Goodness it has been a real spring awakening for me! I just returned from two weeks of so much loveliness, learning, sisterhood and mastery! I don't even know where to begin with all the wonder I want to share in this transformative spring. I do know that whenever we are in the awakening season of spring, there is a germination or percolation time where we just let all the newness, the reorder re-calibrate our being. That is occurring for sure and it is always blissfull to me! This renewal, this rebirth, the seed growing through the outer shell feels delicious!
I was blessed to be in Mexico on retreat with many beautiful woman, Goddesses, Priestesses, Shawoman, Leaders in the Feminine Arts! This is my wisdom, my line of knowledge and study so I was happy to be with world wide leaders in this movement to remind me that it is a very important awakening to inspire. Woman do spirituality, sisterhood, the great arts of nourishment and collaboration different than men, the regular sects of business and the call is to bring back this graceful feminine art of cocreating, working together in this Aquarian Age. Despite the edge and production, masculine yang of the East coast where I am, I must hold the space and sing my heart of this feminine way of sacredness for there are those here ready to begin this shift in how woman live and engage in the world. I have often gotten puzzling looks about this femininity, Woman with deep spirituality and honor to be a woman. Goddess, the name of Mother God, the nourishing aspect of diety, this mother key to all of being. Priestess, the name of a woman disciple or one dedicated to the works of the great goodness. I am both. Shawoman, the healers of humanity for centuries, leaders in the Feminine Arts, those who know the sacred feminine mysteries and healing arts. All seeking to share and inspire woman that there is another way for us to flow gracefully through the world than how we are currently doing it! Woman in a health crisis, exhausted and stressed, having physical ails that can be prevented when they understand their feminine body, the ways of sacred femininity that have been lost over the centuries to woman. This nourishing movement, the awakening of the Goddess, is paramount to our world now. Not just to woman, but to all humanity for the nourishing principle, the element of God considered Mother God has been lost in our way of living. All of us so busy to produce, be working, rushing about and the very nourishing that creates a strong world is lost to ourselves, to those around us, our enviroment and communities. There seems to be no time for it. We are overworked and tapped out for we have lost the basic principles of nourishing and martyrdom rules. We all know the results of that with this health crisis for woman. So I boldly stand in the world promoting these feminine mysteries to be remembered and lived. I, one who has learned and grown so tremendously since I began this discovery of the Sacred Femininity, must sing the praises of our sacred womanhood and put a call forward to bring back this great sisterhood that supports woman in their lives in ways they don't even realize. I have spent the last 8 years sharing this wisdom, wrote a book to remind woman of their power and continue to share the secret of this energy, this Shakti of the East, that we have as woman and are not using to support our lives. It begins simply with realizing our great nourishing power. Our nourishing of ourselves so we may better serve and fill up those around us. Our sisterhood so paramount to this re-juice of energy. Woman need each other in so many ways but most importantly to create health and community. The days of competition, comparing, working against each other is rolling out. We have such power of community and hold the sacred space for all our families and each other. We have a most magic body that has gifts of intuition, care, solution that we are not utilizing properly and have such ill health as a result. Remembering ourselves, our powers of nourishment, collaboration, beauty and sensuality goes along way to giving us healing energy to do our lives in a graceful way of flow. I invite you all to read my blogs, follow my classes, get my book, find me and begin the journey of awakening your true self, the beautiful Goddess you are! Learning of the power of this Mother God, this spiritual journey of rebirth happening for all woman and finding community of others that inspires your life to be more filled with joy, energy, love and the essence of womanhood. It is time. I open my arms to all woman with a big heart ready to share, educate, promote and create a space for this great awakening that supports us all who live on the earth. It is simple, it is basic and it is the truth of who we are as the artists here on the planet. Together we arise, the group the power of woman, the gift of woman and the wonder of empowering ourselves and the world! Rising up the wonder, the art and the sacredness of Being a Woman! I begin a 4 week class this week, 4 Thursdays to share this most beautiful art of femininity!
It has long been known that our emotional and mental states effect our health. In ancient sciences of Tibetian medicine and the eastern arts and potentially in the future, the question that would first be asked by a Doctor is "Whats going on in your life?" They would ask that question for they know that physical health is effected by the thoughts, emotions and stressful life situations. Life is filled with stress. Stress creates dis-ease or disease. They would address the stress and what created it. It is known in modern medicine that worry creates ulcers as well as so many others ails can be tied to thinking and feeling patterns.
Deepok Chopra, Louise Hay, Andrew Wiel all have been singing this song for quite awhile and countless others. Our modern medicine is proving this point continually yet the ancients, the older traditions operate clearly from this stand point. It is best to use all systems when true health and well being are your goal. Illness begins with unhealthy thoughts. If we don't catch it there, it will create emotions that are low and a mind /emotion loop will play. After a bit if we don't address this mental and emotional health, physically it will show up as dis-ease in our body. The body talks to us and tells us what it needs. It doesn't lie, it knows when it needs your conscious support. It knows when what you are doing is out of balance and tries to let you know. We truly don't heed its call time and again. At some point it will get exhausted and throw us a seemingly odd health issue that often western medicine will say, "We don't know what caused it." Yet if we really decipher what is occurring in our life, we can find the stressor that is there. You must be your own advocate if you want true health. That is why I teach energy medicine and management for it is the root to recover your health. Going at our body from just a physical level doesn't work alone. It supports the drug industry to give us a quick fix that has side effects and doesn't even fix the issue. It often complicates it. I will illustrate this with my latest healing crisis. I chose homeopathy for my latest health issues. It illustrates how powerful this idea really is. I began with wondering ways to treat and support my glaucoma, something modern medicine only has physical support for and nothing long term. In getting support from clinical homeopathy, we first determined what my chronic emotional mental state was. In doing so when we looked at my life at this moment. There is loss or grief in it. Why? I had gotten divorced, left my life and farm, shifted many life long friends, changed my "job", relocated and was spinning in anxiety of newness. Of course these things would effect my state of being and overall health! Further with my glaucoma, which is too much pressure in my eye, we realized there is alot of new pressure in my world from the outside as well as my own inward pressure through this huge shift. Glaucoma arrived within 2 years of leaving my world. It doesn't sound too complicated or outlandish that these new pressures to survive in a whole new way would have an effect on my body. I had anxiety out the wazoo which is fear of the future. Can you see the correlation to my physical ails?? Your don't have to be a rocket scientist to see this. It is actually very basic. I could of gotten many ails from this but for me it was my eyes. Can you see how this emotional/ mental state showed up in my body? So what did I do? First of all, we dealt with the chronic issue of loss. I began taking a remedy in energy medicine that would support me in this loss so I could get accustomed to this new way of living and let go or acclimate to this new state that overwhelmed me. We worked on the level of my thinking and emotion. Then I took an acute, something I would take when ever I felt anxiety or fear as I stepped into all the newness of my life. I continued with my western medicine for my eyes but tried to accustom myself to these new conditions rather than be in loss and fright. Dealing with my whole being is wiser than just dealing with my symptoms. There is not a good diagnosis for the glaucoma I have in western medicine. I chose to investigate how to get my body in more parasympathetic nervous system of renew and heal so I could manage this glaucoma from all angles. It is paramount to health. There are so many ways to address this wholistically. My path homeopathy for it can clear, yes, clear illness patterns. That claim was put forth so I thought, "I like that idea and I will try it." There are not many modalities that will offer such. