A year and a half ago I was at a holistic event and chatted with a woman I know about her healing modality, Clinical Homeopathy. I never really investigated it for my mind couldn't catch the concept. Denise however was not doing the classical version but what is referred to as Clinical Homeopathy. It deals more on the emotional level to address illness. You use acutes for the common physical ails but it goes after your long term emotional state with what is called a Chronic. This supports you to balance that from a long, steady, small dose and often clears up many ails. It is dealing with your chronic emotional state which is where all illness starts. This is already proven in western medicine. For example if you worry, you will end up with an ulcer. So I had glaucoma, narrow angle and she said "oh you could clear that". No one gives you hope in any modality for glaucoma! It was so matter of fact that my ears perked up. She gave me a dose of what is used for grief and said see how you feel on the spot. In less than an hour, I felt the difference. I never would of considered grief as my chronic emotional state but most who go through divorce, this is an under laying issue that is subtle. She was right on. So I decided to go deeper. My eye has stabilized, I am on one less drop and am continually monitoring it and even improved my eyesight last doctors visit. I was so enthralled! I got a consultation with her. She gave me all these remedies to wear, not even take, I could just wear them for anger, sadness, feeling lonely, low self esteem, fear of illness in my body, if my eye felt pressure and anxiety. It was this fun lil bag of all these emotional supports. I loved it for I teach woman to embody themselves and know the power of their emotions. Here was an even deeper way for me to connect to exactly how I was feeling, claim it and clear it with ease. Well, it was so fun and created such awareness! They worked too. If I was angry, I put on this packet in my bra and in a short time it dissapated. I was amazed! I had heard of Hahnemann Hospital but never realized he used this medicine, that his hopsital once supported others with this and he was a huge mover of Homeopathy. I also had no idea it was used in 2/3 of the world and didn't make it here for it is so cost effective! Our system is designed to make money, not heal for what is like pennies. I was hooked and started taking classes for I felt this was too magical not to play with. Over the last year I have supported so many friends and family with this simple Clinical Homeopathy. The way Denise teaches it is simple, direct and with amazing results. Most importantly, I rarely use the remedies like when I began for that chronic has kicked out so many ails and I feel so much more emotionally balanced through life than I did when I met her. Tonight I take a class about color use and chakra balance with homeopathy. I am hooked and find it such a fine modality that really supports living a joyful life. Not only am I clear in my emotions, but clearer on others emotions. As an empath, I would get all mixed up but no more. It has made me a much more effective teacher of woman and support to all my friends with this medicine. That is has color, chakras and so many remedies! My brother, who had a bone marrow transplant I have supported from afar with toxins, anxiety and heavy support for cancer. it is amazing. I highly recommend Clilnical Homeopathy! I offer consultations for $125 and then the remedies are $8 or $12. You can't beat the prince and the results as well as awareness of yourself just magical. Denise teaches so all can learn this way of healing themselves, their families. This way we don't need all the antibiotics and heavy dose of anti anxiety meds and all the other things people are on. I am just hooked and love promoting! Connect with me for support! Here is Denise's website for classes and information! Off to my next learning! Oolala! For a free Breakthrough Session connect with me!
I share ways to go from anxiety, burnout, adrenal stress to flowing with life! Through understanding the woman's body, the parasympathetic nervous system and oxytocin, the pleasure hormone. This is the way to find flow in life. There is no other way. Going from the fight or flight to the tend and befriend energy. These are the two nervous systems we have and we are in one or the other. Body awareness, truly embodying your emotions and sensing of your body is key to go from stress to flow.
