This year seems to have yet a different flavor to it. We are moving but things are also exploding in many ways. I think it is most important to spread joy, cheer, love at this time. It seems it is the easiest way to ride the energy about. Spread goodness, avoid any thing other. Just keep going.
Tip 1: Be aware of what you are bringing into the celebration. Really take a minute to rev up where ever you go. Know your mission. The end goal. Set out to enjoy and suck all the fun out of it. Start right. Less havoc will come near you. Tip 2: Open your heart. Be open. If there is any time to be compassionate, kind, warm, joyful, it is now. Many are challenged this time of year so if you can be your bright, shiny light, it will help. If you can' find that in you, don't go out or be remote. We all need kindness and compassion. You just don't know what one is dealing with so open your heart as you move around ready to use the protection of being loving. Tip3 : Bring in laughter! Laughter just lifts others It feels so good and they say the angels hang out where there is laughter, Go for the high vibe. Bring in your humor and sweetness. Feel Jolly! Tip 4: Avoid Negativity. If someone creates an issue or tries to create drama, move along. Don't react and add to it. Sometimes things need to clear but at this time we have such love about. It is dark though and the sun doesn't start to return until the 21st. It is in us and around us so don't invite or entertain it. If you do, skiddadle as soon as you can. Find awareness and if there is no way to balance, move away. Some times it just has to be expressed. Let it go. tip 5: Practice relaxation. I think of release tension. You know how when you get to a fire, after a few minutes you start to really relax and get toasty. Every event, every visit or connection, exhale. Enjoy being there and really find the joy, the relax in it. It is quite simple. Let the other go and be present. Tip 6: Revel and Savor! I try to really inspire this in us all always. Stretch out the joy and goodness that you notice. Really hang in it. Let the coco warm you to your toes in its sweet heat. Allow the lights to get into your shiny parts and allow you to glow. Really look into anothers eyes and listen with your full body as you consider this wonderful spirit in front of you. Get into the sensuality of all moments! Happy Holidays my friends! Purpose to enhance the world, partnership with all those you enjoy and prosperity in all ways to us all!
I am enthusiastically creating my story for the next year and onward. In winter we dream big and imagine the joy of huge leaps. All is possible. We need to have this open ended moment to expand our mind into the unlimited. It is really fun especially around the holidays. So much cheer and upliftment about. I am inspired, full of pleasing, heart energy so it is the perfect frequency to take into imagining the blooms of next year.
I do feel that it is time for me to step into my philanthropist role. I love to support all types of people and ideas. I share freely the wisdom I have learned. My big idea is to create wealth to support newer healers, regenerative farming and give financially to the ideas I believe will expand into a bright future for us here. This begins my "Once Upon A Time there was this beautiful, wise woman who shared her millions with others in an effort to support health in humanity. She enjoyed her life, felt safe and open in her heart. Lyn Ann, was abundant in all ways and glided through life with grace and ease. In her elder years she supported many to find their passion and support health in others. She found many others who also shared their overflowing abundance too. A Wise Woman Collective. I like the business vehicle and model I am in. It can help many with their health and wealth. I anticipation to grow with others in wealth through our business and then share the overflow. Woman of Wealth Sharing Health. An informal group perhaps but benefactors or philanthropists of the healing arts. There seems enough toward pharmaceuticals already. Supporting the other arts to grow and add the healing magic. As I play with this story knowing it will have a Happily Ever After for all stories do on some level. I believe goodness will be our feeling once we get to the next level after earth so the tale ends well. This allows me to anticipate this idea coming forward in a magical way. I am open to the easiest for me and others that the universe can conjure. We have fun building wealth, educating and giving away money. Funding these alternative paths is a grand idea Other healers will get on board with me. Wealthy Wise Woman That Support Healing. It is just the beginning but I like how it feels inside my body. I play and create scenarios and see what really moves me. As I do, ideas and paths, energies and emotions of fun, possibility are present in me. This is how you create the story or sow your garden of next year! I invite you to do this very thing. Play is so absent in our world. Playing with the imagination is our greatest gift as homo sapiens. Use it well and win in your fantasies. They won't go the way you expect whether you fret or dream. Dreaming goodness is just more fun than the dream of fretting which is the ignorant use of the imagination. If we win in dreaming, at least that time will be good. When we bring it outward into the world, well that is just delicious! That is the goal and why we get this time to fill with love and dreammmmmm our life into existence. It is a magnetism thing so you need to the emotional element that story simply brings. It causes the draw, the attraction to you. It is not mental, it combines head and heart. We did a podcast on this. You can check it out as it goes into the power of frequency and story. Keep it simple! What is your Once Upon A Time that has a happy ending??? Share it with me as there is power in writing it and in speaking it. Resound your frequency out there. Allow it come and relax knowing this is faith. Faith it til you make it! This is how everything comes to be. A good idea, with some passionate emotion and play, then structure and form are manifested. Oolala! What is your lovely story for the season? Connect with me. Business Opportunity Having been in woman's groups and self empowerment most of my life, I want to share a key aspect for us as woman. Why I coach, teach, share, write, have videos and am continually supporting woman is because I learned about our ways of being as different than men. This delighted me as it often seemed a challenge to go at the world the way men do. Others woman can adapt more easily than I. Our world is structured on processes and paths designed for and best suited for them. A man's world we call it.
