iI am in the throws of being sick. I have a soar throat which is my area that will get effected and let me know, it is time to rest. It is not like I didn't know this before my throat started to hurt. I know the path all so well and some times I listen, others I do not. However, I am taking the day to do not much of anything and it feels really good. I am fortunate enough to use homeopathy, Standard Process supplements and have a pot of chicken soup going from a friend. These are all ways to support my exhaustion that do wonders to support this restful day.
I am not too sick and I saw it coming so I listened early. I will have this one down day, take a bath, enjoy a restful day and get some small duties caught up. I believe my body deva has been wanting me to do this for a few days if not a week. It is the way of this body that it will do what it needs to run well and if you don't follow it, it takes its course and lets you know, "Lie down". I find it better when I do listen. It is a powerful tool of self care and allowing this innate health system to work for you. I don't feel bad when I don't listen for it is only learning and chances are I will listen sooner next time. It is all slow incremental change to honor yourself in a world where moving almost 23 hours is the expectation. Little by little we learn to add in true self care that will only support our great work in life. Down time is very key not only physically but for creativity, the mind and the spirit to recharge. I think when we are young we can push the body so much further as it is on the building phase. As we get older, it doesn't like that so much and won't perform like in our 20s. Being holistic, whole in all areas means having regular rest as in night and day. Our world doesn't support this but it is the greatest self care there is. Good sleep on the top of the list. So valuable and so important for we detox our physical body, our mental and emotional bodies. We need this reset daily. We need to have rest for the parasympathetic system to renew, rebuild, rejuvenate our system. It is clear I have not done that. Without regular relax, renewal, our systems get taxed and we get illness. You can take the "I" time well or ill. Our choice. I didn't slow down at regular intervals so it builds up. We tend to do that. Have busier times where we don't rest. Here and there it works but for prolonged periods or as a practice,, we will not have good health. We need our down time each day, each week, each month to have the greatest health. It must be on the to do list or chances are it won't happen. I am usually very good at this but apparently not so good. I wish I had done it when I didn't feel so bad for it is a healthier rest when my body deva doesn't knock me down! To be holistic, whole we must do all things and rest is very important. We are running into our busy holiday so rest when you need it. I plan to learn from this sore throat for the rest of the month. Drink lots of tea, relaxing baths and enjoy quiet peace to support my body. Self care is the ticket to a happier, healthier life. It is so valuable and you notice when you are ill just what you are missing in wellness. It must be done daily, weekly and monthly or consistently as part of our life. Without this down time, our body lags. Our systems get clogged and weak and our spirit low. Learn from me and get yourself through the holidays with a sparkle by using self care to rejuvenate. We can savor all life more when our body feels good. This sensual season you want to be on to partake fully of the wonder it offers. Be well! I wrote this post days ago and have recovered to my bright sparkly self!! Oolala!
We are taught to hide our less beautiful parts. We hide and stuff down anything that appears not so sweet or good. It is valuable to want to be a good human being, to grow and become better. In doing so though, we have to appreciate and understand we can only get better by noticing what needs improvement. These lesser qualities are not necessarily bad, more like ignorant. Unknowing, ignorance doesn't know better. Even if we did know better, we are allowed to feel all things.