Knowing what it feels like to be in flow, relaxation, parasympathetic nervous system is key. We can't think relaxation, we must be in a relaxed state in our body. We feel calmer, supported by life, gliding through things with is very different than panic state. I share a video on my site that offers a breath to practice and feel what this state of oxytocin is like in our body. You must learn to feel that and notice your body throughout the day to understand how to flow. Our emotional nature supports us to feel our body and what is going on in it. Stress is constricting, creates panic so decisions, actions are chosen out of reaction and fear. Moving in the world in this way is unhealthy, scary even and the state I found myself in most of the time when I first learned all this. I didn't realize how stressed and tight I was. I didn't have a real body awareness and rarely felt relaxation. I may have thought I was in chill, maybe my mind was but not my body being. As the last 5 years have been anxiety filled with lots of change, I really learned how to flow no matter what conditions. How to be aware of my body, my emotions and only then could I shift into flow. If you aren't aware, you can do nothing but spin in adrenal cortisol. This last week I hit many challenges. I had an anniversary of my dad passing, my ex-mother-in-law had a stroke, my friend had to put a dog down and asked me to be there and another friend and I were challenged in communicating. There were other regular life situations as well. I had that worry panic, sadness and just yucky situations and emotions I would rather avoid. Although I spent more time in adrenal stress which is advantageous for situations like this, I continued to seek balance and flow as I went through. I slept a lot in between. That is what the body requires when it is in heightened sympathetic nervous system. It exhausts us. I didn't get upset that I was in this crazy state, I just noticed how my body felt, as soon as I could do something to support myself to calm down, get re-centered as I walked through each situation, I did. I found it easier to get through. It all was still hard but I didn't need to constrict my whole being the whole week. In finding moments to unwind and calm myself I could flow in clarity some of the time. Feeling my body tense, almost sick with anxiety made me find ways to shift. I really listened to myself and cleared out what was an additional stress that I had control of. The others I could not control, Knowing what is in our control, what our body feels like and if we can shift the things we can control, to do so. Many times there is nothing in our control and we just have to move through as best we can. I also could of said "No I cant support you with your dog. " I am allowed to do the things that work for me despite what others think. We need greater awareness of ourselves, our bodies, our emotions and listening to what they are telling us. If something constricts you every time you think of it, it is a sign to make a change . We are not to be running about in anxiety all day for it will create illness, especially for woman. We have to be aware of this feeling, how the body feels in it and learn to shift ourselves to the oxytocin as soon as we can. It provides clarity, detox from cortisol and a more flowing way to manage the world. Our worlds will not get less stressful. We must get connected to ourselves, our lives, the things around us and the situations we put ourselves in. If they are not working, we need to find another way. If we can control them by leaving a situation or not supporting another it is very important that we do for our own health. Awareness supports knowing what we are in control of and what we are not. Noticing how the world effects our body is learned through really knowing your emotions. Finding ways to shift to flowing through. Most weeks are not filled with this deep, anxiety of extreme situations. We are responsible for our own joy, peace, calm and happiness among our world crisis! Truly flow comes when we flow like water. Past obstacles, around things, by them, in fluidity. That takes awareness, adaptability, wisdom and being in charge of our field of reference. No need to get stuck too long on any rocks. If you do, notice and jump back in the stream. Do what you have to do and then find something beautiful, joyful, smiling to reset your state. It is the way of things that brings the greatest experience here. Embody! Notice and shift! It's the path of least resistance that generates flowing with life! For a free Breakthrough Session contact me! I have 5 more hour classes on Awaken Your Magical Woman! Join me to feel the flow! I am a tad low energy today for I am on a 3 day Ayervedic cleanse to detox my system. I find these so very important to health. Any cleanse you choose that works for you and your lifestyle is good. I have done many, usually twice a year to detox, allow our digestive system to reset, observe my relation to food and eating habits, clear all levels and just find greater health. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, stressed this as a way to find health easily. Many religions and spiritual practices, ie,. lent and advent do this for cleansing as we approach the shift in season or holy days.
I usually do one before spring and in fall. A friend was making this goulash, as I call it and offered me to do it with her for 3 days so I thought sure. I am open to learn all the ways we can find greater health through simple, practical, easy ways. After the gluttony of the holidays and the coming of spring, it seemed perfect. I am planning to do a juice one with a class at The Room at Meadowbrook in March as well. I must learn of it first but I like trying the different ways to see what works better for me. I also have learned so much on the digestive system through these cleanses. Let's face it, our food sources are not as healthy as they could be. I do eat well and organic yet we all could use some restraint. It supports me in greater food pleasure when I am done as well. Food tastes so good and I realize the power of nourishing my body, spirit, emotions and pleasure more richly. People forget that when you do a cleanse, your organs do detox for they have a rest. You don't feel so great as toxins are flowing out so you should be informed and prepared. As I said I am low energy, very tired eyes as I write this and ready to hit the bed at 8:30. It is winter and sleep is on the table this time of year and healing of itself. You are tired for you are detoxing and healing so the body wants to sleep. This is a very easy cleanse for you can eat all you want of this rice, mung bean and Indian spice mix. It is filling and tastes good if you like Indian food and has a zing. You can buy the material for a week cleanse for only $30 which seems reasonable. My friend split it with me so we are doing 3 days for quick reset. Another friend is doing the Masters Cleanse for a few days of water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup all day. I have done that for one day a week in spring but never for 3 days or a week like they suggest. I don't go crazy on these, just use them as a tool to support myself. So as we come upon the warmer weather consider finding a cleanse that fits you. It is great health and healing. It supports you to understand yourself, your food ways and how you eat just because. The simplicity of it, the true support it offers your digestion and the cut down in calories is all so good. Rather than not eat things I love, I just deter for a few days or week cleanse and then get back to loving food fully again. Bon Appetit! For support in health and beauty, contact me for a free Discovery Session! Own Your Magic through my online class! Details! As I grow through life and take all as an experience, it becomes clearer what I am to do in the world! My life filled with shifts in EVERYTHING over the last 5 years! From my "career", to being single, to new homes, new connections and friends, new endeavors that have switched up through the 5 years and finally to the here and now of my new world. I can whole heartedly say, I am here to support others to "Own Their Magic" in a playful, authentic way by just being themselves!
