Such a crazy start to 2017! So many up in arms with strife and displeasure. We have the opportunity to step up and truly speak our voice and take action for those things we desire. It is a motivating force to realize what you love, what you value and do positive things to bring about a world you want to be part of.
All this makes me delight in femininity, my divine essence of being a woman. To love life rightly, deeply, purposefully and fully! To be in woman in such a time when we must collaborate and truly use our great feminine qualities of connection and community is delicious to me for this is our mastership. We are the best at uniting and creating change. We do it daily in our lives through all the organizations, charities, churches and schools. If we can truly shift the disconnection and competition in our gender and collaborate which is so natural to us, it would make this world a beautiful place. To love ourselves first is always the rule in all schools of spirit. To care for ourselves, to revel in our beauty, our wonder, our kindness, our feminine way of care in nourishing is the call of our times. To truly be a woman in all her insanely fun ways, artistic, creative, communicating, connecting and going with the flow. Flexible, make due out of the most harrowing conditions and find fun and laughter when there seems to be none. We can mix and mingle with everyone and blend such odd situations into a dance of connection. We gather, we feed, we love and we listen. I call us all to fall in love with the wonder of being a woman! It is an art, a dance, a painting and creation to be a woman in todays world. So much forcing and pushing us to be masculine in our ways yet it gets us no where to act as men do. Yes, we have to adapt their ways in business but once that is done, we can get back to our beautiful flowing way of seeing life. Moving at a pace that works for us, taking time to care and be involved, enjoying all others and supporting the world in a nourishing way. Femininity is a gift and we need to honor ourselves and our creative style of being. We are the great tenders of the world. We are the nourishers, the space holders, the lovers, the listeners, the beauties, the fun. Let's fall in love with ourselves truly. Honor the gifts that we offer fully. Revel in our joyful beings. Savor the love and care that we give humanity. Allow the world to see us as the peacemakers and collaborators that we are! And what beautiful fun it will be!
Well ladies, we are the playful spirits of the world! If we are not engaging, enticing, alluring ourselves and others in this way, we are not engaging our true essence of being a woman! Youthfulness, flexibility, communication, beauty passion and charm are the qualities of woman in the yoga system. The petals of the Svathishana they are called, our area of creativity, where the womb and kidneys are housed. If we do not engage in these fluid, playful ways, our health will suffer for the energy in this area will get blocked.
This nonfluid way of our lives in the current society, creates all kinds of health issues in our body. Flowing is a key word about woman. We have a cycle which is rhythmic, cyclical, fluid. We do not realize what this tells us of ourselves. We are the negotiators, the flexors in most all situations. We are the nourishers, the gatherers, the ones who bring in fun and play to life. We are not moving about in a flowing way, our body is designed to operate best when it is flowing, at a slower pace where connection and communicaton can occur. We are using the pace of men, marching. Thus we have adrenal burn out, cortisol and no oxytocin which is our healer. I encourage you to seek out this woman in you, your playful spirit. Consider when a group of woman or girls gather. What is happening? Playful, giggles, chatter, dancing, fun, food, laughter, support, silliness. Yes for these are the healing powers of woman. We are acting out the traits of the svadisthana chakra! Communicating with each other, being flexible together, acting youthful, sharing our passions, feeling beautiful and often helping each other to be that, and being our charming girly self. It is no accident that we have the children and usually raise them. For we are youthul and childlike in our essence and it is good we are this way. Embrace these qualities in yourself and cultivate them daily. It is not hard for us to be healthful as woman. We just do the things that are natural to us. We enjoy them. Our world has kicked these ideas out of our everyday life and it is killing us and those around us. Know these 6 qualities of yourself as the power of woman. Spend time each day using them in consciousness. Pull them in your life in whatever way you can. This creates relaxation, oxytocin, the parasympathetic nervous system to engage and heal our body. You will gain such health and peace of mind by riding in this flowing way. It is who we are. It is easy to be a woman for we are them. We just need to embrace our natural ways and live more fully in our beauty! Play with life! Lyn |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
January 2025
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