The science has been about for quite a while that our gut is key to health. Many in the forefront of this health suggest that glysophate, from round up on our foods, gmo, are to blame. This creates holes in our gut so the toxins leak out into our blood stream and create havoc. I had skin conditions from my 20s til mid 50s. I did find some solutions in avoiding wheat and sugar. I love Standard Process probiotics and found that is a great support.
My sister, daughter and niece all have these same allergies. We used creams for years and traded them. Most said not to use them more than a week but when it is somewhere others can see, we used them to feel and look good. Not to mention the itching is insane. At night it is worse. I see many babies and people out with these conditions and it is not good. I did find the clearing of skin with the Kangen water. It took a bit to clear my system but now I can eat regular bread, pasta, drink alcohol without skin issues. I still don't indulge in these things often as my lifestyle was shifted from them for so many years. I found that the water was vital when I went away for a week without my machine. I went to the beach with family and indulged in donuts, alcohol, all kinds of things we do on vacation that was not my normal. I hadn't had skin conditions in quite a while even when I did indulge so I thought I am good. I was without my kangen water, we were drinking your basic bottled water. Well within 3 days a rash started on my arm and got larger each day. It itched so bad and I was shocked how much the water had done for me. It was up my arm until I got home. In a few days it was cleared once I could hydrate rightly again. There is a protocol in our Kangen info, by Dr. Peggy Barker to support the balance of the gut. She has so many ails and the protocols for us to use with the water. I have used many. It is amazing that water could support so much. Here are others tips. Do know the water cleared it for good! Eating well is important too. I find the fermented foods call me here and there. I love Iboost which is for health. I just eat a spoon or two every so often. It just calls me and usually after I have not eaten so healthy. I do know when your gut is off, some of the best eating can create a stir. I also have used Zach Bushes ionized soil liquid to support the gut. I found this was amazing, It is based on soil from long ago, it has microbes that we don't have about as commonly anymore. I found that was a great support to reset. I think often the sale of products that aren't even real in the land of health, are sold to us. Tammy Westney wrote a book about gut health that I found the best of all. Kimchi, real kambocha, sour foods, homemade or really good yogurt can support. I found the sour food, hydrogen rich water and some fermented foods here and there are my protocol. I don't think most Drs. have the right info. I think watching youtube and Drs. there will have better, up to date solutions rather than traditional Drs. I do fast naturally so that is a help as well. I also think Lycopodium from homeopathy is a great solution.. It is for gas and bloating but also confidence on the emotional level. Usually you will find that you lack confidence, are not digesting life (emotionally) as well. We are not just doing physical digestion. Our emotions, mental plane, life in general is coming fast. Not so easy to digest as is our weird food. I also think that anything processed is going to create an issue. Many say this is a long road and takes years. I don't buy that. I think once you get great solutions and eat well, cutting out crap, I found healing. I especially again, can't say it enough, Electrically Reduced Water. It has changed my digestion and life. Not only did I get rid of skin conditions, I also lost weight easily, found greater vitality and glow. I am sure so much more but I am so used to being hydrated rightly. I think it is the easiest fastest way to add health. It unlayers your body from issues as the body wants. Also, not having the cleaners and toxins around gives sensitivity issues a rest. Using water properly is the gift of our immune system. It knows how to do these things when given the right hydration. I know often people can't imagine or believe the water is the solutions yet that is why I keep chatting it. It really works, Studies on IBS, diabetes, gastrointestinal issues are on pub med with ERW. It has been studied for over 40 years. Many don't suggest quality water for then you won't need their meds or services. Reach out and I can send my medical file of conditions. In summary, Standard Process Probiotics, fermented slaws, hydrogen rich water, Dr. Zach Bush's Ion solution. Lycopodium from Homeopathy. Learning form you tube and Tammy Westney's book. She has a simple chart to check and solutions for it. You also will find that stress makes it worse. So finding ways to combat stress, create oxytocin are good solutions. It is your body so take responsibility for it. Notice what you eat and how it affects you. No one can know your health issues but you. You know your states, thinking, eating and responses to foods, life, stress and emotions. It is a good practice to know you. Know thyself, heal thyself.
