As I play and share this pole of experience I call femininity, there are things that we really struggle to allow. We live in a competitive masculine world. Not that masculinity and femininity are only gender specific, they are two opposing poles. "Allow" being a key word of this nourishing pole of our nature. There is a great acceptance of others and situations in a very flowing manner when the yin or feminine pole operates. It is not a stuck or rigid disposition. It flows through, past, by, along in great flexibility and adaptability. It is also very receptive. Open to receive intuition, support, collaboration and guidance.
Allowing our emotions to be what they are and noticing. Flowing with them like a wave. See them as guidance of direction. Don't stuff them, ignore them or suppress them. Feel, observe, express and let go past. We are challenged with this by the training we receive. We have little understanding of our emotional nature, how to use it's guidance and open to its fuel. Most don't even know what their emotions are. Kind of crazy since it is a big part of our constitution. Femininity is very tapped into and clear on the emotional nature. Using this feeling nature in empathy and intuition. It is a powerful sensing that woman naturally have yet it is untapped. It also moves in great power and why passion is one of the key powers of femininity. Allowing support and receiving is part of femininity. Working with others. Using the power of groups. Collaborate and connect in openness. Allow others to give to you. We seem to have this idea that we are weak if we receive. I get it from a man's view but as woman, we have always been in groups historically and in strong community in all we did. To receive support while child raising, in the kitchen, with our chores or duties was natural and communal. Being open to this connection of working together and knowing when many are involved there is more giggles and it goes easier. Woman know that innately. When we have parties, other support us with a dish. When one needs help, we easily collect things from our friends and great support is generated without much work. This is the magic of woman and the power of being open to receive guidance and work together. Allowing others to be who and what they are. One of the greatest gifts nourishing femininity offers is this unconditional love to others. We overlook their behaviors, their weakness, their learning and see the good naturally. We are the child bearers which includes great compassion, empathy and natural connection to all of life. Allow yourself to recieve. We all want to receive yet when things come to us, we don't accept them or want it another way. The power of the feminine, the humility is that she is open to receive divine guidance, be a vessel, flow and flex according to what is necessary. Great students, listeners, learners because we are receptive and open. Not as rigid in our position, open to change and expand. That flow and expansion of being adaptable. Allowing to know things without the mind. Woman have a powerful intuition that goes beyond logic of the mind. it connects the mind and heart in the spiritual gift of knowing. Listen to it. Use this sense as the guidance and support it is. We all have used it and found good support. We have not used it and later, knew we had an indication of better direction that we didn't listen too. " I just had this feeling" kind of thing. Only through experiment do we use this with great power. This is a gift of just being a woman. We always create solutions as if out of no where. Look at all the things we have done during covid with our adaptability guided by inner knowing!!!! Allowing ourselves to feel good about all we do. Nourishing ourselves with compliments, what good we do and create by reveling in it. This don't be full of yourself is not of woman. Woman need to savor the great things they do. Most are not boastful or competitive in their essential nature. We can be but we are the ones who want all to win. This is our powerful community nature that supports the whole world. Without a moments notice, we can band together as if by magic to save situations and help others. This is very powerful! We never created this network with any intention but to connect to others yet it exists. Call one woman and we can get food or clothes or support in massive effect without any plan. It is easy and natural. We need to revel in this power of self and our sisterhood that is the community foundation. Allowing ourselves to nourish ourselves first. This is probably one of the most challenging beliefs for woman to embrace. The martyr archetype has taken over our being and it is not the nature of things. We are the most magnificent nourishers innately. We must turn this toward ourselves. No one can give us what we need until we know what that is and speak it. Often that is all it takes. We can give ourselves what we need often too, for we know. How can we support all in this time if we are wiped out? We can't. Setting ourselves right supports all our environments for we run the energy of the group and spaces! Really challenge yourself to care for you first in small ways that can grow. This is a powerful tool of how to nourish with overflow. We must feel whole, complete and filled to give. If we don't, it is time for self care no matter what your mind says. This is not a popularity contest as to who can do the most for others. The one who can, is the one whose needs are met and they have extra. It is Law! I hope this helped you untangle some of your old beliefs to support you in a time where woman are needed in strength. Lets face it, we are the ones making all the changes, adjustments and adaptations at this time of covid. Making it work for our jobs, families and loved ones. So sink into the nourishing, allowing pole of your being. This will shift yourself and all around you. Great love Ladies! It is time to feel really good, be proud and continue to manage in full grace and ease! For info on Kangen Water see the resouces here! The Magical Healing Arts Podcast and you tube have great creative inspiration for this time! For a Free Flowing in Grace Session, connect with me! Clinical Homeopathy consults available as well!
So much fun today revamping the information library I have created. I am proud of the videos, blogs, projects, book, organic gardening, all the pieces of things I have done in my life! My recent move to Colorado has me reviewing what it is I want to offer and focus on in this new world.
