Years ago, I was at an equinox celebration at Lauren Nappens of Original Medicine. She shared how only two days a year does Mother Nature have perfect balance at the equinoxes. I thought that was fascinating and it made quite an impression on me. We all talk about balance and feel uncomfortable with ourselves for not having enough, yet nature finds full balance only twice a year!
The Equinox does tell us it is a time to re-balance, to consider balance in our lives and create more. It doesn't mean that balance is a consistent state. We are on a moving planet in a moving experience so if we do find balance, it is for a moment. It is more like we go off balance only to rebalance and then go off balance again. We are in a cyclical dance, expanding, growing, recreating ourselves all the time. The symbology of the equinox calls us to notice where we need to reign in more balance. We know this for when September hits, we are so glad to get a new routine! Summer, where the light is in full swing, has almost burned us out with all the activity. We instinctively seek the fall clean out, reorder and let go we are all familiar with this time of year. The solstices are when the light (Summer Solstice) or the dark ( Winter Solstice) rules. We can look at how this yearly cycle goes for it shows us a greater picture of what is happening and how to use these times and energies for ourselves. It is the pendulum swing that we all experience in life! Our learning, our cycles run to one side and we get way off balance, we notice then we slowly center Then another area goes out, we notice and center. Our year runs in this cycle through the seasons having inward and outward times, with the balance inbetween of spring and fall. Realizing we are in the balance cycle, we innately begin to create this within ourselves. Most importantly to me, I realize life isn't to be balanced all that often. Yes, I can create routines, practices and ideas to have all areas of life stimulated on a daily basis. I can't expect that to stick for very long. Inevitably comes a crisis, a situation, a growth spurt, a side adventure that will take me off into an area of family, career, hobby or philanthropy that will take up alot more attention then the other areas. This is normal when you look at the larger cycle of a year. It gives me a greater perspective on balance. I can notice and see when I get too far off yet it is the way of living to be in this swing and cycle. It also tells me that my days can have balance in a smaller way. If you take the seasonal year and use the day as a representation of it, then each day I can find moments that I reorder and call in a balance of myself. Times to recenter, to breathe, to relax, to notice where I need support and what I am truly feeling. This is what I teach and how I learned the yoga of living. Using each day to pay attention to all seasons and cycles. Making all a practice of yoga, noticing, resting, activity, silence, crisis, solution, Life continues to move along so we learn ways to adjust and move along with it rather than get stuck in what has happened, letting that run us. Having a tool box of techniques to support our centering crucial to this yoga of life. These cycles support us energetically and give us information on how the world, the physical plane runs. We learn to use its laws for ourselves in expanded and mundane ways to feel ok. There is no true landing spot, only moments of balance activity or stillness. We must learn to work with this movement in a way that supports us to grow, expand, rest and reflect. Remember balance is only momentary. It is a dance to use these moments of reflect, activity, balance and rebirth so daily we can direct ourselves. Also remembering that weekly, monthly and yearly these cycles are simultaneously running in our lives. Nature shows us the blend of these cycles in large and daily ways. It is our awareness that allows us to use them to create a sense of balance within and without.
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We have a culture that supports us to be like others, look a certain way, act a certain way and express according to a set of norms. With the greater the energies about us with this Aquarian Age upon us, there is great support to be your own unique, individual expression. No one fits the norm. Trying to is a waste of time and creates alot of dis ease within us.