Part of the joy that made it so easy for me to write my book was that I learned from woman and men teachers the difference between woman and men as I never heard before. We are all clear on the obvious natures, but the energetics, the difference between the two poles of yin and yang within and without operate made all the difference. It was so delightful for me to really embrace the gifts of womanhood, different than men. No one ever really shared that in a way I could fully understand it as an energy thing. It was such an "aha' for me as all my study, all my training was with woman as we adapted to the men's world using their techniques. We learned the ways they do things and of course to succeed in their world we needed to draw and develop our yang way more strongly. It makes sense. However, as we walk into 2000 years of developing the yin or divine feminine in the world, there is a celebration to bring in how woman do things. This will balance the production, manly way. There are many ways to empower woman and all of them will be for who they are in their level of learning. I learned in a way that exalts being a woman. This was different for me. I could give up the days of no pain, no gain, production, efficiency and system thinking as my primary way. Production is important but there are many ways to do that. Woman, come from the heart not the head. We have a natural connect to the wholeness of life that men just don't have. We often sacrifice that for production and even our training of our emotional nature has gotten a bad name. This is our power. Our connection to the larger realm of life through the heart then letting that integrate into production is a very different path than going at production first and foremost. First I was taught the difference of my body and how a woman is to ride in oxytocin or relaxed parasympathetic nervous system most of the time. I had been living in adrenal production full time so this was so new to me. Our health ails of the wombs, hearts, breasts and thyroid issues which most woman have, come from this sympathetic stress. This alone is transforming as we just were never taught how our body works with tasks and energy. Not to mention, our emotional intuitive nature did not get cultivated as we cultivated the yang production. In fact, we have disconnected from it! There is no one who doesn't get that if you give a man and woman the same task, they will not proceed and do it the same way. We are approaching it from different viewpoints, one as a competitor, another as a bonder. These are very different perspectives. The task will be completed but the process very different. It has taken me many years to allow myself in this other way. I say allow as it is natural for woman. It is us, to develop this emotional, intuitional way that uses mind but is not just mind. When you realize this center point, and come from, it shifts your entire world. The biggest key that was stressed to me was that if it was not easy and fun, it was not good for my health period. If we get all mental, caught in the structured mind and in that cranky energy, we were not creating health in ourselves. This was such a gift to me for this is woman's way. We want to have a light, playful, dance like way to our projects that are not as serious as men. We are serious but not as much as men. Our true nature is to bring in the soft nourishing energy as we do production. Many woman working together to run a project is like watching a dance of collaboration so beautiful compared to a man run project. We have an innate skill to do in greater ease and magic. There are not many examples of woman doing it this way in the world so it is a shift we will be doing forward. It seems practical to me that before woman find their purpose, their success that fulfills that emotional nature, the path the they can fully embody, they must learn of the glory they naturally are that fuels all these. We must embody or be in our body, in a different energy than production intensity all the time . My website has Glide, Giggle and Glow as the tenets I share with woman. It is that energetic, those words are the flavor we flow. Sacred Femininity begins with knowing your feminine nature and coming from that perspective and energetic. It is you centered in YOUR body. This is new to us. We are being called to express. More grounded which means connecting the body to the spirit, heaven and earth conduit. Once you do, the way you approach all of life, your daily tasks of cooking, your way you enter the business world, the way you make lists or motivate yourself in ease in grace is just different. Very different. Like doing a piece of art versus putting together a machine mechanically. If we go at it from the mental level we won't embody as the mind, is a tool of awareness. We must marry that with the body and it's tools of awareness. The mental body must be grounded or be connected to the earth and the heavens (ideas) simultaneously. To embody, we need to know the fluidity of the emotional level and embrace and work with it. It is our gift and nature. If we don't begin there, all of our accomplishments and goals will feel hollow. As a practical girl wanting to really have fun, enjoy life through all its foibles and make a difference in the world, I was glad to find this wisdom I share. Life is easier and more fun. I enjoy the moments more and know joy, collaboration, negotiation, communication, service, connecting solutions are just some of the ways that woman will naturally add into the world. It is what we bring