Part of that shift that I have experienced was learning the incredible body we have and how it works. It is the foremost learning! Science has a huge shift coming about regarding our cells, how our DNA evolves and it is spectacular expansion from what we learned. I learned this on a more spiritual level of knowing my body as an energy system. It shifts everything and empowers us tremendously. I spend more time teaching woman for I am one yet so much of my learning was from men and supports both men and woman. Before you can really shift to this new reality that is coming upon us as multidimensional, an idea of our body and our body awareness, senses which I call sensuality, must expand. We are not separate creatures as we appear but energy fields constantly feeling the world. A greater understanding of our emotions, for they are energy moving must become clear. No one shares much about the emotions and the mind is the key tool we are educated on. Once you learn the power, pleasure, information and sensing of the true emotional nature, the world shifts completely and well worth it. That is where the word magic comes in to me. For it is about sensing, experience, noticing the indications of this energy nature, not letting the mind run the whole show. We have all these other tools that being in the mind we have forgotten all our perceptive nature, 6 senses. In this way, as you own living in a body, being in it, embodiment as they call it, using all the sensors to experience the world, a whole new perspective opens and it is like play. It brings us back to the curious, child like innocence that openly notices the world moment to moment and all becomes a greater plethora of delight and pleasure. We move toward those things that incite or inspire good feelings, pleasure states, joy and move away from those things that don't. It becomes much more sensory fun, more youthful, more exploring, more sensual, more tuned into what is really occurring rather than some mental construct of what should be, what appears to be happening or we want to be going on. In reality, we are designed to operate this way. Our sensing, our outer membrane of our cells as our outer sensing with our body, tells us what to let in and what to move from. We are like amoebas really in the end and that is just plain fun. When we use all of our body to feel, sense, see, hear, smell and taste the world we are more present. We are move participatory and experience things on all levels. We have better data to make choices with and we get to enjoy more of things for we are not just in our heads thinking, using no sensory mechanisms. I love this wonder that I understand and live. I am thankful that science is coming around to put this in terms that the mind can conceive. I am thankful that the emotional nature gets its due for how else do we sense love, joy, happiness, ecstasy if it is not through this sensing nature. Passion is the movement of this emotional nature, otherwise the world is just a bunch of words labeling things with no experience of sensuality what so ever. What a bore and misuse of our gift of the temple body! I inspire you to explore your emotional nature, your senses, being embodied in your vehicle so sacred. We have been trained to miss the very essence of experience and pleasure. It is so opening once you get it and takes only a wee bit of time before you start using all of your being to experience, engage and play in the world. Life becomes so much greater and joyful. Einstein really shifted science in ways they are just discovering what all his work really meant on the quantum physics level. We are creative, innovative, feeling beings. As he said, "Creativity is the intelligence having fun!" Creativity solves problems. Creativity can't be experienced with just the mind it takes all of our being. Creativity can't be done at speed, it needs an openness and us to be in and use all of our body. Yes we can own our magic. We are it, it is here and we can experience the truth of this reality by realizing parts of ourselves that already are and honoring that we have them and using them in unison to enjoy the world. For support to Own Your Magic, connect with me for a free Discovery Session. My online course Feb. 20 Awaken Your Magical Woman is coming up soon! I have been given reviews that saying "Magical" conjures up ideas of occult. That so giggles me when we live in a magical world. I understand that people have many different ideas of words for I am a writer. Yet some words I will not give up because of others ideas of them. Mystical, magical, serendipity, coincidental, these are words and ideas I enjoy in life that make me feel like things are alive and thriving.