There are many beliefs within us that don't support us being ourselves. Our whole life we have been told to be this, do that, success is this or that, talk this way, blah, blah. Important it is to watch these come up and observe the silly stuff within us. I listen to the advice people give me, the ideas or comments they make about my attitude or way and it is really not so supportive. People want us to succeed but they don't know what will work for us. Only we do and we know ourselves and what feels authentic. It is a challenge to clear these ideas for they have been part of us forso long. Yet, we have an obligation to be ourselves, authentically, uniquely and in truth. I was watching the Houseswives Shows last night and was in such disbelief and even sad. Such beautiful woman acting so negative. I have been around woman all my life and that is such a odd representation of who we are. I don't know if they are comfortable with themselves for such behavior and back biting indicates that maybe not. Caught up in the better than or competitive edge doesn't suit any of us. Especially in this time when we are being called to honor ourselves and express that. I was part stunned, dumbfounded at the insanity of the behavior and saddened that this is what is being presented about beautiful, well off woman. As though anyone wants such an unhappy life. Yes, they have many things but by the situation and conditions they were in and creating, it didn't seem fun to me. My preference of sisterhood is much different than that. I know of a sisterhood that supports us in adoring ourselves and each other. Adoring ourselves is the answer to health, beauty and well being! It opens us to express who we are to the world. It is not looked as appropriate to adore ourselves for it shows in great confidence outwardly. I often have men tell me that I am too open with my confidence. I feel good to be me, pretty as I can be and filled with hope and excitement for my life. I know I am a good seed and I must support myself in lovely ways if I am to shine in the world. I let it go when they tell me these things. I feel powerful and maybe that makes them feel different or uncomfortable. However, I will not back off from feeling good about myself for others whom are uncomfortable with a confident woman. Often others look at this as arrogance yet feeling my magnificence going to meet others magnificence is what it is all about. I love to see others light and seek it. So I let it all go. I practice this adoration daily! How do we do this? We consider ourselves as divine wonders. We see what we like, how we are, what our natural gifts are and we revel in them. We find what we like in ourselves and focus on expanding that. Our world seeks problems and solutions yet it seem easier to find your strengths and expand them. Trying to change a weakness is already the wrong vibration to start. Noticing your strengths, your gifts and wondering how to use them in a challenging situation sets up greater success and confidence. I am done working things the way others do. I am creative so my process in most all things is very different than logical mind and I embrace and use that. I daily do things that inspire and delight myself in all ways, big and small. I study spiritual things in the morning to set myself up for my day. I get ready and really get into my artistry and creativeness of how I will present myself to the world. I like my clothes and put on colors and styles that I feel good in. I try to move at my own pace rather than others when I can. I do things for myself like savor my coffee in slowness. I hike outside or atleast go outside between things for it settles me and clears me. It inspires me in the beauty of the world. I delight to find new people and reach out to others in my field that I find their cards or a tip from another. I get healing treatments when I can and do self help of Jin Shin, self massage, meditation and facials at home. When I notice I am in not so good a place, I reach to balance, shift, find support or something to get back on track as soon as I can notice. I listen to music as much as I can to get inspired by the sound vibe. It is important to schedule in delight as much as I can. It won't just show up. These are ways of adoring ourselves. Finding what delights us to feel good and doing them. As you do, it expands into a vibration that is continually operating in you without conscious choice. Your innate health system thrives when you add relaxation or delight. It brings in this vibration of it's own accord for it is healing and supportive. I seek ways to have automatic good habits rather than just what is considered negative. I practice soothing, calming and centering myself continually through the day when I notice I am feeling not so good. I reach to feel good and it works. It is my intention and I work it. This is adoring yourself. Each of us is a divine spark of spirit here in a particular way purposefully. We do not need to learn new things as much as let go of stuff that isn't supportive or true. Allowing who we really are to express outside of our training to be this or that. My whole life has been a telling of me to be different and I finally realized that being different as I am is what brings me the greatest success in all things. I let go of the other stuff and really find the divine me that is here wanting to be. I see her and adore her, coax her out, tell her with my mind I am her best friend, support and she can be who she wants. For me it is the child like empress inside. I let her play within me, create in my mind and offer me new ways to overcome the training that stops me from liking this spirit of me. Consider practicing ways to adore yourself. You can do it quietly, inwardly if that works. Observe what thoughts come forward or emotions as you do that don't support you adoring yourself. It is really quite funny. I remember when I learned a practice in the feminine arts that involved talking to my body deva as I was in the shower, using the finest products, thanking all parts of my body for its support and beauty. As I was doing it this voice came in, "What are you doing? this is absurd talking to yourself in this way. Do you really think this is helping you?" It jolted me and then I thought, " If I don't feel this way about myself who else will? Then I must endlessly seek others that adore me?" It made greater sense for me to love myself in the shower and I do that to this day. I allowed that training to come forward but updated my thinking to a way that was greater truth. This is part of loving yourself. Kick out those beliefs!! They are wasteful to our energy and beauty. Play with these ideas and adore yourself. You have your own ways and they are delicious! I constantly seek new ways and find feeling good about me to be my pattern more than feeling bad. I love my body as it is and it gets healthier and shapelier. I honor my giggles and they come more often. The more you adore you the more you find others that do. It is a great reflection of within/without. It raises your vibe so only those with that match come around. I find it an amazing magic that we all have. So do please play with this self adoration!! Magical! Life throws a lot of curve balls! Being in heaven on earth, blissed out, nirvana the prize. Some days it just creeps in. Not sure what brings it. You just have this vitality, this joy, this bliss within and nothing can mess with it. Right now I feel that! How delicious!!!!