to the world. We have naturally a broader view that in ancient cultures was revered. It was our job to tell the men to stop the production. "We have enough food, homes, land, whatever." It is time to celebrate, communicate deeply, gather and commune on our production. We will step into this as our evolution unfolds. Woman naturally have a humanitarian heart as we carry the seed of life. This balances the production more sustainable, holistically. It is the call of the Aquarian Age we are just beginning. Be aware ladies that oxytocin, relax, parasympathetic nervous system riding is your first step to really do and be your calling or vocation in the world. The goodness is "How fun is that?"As we relax we produce more? When we come from that place of femininity we are more fulfilled? It is not as hard? I say Yippee! Thank you Great Goodness! I can exhale and relax. All will be ok. I am expressing The Art of Being A Woman! Water Education Request a consult. Tis the season! Lots of opportunity for oxytocin, parasympathetic nervous system rejuv during the holidays. We often miss this opportunity to really health up ourselves by generating oxytocin as we go about the creative tasks of the season. Instead being stuck in the mental to do list, we activate the joy of these fun decorative, meal creating, present wrapping things. WE pressure ourselves to be so Martha Stewart about it! No one is making us so let's loosen up and gain health. It is not like someone is hanging over your shoulder saying you missed the special bows this year! If they do ask, say, "this year we switched it up!"
As I was taught of the yin pole, the nourishing pole of the two, health was a result of reveling in the nourishing activity. First realize this artistic time of the year that we create is a great time to revel in the love hormone. We can really lighten up on ourselves and as we do our holiday tasks, know the creativity, the nourishing of it, the prep is our time to really enjoy creating this beautiful holiday. It juices us up. I was chatting with a friend and we were talking how the whole holiday fun creating our homes is so nourishing to us. We create it for ourselves and others love it. But truly, we create that holiday sacred environment because we like too. It fuels us. We run the yin pole naturally that naturally heals us. Here's my tips! 1. STOP the pressure you put on yourself. No one else is asking for that incredible extreme in any of it. It is your own desire to have this beauty. If it starts to stress you, you are not using this rightly. No one will know if you can't get to the window lights or whatever. You create the list and pressure. STOP! This kills the creative oxytocin buzz! 2. Do revel in doing it. If you are decorating the tree, baking pies, wrapping presents, you can have a parasympathetic moment of health. If you revel, enjoy, slow down and engage fully in the creative process, there is a powerful shift from adrenal stress to oxytocin release. IT is as simple as noticing. Use this for your advantage not demise. 3. Cut back if you get stressed. If it is not fueling you, do you really need it to make the "perfect" holiday? Or is the perfect holiday one where you feel good, creative and nourishing? You run the energy of the home. Are you gonna fill the decor with stress or with loving nourishing vibes.? You are in charge. No one else. 4. As you do your tasks, find the essence of giving and nourishing by really being present. As I decorate, my heart sings. I feel the goodness knowing more than anyone it is for me. I will notice the nuances of the holiday I put around me to nourish me. As I wrap, I feel good for the giving and the beauty the packages are to receive. As I cook, I put love and wonderment into the food to feed others and to make MY house smell good for me. The cozy is ours. We create it, it nourishes us most and we bring it out to cozy others. Align good emotions, thoughts and spirit of love into these things. 5. Enjoy it! The creativitiy is here and we love it! You naturally do these things and it is part of our femininity. It heals and inspires us thus others. Know what you are adding into the world, your family, the guests. Let the sparkle of it be good and enjoyable to you. You choose this or not. This is the feminine time of year for love on all levels. We are the carriers of all of it. so really revel and get the health. 6. Hug alot and really give an embrace! This is stellar health to all and needs no further commentary! Oxytocin is created in relaxed creativity, connection, touch. We can use all this hoopla for health!! Not over exhaustion and adrenal whack out which has ofteb been our way. We are not using the power of ourselves or the season. We got it wrong. We put too much yang into of production and it just doesn't feel good. More like a competition or a rush and we miss all the health and actually create illness. Get your ideas right on nourishing you and others at the same time. I wish you all a oxytocin season. This is a powerful time for great health and support for ourselves! Will you use it as such???? Connect with Me Water Education! As a humanitarian and leader in change, this is an issue I want to address. I think healers, leaders and the like have to review themselves on this through out their lives. We can't help everyone and it is not really our place too. If we are to help others is won't be everyone. It will be those who align with us, those on our ray, in our tribe, whatever you want to call it. I will start with a poem I wrote that explains much of this.