More than anything, in all the study and living I have done, accepting and embracing this lesser part of ourselves is the ticket to an enjoyable life. We are so hard on ourselves and hold much against ourselves! It is kind of twisted. We certainly aren't our own best friend. It really doesn't make sense but it is what we do and how we were trained. As we grow we hopefully are inspired to forgive ourselves and others. We are spirits in human bodies. It is not an easy to be "perfect" when you are learning how to be a spirit in a human body. Perfect means complete anyway. It doesn't mean what we think. It means something is done. To be complete. So all can be perfect, even our negativity. It just needs to be done. We can learn from it. So if we do learn it is complete and was just a lesson. There is only learning truly anyway, We are constantly learning so we are going to do "ignorant" things continually. From our unknowing, we will make miss takes, create issues, be unruly for we are learning. So there need not be this hidden part of ourselves called the shadow. The shadow is just the errors we made in the process. To embrace and allow yourself to make mistakes, learn and grow is the game here. Allowing ourselves to be imperfect, in complete should be natural. It is a big mistake to not embrace all our experiences. When we do, we don't create shadows of ourselves. We have compassion for ourselves learning and understand we don't always know the best behavior or course of action. We shouldn't be embarrassed by it. When we do judge ourselves for error we create this shadow that can be quite an issue. We use energy to hide parts of ourselves and this is wasteful. We split off parts of ourselves that are valuable. Our culture encourages us to hide ourselves, create a mask of who we are so we appear appropriate or to fit in some mold. None of us fit into any mold. As we get older we decide we don't care what others think as much for no one fits into the society ideal. Then we begin to reclaim these hidden parts and the energy of them. We learn to forgive ourselves for not being the "norm" and accept ourselves as we are. It is a huge process that I only hope in the future we learn that this "shadow" is not us. It is just ignorant choices that are bound to happen in this experience. To be our authentic selves we need to reclaim this "shadow" part or ourselves and embrace all who we are, the good and bad. For there really is no bad. It is inexperienced side of ourselves and the small child in us that gets selfish, angry, unruly and out of line. This child like being is full of innovation, power and just part of who we are. Often this part of ourselves is actually supporting us through its behavior trying to protect us, alert us, let us know things are not right. We need to embrace it rather than shun it to the dungeon so to speak. As I have learned to embrace my unruly shadow, my crazier side, my temper tantrum girl, I realize she is very powerful and full of energy. To have a shadow uses energy to hide parts of yourself from view. She does come out after a bit and create havoc if I don't take time to embrace and understand her. The highest form of enlightenment has to do with making peace with this part of ourselves. For all of us is good. Even our most unruly parts are ok. It is high spirit practice to love all of ourselves and know there is always an area to grow up or refine. When we take this stance and begin to love all of ourselves, our true essential being can emerge. It does take some effort to forgive ourselves and others. It means we need to let things go and remember we are learning here and will make errors. This doesn't make us bad or messed up. It just is. Loving ourselves through all conditions the magnus opus! When we are mean, selfish, unkind, annoyed, obsessive, offbeat, we are just being human. No one is good all the time, the conditions to challenging here to make the right choices always. We get tired, we get angry, we get impatient, disappointed, unhappy with conditions. These things are ok and often indicate for us to slow down, go inward to know ourselves better, maybe move from conditions, take a break from action. These emotions and annoyances are guidance and indicators to us. When we judge them and pretend they don't exist, we create problems for ourselves and don't listen to the signals these parts of ourselves are telling us. As you choose to embrace your shadow, you find that these hidden parts of you are actually quite brilliant. They have very valuable information about the world around you. They great gifts and offer learning and refining. They show you parts of yourself that need to maybe reorder and grow up a bit. They are often areas that you misunderstood when you were small and they need some updating. They really aren't bad, they are ignorant, unknown peices of you. I have learned to love my temper tantrum girl. She gives me alerts when I am moving in the wrong direction. If I don't listen to her, she can create more struggle later. She is not always right but she is a piece of me and all pieces of me are valuable. You start to fall in love with yourself as you claim all your pieces. You see the intricateness of yourself. You see the power you have and how wonderous all parts of you are. We are really magnificent beings with so many parts. It is like a treasure box. There are great gems in your shadow. The power we have to really protect ourselves, support ourselves and know really what is going on around us much more brilliant than we realize. All parts of us are truly on our side if we claim them. You actually fall in love with these parts of yourself for you get to understand them. Often when we were small these behaviors saved and protected us. It is quite fascinating to take a look from experienced eyes. I invite you to discover yourself on a deeper level by being your own best friend. All pieces are so cool of yourself. Even your shadow. At first it seems undaunting for you have judged yourself so harshly. Once you get over reprimanding yourself to really see what is going on inside, it becomes a very interesting adventure. You learn to observe yourself and watch how this shadow operates. It becomes a richer journey and you do learn to love these pieces of yourself. It is quite fascinating. Make peace with yourself and all your parts. It is a fabulous journey here filled with many twists and turns. Use all of your being to navigate this experience. Forgive and forget the past. Understand that we are continually learning and error is the tool of growing. You will find some wonderful hidden pieces within once you embrace all of yourself. Quite a fabulous adventure when you embrace your shadow and use it's power! Blissfully, Lyn Get in touch with me for a free consult or watch my videos to support your health through new perspectives of pleasure and play! I often find myself in such magnificent places with wonderful people and ask myself, "How did I land here?" I have been so blessed in life to experience yatch adventures, stay in exquisite homes and on beautiful beaches through no earning of my own. It has just been my luck or karma that I am surrounding by people who have such beautiful things and they share them with me. I understand it only by considering that I have always had a thankful attitude and offer empathy, compassion, kindness and lightness of spirit.
