Such a sweet looking lil being this youngin is! If only along the way I considered I was as wonderful and cute as this! The Black Sheep role has been anything but a wonderful title to those of us who have been one. There was a negative connotation, an ostracizing to it, getting kicked out of the crowd type of thing. I definitely felt this a good portion of my life. It felt more like a suffering, a cross to bear or ridicule to be different and not follow the crowd. Dance to your own drummer they called it.
Today, as I revel in a most mystical interaction, I will reclaim my black sheep robe of beautiful dark woven wool, in all its exquisite uniqueness. I will wear this branding well from here forward for I have always enjoyed being bold and unique. Even it I didn't get kudos for it, I was unable to meld or fit in any other way than to be such. Believe me I tried yet it all came out more messy than if I just stood alone. I, bold, innovative, open, curious and often a trend setter in ideas, no longer choose to feel bad that I am "different" than others. Out there, wacky, crazy, woowoo, whatever you want to call it, I take my unique inheritance and walk in it magnificently. I am a leader, one who jumps in first, one who experiments and learns, one with an open mind and an out of the box imagination as well as intellect. I am tired of the wound, the hurt, the judgement and so I will not longer see this negative view of myself as the black sheep has been named. I will embrace being this more eccentric one in the crowd and embrace all the wonder that goes with it. I boldly claim my position as part of this club. I call forth the other black sheep to come forth in great pride of this unique coloration, way of thinking, way of being and experiencing the world. We are the needed ones with the magic gifts we have. We are the hidden ones, that have been shamed or hurt through not fitting in. We are the magic masters that do things differently, see differently and operate under different rules. We are very needed at this time. We are certainly not ones to be pushed around. We are the innovators, the great thinkers and creatives. We are the leaders that need to rise forth. We see all a bit differently and it is our time to shine. So I say to all whom may of had this label, this curse, this verdict cast upon them, to join me and rise. There is no more hiding, trying to blend, being different than you are. It does not suit you, it never did. We like this way of being, this openness, this is who we are. We are of a different heritage, a different order. It is not wrong, bad or better or worse. It is just who we are. We are fewer in number so we need to band together. Great power it takes to go the other way, to walk unknown paths, to experiment beyond what is seen as proper. We are the bold explorers and our planet needs us as the shift occurs. I call forth those of this club, this order, this caste to be inspired to come forth and boldly claim their wonder as I am! I do it loud and clear. Full spectrum and I am proud of this dark, luxurious woven robe. I wear it proudly and will use the powers of claiming it to support the great awakening that is happening in our world! There is great magic in this and us. It is time to wear it well and in glory!
I was awakened to my sacred femininity years ago by worldwide masters now almost 8 years ago! I learned the wonder of being a woman in new ways. I always loved being a woman yet didn't fully understand my body, the sacredness of woman's gifts or a way to cultivate it deeply in a world where masculine ways of order, logic and production are the rule for success. As I have been on this journey as an individual and to support other woman, I have used all my platforms to share the things I have learned.
They are not hard to do, they are natural and easy for woman. However, we are trained in the no pain no gain, that our ways are frivolous or luxurious and there is no time for ourselves to support these wonderful traits that we must cultivate more deeply and in honor. I think often simple answers we overlook. We want things to be hard or they are not going to work. With woman it is the opposite. If it is ease, grace, enjoyable, then it is for our health and development. Our world has not honored femininity as sacred in the truth that it is. Our call is to do that for ourselves and others at this time when nourishing needs to be key in a world of anger and chaos. Only nourishment will support us through. I have been blessed to follow this path, to learn from many woman around the world many traditions of femininity. It fills my heart to be part of this great sisterhood that is developing to clear the competitive nature among woman. We are so alike, have the same issues and strifes. It seems senseless not to bond together and learn with each other. We have great power in community much different than men. Woman fuel, grow and blossom in community in a way that nothing else can do. We know this innately and see woman banding in all ways to create this girl connect that so nourishes us, fills us toward authenticity. In my book I wrote of this gift of sisterhood in many ways; beauty, strength and empowerment, recharging ourselves and learning of our innate ways as magic. I continue to educate myself and offer what I learn out to woman, even men to understand us as the delicate flowers we are. A competitive, production based world is not so supportive of our playful, nurturing way. It causes us to be unbalanced to with our life giving parts that are our basis as a woman. We bring forth life and that alone is such a gift and key to understand what makes us tick. We are very much mothers even if we never had children. Connecting to this and things that make us nurturers is our way to shine. It is the nature of femininity and it is sacred. I encourage you to enjoy, partake, make time and develop sisterhood on all levels and in deeper ways. It is the path to your unfoldment and authenticity. In the new year I will be having Sacred Femininity Sisterhood Circles at the Room at Meadowbrook and on line. This is the next step for us in health, balance, understanding and collaboration. It is happening all around us and we need to jump in, go deeper, learn of the power we have in this and use this playful gather to unfold and become our sparkly self. There is no path quicker, more fullfilling or more transforming than being together in a sacred way honoring ourselves and each other. I delight in this movment and time. It is calling me deeply to share and develop this sisterhood with others. It is powerful stuff to the depths of all ourselves, the light and the dark. Woman able to use it all and to live with it all for rebirth is our way, time and again. I am enthused and open to where this all leads in this expansive year ahead. There is a lot going on in the world that is a challenge. Sisterhood is the salvation for woman at this time. To get comfort, direction, nourishment, answers, love and acceptance. May you find your community and circle and strengthen it. It will only reward you to the depths of your being. For sacred we are. We are being called to bring this sacredness forward in all areas and with all people. Nourishment, nurturing, love, acceptance and community are necessary as we surf forward in this new time. Blessings and Bliss, Lyn |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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