Then I generate love breathing it into my heart. I breathe that through and FEEL what that feels like in all my cells and being. I revel in it. Amp it up. Loving on my fear, even though it seems like I should be Doing something else. I need to stabilze my body, my water from the intensity before I do anything. If I don't, I am in a wave of fear that will continue through all I do. This creating the crisis of life that we often spiral into. It may sound trite or impossible that this could help. Yet it does. When we come from neutrality, act in our watery body with the brilliance of the electricity we are, we can change the flow of things. In doing that, we change the flow of solution. When fear or any lower emotion is around and we act, we usually generate more of that. Rather, we could pause, notice and breathe, bring in a better state than start doing from there. I think it is the piece we all miss. What energy are we coming from. Calm, security or anxious panic? The outcomes will be far different. In closing, I want to inspire you to become more aware more often as to the state of you and watery body are in. In doing that, you can shift it. If you don't notice, it will run its predictable course. I am sharing a class from Anxiety to Flow on Feb. 3, 5:30 est, 7:30 mt, 6:30 pt. It is a simple class that will awaken the patterns of parasympathetic nervous system living,: joy, pleasure, oxytocin. The art of relax and pleasure. You will know what your body feels like in that state and will learn how to create and shift easily to it. Once we begin remembering these higher states, feeling them and creating them, we find life flows more easily in all things. I encourage you to join us. It is a transformative, fundamental learning that is ease and grace. What woman love and thrive in! It is an interesting time. We are grounding our wonder. We are learning this. Let's play with it together. Class Link Lifestyle Session
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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