I am sharing an online course call "Awaken Your Magical Woman". I could call it "Own Your Sparkle", Other words I would use still instill that we are much more enticing and alluring than we currently experience. I can't give up this inspiring way I see the world because few think of witches or something dark. I consider it means we have a greater power to conjure life around us in a way that seems mystical. When we are in the flow, synergy, synchronicity, unusual coincidence, Oh My God moments come in. It seems like a greater thing is going on here than we can perceive. This is what magical means to me. Things are moving each day in a way where there is wonder, support, kindness, giggles, happy moments even in strife and the world has a sense of hopefulness, love and possibility. We are held, cared for, filled and contented in more moments than not. This is how I experience our world. This is how the parasympathetic nervous system feels. Connected, relaxed, flowing, renewing, hopeful, feel good hormones, settled, rejuvenated. What makes this possible in a world where there seems such challenge? No matter what time space continuum we are in, there will be challenge, hardship, transitions, shifts, uncontrollable issues. It is the experience to be alive. There is birth, life and then death as each of us rides this cycle, we see others at the beginning and others at the end and all the journey in between. So first we settle to know this is what is going on. There is nothing inherently wrong with this. Second, we realize that we have a part in it We are creating and supporting this whole experience by how we add into it Our energy of possibility or doom supports this interactive world. We can participate by fear, separating, judging and participating in the negative view or we can support the hopeful views. This is our choice. We choose where we are involved, how we are and what we put our focus, ideas, energy and expression. Thirdly, we need to be aware of ourselves and our body being. We are not puppets here although so many are unconsciously acting as such. If we allow the overriding negative view to control our picture, we are in adrenal stress of panic. When in panic, clarity, hope, reality, power, influence are not about. We play a victim role just by the body chemicals we experience. We feel disconnected, unable to find joy, fearful and judge the world as a scary place. Our hormones run our emotions, thoughts, views and visa versa. This is a huge contribution to the negativity. Our body is experiencing these lower vibrations and feelings all because of a proposed panic. This is what the sympathetic nervous system feels like. Yet, I haven't seen any dinosaurs lately! Fourth, we can realize we are connected to the world in a way that has great power than just our body being. All of nature is becoming, surviving going in flow. We can just notice the beauty around us and relax into that. Our body is no longer disconnected and experiencing panic. Suddenly our view changes and our body can produce feel good hormones. We are refreshed. It is that simple. We feel connected and part of the beauty not the curse. We calm down, even smile, perhaps feel we are in charge of a few things and our physical, mental, emotional being gets a rest. Imagine if we could find that state of connectedness, rest, openness, calm, settled feeling in the world more often? What if we rode in a more connected, comforted state than panic? What if flowing with life became buttery and gliding. All the same things occurring but our body state was not in full panic and protection? It had an allowing, open, clear way to deal with most things rather than rush into negativity, response, reaction. This is how I experience the world most days and why I call it magical. I am supported, connected to a larger flow of life, things serendipitiously happen for me most days. I see miracles often. I giggle a lot. I am no so serious and afraid. I actually feel joy in my body throughout the day rather than pain or no recall of what I feel. I am consciously aware of my state and if it gets to negative, I do something to switch it and bring my body back into a easier ride of the parasympathetic nervous system. It is not hard. I must pay attention. I must control what and where I get involved in to keep my experience more pleasurable. All easy for the end result I get. This is why I consider life magical. This is what I learned from the Himalayan masters about my body, energy and power. This is what my 6 week class is all about, "Awaken Your Magical Woman". We can live in this flow. We can feel like we have wands and wishes come in at the thought. Yes, there is still hardship but we don't let that run our experience all the time. We learn to work with our body and use it in ways that bring in the greatest experience of connection. In connection to things we feel good. Then we and all things work together in synergistic ways. Yes it is magical indeed! And this is my life's work to share how this can be easily! For a Free Discovery Session, email [email protected] Register for Awaken Your Magical Woman, details! I teach others how to go from the stress/anxiety state that most of us are in, to a flowing state where you are relaxed and in what we call flow. It is the power of energy and how you experience the world. I am engaged, present and clearly absorbing or participating in the world fully in my body alot of the time. This allows for a greater experience, clearer awareness, a gliding experience rather than a rush through life. Prior to learning energy and vibration, I was mostly in my head thinking through life, basically outside my body as most all are.