I Am Allowed I am allowed to walk away, to honor me. I am allowed to not go through others stuff with them. I am allowed to not understand, not to fix, to step away and find my peace. I am allowed to leave others, to re-center alone. I don't have to hold the space if it gives me anxiety and I want to escape. I can go away and find my spirit within. It is ok to not be there for another if is not working for me. I can step away, I can still be loving, doing good in this action. All is not fluffy every minute. Others have to sit with their own unfluffiness at times. I can do what works for me and it be spiritual, helpful and kind. I give myself permission to honor myself FIRST. It is good to honor me. Let it all go. I don't have to do anything. Just let it be and that is doing kindness. I let the light in, I find my boundary. It is necessary to self care. I don't have to solve others issues. I can "not help". I am allowed to go. I can love and leave. I am still loved. I am allowed to do for me and me only. It is helping others when I help myself first. I am allowed to help or not help. It is my choice not run by what others need. I help where I want, where it fuels me, when I have overflow and feel power through supporting. Otherwise I can walk and that too is kind and helpful. It is knowing my power, welding it rightly and flourishing from using it. These are powerful perspectives we often forget. Keep in mind you don't have to help all. The line being when it is not fueling you. You are not here to save others. You are here to hold the space for them and often add wisdom. You are inspiring others. that doesn't always mean doing anything "for" them. Often you are giving light energy for them to use for their change that they make. Some times that is not what is going on. You determine this and be aware of this "support" process. The key is it will fuel you truly not drain you. You need to be clear on this line. We all need to draw it for ourselves. This clears the martyr, the savior and all the other roles like this. Blessings to you all as we find our own fueling, know how to get fueled by supporting others and realize when we are and get out when we are not! Connect with me! Water = Health + Beauty Are you in that phase in life that is all about you? No kids in the house? Looking for that next epic you are creating? A bit lost and not sure of the new you with out that serving? Wondering who you are now and what is your purpose? I have been here and I guess am still determining that next epic myself so I thought I would share some thoughts to support your journey!