My testimonial is that being grateful for all life throws at you is a path of magic. Constantly thankful for what is before you, where you land even if it is not so lavish and seeing the beauty in what is there even if it takes keen vision to find it. I have used this attitude of the glass being full and am experienced at seeing wonder where ever I go. It continues to astound me what this brings to life. We hear of the power of gratitude often. It is easy to reach for yet when in a mess, it is not always the first thing that pops in. We can cultivate the habit of coming into thankfulness, even try to love all conditions. You may not at first feel it fully yet I have found in saying "I love this" even in a sarcastic tone or asking myself how I can be grateful for what is occurring, the vibe is invited in. It starts out as just words but I have trained myself to begin the process to bring in good feelings by just speaking of it. Being grateful not only surfs you through some less cozy spaces in life, it creates other good things to come. If you find blessing as often as you can, by law you will magnetize more blessing. That is how I account for all the wonder and fine experiences that come to me. I am grateful and feel blessed and thus I get great experiences and blessings. It is a habit that creates a magical life. As my brother has told me, "Lyn, we don't have you around for your money. We invite you for your spirit of joy and fun." I have joy and fun because I am grateful for what comes my way. These traits are valuable and keep reproducing themselves. Consider ways you can create this habit of loving all, finding beauty in hard spots and being grateful for whatever shows up. Even if it is a stretch initially, it is a valuable habit to build upon. I consider myself lucky and always have. Feeling lucky is a form of gratitude. I say often that things just work out for me in magical ways and they do. These attitudes, seeking of beauty in all ways truly pay themselves forward to more luck and adventure. There are many commodities that work equally as well as money. Use all of them. Each has it's place and you don't have own great great homes and toys to experience them. You can be a valued guest in many places and simply be thankful to participate in the wonders of the world! Generosity comes to those whom are grateful. Be generous and receive more. Be thankful and the cycle repeats itself. More law than magic. But magic is just applying the laws! Gratitude is applying the magical laws to manifest blessing. I have great experience with this one and I invite you to as well! We all have our story, don't we? So often we live in it to our own demise. One of the great things I expanded in my Master of Spiritual Science was my story. Our mind, emotions, circumstances and picture of how we view things, create our tale of why life is as it is. Sometimes we don't even know the truth of it for it is buried in our unconscious controlling us.
One of the great lines I learn from John Rogers is, "Win in Your Fantasies!" If you are going to be playing with your imagination, creating stories of life, by golly make them good ones! So often we are playing a sad tale, woe is me or because this happened we are this. We keep this alive and think it over and over. Sometimes we can't stop. The never ending tale of what limits us. We all do this and it is part of being human and having a mind that likes to make sense of things. It is not always right though, and our perspective shifts as we grow and learn. Often, our story does not. We can shift our story or create a new one. We use our imagination in a negative way, Someone doesn't call or respond, or things don't go as we expected, we create a whole story in our minds. I should of said this or that, playing over the scenario in many ways. We are really doing nothing. Just sitting there creating tales and stories that are not happening, maybe won't happen and we are creating with our imagination negatively. We certainly aren't enjoy life or even participating in it. At any point, we can get present, consider whatever happened a minute ago or before that is over and get on to the next joy. We can win in our fantasies! We can daydream great outcomes, lovely tales and successful endings. It is as simple as doing it. This is the reality. We can even shift memories by playing what we wished happened in our mind and guess what, our subconscious takes it. In fact, we can creating new ones every moment instead of reliving our past story. At some point it is boring, predictable and repetitive. At any moment we can start a new chapter and start writing. Even if it doesn't go the way we want, we have a greater chance of creating it if we imagine it. The good ole "Image In" faculty of the mind. We can control this. When we start reliving our story that is old, we can easily rewrite it if we are aware. It is that simple. I often just say to myself when I am in some old, unhappy story line, "Lyn, Live IN Your Fantasies!" It is very shifting. If all the emotions are captured in the story it is a tad harder but I just keep telling myself that line. It is a powerful command and it is as simple as imagining it. Your imagining your old story for that is not happening either. Things are new each moment even if we don't realize it. Being present is a ticket to greater joy. In doing this, I can create the story I want to occur. I get good feelings about life and then my vibe and anticipation is high. It brings in vital energy to be in joy and forward moving so lots can come my way. If i am just thinking of the sad tale, the past tale or what I don't want, I get low vibe, low energy, building a bad story. So truly take this to heart. I constantly notice and watch what is the story I have going and what others stories are. It is powerful to keep it positive so the world can build around you. We all need to watch our stories that we play. Even when we are describing a past situation, we can often call in all the sad and dark of it. This is not always the best use of our mind, imagination or presence. We love to connect and share in life but watch how you tell stories. If they are full of gloom keep it short and move on. And make sure that you share about happy endings or what you would like to happen. We often share a story, sit in it and just feel crappy. Remembering it is over and that we can start fresh and create a new one with what we learnt. It supports us to be aware of our tales! Consider what is your story as you commune through the holiday. Pay attention and see who has good ones, how their energy and vibe is and who has bad ones. Not in a judging way but in a way of energy. Who do you want to chat with and sit near? It will be powerful to be aware and see how energetically this all powerfully effects our lives! We have such expectation of life, our mission, our goals, our relationships, ourselves! No one gets away with doing everything right as our beliefs and minds would see it. Judgement a dangerous thing. Sometimes shit just happens. We make bad choices, we get lazy, we get irritated, we find ourselves not being this great version we want to be. This is part of the human condition. We get tired, we get off purpose with all that comes at us, we just don't preform to our best. It is really no reason to feel so bad as we have been taught!
