One of the reasons I enjoy astrology is that it shares with us the types of energy about. Each planet has its characteristics or personality. When it is in various areas of our orbit, it tells us the general flavor of that time and what ideas or areas to focus and move. It is fascinating and quite in sync with what is occurring in our world. Big shift is everywhere and Pluto the planet of deep transformation is the representative.
It is a deep study and I am no expert. I just love how it gives us a general direction based on the sky and the environment in which we live. I do believe all is connected and this is just another way to reference ourselves in the larger world. As one who shares about energy, the planets have such a big effect on the collective energy and I feel the flavor of the world. It is nice when it is confirmed through astrology systems. At this time of June and the solstice so near, we are in an active phase of the life cycle and seasons. We can feel the activity level of summer, events, celebrations, gathers and vacation all filling in our schedules. Half way through the year and things are a rocking. We can notice this and ride it with all our enjoyment. We can also use this happy energy around us as the earth blooms, to move our individual projects and ideas. Life just feels easier now and things are manifesting that we have worked on! Details of plans are becoming clear. I love this time of year as it feels easy to move and we are enthused to do in an inspired way. We don't have to make ourselves interact and participate. It is all around us and is fun to be active and engaged. I inspire you to really set forth the ideas of your year. We have lots of benevolent energy supporting bloom of the earth that also supports the completion of our projects. I have new ideas unfolding and new connections growing. I feel very hopeful of the dreams I am creating coming true and I am watching them do so. I keep my eyes on the direction and for the next few months I envision it all happening flawlessly. It may turn out different and better than I see, but it is easy for me to see and feel the success of things. I think we all can feel this spring to summer movement in our lives so let us use it wisely and easily. We are creating delicious lives! Grounding in is the process. As we ground our spirits into our body in a more tangible way, we also ground in our ideas to manifest in the material world. Although times are hairy, they are also exciting. We can see a better world and add to its unfolding like never before. We can use our own powerful image making faculty of the mind and it comes in quicker with the right emotional energy and anticipation. Although there is conflict there is also collaboration happening. We can support our ideas by connecting with like minded and creating together. It is like there are two waves going on. A crashing wave of conflict and transformation. A curling wave of connection and positive action. We get to chose, as in all things, how we perspective ourselves in the story. I choose the positive direction of building a more collaborative world. You can focus on either one. The crashing wave has intense energy and can pull you into the drama. Yet transformation and chaos are part of newness. So keep yourself directed toward the good you desire and offer. Move away from conflict if you do not want it. It is powerful and has it's purpose but not all are meant to work in it. Also watch the false sense of oneness that is often spoken as do this for the good of the whole. Yes we are a collective and we are one. The unity of this is not reached through a tyranny of be like this or that! Or you will be cancelled, shamed or outcast. The Aquarian Energy allows and honors the individual as a great part of the oneness and it's weaving beauty of diversity. There are lots of things sharing "good for the collective" that really are not. We don't want the Majority telling others what to do and giving up our individuality to be part of the whole. We want to create a collective that honors the individual not conformity. It is a big twisted buzz word that is slyly creating division. Collective and oneness do not create division, they create a harmony and unity. It comes out of honor not fear or shaming. We have discernment to be clear. The rest of the year has a Pluto feeling of transformation. Many systems will be exposed for what they are and the economic of a few running everything in a very crafting way will be seen. While these are falling down for the good, there is also many grass roots movements building to take their place. I an strong proponent of health and beauty. I support farming to change so we can grow more regeneratively for healthier food and soil thus a healthier earth. The stuff they are doing to our food is outrageous! Buying local food and supporting the right growers can shift our food chain and distribution which is in need of reform. Water is also an issue. The use of fluoride is long been reviewed as dangerous as with PFAS, toxins, so many in our water. Get a good filter and an ionizer so your health can be the best under these conditions. I can help with that. The holistic path of living is growing and a great health choice. I host a podcast with my daughter that will be amped up this year to support Embodying A Magical Life. It offers many diverse ways of alternative, sustainable, conscious living. The Mother Daughter Duo that we are, puts forth elder wisdom and youthful perspectives. Join our You Tube channel! My last soapbox is sustainability. As we grow better food, develop better chains of distribution, stop buying odd food with chemicals we can support a more sustainable world. Use of an ionizer, can give you the best drinking water at your tap and give you a chemical free home! That alone deletes chemicals from the larger world and the plastic, toxin problem. Ride the wave of your values and ideas with the June energy. We have a year of much unexpected break down and be part of the building occurring as well. I have such hope for humanity and the joy of our hearts coming through in all ways. We may not see exactly how to build the new systems but we can participate in the ones that call us. We are collaboratively creating and this we all can have a hand in. If each picks their heart songs as I listed mine and works in that positive direction, much can be done towards this new age. It is like a mystery. Exciting and scary all at once. We do like stories where we don't know the ending so lets embrace this time as that. We can support the ending we see fit for ourselves and values. Enjoy the Ride! I know I am. A magical life I have and continue to create while supporting others to do the same. Happy Summer Solstice!! Much Love to You All!
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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