There are so many ideas of beauty and health. As woman we have so many ideas of how to be beautiful. There are many ways to feel good and I am one to promote our magnetism and frequency. I choose to emanate natural beauty. This is what I was taught. It is open for us all to use what ever way feels best to ground us into our powerful self. There is no right or wrong way.
I do know that whatever path you choose, it is about an inward honor of self. In the feminine mysteries, the sacred feminine vessel has powers we don't know of in the modern world. The intuition, the emotions, the shakti power, the glow of confidence. So much of our ideas are on the outer shell of ourselves. Yet the inner is the way to find the incredible well of energy called Shakti. It is the way our body flows when used rightly in heart centered living and filling ourselves first. It is well heard yet unheeded by most. It is time to change that. We are in a divine feminine awakening which is just the honoring of the power of yin, nourishing energy. Too much production has gotten our world off track. Creating and producing with no concern for health of ourselves or the planet, our world home. Our food, water, home care products, all have toxins beyond what could support a vital life. It is not just the physical issue, it shows where the dollar is more important than safety and vitality. It is what it is so I find myself getting louder about solutions I find easy and effective. When we connect with the greater world of nature and others, we realize we are just one body of energy. To hurt one is to hurt all. To poison the earth is to poison us. Woman innately know this. Somehow in our world of farming, water and home care products, cheap, toxic and profitable are the words. It is not serving us and we know that for it is all over the news, internet and health information. When you realize how all is connected, we can begin to make choices that actually bring in the health and beauty we desire. Shakti is about flow. Our creative center of the kidneys and the womb. This center is the flowing center of the body. We have moved away from this well of flowing energy. Creativity is not like a march it is like a dance. A rhythm different than production. We have both yet we have forgetten our flowing, creative nature. Communication, adaptability, passion, charm, youthfulness, grace and ease are of this feminine way. We don't cultivate it, honor it or even partake of our natural way. Our cycle shows us this. Our heart knows this. We take the time to really help and listen, support and offer ourselves naturally to support the community. It is our innate way. It is why I got into the water business for it is a simple solution that every one can easily add. To be fluid within and without. We are not hydrated, we are acidic, we are not finding this power of flow emotionally, mentally or physically. Our hormones are off because we ride in adrenal stress. It kills the feminine body and chakras. We need to flush our bodies rightly and flow with life. Woman are considered water. The emotions are called watery. The flow of our cyclic is about fluidity. We have missed this key ingredient to health. My book explains this in detail. The Lotus Project was written to awaken your shakti and honor your femininity which you already are. The hydrogen water healing powers are all over the web. There are many new ways to get it, some ok, some better, some scams. It is the difference between a Britta filter and an under the counter filter. They are two different leagues. That is how I feel about the ionizer. It is the Bouche of the appliances and top notch was to detox your body. It also detoxes your home of chemical cleaners and many products that we use on our body. The inside out approach is most effective and lasts for atleast 15 years. Imagine all the things you would save money on, less plastic and toxins you would use and the power of just having water in and around your body would do for health? it is astounding. We are the keepers of the sacred space and the health within it. This choice alone is power for health and beauty. You are 70 % water so if you can use the best, your sacred body vessel will naturally find its balance and homeostatsis. Far quicker than eating well, taking the best elixirs, there is nothing more powerful in health than water. It is simple math. We are water beings. It syncs with our feminine way. It is a simple way to expand health of the mind body and spirit. It is why it is my soapbox. When you can start to flush your system from the toxins inside, you will find greater vitality. No matter what you put in, if your body is not hydrated properly, you will not even get those into your cells. It is so basic and clear yet new news to many. Our emotional discord is supported from this quality water as well. Our brains turns on, the toxins cleared, the hormones balanced, there is just no quicker way. Of course, you use earths gifts to eat the best, herbs to support health and heart centered choices will only solidify that health. Just focusing on the 30% isn't cutting it. We know that. Many are doing the best food, movement, clean