As we head to the new year, I wanted to share some of the delights I see. I think we could look at the world many ways but as a Divine Feminine and in the awakening of this, I see us creating nourishing systems. It is clear that profit based and greedy ways of life are no longer tolerable. The food system, the medicine system, the government, the leaders, the insanity is no longer working in any decent way. A new age is dawning.
Many systems are going to dissolve which is easy to see. There will be many who are part of that event and it will be great. As a woman, I see our role more as the builders of the new systems. Our energy best spent in creating networks, collabs, cooperations that support and whole us. We naturally do this all the time so we are just going to be more deliberate about it and conscious in our creation. The last 3 years have brought such awareness of how no one rests, plays, gathers and refuels enough. The hustle culture is not working for health, love, connection that fills, many not in their joy with work, we are putting too much energy to things that drain us. Time to stop this! Certain things need our energy and then we get to pick the rest. Many of us are reworking that for ourselves and it will only bring a more harmonious world. As woman we set the energetic pace and environments. As we harmonize ourselves, the world will harmonize. It is a valuable role. As we fill ourselves, we then overflow and it is a reverse energy cycle that will change everything. I anticipate the more we find the like minded, purchase and choose from our heart, our natural way, the easier things are for us. We like communities, clans and heart centered living. We defy logic in many ways in decision making so we lead the way with this intuition. It just is. There is no better or right or wrong. Woman just sense and feel in a more collective way and it is time for us to use it for ourselves and the world. We purchase most of the products whether we make money or not. Clanning up on our choices for health, sustainability, honor of the land and farms, the communities and nature will only support everything. We have that power. Those who have enough resources and consciousness can really shift the market. We are exhausted using this fear based, unsafe adrenal stress. We ground and calm the world so if we are not, the home is not. Us learning who we are, knowing our purpose and playing with it will only resonate out to all the others. It just is how it is. Feminine nourishing is the power tool that is missing. It begins with us, then our families, then our communities and it ripples out into all the ethers. We rule the field. We need to take responsibility for ourselves and this power. We get to create safe and healthy spaces. Gliding in oxytocin, feeling filled and nourished, we can support greater change and harmony. If we are not harmonious, how can the field calm down. Unplug from the news, the intensity. Ground into you and your magic. Know whatever happens woman will get it smooth again. It is just what we do. We bring the joy, pleasure, gather, harmony everywhere. Be alert to this and use it for your power. I see that the rise of the divine feminine is the rise of nourishment. Rest, rejuvenation, calm, renewal, community, collaboration. This is what woman do for our families and the world. We need to own it, claim leadership of the field and harmonize the areas we can. It resonates with all the other woman. I am enthused for this new year and energy. I feel like we are walking into such an unknown world that may get even crazier. Rather than focus on how crazy or scary it could get, I choose to be in build mode. Building health, connection, energetic principles, ways to rest and joy, getting info and wellness to others. Collaborating with others doing that seems fun and nourishing. I am sure you feel your call of this in your own special feminine way. Lets do this. We are the leaders or it wouldn't be called the rise of the Divine Feminine. We don't have to wait for leaders or guides, we can just be it. We are woman. We have an innate knowing and way that needs to come into the world in strength. It is a quiet revolution. We can do this in ease and grace. It is our way. So as you find yourself on the edge of the new way, find your nourishment and how you can fuel. How can you delight your heart? How can you fuel your energy of self and harmony? We know. We can do this. We can shift our orientation from stress and panic to flow and femininity. It is our nature. I look forward to how we whimsically and artistically emanate ourselves and our energy for a new world. Love to all my sister creators!! Lets create the delights of 2024! I will be starting an online Sacred Femininity Circle as well as coach others in finding this more light feminine way daily. My daughter and I have Embody a Magical Life podcast/youtube that shares our growth and wisdom as two generations. We also created an offering 22 WAYS TO OXYTOCIN PLEASURE! A great course to get to know that feminine juice. I also share quality water and feel as woman, this is our next health step for our families and homes. Great water that heals and clearing our homes of chemicals is part of the Sacred Space of home that we are gatekeepers. Using water, considered the feminine element for health and flow is a great step towards finding harmony in your body, home and the planet. Email me [email protected] for any support as we expand this Divine Feminine role!
Honestly, every time I have had a health crisis, it turned into learning. I learned about my body, my physical nature and it opened me up to new pathways of thinking and healing. I found chiropractic, acupuncture, Jin Shin, massage, herbal tinctures, homeopathy, sound healing, so many new ways of thinking and experiencing my body.