It is a journey this becoming anew. That is a first thing to remember. In the feminine mysteries the last phase or wise woman phase was part of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. I learned that the energy moves from our womb, the immediate family and close circle up through the chakras to land at our pineal gland. This process and change many get lost in, was described as beautiful journey of being a woman. As the energy passed through the various chakras, we get to review where we had power and where we lost it in our lives as woman, mothers, care givers and how in our transition, we garner that wisdom to share with the larger world. It is a process and you go through your chakras like a review and rebirth. So it can get deep but it is intentional and healthful. So as you go through this empty nest, know this is the process to your new life. It is actually a great process of rebirth and part of our womanhood. It is a delightful time if you look at it that way so that should start you in the right mind set as you go through this fun rebirth. Be gentle and allow the evolving to unfold. Going through this process is your chance to let go of regrets or getting lost in your loss. It is a great time to review as you go through and determine who and what you deserve now. It is actually, although could have health challenges and confusion, part of womanhood and a good thing. You have time to know yourself again and be you with out all the overwhelming service. It is actually this great transition that we can become greater expressions of us again. Your perspective and knowing what this is will support your health and the creative piece of life you are in. Knowing this is the fun and enthusiasm of this time in our life. I have been going through this and in such joy. Not all of it has been easy or joyful but it has supported me in the new epic and version of myself. I am enjoying as I learn of who I am and how to serve in a larger way. I find this a good process and using it to transform into a greater me. Flow through your emotions as they are clearing and indicating to you pieces to rework and let go so you can unfold further. We have stuffed so many emotions over the years and I consider this a release of them that can really empty you and uncover what is next. We don't need to be tied to this anymore in our wise state and can review past these memories and emotions some good to savor, some to be done with. Allow it to be open, dark, unformed, as you sift through the unfelt and let it go for good. Lighter you can create more clearly and in aligned with all you learned. This is a call to mother ourselves rather than others. To find that you that was lost in all the changes, raising beings, doing things to fit in and the right stuff to have a great family life for all. Now it is about you and we get lost when we don't care for others after so long. Many go to animals or get involved in other ways to care for others but don't miss the call to mother and serve yourself. Even if you don't know what that means. This is your time, a time in womanhood and I guess manhood, where we design the life that supports that you that was pushed aside. It was wonderful being the nourisher of our family and now it is time to nourish ourselves so this last epic, is a life we love. YOU EARNED IT! As the wise woman, we will add to the world in small and big ways with our reach and wisdom. How will I share all that I learned? Doing something purposeful for the larger world and enjoying it the role of the Wise Woman. Our lives have been a creation of choices so now we are able to chose just for ourselves which is freeing and an open canvas. What will reward our hearts and use all our wisdom to feel good and love life? That can be anything. For me, health and beauty are my calls and what I share. I found this water opportunity that fills my boxes for that last epic. I know I can educate on something so simple that we all need and should know quality water. It sings my heart to be part of something simple and profound at once. And about the most basic elixir of life! Take the time to find your true, wise woman message. What will sing your heart? You have the time now, the growth of a life and the call to enjoy what you learned,. Put them in practice and help yourself be the best you as you did your children. Now you step up to the next level, show your children life goes on and you use what you learned to be part of the world. It doesn't have to be this big thing, just a thing that supports you, has inspiring community and you feel great for doing it. I find this so exciting. Scary at times. Emotional and cleansing. Opening to the Lyn Ann that never existed or has been waiting to express! I take the time to find her and whatever that process is. It is the ultimate creative time and just the normal process of being a woman. It is what we do, how our life stages, normal and ok. It is not a bad time. Yes loss is there but in that opening, you can find you again in new form. You are birthing yourself anew. You are a master, you raised children so now you do it to yourself. It is a grand leap in growth so allow this shift as you shifted to marriage or parenting. It didn't happen in a day or month. It was a process you learned day in day out. The project is you! You birthing yourself! Enjoy this empty nesters. I have been in it 10 years and it has been so rewarding finding me. Love that you are the project! You deserve it! You can fill yourself with all the things you think you missed and mother yourself to thrive in a new way as a woman caring and loving herself fully. It is the years of self care and love only to find the pieces that you want to nourish the world with through the journey of nourishing you. I love it. Others have educated us that it is not an easy time yet if you look at it right, it is a wonderful and purposeful time that is part of us. Life wasn't easy alot of the time as we expanded and grew in our new roles. This time is no different but the freedom that is found in this process and rebirth is as it is supposed to be. Woman have done this for thousands of years and it is just part of our process as the femininity of the world. We get a chance again to remake ourselves now that we are wise and knowing. I have delighted in the journey even when it got confusing and muddy! Connect if you need support or a flowing in grace chat to remind you of the wonder we are in. IF you want to have a mission like I, sharing health and sustainability, supporting homes and families, let us chat. I love my last big message to the world. It is simple, has community, is fun, is life transforming and wonderful way to support the world on part time ways that allow time to care for all my needs. It is a great project to be part of as you become this new you. My goal is to create Woman of Wealth sharing Health! Finding others in this opportunity or others that want to spend money to support the youngers in their path to share health. How fun is that??? Want to join? Blessings to us all as we add the gift of our wise selves to the world!! Connect with me Water and Wealth |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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