living and still encountering issues. Stress is the issue too. Too much cortisol. Hormonal imbalance from that and the toxins all around us especially in our home products and water. This is where our heart centered living needs to activate. We are chasing the wrong things with lists and adrenal practices. Our oxytocin pleasure, the way of woman is the counter to stress. It is to embody your innate nature vs. living in your mind. We naturally do this when we allow ourselves to take the day. Our body naturally flows through in an artistic way rather than a production manner. That is our stress. The wrong rhythm. We are flow, like water! We are to choose and ride with the emotional energy. It is the gift of woman. We feel the world. We have been taught that is wrong or crazy, unstable so we have trained ourselves to just think it all through. But we have lost our power, vitality, edge and gift. Yes we can think but our feeling gift aligned with thinking is our power. Our living from the heart, with a conscious awareness that is innate with in us, we have not cultivated so our shakti sits their deep with in, awaiting our attention. I coach, share water, have a youtube with my daughter, Embody a Magical Life to bring these very ideas into the world. It is not hard to be in your feminine way as your body craves it! As you find the pleasure of oxytocin flow, life shifts dramatically. You fill yourself first so you can better serve. The martyr doesn't work for health, emotional vitality or beauty. It creates resentment and our needs are never met. There is a proper way to fill the world with our wonder. We need to embrace that wonder then the flow begins. We are awakening on all levels in this chaotic world. It must of been the plan to awaken our shakti flow. Things kind of working doesn't ignite change as does the health crisis we have now. I want to share with woman the gifts I learned, the paths to health I use, the solutions for healthier bodies and homes that work. We need to band together, share our secrets, support each other to health and find great empowerment to shift the way the world is. We are the magic and are being called. We need solutions and I offer them. We need money and I share an opportunity for that which also create the health and beauty. We need inspiration which our podcast weekly offers the journey of woman as we, two generations support this new paradigm. I invite you to join me in all of this. It is our time. We are ready, We are powerful and we can dance a new earth as the Goddess Maya does every spring as she awakens the plants. In fun, in rhythm, in collaboration and in power! It is time for the Lotus Project to become The Lotus Bloom. Arriving to the wise woman years, I feel like Bloom it is. The Art of Being a Woman has been my tale. From the first time I saw all the lotuses bloom on my pond in their fullness. I knew I was one. I thought so long ago, I will make money on the lotus flower somehow. it will matter in my life in a big way.
At this point, it has impacted me in the deepest way possible. She is the Queen of Flowers in the flower world. It's bloom only a day, its fragrance intoxicating, its stately, commanding way of being in the pond is the culmination of a journey. Lotuses live in the water and deepen their roots into the muck and mire. The stinky, smelly soil that is just mud. They powerfully rise above the water with the most beautiful leaves to collect the sunlight Round, large, like fans....... magnificent. The buds get really big. They swell and we would whiff them and get high on the intoxicating scent right before they bloomed. You could squish the flower like a perfume sprayer made of nature. Sexual scent really, just rapturous. Then they bloom soooo big. Bigger than you think they will be with the golden center with eyelashes of pollen. Magical really. 10 years ago I published my book, The Lotus Project. As my teacher Maria said in her broken English, You Realized. I have embodied the feminine wisdom of this flower and our journey as the flowers of humanity. The art of being a woman. The nooks and crannies we ride only to be the most majestic bloom there is. I am in the bloom phase now. The wise woman is the time of greatest opening. There is a sense of value that comes with age as a woman. We have sought it the wildest places that never net total fulfillment. We learn in the bloom stage, you are your acceptance and value you are seeking reflected back to you. We've looked outside our whole life. But as the feminine mysteries offer, fill yourself first with the shakti energy then flow it forward in feminine grace to others. We reverse it most of our lives and look to take in this value from outside. You realize that only you can value yourself in the most magical way to be the true you expressing. That bloom feels so good. I am not sure how I will bring it to the world yet, the pedals unfolding. On another level I still feel in the mud. It is the height of the flower to that adds to its magnificence. It can be blooming and the roots are managing in the mud. We can be both places at once. We can know all is well, each part of us just doing it's job