I giggle at some of my content! My hair changes, I was on my old farm and at various other spaces, an album of the story of the last 7 years. Over 2,000 blog posts I have! All this learning has shifted me. I choose not to redo anything for when I created them I was in full learning and application of this information. I couldn't share it in the same way for it has changed me. It is most important for woman to watch them NOW! All this embracing myself as a powerful woman has me in the beginning of the most succulent adventure in my life. I feel good, powerful in creating and beautiful at this time, Intrigued and enthused toward life! HYDRATE. I love having the Kangen water in the forefront for it is pertinent in this health crisis and something all can do to support balance and vitality. For all the water I drank, I was dehydrated for it wasn't the right water. It was acidic, in large clumps of molecules and unable to infiltrate my cells. I have learned all about water and must share the magical elixir it is through educating people on this simple, powerful support to health. Acidosis is the beginning of all illness and we try to combat this through our food. Water is far quicker for we are an aquarium, 75 % water!!! Be aware of what you are taking in. Many chronic and challenging issues can be shifted by using the right water. Plenty of science, videos and articles on the power of Molecular Hydrogen Water under the water tab. There is also an opportunity for others to create a stable income by sharing Kangen water. Great support to any business for an income stream and for sustainability. It is an issue we all will be learning of and managing in the future. HEAL. Healing is a continual process being on the planet. We become each day whether we realize it or not. This change, this shifting in all ways is considered healing, heading toward realization of our power and wholeness. Our emotional nature, intuition, is evolving at this time as a new multidimensional awareness awakens. Using our feeling capacity as the guidance it is, creates a whole new experience in the world. We are individuating in an evolutionary way from our tribal roots of our ancestors. Our power is in using all our being to make "sense" of the world, not just beliefs and thinking. Educating on the emotional nature is what energy management is. Understanding energy in motion, emotion, is part of my purpose. The Himalayan Masters taught me practices in energy mastery. My martial arts offer ways to quickly shift the way emotional energy is moving. Clinical Homeopathy supports with this awareness of "How do I feel right now" so you can be more tuned in with your body and emotions. Wearing easy acutes is a powerful support for confidence, overwhelm, grief, feeling alone, anger, whatever emotions appear, Awareness to support and not judge feelings but honor and use them as the directional information they offer. An easy way to connect with your emotions and balance them to the flow. So I will continue to support others with emotional intelligence through these arts. During Covid, my daughter and I started a podcast The Magical Holistic Healing Arts to support education. We interview pratitioners from different modalities to share the healing and expressive arts so all can learn how or what these may do for them. Holistic care is clearly on the forefront so please like, subscribe and listen for yourself to be informed of the many options offered. I learn so much and love doing this show. Very inspiring. PLAY. My favorite support of all! Inspiring others to Play with Life! I invite woman to join me to take a journey in femininity. I often listen to my videos on oxytocin, reconnecting to the Shakti power within. Join my mailing list to get these weekly videos that share a principle so simple to us woman. Each week a practice to add to your life that creates oxytocin of the parasympathetic nervous system. It gives a permission to step into the ease of femininity and our natural gifts we have not honored. There is great power in these easy things that we are. So embrace with me our feminine power more deeply, this nourishing energy is greatly supported at this time. We need our strength in just our womanliness and connecting to each other. We are the sacred space keepers and will manage most of this nightmare with our flexibility and ingenuity. PLAY is a feminine trait that we were born with and one of the important principles in life! Obviously a reason we bear children. I inspire you to open yourself to new, simple ways to express yourself as you order you life for fall. We love rhythm, some sense of expectancy in our daily life and we create that. If any of my gifts can support you, please reach out. I am an educator that supports you to find your inner healer . Only we know what we really need and our inner healer is naturally there. We can tap into this through knowing ourselves in this evolutionary time. Things look scary outside yet a new way is becoming. As the tower of what was crashes down, by law a new more empowered way is becoming. Let's do this on our own level so we can support the world in this transition. It is never fun to be in transition on a personal level let alone with the world. Yet we are here for a reason so let's sparkle ourselves so we are strong to support others in this changing world. Our world doesn't encourage us to feel proud of what we have accomplished for long. It is looked at as ego but the ego has a place. It is what gets us through. False pride isn't the same as really reveling in your ingenuity. We all should be reveling in it these days. Just to keep going in such uncertainty is HUGE!