Allowing ourselves to go through the twists and turns of life is a skill of mastery. We don't really give ourselves permission to be off. We give it to others though. We have allowance for them most times to not be so perfect. Yet when it comes to ourselves, we can be the worse critic and revel in it too much. So my call to writing this is to remind us to be gentler and kinder to ourselves. I get feeling crappy, down, depressed even sometimes. I get unmotivated, wanting things my way, temper tampering when I don't like what is occurring. I use escapism, illusion, imagination and do stupid things that will not bring me closer to what I want. However, after so much spiritual study, being an initiate and a minister, I realize deeper and deeper that this is just all part of life. It is actually a way to know we are off course or need a rest, an inward direct. The process of this less than wonderful choices just is a reminder that we need to relax and sit for a minute and observe. We allow these parts of ourselves, these thoughts, behaviors, stories to exist as all the good stuff. We just watch the process of this go by us and often really need to observe more than do anything. "Allowing". We really are not so good at this action. To just allow what is to be. Not have to do anything, work, think but observe what is in going on. If we did this more in life, really observed a bit more, in presence, we can save ourselves from negativity. Often when we do get through something we consider "bad" or "negative" we eventually get to the place where it just doesn't matter. We move on, we go forward, we forgive or forget. We finally just get moving onto something else. If we could use this strategy of allowing more often, we could get to that in less time. It is not always so easy to just stop, allow, observe and let things go by without having to get so involved. Yet it is a simple strategy not to get more off track by making a mountain out of a mole hill. Practicing this can support and in the long run, it is one of the great strategies I have learned through all this seeking of en-lighten-ment. Just allow what is going on to be going on. I don't necessarily have to participate in side myself with what is occurring or on the outside with what is happening. I can just watch! We all get off, tired, whiny and just unsatisfied. It is part of the experience here. Making a greater decision that this is part of what is occurring in a less attached way rather than qualifying it as bad, or something to escape. Yes, let us not hang out too long in these states but lets not forget we will get into them. It is not always so helpful to think we have done something wrong or need to change. Sometimes it just is part of this experience here. Letting us know that joy have its balance, strife its renewal, crappy turns into elation. Just states of being here. Not necessarily anything other than that. Last night and yesterday, I had that cranky, confused, unhappy feeling. I went through doing what needed to be done and wanted to just get home, rest, vegetate, be safe in my yuckiness. I had to remind myself that it was ok. I didn't do anything wrong and let my mind ramble into what was the matter. I just needed to be in low for a minute for whatever reason. Not need to invent anything or dig into my deep conscious and find a solution. The solution is that we get to experience it all here on earth. Yesterday was what we call a low spirit day and it is equally perfect and complete to an elated day. I just allowed it. I slept so good and then today, I have back my bright, sparkly attitude! I could of tried to understand it. I could of went through my mind making up reasons that I was not so upbeat. I could of went into a trail of lots of negative self talk or took inventory of what wasn't so great about myself. I didn't. I know better. I know that I can just allow my less energetic emotions to be. In doing so, they pass quicker and with less strife. I also got rest, did not much and enjoyed the relax and reset that I feel good now. It is all just states we travel through. We are whole, we experience it all, we need to allow that and be okay with all that rolls through. The resistance, the wondering, the not allowing creates greater havoc and often a longer experience in low. I invite you to consider practicing with this "Allowing". Especially with our physical and emotional energy states. All is part of the whole. Often the low is just needed to regroup our vehicle of the body. Our emotions are real in the essence that we can feel them and they are right no matter what they are. Maybe not right in how we see the world or why they are around but they feel real. So we let them be and watch them. They disappear like "poof"! We have not been taught so well about this emotional nature and how to surf it. Most often it is just to watch, give recognition and do nothing about it but allow. I find greater movement through all states with this allowing. Life is more dance like. I can flow easier if I drop out of the minding. Experiencing a greater teacher and opens you to wisdom quicker. Practice this allowing and see how it can support you! We birth things throughout our life. We are in an evolution and continually in shift toward wiser and more experienced. Nothing ever really goes as we expect and so often crazy things come in that you could never expect that are so perfect. As I grow forward with my business, new life and expanded studies in what I love, I feel like I am in a rebirth. Like a new version of myself is being created through the divine essence that I am.