to promote the bloom. I share my wisdom from that book for it changed my life. To revel in heart centered living that woman innately are. To honor that, see its magic, I don't have to add any more too it. The feminine has a divine form too. The Christ Sophia. The many forms there are of Source, God expressing on the world, whatever name you choose. We are the feminine form so compassionate and powerful. That is what I learned from the feminine mysteries. It has supported me through all my changes in life. Step into your bloom. We are enough ladies. We always were. When we start to value ourselves, give ourselves time with ourselves, slow down, dance and giggle, playfully be our version of a woman., we find more health and ourselves truly. It really starts there. We are the flowers of humanity, not the bees. They have different jobs and we blend them but we have scent, color, architecture, form, a song that is planted in the earth. it doesn't move about, it draws to it what it needs. This is like the centripetal (toward the center) force. The opposite way, the yin, the attraction, the magnetism. This is us. We already are the mystical girls of the world. It is time to honor this femininity. When we gather and dance, play and do whatever is fun, we empower each other, we clear ourselves and we clear each other of the emotional woes we carry for the world. We just clear them and get back our sparkly eyes. It is easy. it is fun. It is reminding each other of the artistry we are. How we bring in the light beauty to life. Let us bloom in unison! Photo by Terree Lorraine Oakwood, Recently, I saw a post on instagram about a girl asking what would you do if your roomate came home with stage 3 cancer and had only 6 months to live and chemo and radiation was suggested. After I thought, Light to those girls, my hand just started typing all the things I would do. She responded back, "Wow, are you a survivor or a healer?" In that moment I realized just how much of a healer I am. I have never had a big healer business for I considered myself more of an educator even though I have many healing and expressive arts under my belt.
It did make me realize how wise I am and how much I know about food, water, beauty and health. I have been around many with cancer and seen it go many ways. We often forget how wise we are and how so many experiences add up to great wisdom. You think everyone know what you do but they don't. They have their own wisdom. With my mix as a green living detox girl, organic flower farmer, hosted retreats and ran some myself, my eastern arts training in energy and the feminine mysteries, my woman's health book and our podcast interviewing over 50 healers, I know some things. So I wanted to share some tips! Hydrate!!! Do drink the best water you can. Over 85% of the people are dehydrated! Is that you? It was me and I drank water. I suggest hydrogen rich water. I know you have heard me chat about it but at this point and with all my wisdom, that is the first thing I told her. Hydrogen in the number antioxidant and if you don't know it yet, you will. Water is going to go crazy very soon for our water is contaminated. I know, yours is not. I have done the research and it is what it is. . Atleast filter it and I suggest the Multipure filters. Erika my daughter can hook you up. I would step it up one notch to the ERW from kangen. There are over 1000 published medical papers on it. If you have an ail, especially cancer, there is lots of research on how it can support chemo and radiation as well digestion, skin rashes, diabetes, on and on. It is a medical grade device made in Japan. They have numerous blue zones and are top in health in the world. This is my newest study and my daughter actually brought it to me. I did not discover this and thought like many, water? We are 70% and when the math really hits you, you realize that changing the 30% (food, supplements, etc..) is the slow boat to China. Quality water will impact you more and faster than anything else. We are more of an aquarium. The hydrogen sucks out waste, toxins, oxidation at a natural rate that your body will do on its own. It will add to fluidity and cell communication. We are mostly water with electricity messages running through us. Makes sense doesn't it that quality would matter? Next I would buy only organic food where I could and nothing in a box. The amount of crap in even our favorite snacks is insane. I am amazed that it has gotten to this. We can purchase what is clean as best we can. I told my daughter, 90% clean food and then go nuts with the other 10%. It is the best way to be healthy. I call it rainbow eating. A piece of protein, 2 veggies and maybe fill in from there. I would go further and say go to a organic CSA. The organic in the stores is often a hoax. I was a grower and they still spray pesticides so WASH them. Take them out of the plastic and put them in glass containers. The endocrine disruptors in plastic are really messing with our hormones so do your best. That is why the ionizer is so good. It clears this and has the best 11.0pH alkalized water that emulsifies oil which is what form the pesticides go on. WASH