When these moments come whether it is a great accomplishment, an ending, a beginning or just because it is so key to really revel. When we feel good, often we consider it won't last and often can kick ourselves out of this joy by considering that. Of course, it won't last! Nothing does. It is a better practice to just sink in fully and ride it. To me, it is so available as you get more cozy riding it. When you revel, savor, seek ecstasy and entice it, it comes easier. You know my way to health and well being comes through play and pleasure. I actively cultivate this. It is not easy especially when the world tells me to be serious, "you can't be happy all the time", there is things to be done. I understand the world has much going on that is not positive. But why on earth would I focus on such? We have control over our thoughts and if joy, fun, pleasure is the Garden of Eden here, why wouldn't I try to see it everywhere?????? We don't have to work at seriousness, stress, hardship or negativity. It is a given and it is all about. But pleasure? That must be sought, cultivated, created. We are creators so we can see and look for what makes us feel good. Why would we allow the other stuff to take our focus? Maybe it seems to simple or impossible yet I do it daily and have a joyful life filled with bliss along the way with all the other stuff everyone has. For me, with all my spiritual, philosophical and life training, it seems apparent if you want a good life, you must find it. It is all about focus, finding more positive ways to see things, ways to shift yourself from strife and keep moving forward. So why would I allow the conditions to dictate my disposition? Seems like a sure loss. The conditions are often not so cool. Yet with my eye and focus on play, pleasure, seeing joy, finding bliss, creating nirvana, guess what? I find it among all this other stuff. Beautifully, as I do that, I create more! I am a minister so I am certain I land in way more strife than most. I go into it to serve. It is part of my world. I still find the sparkle, beauty, joy and lightness in the darkest situations! Why? For I focus to find it even if it the smallest giggle. From there it lightens, then it grows and the vibe and fog lifts onto a new path. It becomes a habit and creates a different vibe. A hopeful vibe for we all have to keep going on no matter what. So as I roll in this unexpected bliss, I encourage you to seek more ecstasy! It is a worthy goal and it can be found. I don't know why on this day I am so grateful, blessed, filled, satiated. There is nothing in particular that seems to have brought it on but it is here. I imagine I cultivated somewhere and now I get to feel the vibe. We are creators and although, there are many things we don't feel we have a hand in creating, there are many things we do! Work them. Use your power of focus, of humor, of shift to continue to seek the wonder. It pays off and creates more! Consider this blissed out feeling! Consider how you can create it. Consider looking for the brightness in the dark. Consider it is in your power to be blissed out! It doesn't have to be anything outside, just a mind set you want to expereince more. It works for me so maybe it will work for you? As we say in my school, "Check It out! When I met my teacher Maria Soledad, I knew I had found the right woman to share with me the gifts of being a woman. Not only was she beautiful, but soft and warm, gentle and powerful. We often only see powerful woman as bold and strong in very masculine ways, as men would be, competitive, dictorial, overbearing and often a bit scary like Mother Superior. This was not Maria's way and why I was so inspired.