Birth of a baby takes nine months. In our quick world, we pressure ourselves that if we get an idea or sense of something we should act and bring it in. If we don't do it at hyper-speed, we can beat ourselves up or compare how another did it better or quicker, in greater ways. As I am really embodying this feminine nature that I am, I realize that this hyper-speed outside and mentality is not in alignment with how my spirit wants to work. I have been embodying this femininity so innate in me for years watching it work me and my experience here. Despite learning of this way of myself as a woman 9 years ago, I am still discovering the basics and how it really is another way of doing. I am in some "challenges" to get things going in my new business direction. I love having the accountability to keep doing small expansion each day for entrepenuers often are solo and appreciate that support of group energy. As I do these challenges I realize this quick speed of things doesn't particularly support the creative muse in me. Creativity doesn't move at speed, it is a slower, richer vibe of timelessness. As I work all these levels to expand myself and ideas, I am realizing the true analogy to the birth of a baby. The baby comes out of the ethers, is its own essence, inhabits the mother, grows and stirs with her support, then comes into the world to be its own expression. Looking at this new Lyn Hicks expression and what I am to share with the world, I see with new eyes. What I am doing of course, is of me but is coming from a greater spirit that I am into me, embodying me. It is being nourished, drawing on me, my experiences, my wisdom to grow into this new thing that has yet to express. The time that it lies in me, works through the gestation so to speak is very important and speed or rush won't do anything to support it to grow. This cycle, the time it takes is part of it, purposeful and the way it works. I get settled in realizing this, letting fall away the masculine way of seeing this as do it now and make it happen experience. In production and systems, or if it is a developed idea, yes it just needs the system to bring it in. But I am not to that place yet and am not sure this way will ever support me in creating in a feminine way. There is a time for system but it is not yet. I am embracing, embodying this way of birthing this future that doesn't have rush and timelines on it. In the feminine mysteries, the feminine way of nourishing and the mother, she is just loving in the process and knows the process is and takes what it does. There are not all these stipulations on it, just a nourishing focus to support it's unfolding. The Mother God principle. We do need more of this energy on the planet. I see the nature of things that have their time and season. I must truly internalize this to support myself fully during this re-creation. I am not changing in some big miraculous way. I am just finding the next way to express myself on the outside. I am the same on the inside. I creatively am gestating how I will next share my bright, caring, wise light to the world in a way of inspiration and support to those that need what I have. There is no rush to this process for when it comes forward in clarity, it will be birthed and then I will not need this time of gestation as I do now. We don't allow this gestation, this process of transformation the time it needs. Our speedy do it world doesn't support this creative process fully. Those who do create, personally step into this process and shut off or let go of the rules of production to create. They allow the world to spin, others to charge forward and step out of the wheel for a bit so this slower, unfolding can occur authentically. I share this for all those who are in new creations that yes, it takes it's own time. Our world doesn't support this in ways seen. The big transformation coming is reminding us there is not only production in this world for we have overproduced to waste. There is a nourishing time, a time to enjoy, to play, to support things being created. There is an enough is enough principle and a way of sustainability that we are missing. Our imbalance of how we are doing isn't using all our parts, the creative, slow, nourishing part of life is not supported or being used in balance. This is creating too. This nourishing aspect to all things is being cut short, speeded up and it is not in full embodiment or balance. Be sure to offer this to yourself. Support your life, ideas, relationships, days with plenty of this nourishing, gestation and watering that the world has yet to truly embody. I certainly am. It comes in as slowing down, pleasure, playfulness, relaxing, reflecting, meditation and just enjoying what is in the moment. I am in a learning once again on expectations! It is a tricky word and depending how you use it, it is a blessing and curse. When you expect from others rather than anticipate, it gets problematic! Here is my learning most recently and a tool to support you in self awareness.