When I learned about the 2 nervous systems, how our body operates and how to have more relaxed energy rather than be in cortisol and adrenal stress, it completely changed my experience. It went from what now seems to be a 1 dimensional experience to a full blown new way to engage in the world. We all get sensory, sensuous at times when we are in nature, on vacation or have these great moments of presence. What I learned and teach is how to have this type of feeling throughout your days and flow in the world as part of it. It is not a mind experience as most have, it is a full body experience that supports health, beauty, fun, pleasure and joy. Part of this new shift in science that we actually evolve our DNA, our very code by our experiences as well as this multidimensional consciousness that is soaring in, we can experience life in a whole new way. It has been such a cool journey to be on the cutting edge of this learning and truly be able to experience more joy, more happiness, more relaxed way of rolling through the world that offers such a richer, playful, engaged living. After 8 years of really digesting what I learned from the Himalayan Masters, study of all types, I really understand it on a philosophical as well as scientific level the joy of our body that we seem to have missed. We are trained to use our thinking tool of the mind above all other senses or references to the world and it is just isn't the highest experience here. We have emotions, a physical body with all these senses and a 6th one to boot, a mind, imagination or image making faculty and subconscious recordings and even an innate health system that is magical. We spent all our lives thinking, minding, chattering and have lost the experience of presence and now consciousness as they call it. Our world gets distorted only using the mind which is a catagorizing tool and doesn't really have experience as anything than words in our head. Kind of like a book, it is written about something but it is not the experience of something. That is why we are in stress. We are not really experiencing the world with all our dimensions. We create panic with the mind running us as the master when we are to use our mind. We are the being behind the mind, that can have awareness and even watch the mind, the emotions, the imagination, the subconscious, the physical body, all our pieces, that is the actual experiencer. The witness it is called in yogic terms. We are the spirit that inhabits the bodies, all these faculties of reference. Without taking control from that spirit or observer position, we are run by the mind and it's endless judgement, chatter, often negativity and we are exhausted by this ruler of the house. It blows things out of proportion, operates in a patterned way, is not in full presence and actually behind what is occurring in the moment as it chatters, really kind of an insanity. Once I learned practices to make myself be aware of the real inner master, pay attention to myself when I was in this adrenal state and learned how to easily shift back into a more parasympathetic state, the world changed. It changed so completely that I stopped growing organic flowers and began writing, educating and mentoring about this whole flow. My life took such a turn that even in the hardest situations, I can find my relax, clarity, calm my body, shift my energy and find even the silver lining in things with ease and grace. That is why I call it magical for it feels like that. I encourage all to really tap into the true master of themselves that is beyond the mind, body, emotions and is the spirit or essence of you. There is so many systems out there, ways to gain greater presence and learn of the truth of ourselves and unlayer to really experience reality as we were designed. We have a body that serves us and has a survival instinct that can cure itself. We have emotions that are energy moving that get us up doing and senses the world, others and connected to all the energy around us. We have a mind that can dream up all kinds of things and one that can create order and systems when it is needed which is not 24/7. We are the spirits that inhabit it all and can sense the world using all these faculties!! Amazing! So expand to this new way that is all around us for it is truly our nature. We are connected to all planes and can use one in unison with the others to really experience and make sense of the world. In doing so a flow occurs that is so delicious and relaxing as we walk through life. I inspire to support all those whom want to have this greater experience of joy, happiness, alignment and pleasure. it is what we are destined to do. And it is indeed a much more magical experience where synchronicity, serendipity, coincidence and gratitude for all that are with us every day as we ride the challenge and joy of this earthly life. For a free Discovery Session connect with me! Join my online class starting Feb. 20 here to learn all about this! I am enthused to share Awaken Your Magical Woman online course Feb. 20th! The first week we will go over the power of oxytocin and why it is the first step to feminine health. If you do not learn to spend more time in the parasympathetic nervous system, ill health results. Most woman have reproductive, heart, breast or thyroid issues. These organs are located in the feminine chakras and are not getting fueled properly with the adrenal stress. Cortisol in the levels we ride, especially woman, shuts down these centers. Not only that but later when the ovaries stop working in menopause, the adrenals job is to regulate our hormones. If they are burned out, which is the issue, there is no organ to run the hormones. Thus the crazy imbalance in all these above systems, as well as insane emotional swings, ie. depression, anxiety. The issue is we must get out of the sympathetic nervous system of fight or flight. As a feminine body, we are not designed to be in this all day long. It kills our body