I wanted to share my softer, gentler me. In our world power, being seen, projecting, being bold is encouraged to succeed. Maria too, had done what we all do to survive and thrive in a masculine world. Use our Kali, lioness power to be heard. Yet it is not the highest or most healthful way for woman. Her Tai Chi teacher, a man instructed her to do feminine practices to find her more authentic womanly way. It transformed her and she became interested into the many lines of femininity around the world, inspired to share the teachings with woman. I am lucky I was one! This whole femininity awakening has inspired me to share in the same way. Her power was greater and far more intriguing when she shifted to her truth as the loving woman she was. When we express in masculine ways, it is not wrong for we are many Goddesses. There is a time and place for all facets of ourselves for we are dynamic change. It is why men are allured to us, we are unpredictable even to ourselves. it is good. This is the wonder of a woman. Of course, men try to tame and understand it yet it is not set up that way. We are different and it is supposed to be the opposite of yin and yang. We have gotten stuck in this yang, power way of being and it is not our truth. Yes, we can use this side when we want and necessary, yet health wise it will stress and deteriorate our bodies which is what is occurring for us now. We ride in other ways more healthful and it is all a matter of understanding and balancing. Our state is oxytocin not adrenaline. It is the pleasure hormone and it is the opposite of power in the man's way. It is power though and equal to a man's. I think of it as the roles of King vs. Queen. Both equally needed and very different. Nourishing, relaxing, feeding, playful, creative, inspiring, helpful, alluring, negotiating, larger group mentality, for the good of all thinking, grace, all things of flow are woman's ways. To many kings are like too many cooks in the kitchen. There is no nourishing going on of the created things or ourselves. We must create a more balanced way for health and our world. It is called the feminine reawakening. You don't have to change or do some big transformation or list of to do's. We are woman and it is about us really remembering ourselves, our innate way, honoring it and being more of it. Actually the simpliest thing I learned from all the great teachers! It isn't about doing these few steps to get here. It is about uncovering your true feminine way and let go of the training against it. It is about seeing your authenticity and expressing it more for health and joy. It is a process of embracing the girl in you and it so excited me that I have permission to be such. In fact, in doing so life will be easier, healthier, more fun, more creative and you will feel your power and energized! All by riding rightly in the body you were given in a way that creates health and boundless energy!!Yippee! This is my passion that inspires me to share with other woman by my book, in Sisterhood Circles and One on One Mentorship! It is opposite the information out there of how to be. It is graceful, easy and delightful. We are woman so it is not hard to be them. We have just been trained to use our more masculine energy which is not our innate way all the time. It goes against us and exhausts our bodies, emotions and mind. Being in feminine ways is just the opposite and energizes us. It is powerful too and we can attain all our goals, feats dreams easier for it is just the way we were created to flow. I invite you to really consider this way of woman. Reawaken to your femininity and the wonder of being a woman different than men! I love to share all that I know and magically, once these ideas are awakened again in you, they take their own course. You don't need me for long as the Shakti power of woman is already alive in you. The well of energy already there and your own authentic way will come forward and up in you. It is why my teacher's showed up, shared in long retreats and then left for years. They knew it was already who I am and just wanted to remind me. We have all we need to be ourselves and the power necessary to really enjoy and create. We are woman! Nourishing, collaborating, gathering, enticing, alluring, creating anything...... for these are our natural feminine gifts! Let us rise to be ourselves fully!! I invite and inspire you for life gets more magical and delicious as you do!! Health, beauty well being and magic! Years ago, some youthful 20 year olds approached me to use my farm for what they called the Vibrant Living Festival. I was so enthused, one into health and well being. I was an organic grower, Green Collaboration Cohost and this seemed a perfect fit. It was a spiritually based event as it came forward and I was delighted to learn so much from this collaboration.
From the festival it turned into hosting Traveling Masters at my farm in the form of retreats! Through that I was educated rightly on health and well being beyond our standard western education. Very practical brilliance from these Himalayan Masters that inspired me to write a book and expand into supporting health and beauty in this most magical way that they taught. They were all about energy which was good for me for I have much. It is really all about energy anyway, something we all want more of and something we learn so little of in our current culture. So now, years later, I resurrected this festival at a new farm that hosts holistic living education and will open a healing santuary. This original festival and all that occurred afterwards has truly changed my life, my energy, my health, my path forward, it was a turning point! I truly learned of what it means to live vibrantly! So what does it mean? My experience of living vibrantly is all about my life force and the energy I have. How I share it, how I cultivate it, how I protect it, what I take in and give out, how I can shift it, what feeds it and what drains it, all these learnings teach me to exude the best energy I am. It has supported me to health on all levels, greater beauty inside and out, more energy to do things and a very discerning eye as to what will fuel this wonder I am. This festival was so helpful in turning me onto the holistic view, the greater understanding of the healing and expressive arts and why they are too be an intricate part of living in health with my whole being in mind. I have written my book and my main direction is to teach the arts I know and promote all these magical arts for others to find the ones that will create a happier life for them. I know it is the path for I have been on it and my experience is the knowing. We see all these alternative ways cropping up everywhere and will continue too for it is the expansion of our health and well being. There is no other way forward. I invite you to join in our festival, Sept. 22 at Meadowbrook Animal Healing, 4089 Durham Rd in Ottsville. We will have a plethora of healing modalities to check out mini sessions. Many healing