I love the Gene Keys, if you haven't checked them out, it is a great system just to get your words alone. It shares by your birthday multiple shadows, gifts and mastery of many parts of yourself that I have found to be right on. Fun system with key words. Consider checking it out. One series of words, key elements of my chart I guess you call it involves expectation! Expectation is the shadow or the challenge to watch out for. Detachment the gift of that challenge, learning not to expect and not get caught up in outcomes. Not so simple. The mastery of it is Celebration or celebrate whatever comes. It is funny these words would be part of my Gene Keys when infact, the beginning of my ministrial blessing also speaks of celebration. That life is a celebration and as I grow, I will know this in every level of my consciousness, realizing all is a celebration. Pretty much the same thing principle. As I learn this challenge, I must say it is hard to not get caught up in wanting others to do what you want, join you as want them to, play, collaborate, whatever it is. We do as humans expect things from others not in a bad way but often just thinking we are on the same page and we are not. Then comes the disturbance. When we realize others act differently, mean different things for the same words, do what they want. It is important to learn this clearly for I want to do what I want. Yet how often is there disagreement with what one thought from the other? I walk through it again, still playing with whom I call wild boy, I was perplexed last night again at his behavior. He is such great learning for we are sooooo different and I really must pay attention, understand, be open and communicate. He not so good at any of that. I do see this shadow of myself though, where I make my own mess out of overthinking things. How many times do we do that and will continue to be caught in the imaginary tale in our head when truly nothing is happening. We are just minding and creating all kinds of conversations in our head. Such ridiculous inaction! However, as I was in it, I just realized you can't fight this bear of mind. I tried to watch it and observe knowing this has nothing to do with wild boy, it is one of my buttons or patterns with others. I tried to do the "who cares" which can often reset me. Nothing really worked so well and sometimes it is just like that. That is karma and patterns. They are no easy deal. I did realize "here I am again in the "expectation" shadow learning to get to detachment". Sounds so easy when you are not in it or over it. I saw this pattern of mine and tried to switch to anticipation, seeing what I wanted to occur as well. All tools through our minding. Nothing worked but finally sleeping. When I awoke, all was gone like magic. I could easily say who cares and keep going to the next thing on this fine day. Truly fascinating how this vehicle, our bodies roll through life. Never sure how it all fits, how we surf from our mental to emotional, to physical then spirit. The key to align all and why I like these gene keys to support me to lift if I am in a pattern. Awareness the ticket to clear these negative habits. It may take many times but each time supports the incremental change. So play with this one for I am sure you will run into it. Some days it is easy to detach from what is going on and celebrate whatever comes. Other days we get really caught up in wanting what we want. Remembering that when you are in expectation, detach is the gift of that. Learning that we adjust and keep going rather than get disturbed by others choices allowing freedom to do what they want. Then the highest state of detachment is celebration of all that comes in. Knowing that some times what you want is not as good as what occurs. Rising above to know 20/20 hindsight brings in clarity.. We see why certain things didn't occur. Living from that place as often as possible will clearly support detachment. Just thought I would share what I find to be a good set of words, keys when we are in expectation. A pathway out where you could call in the other ideas to support you through, rather than just complain on how it is not going the way you expected. Not that you won't have to walk through some feelings about it which is important as well. Learning of yourself is the greatest gift of relationship and the only way to see many sides of yourself. Expectation is a big problem in relationships when things are not clear. Finding tools to detach and in fact celebrate a good practice. Even if you don't and can't get out of it, in spirit you are always learning. May look like you missed the challenge when in fact you don't. You are always learning there and this plane not a good indicator of progress always. So watch out for those expectations! They can get you in some hairy places! You get to go though some shadow of yourself and love it anyway!!! Learn though, then it is worth the understanding. |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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