it off. Soak them long. Dechemicalize your home. No toxic cleaners. Use baking soda and vinegar. Again why I love the ionizer as it cleans and disinfects so makes this step easy. There are less toxic choices so start there. For me the label reading has gotten too much. I just don't have them. Get rid of fabreeze, crappy candles, plug ins, all of it is being called the new second hand smoke. Dryer sheets and laundry detergent are the worst for PFAS. Use soap nuts or castile soap. , I use the 11.0 or the 2.5 water to disinfect. Honestly, I have so much chlorine in my water here that it is like a bleach. I really don't need anything but something to loosen the dirt. Get the best body creams, shampoos, soaps, everything You may think they don't matter but bits of formaldahyde in everything day after day, over the years equals cancer. I learned all this 30 years ago. I have been green girl ever since. Now a days it is easier. I use organic shampoo bars and my lotion is either coconut oil or caster oil. I only use essential oil to scent. I use the water for make up remover, deodorant, mouthwash, wash my face, create face sprays, it is just used for everything. I do have favorite rose lotions and things but my house is clear and water is the solution. I do have some toxic things like mascara but use the 90/10 rule. . Learn of teas, tinctures, Bach flower remedies, and other healing arts. These are woman's wisdom so just do it intuitively. You have ancestry in your cells that knows it all. It is easy to just play with for solutions before going to regular medicine. I love all medicine but I use western last or as emergency. There are too many other things that work and have less side effects if any. My book The Lotus Project has all this stuff about The Art of Being a Woman. It is a heart felt living so choose with your heart. Play with it. It is fun. Get a shower filter! Multipure has a little head one that is very cheap. I use the anespa by Enagic that also adds healing minerals. You clean your shower less, your hair and skin are amazing and you don't have chemicals turning into gas in the heat. In fact, this could be the first thing for while showering you absorb about 8 glasses of water. The contaminants go straight to your lungs. They have proven the chlorine shower causes thyroid problems which many woman have. Yea, these things really matter and add up. I would definitely have a spiritual practice or way to know yourself. Most woman are unfulfilled because they don't have any relationship with themselves truly. To me this is a spiritual practice. In the feminine arts cultivating yourself first is the rule to awaken shakti energy. A well awaiting you in your body of delicious energy. It comes from filling yourself up first, self care, self love whatever you want tocall it. It is time for you to use as you wish and it changes from day to day, season to season. You listen to your body, cultivate your intuition, this is all done through self time. No more martyr!! Move your body in pleasing ways. I am not one to suggest workouts. I know many fight this with me but flowing and fun is the woman's body. We need to be out of adrenal stress and masculine workouts just add adrenaline. You want to connect with your body and love it. You need oxytocin! We are adrenalized and it effects the feminine chakras of the womb, breast/heart and throat. These are where woman's problems lie. I do Tai chi, dancing, shaking, easy yoga and lots of outdoor adventure. I lift 5 lbs. weights in 4 simple exercises for my arms and push ups, girls ways some days. We need to be connected to our bodies positively for our intuition to develop. If not, we are not using our most magic gift of being a woman. I hula hoop sometimes. Easy, fun, playful movement and it doesn't have to be long. You can split it throughout the day so you reconnect positively to your body. It matters ladies. Lastly, I would say only have positive relationships. Clear out draining people and overhelping. It will kill you. It is a more challenging one but if all your friends are good energy and a circle of giving is clear, then you can manage the others you must that are not. If it feels off with someone, it is. This is a power tip. We can't carry others, we can only bear witness and help if we are strong and overflowing. Stop the martyr. There is my short list. It will change your life. I studied with the best feminine teachers for years and applied what I know and it works. It is why I am in water now. I am an health expert and it is the easiest health hack. I am relatively lazy and don't like to waste time out of pleasure. We are the pleasure beings of the world and we need more nourishing and fun NOW. Erika and I made a course, 22 Ways to Oxytocin Pleasure that I highly recommend. Reach out to me for a discount code! It is the wise woman teachings I learned and used. I turn 60 this year and feel healthy and vital. These choices matter. We are the nourishers and our families depend on us to do that. Start with you and the world will change magically. |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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