I have talked to so many healing practitioners on our podcast, seeking new ways to look at the body and the healing. How our bodies are just communicating to us so we take better care of ourselves. It is the process I guess we have to do as humans. We all know, we have learned about nutrition, different food hacks, movement hacks, smoothies, supplements, we continue to do this as we live. It is a good thing when your body says its out of balance. It tells you many ways before it gets physical. Once it is physical, we get a diagnosis, we seem to shift and act. We expand how we are living. We investigate new ways of health and understanding our body and energy. It is really the only way we seem to learn. Even the best preventions can't stop the initial wake up that our body is talking to us. It has limits and needs and it will do what we want if we treat it well. We learn what treating it well means to us. It is different for us all. So if you are in a crisis of health. Dig in and learn. Find easy ways to change. I had a friend learn of liver issues and just like that quit drinking. It was the next step and she just did it. She is losing weight, shifting her body and health. It was a health crisis turned healing. This is what we can do with the body. It isn't as much what can we take as a pill, but what lifestyle changes will make us feel better? How can I ride in this body and enjoy it, be in pleasure? There is a way as it is your ally. You are working with your body like a best friend. It wants health and survival. We learn to listen to it and it works better. That is how I see all my ails. I too have sore knees here and there, the glaucoma I express, we all have these small things that can be easily paid attention too. Then we educate ourselves on it from multiple sources. That I would suggest. Its a condition not a command. You can shift any diagnosis. So many have and continue too. Even the most horrific of health crisis, people heal. If one can then you can. it is in the realm of possibility and if you work with your body maybe you to can be a cure story. I have learned more through my and others sicknesses than health. I know qui gong, tai chi, aharaj yoga, and all my arts from my health journey. It is a pleasant trip. You can overcome your dna, your heritage, your genes. They have proven it all. So consider it a great time to honor yourself and learn how you can feel better in your body. That is all it is. A signal for self understanding and self care. And if your in a crisis, you know why. You know how you over extended yourself or ran yourself ragged in a certain way. You were watching it happen. Its ok. We all do it and it must be how we learn to have great health. I would highly recommend the Kangen water ionizer and shower units. The water in your life makes a big difference! If you didn't notice, let me inform you that the tap water is filled with chemicals. The bottle water isn't regulated so you don't know whats in that plastic and wells are not tested enough. It is smart to filter at very least and I can help with this Multipure that is the best. They have under counter units too. Ask me for help to get filtered water. If in a health crisis, I would use ionized, hydrogen water. You can hit the link. It has so many studies on different health issues and how it helps. It is called electrically reduced water on pub med. The shower too is equally if not more important. The chlorine and toxins get in the steam of your shower and you inhale them deeply as your skin absorbs as much water as 8 glasses of water. Woah! They say the chlorine is connected to thyroid conditions!! Our Anespa not only filters but also adds healing minerals in the unit It is the best shower and no toxins! Connect with me about your health condition. I can share water information or may know a healer that can support your journey through. We have a Healing Collective from our podcast. Don't beat yourself up if you are not 100% in health. Many of us are in rest, restore, build strength mode. The worlds energy has never been so heavy and unstable. We are going through a transfiguration. Accept it as part of your up level in these times. Know learning of your body, taking better care of it and finding less stress does wonders for life. We need our vitality forward and consider it a reset to get you back on track. Much love to your healing journey. Let me know if I can support you. Blissfully, Lyn Ann I loved when I got a flyer about a Sacred Femininity class! I had not heard of that before. I knew I was sacred as a woman but had never really learned why. No one said "It is so good to be a woman!" It was more how we were fighting for rights. That we had less than men so it was a bit unbalanced. So seeing those words hit me deep inside.