Taking time to be peaceful and see how far you have come. My dear friend reminded me of this in myself. I moved across the country in the largest crisis of the world I have ever experienced. Courage, bravery and boldness are the qualities of such a task. I started in a new business to boot. I sit and revel in myself. It is not egotistical to feel the power of what I have done and continue to do as I create in this new world. We all are bold to find any joy, appreciation and persistence during this time. This is a challenging world right now and we don't know what will occur next. There is a balance happening between doing and resting in between. Finding that both have their place. Balance. Grounding. Stillness to hear ourselves. These are equally important to action even if our mind says not. Moving and rat wheeling are not the only things that show progression and growth. Like a seed sits in the ground getting soft so it can shoot out it's sprout. This absorbing water and softening is the most powerful step in all the life of a seed. The quiet part that surges forward all the direction to come. We need to honor this in ourselves and the world as so key to the process of doing. I, too, have had to reset this idea of action and listening. Coming from the East coast, doing is going on always and everywhere. If you are not, you are considered falling behind, lazy, not producing. I find this covid as a time to realize how off that is. So against how nature and life works. How our mind has caught us up in such misinformation. This slow down, rethink, reconsider, recreate is our call to balance ourselves. Find a new way to be in balance that works for us. Not for society. For if we are feeling good and balanced, society will feel it for we are society. Savoring, reveling, pleasure in yourself, in the world and moments of feeling good are necessary! These allow time for new ideas, information, guidance to come in and send us forward. Moving quickly, down the wrong road for we didn't take the time is wasteful energy. We all have done that many times so perhaps a different way is part of this slow time. I consider this slow can enliven us through feeling the pride in ourselves, in our listening, in our being, feeling more into ourselves. Not in a critical way but in a good, pleasurable way! All this petty tyrant and critical views. Very unbecoming. Unhelpful as well. I am not one to be sitting so I know what mental garbage comes up when I do. We have no choice in many cases for moving forward fast is not available. All is in the cocoon stage of not a caterpillar and not yet a butterfly. It is like a mush of chemicals mixing up with no real form yet. Sit in it and allow it time. While you do for goodness sake use it to revel in your wonder, tenacity, persistence, beauty, creative nature. This stillness unfolds ideas, form and the new way of things. Pushing forward is not the way anymore. It is an allowing time. We balance this in us. We let go of that ideas and quietly watch the new order come forward in us and around us. Be gentle and proud of yourself for being at this time. Notice the adjustments, creativity, innovation you have done during this epidemic. We all are morphing together. It is becoming a more unified field. It takes time to find our sealegs. Being present, proud of ourselves and open to creativity is a non doing that is doing alot. Consider how grand you are to still be functioning among all this strife and even doing ok in it. It is a huge truth of this time. Help where you can but help yourself first. You do this by admiring yourself. We should be proud to be moving along in this uncertainty. Take time to revel in that. Sitting, savoring, resting and dreamy is perfect for this moment and actually the key to rebirth. I revel in my boldness. All is unfolding and it is not always about me doing everything. Thank you great goodness for the rest and the ability to feel good for all I have already done. This is a blessing! You are a blessing! For info on Kangen Water see the resouces here! The Magical Healing Arts Podcast and you tube have great creative inspiration for this time! For a Free Flowing in Grace Session, connect with me! Clinical Homeopathy consults available as well! We certainly have to embrace the mystery of life these days! There is no certainly or response reactions as it was before. There is so much going on to the story these days. What is true? How will it turn out? How do we proceed? Lots of questions about what is next.
I find the best way o manage this is through embracing the mystery of things. Uncertainty can be scary but when we reframe it to mystery it has an energetic shift. We have more enthusiasm for mystery like a movie or book where we don't know the ending. The gift of story telling is all about the mystery. How will it end? What will occur? It enthralls the mind, body and spirit. We all love a good story teller and laugh as things unfold. All things go the way they do. The idea of control was never real but even more so these days. We try to control things, predict, hope for some sort of certainty to feel safe and stable. These things seem to be gone in the way we knew them before. So we adjust, look for a different view that can inspire and enthuse. Otherwise gloom, sadness, fear, fright all can take hold. Despite the conditions, happiness, joy and life's pleasures are still being had somewhere. There are those seeking still for these experiences and getting them in this odd world climate. Be one of those. Humanity always seems to make it through. We are here today. I have submerged myself in mystery here in a new state during a wild world experience. I can not go meet people in the regular places I would. Life interactions have changed dramatically. Some days this uncertainty gets me afraid. Other days I remember that all is mystery even when it looked like it wasn't. Life unfolds in ways unexpected and has my whole life. I can never really predict what was next in the key things. I may have worked towards something and got to it but not in the way I planned or foresaw. it mysteriously came about in a way I couldn't of seen. This is quite normal and now we must embrace this way of living. It is what is really occurring. Yes, some days it takes effort to embrace the mystery with open arms! I find it the only way to inspire, be enthused and find a playful energy with this heavy world. It is a powerful shift that can make any story work for you. States repeat themselves and become habits and patterns. I add in the feeling of mystery to derail the fear state that is so prevalent EVERYWHERE! It is a challenge and there is alot of sadness, great dismay, worthy feelings. I can't manage that state all day long or sickness will ensue. We need to redirect, find calm and clarity to support life forward. Perhpas you too can find wisdom in this look at life. Embrace the mystery as you do in many ways life. Expand it. Explore it. Feel the difference of the energy as we find our way in such a disfunctional world. I don't know what to believe these days as all seems like a heavy blanket on the world. I do know that if I find joy, beauty and good in life as it is today, I feel better. It allows me to share that hope, that inspiration, that fun of mystery. It is my wisdom on this September 1st, 2020. I invite you to try it as well and see if it supports. All my love to you all! For info on Kangen Water see the resouces here! The Magical Healing Arts Podcast and you tube have great creative inspiration for this time! For a Free Flowing in Grace Session, connect with me! Clinical Homeopathy consults available as well! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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