readings, healthful elixirs, mini workshops on ways to understand yourself, your body being and energy to live more fully in joy. It's from noon until 6. The vendors break down at 4:30 so we all may participate in a Sound Bath Healing outside. To close we have healing tones and rhythms to reset and nourish our beings. A delicious experience. We are whole beings involving our physical nature, our emotions, our mental thinking and our spirit that really runs us. We can't approach life from the physical plane only as we have been taught. Our emotions are important for they move us to action. Our thinking is important for it creates the focus of action. Our spirit awaits us in the wings, fueling us for life, seeking connect with these other parts or bodies so we can sync up and live wholly. Holy, Holistic, whole, these all mean the same alignment of self. These arts, these ways are a path to begin to understand how to do this, processes that nourish and support this line up and ways to create more joy and relaxation. This is the tale of my mission to live vibrantly and share this with the world. Understanding yourself as a bundle of energy and working life to keep that energy vital, empowered, rested when needed and recharged. Noticing how things effect your energy, when to shift and when to walk on. Using all types of nourishment from movement, healing, relaxation and alternative arts. It is my passion! It has created such a powerful way of living for me in joy, health and expansion. I invite to you participate in such magical knowledge and awaken yourself too! It is time for us to evolve to understanding our greater experience here and these arts, are the ticket to learning and understanding this next level! Join us and engage in living vibrantly! Festival details! I have written a few blogs on my learning of man/woman relationships after a divorce and the understanding continues. It is quite a trip being single after 26 years of one partner! It is hard not to act married, or approach a relationship that way has been my experience of dating divorcees. My first few boyfriends that I had known before dating, we both jumped right into chatting all the time and being together as though married. I guess that is par for the course for we all had been in long term relationships so we naturally know that.
The latest boyfriend, the first one I never knew before dating, I believe began the same way. Maybe we were in such lust, that we chatted every night or texted and saw each other most nights. Then life got in the way and as we are both in transition, there seems more tension in trying to get synced up. The intensity, and our life issues, slowed it down on more than one occasion. I think often, having gone through such a rough patch as a divorce which for me, has taken years just to get to the other side, there is a care for another in that process that is natural to want to check in and be supportive. However, this like the others, has gotten to a point where again we both are thinking it feels like a marriage. I am not sure why that happens or if we only just have reference to that. Or if we all jump in that way and then think, what are we doing? Or maybe it starts out so hot and heavy, that sets the course and then you realize it may be too much time with another as you recreate your new life. Alone time so key in rebuilding a new life. I am not sure and why I call this learning of relationship after a divorce. I know I am intense in my ways and care. I am very busy with many things and when I do get a moment to connect, I want to. Timing isn't always synced though with any couple. This relationship I feel the desire to care as crisis ensues and then that becomes too involved or overwhelming. I am not sure at all how to do any of this. It is a constant learning of whats the line of connect and it changes. In the beginning I felt he had the intensity to gather and now it seems I am the one. Yet I am not so sure I want to gather all the time for my schedule is filled. Just when I am open, I want to play! Is this the tantra of things? In tantra, it is actually very important to connect in a delighted way. When both are in their power and feeling the desire for the other is when it is best to build relationship. We know so little of this as our relationships are usually very consuming. However, in a true harmonious relationship, both have very individual lives and should connect only when both feel powerful and wanting too. If one feels weak and the other strong, it is not usually a good time to try to gather for you will not build. The one feeling low will get overpowered by the one feeling strong and often an argument ensures, feelings are hurt and all that. Now applying that to the relationship scene we are used too is a bit more challenging. I remember learning this and how it made such sense but how marriage is set up these days, true tantra is not easy to practice. It came forward today as I write this blog and maybe that is the answer that I need to try in this new learning of relationships! Realize that getting together with a partner as you date is best when your both on. Not one tired and the other wanting to connect. Pushing another to do something never seems to work yet we all do it. However, I find these solid men that I truly can't push into anything. So maybe taking this rule of tantra forward into my relationships would be a smart choice. Dating is all different after divorce as I sense it. Actually, I don't even remember the old dating scene for it has been so long. I do know that I need to truly pay attention better to my patterns of relationship and observe how things are going in a new way. I don't want to act married or relive my married story. I left for a different way of coupling that inspires me to thrive forward and I want the same for my new partner. I don't want to live the old patterns although men and woman are such different creatures there is bound to always be a bit of the same with any man/woman connect. I will try to really only connect when I feel we both are in good spirits too. I believe there is great validity to meet up when both are fully into it. Whether it is fun or crisis, both need to be on desiring connect in tantra. Maybe this will give me a greater understanding and miss many misunderstandings that occur when one would rather be alone and the other talks them into something and we all know, that whole challenge that can occur there. There is just more opportunity for disconnect, we've all experienced that in any relationship and it is clearly stated in the old tantric laws! I will keep you posted as the learning continues!! Playing with relationship! I am not an expert on the Feldenkrais modality. I am a curious experiencer of the healing and expressive arts. I do love to share my understanding of modalities so others will explore and use them to support their vitality. With this perspective, I want to share my experience of Feldenkrais so maybe you too can find the incredible benefits of it.