I went to the class and continued on the journey with different teachers in different lines of woman's wisdom. My favorite to this day, is my South American teacher Maria. We had her on our you tube here, The Art of Being a Woman. She made it so light and fun to be a woman. Not all this sadness and drama but play and fun. We powered up together in retreats and gatherings. It was delightful to learn of woman things. I had a monthly girlfriend group at home I would gather with. Gathering in sacred femininity was even more playful as we learned our innate, natural powers. That led me to write my book, The Lotus Project. We are all lotuses growing from the mud and muck to the most exquisite bloom. That is how I learned femininity. The journey continues to embrace your magic as we change different phases of life. We share that all woman are beautiful for they were born that way. The natural nourishers. We know beauty inside and out for we create it all around our lives. We have these innate skills that we forget because they are so easy for us. Yet they are great powers. When we play in those energies with the pleasure attitude, we weave a beautiful life no matter what happens. We have lost the value in our natural feminine arts. But they are innate in us. I will be sharing more of the simple things I learned about being the Sacred Feminine. For those who want to understand the light part of pleasure and embodying the true artistry of their life. We ride through it all either way. Using our keen emotional nature and our easy gift of being there, we solve a lot of problems. Our role is often just being somewhere. Our divine presence soothes the environment and relaxes others. We are the energy field of most places. So if we really value and tap into our emotional, energetic being, we are tapping into the divine feminine energy we are. It is loving like a mother. Kind as a friend. Sweet as fresh baked cookies. This is our true woman. Our field can span through crowds of people. We are orchestrators of the best parties and events. We are the masters of collaboration and gathering. We read a room in seconds with no thought at all. These are some of the Sacred Feminine gifts. Erika and I made a class offering 22 Ways to Oxytocin Pleasure. A great way to start to remember your flowing emotional nature and being in control of it. Riding the wave of things rather than be ridden. It is time to claim this power we have of the emotional nature, the energy moving around us and in us. We smooth the edges and soften the situations. It is time to embrace this and become masters of it. I would love to help you awaken your magic through coaching, our class, and/or our podcast, all have tips for this Sacred Feminine we are. Join us as we weave our magic web through humanity as woman and harmonize the whole. With great love sisters!!! The journey to freedom is an interesting thing! I think for the first time in my entire life I have full on freedom. I wouldn't of known I didn't have full freedom before until I truly was alone and making full choices for just me. I thought I had freedom and we do on many levels but this Lyn freedom I have since Erika moved is quite the expansion.
I was getting a Christmas tree yesterday on my own and I realized I had never done that before. I'd be with my daughter or we would do it as a family. At first I was not so excited. As I looked at trees, I felt a loss of no one helping me. I felt stuck in deciding, I didn't know which one was best. It was an enlightening moment like so much of this Colorado life. I felt the loss and self pity that comes in and then a new feeling came over me. I felt the glee that I could pick the exact tree I wanted, no compromise..... and joy filled in. It may seem simple but I have had so many experiences of this and felt quite lost at first. So much of life is made up of choices that involve others well being. Your husband, your friends, your social groups, your children. When you finally get the full freedom that we all say we want, it is not so joyous at first. It turns out joyous but in those moments as you shift from the many to the one, there is a lag or loss moment. I think it is just how woman are. We are of the collective and group so often. That is why self care, doing for ourselves is such a challenge. Yet it is the very way to fill ourselves so we can give more potently. Fill yourself first so you can better serve others is a minister rule and a rule in life. If you are so beat down serving, you are not serving at all. You are martyring and really, no one cares. If we don't take the time first to fill ourselves, know ourselves and take care of ourselves we are not using the feminine power we have. No one knows how to fill you the way you do. It changes also depending on where you are depleted. So how can you expect others to know how to care for you? Fast forward to being alone. I have so cared for others first and put my opinions and ideas on the back burner that now I am stepping into really knowing myself at this new time. At the elder years this is the great fun! Everyone makes it so bad with the menopause, the empty nest, the lost in space. Yes we do go through that but it is really a rebirthing of ourselves. At first this freedom is quite scary. Like we are looking for the box we've been in and it doesn't exist. We look for the sides, the references and we seem lost on our own. But in a bit, the joy rolls in. I do not plan to be alone long or is it my destination but I feel I am here to know myself deeper. It is truly a gift and I travel through the experience. Loss, sadness, then an openness, a creative discovery unfolds. Knowing myself for the next relationship, friends and opportunities that will come in. Many find animals, other people, other "helping" to fill in to that care giver role and in the end do a disservice to themselves. I've done this too! It is a rebirth for midlife woman that can be so expansive and joyous. It takes the moment to shift from the group consciousness to the me consciousness. It doesn't mean we will even be there long but to have that feeling of true freedom. I have chosen freedom to be my word for next year. After the Christmas tree moment, I get freedom in a more comfortable way. It seemed big and scary before. It felt undirected and chaotic to me. Almost too open. We exclaim "I want freedom" but it is a solo road. It is an inward road to me. We are on a planet with others so the connections, the ties are very healthy for us. Who we bring to the table is very important too. As we age, more freedom is available. More desire to make an impact for some. I enjoy this small freedom and have created a life that will bring me abundant freedom. I am truly exploring freedom on all levels. You must also expand your container as the box is broken out of. A new container comes in and you pick the sides more to your delight rather than to others ideas. Only to break it yet again. For me it is a rich moment. It is a turning point in embracing this moment of me on my own. It is juicy with possibility and I have such a good path lined up. I love the things I am doing and I am impacting others in a big way with water. As I settle into this new Lyn I am, I will draw all the right things to me. The partner, the leaders, the inspired, the world changers. I have to fill my own new container with me first. It is a joyous moment to celebrate. Hydrogen Rich Water Non toxic Lifestyle Set Up a Coaching Call |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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