literally. Finding the slower, nourishing energy of the parasympathetic nervous system will heal our ails and these body imbalances. It is paramount to our basic health. There is no other way and it is actually easy for us and our body is designed that way. We biologically move slower, in more ease, communicate, negotiate, nourish, a few of our gifts that take more time and slower paces. We can still be productive in this other nervous system. In fact, we are more productive, feel alive, confident, happy, gliding, flowing through life in our natural pace. If we don't honor the vehicle, the body deva of a woman and work how she works, we will not find true health or fulfillment. It goes against our biology. The solution is to find ways to get into this system throughout the day. 3 minutes here, 2 minutes there, truly feel our energy shift into this other nervous system. As we do that throughout our day, our body begins to reset naturally to this more healthy state. It wants health, it wants to ride in the right energy and it will do it for you. You must begin this reset though awareness. Grace and ease are how we ride. We get just as much done if not more with this oxytocin and parasympathetic nervous system! We have greater health, less exhaustion, more joy and hormonal regulation. It just is how it goes in a feminine body. This is the most important learning of health for woman. Learn and find ways to be in parasympathetic nervous system of tend and befriend! The video below explains it further with a health practice breath that supports you feeling and riding in oxytocin!! A short list above but the ways are endless for we each have our unique path to calm, settled, clear and relaxed. Make your list of them, play with simple ways to shift and join our class and learn more!! Fun Way to Feminine Health video! For a free Discovery Session connect with me! Join in Awaken Your Magical Woman online class! Have you noticed the shift in energy about. There seems a freedom rolling that requires less from us. Not that we do less or care less but that we conform less. I am finding this wonder of myself that maybe has to do with the 30 days of self care exploration. I don't really care as much about many things I thought I was to be. I don't really mind not being what I am supposed to be. I am finding a peace that all is okay, life is well and the world is opening up into a playful experience.
I inspire us all to take a greater position on the magnificence we are. There is only one like us in the whole wide world! We spent our lives trying to be this and that and none of it really matters if we are not being truly ourselves. We have to have a career that pays us alot, where these special clothes, act in ways that go against our emotions, keep quiet, hide our displeasure, have a big house and join these groups. Be beautiful and shapely, where our hair this way, each these foods and move these ways. It is so filled with pressure that I find overwhelming and exhausting. Most I encounter are in adrenal stress, tired, untended too and wondering where is the fun? Suddenly the world seemed to change. I just don't care anymore how others think i should be or what I should do. I notice how others try to pressure me to think like them, desire what they do and act how they want. It is an impossible task to be that and certainly doesn't sound like a good time. Suddenly, I just don't care anymore. I don't feel the need to be other than I am. I want to have joy, play, be open and curious and invent things as I go. I don't have a plan but to love and live free. I want to decide what I like and want. I am not concerned anymore about how others see it, judge it, critique it or feel about it. They can do that with your world but not mine. Consider the world, the energy of the cosmos is calling you to be you. We surely have lots of training that makes us feel like we are not doing what we should be. Let us notice this and do what we want anyway. Allow it all to float away into the nothingness from which it came. How could there be any right way for all the different flavors of humans here? Different lessons to learn, different levels of consciousness, different ideas of joy and happiness. I am done with the notion that anyone knows any better than me. It was an absurd belief to begin with. I inspire you to find ways to really enjoy yourself. That is a goal worth having! Each day we awake we get to live 12 hours and do. Once it is over that time is gone. We get that time to enjoy the world, the nature around us, the people present and the opportunities to be alive. Why are we letting a society that appears quite a mess to tell us what is best and will make us happy, healthy and proper. It doesn't seem to be working, the ideas proposed. Time to make our own rules based on ourselves in a way of loving and listening to life. Our life. The truth inside. The desires, values and actions that make us feel good and vital. I feel a lifting of some type of constraint or ring about me that seemed to dictate so much of what I was to do. Suddenly, it seems to be loosened. I feel as a painter or dancer that gets to do whatever I want. No longer held to the "normal" routine. Today seems like a creation of whatever I want. I can choose to do and be however feels good, open and inspired by my heart. It is a light fluffy feeling that fills me with joy. I don't have follow any rules or be in other than I am. That could shift and change, be fluid and alive. It is a beautiful awakening for a Sunday. I am thankful. I hope others feel this shift. I inspire us all to be our sparkly gem selves. Our own true nature that is so needed right now. Creative, flowing, open and expansively you. The light in me sees and inspires the light in you! For a free Discovery Session, connect with me. Awaken Your Magical Woman online class starts Feb. 20! Join us! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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