I heard this question that Michail Beckwith asks and it has really resonated and inspired me. What is trying to emerge in you? Do you ask? Do you listen? Why not check it out. We are in the lull of the year and it is dream time. We just had the new moon and the lunar new year has begun. The year of the Wood Snake which is about shedding our old skin.
My life has been filled with so much change over the last 4 years. My daughter here, then she's gone. Here then gone. When she is here we work playfully most of the days. Filled with you tube episodes, editing, dancing, water sales and getting our story out. Then she leaves and I am alone and wonder what should I be doing? So filled then empty. Busy then not. Supporting each other than on my own creating a life. It has been very spontaneous and active then dead. In another week, she will be gone again and I imagine it will be quite a long while until we are together again. She has found a new love in the UK! Another country again that she sails to investigate her life. As you know I moved to Colorado to be with her and it has been fun but ever changing. I wonder do I belong here? I am creating a life that my work can be done anywhere. But where is anywhere? I always chose for family and friends and perhaps I will again. I am busy when she is here so there is no time to consider or feel in until she goes. Then the space is clear and open. I think the space is clear for alot of us. What will we do next? What is trying to emerge? What really sings your heart and will give you that next adventure? Wondering......wondering. I have been in the quiet times too while she is here to keep that cord to myself and what is for me now? It seems a big question and I hope many of you are asking it as well. I want to sing my soul even further. I want to experience even better. I want to listen inwardly and see if there is an answer. Not just listen to the outside and my mind but what about my soul? This new age, this new year, this new time seems to have a flavor of soul beyond any other. Why am I here? What are my great gifts I am to share? Is it partnership which would be nice. Is it more getting to know myself alone? I feel I am clearing so much sadness and grief from me. Perhaps years of it that I have avoided. I let tears flow and then as most say ok, time to move forward. For this winter I am not doing that. I am feeling as deeply and clearly as I can. I want to transmute, alchemize or even integrate the losses, the expectancies that did happen, the old stories of who I am and how I present to the world. What is trying to emerge in me? What is trying to emerge in you? I allow the space to ask and ask again. I allow the stories, the sadness, the dreams, the ideas to come and go. I allow the silence. I have often listened to this silence but now even deeper. Further. More. It is not so comfortable in our day and age where productivity seems first. Survival, paying the bills, get it done thinking. However, I feel the energies are different now and the silence feels good and comforting. What will I hear? What will be the answers? What about just being in the now again and again and again. Erckert Tolle asked us that years ago. Finally I am listening in a way I perhaps could not before. Be in the moment and get just the next step. Geez, has that been a challenge since he said it. We want to know what is next and how it will unfold. What should we be doing? These questions come up and I keep listening past. What is this now? How do I stay in it? I just keeping asking, listening, releasing and knowing I will outlast my made up patterns to find that gem of the true me now. Even in our you tube which has been transformative. Embody a Magical Life. The things we have learned just by having a title as such. What is a magical life? How do I find life to be magical despite the outside weirdness? We share our journey with the new consciousness and how it is coming in through us. It has been it's own soul alchemy and why we did it. To find others that vibe with consciousness, water quality, non toxic lifestyle and a sustainable life. To be ourselves and truly show others. Be authentic. Be us and share this expansive new journey on earth at this time. What is trying to emerge? What a great question. What an inward journey. What a open ended mind expansion. I will continue to ask. I will continue to listen. I feel that things will speed up incredibly soon and want to be fully aligned with me. Fully aligned with me. Wow. I have often been more aligned with others, conditions, adapting and adjusting. What is it to be fully aligned with me? It is fun just asking. This is why I coach, share my journey, write, offer health and water. We want to be solid and strong for the next leg. I don't know why but I do know fluidity, good water, a clear mind and body and lots of energy will be needed. So let us all sit in this quiet of what is trying to emerge? It feels good and the foundations of this new world are being laid and we are doing it. Very exciting and uncertain. Yet we came here purposefully for this. That is exciting in itself. Let me know if you need support as you ask this question. It has an unlocking power that feels so good.
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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