I first ran into this modality when I was in Mexico 5 years ago. While at a yoga retreat, the woman who owned the magical property we were on, was from Germany and offered a Feldenkrais class so we took it. I was amazed by the simplicity of movement we did to retrain our body patterns. It was easy rolling around as I call it in simple movements. I was amazed how in sync my body felt afterwards. Simple and gentle yet so effective in resetting the body to relaxation and alignment. I thought, I must find this back in the states. Until a few months ago, I had never found anyone doing this method. I found a brochure on it at Nellie Raes Vegan Cafe and got in touch with Dayana Pereira, a local practitioner to investigate. I so enjoyed her as a beautiful girl and person when we sat at lunch together to see how we could collaborate. She spoke to me of private sessions which I was unaware of when I learned in Mexico. Of course I had to see the benefits of this for my personal body issues for I was so intrigued with this modality 5 years ago. It was an amazing, peaceful experience of having her move my body gently and back into the proper movement patterns so natural for the body. The energy of it was similiar to Jin Shin in my experience. Peaceful, rested, flowing and opening to my body being. We get patterns of moving in our body that are not to our benefit from overuse, injury, life. My understanding is that she supports this pattern for a moment until your body allows her to move you gently and smoothly while resting. Once your body relaxes and allows her to do the movements, she slowly begins to move that area in the way it was designed to move, repatterning it back to its normal function. As I stated in the class, we did simple movements like a baby, the basics of mobility and in doing that the body reset very gracefully. I understand this concept of gentle easy moves to realign as a Tai Chi Health teacher. Each person and treatment is different but on that day I had a kink in my left neck. She supported my whole spine into a new alignment and fluidity with these gentle movements and my neck pain disappeared after the session. It was quite magical for I just relaxed and allowed her to work kindly with my body in such simple ways of little movements. Soothing, no pain, quieting and relaxing it was. I understand that it takes years to become a practitioner of this modality. It is a gentle process of working the body and retraining it back into the simple,basic ways of movement that are natural and so healing to us. It isn't painful physically but I could see how old emotions or feelings could be released in a healing cry or other emotions as the memories or things locked in get a way out of us. To me this is even more amazing for our cells, our patterns hold emotions in and anyway you can have them released will only support your body movement and health tremendously. This isn't a scientific view of this modality but an experiential one. I invite you to investigate this healing process. It is gentle for those with mobility issues. it is peaceful for those wanting to experience more relaxation on a deep level filled with oxytocin hormones. It is healing in ways I never experienced by any other modality and I try them all. It is kind to the body deva as I call it for our bodies need loving support, not so much hard movement to be healthy. Dayana Pereira's contact and website are listed below. I am enthused she he will do a free class on Sept. 22 at our Vibrant Living Festival at 1 pm if you want to experience this incredible art. It will be a chair class for we all could use a practice to realign ourselves while sitting throughout our day. Dayana is part of a new collaborative of healers that will be opening in Doylestown this fall. I highly recommend her and the Feldenkrais Method for great body healing and connection. We have an innate health system that often just needs some support to reset. She was gentle, soothing and a powerful healer from my experience. Truly worthy a modality that has only 7,000 practitioners around the world! Blessed we are to have one in our area! Dayana Pereira 917-297-2733 The Happy Body Mentor® Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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