There are so many ideas of beauty and health. As woman we have so many ideas of how to be beautiful. There are many ways to feel good and I am one to promote our magnetism and frequency. I choose to emanate natural beauty. This is what I was taught. It is open for us all to use what ever way feels best to ground us into our powerful self. There is no right or wrong way.
I do know that whatever path you choose, it is about an inward honor of self. In the feminine mysteries, the sacred feminine vessel has powers we don't know of in the modern world. The intuition, the emotions, the shakti power, the glow of confidence. So much of our ideas are on the outer shell of ourselves. Yet the inner is the way to find the incredible well of energy called Shakti. It is the way our body flows when used rightly in heart centered living and filling ourselves first. It is well heard yet unheeded by most. It is time to change that. We are in a divine feminine awakening which is just the honoring of the power of yin, nourishing energy. Too much production has gotten our world off track. Creating and producing with no concern for health of ourselves or the planet, our world home. Our food, water, home care products, all have toxins beyond what could support a vital life. It is not just the physical issue, it shows where the dollar is more important than safety and vitality. It is what it is so I find myself getting louder about solutions I find easy and effective. When we connect with the greater world of nature and others, we realize we are just one body of energy. To hurt one is to hurt all. To poison the earth is to poison us. Woman innately know this. Somehow in our world of farming, water and home care products, cheap, toxic and profitable are the words. It is not serving us and we know that for it is all over the news, internet and health information. When you realize how all is connected, we can begin to make choices that actually bring in the health and beauty we desire. Shakti is about flow. Our creative center of the kidneys and the womb. This center is the flowing center of the body. We have moved away from this well of flowing energy. Creativity is not like a march it is like a dance. A rhythm different than production. We have both yet we have forgetten our flowing, creative nature. Communication, adaptability, passion, charm, youthfulness, grace and ease are of this feminine way. We don't cultivate it, honor it or even partake of our natural way. Our cycle shows us this. Our heart knows this. We take the time to really help and listen, support and offer ourselves naturally to support the community. It is our innate way. It is why I got into the water business for it is a simple solution that every one can easily add. To be fluid within and without. We are not hydrated, we are acidic, we are not finding this power of flow emotionally, mentally or physically. Our hormones are off because we ride in adrenal stress. It kills the feminine body and chakras. We need to flush our bodies rightly and flow with life. Woman are considered water. The emotions are called watery. The flow of our cyclic is about fluidity. We have missed this key ingredient to health. My book explains this in detail. The Lotus Project was written to awaken your shakti and honor your femininity which you already are. The hydrogen water healing powers are all over the web. There are many new ways to get it, some ok, some better, some scams. It is the difference between a Britta filter and an under the counter filter. They are two different leagues. That is how I feel about the ionizer. It is the Bouche of the appliances and top notch was to detox your body. It also detoxes your home of chemical cleaners and many products that we use on our body. The inside out approach is most effective and lasts for atleast 15 years. Imagine all the things you would save money on, less plastic and toxins you would use and the power of just having water in and around your body would do for health? it is astounding. We are the keepers of the sacred space and the health within it. This choice alone is power for health and beauty. You are 70 % water so if you can use the best, your sacred body vessel will naturally find its balance and homeostatsis. Far quicker than eating well, taking the best elixirs, there is nothing more powerful in health than water. It is simple math. We are water beings. It syncs with our feminine way. It is a simple way to expand health of the mind body and spirit. It is why it is my soapbox. When you can start to flush your system from the toxins inside, you will find greater vitality. No matter what you put in, if your body is not hydrated properly, you will not even get those into your cells. It is so basic and clear yet new news to many. Our emotional discord is supported from this quality water as well. Our brains turns on, the toxins cleared, the hormones balanced, there is just no quicker way. Of course, you use earths gifts to eat the best, herbs to support health and heart centered choices will only solidify that health. Just focusing on the 30% isn't cutting it. We know that. Many are doing the best food, movement, clean living and still encountering issues. Stress is the issue too. Too much cortisol. Hormonal imbalance from that and the toxins all around us especially in our home products and water. This is where our heart centered living needs to activate. We are chasing the wrong things with lists and adrenal practices. Our oxytocin pleasure, the way of woman is the counter to stress. It is to embody your innate nature vs. living in your mind. We naturally do this when we allow ourselves to take the day. Our body naturally flows through in an artistic way rather than a production manner. That is our stress. The wrong rhythm. We are flow, like water! We are to choose and ride with the emotional energy. It is the gift of woman. We feel the world. We have been taught that is wrong or crazy, unstable so we have trained ourselves to just think it all through. But we have lost our power, vitality, edge and gift. Yes we can think but our feeling gift aligned with thinking is our power. Our living from the heart, with a conscious awareness that is innate with in us, we have not cultivated so our shakti sits their deep with in, awaiting our attention. I coach, share water, have a youtube with my daughter, Embody a Magical Life to bring these very ideas into the world. It is not hard to be in your feminine way as your body craves it! As you find the pleasure of oxytocin flow, life shifts dramatically. You fill yourself first so you can better serve. The martyr doesn't work for health, emotional vitality or beauty. It creates resentment and our needs are never met. There is a proper way to fill the world with our wonder. We need to embrace that wonder then the flow begins. We are awakening on all levels in this chaotic world. It must of been the plan to awaken our shakti flow. Things kind of working doesn't ignite change as does the health crisis we have now. I want to share with woman the gifts I learned, the paths to health I use, the solutions for healthier bodies and homes that work. We need to band together, share our secrets, support each other to health and find great empowerment to shift the way the world is. We are the magic and are being called. We need solutions and I offer them. We need money and I share an opportunity for that which also create the health and beauty. We need inspiration which our podcast weekly offers the journey of woman as we, two generations support this new paradigm. I invite you to join me in all of this. It is our time. We are ready, We are powerful and we can dance a new earth as the Goddess Maya does every spring as she awakens the plants. In fun, in rhythm, in collaboration and in power!
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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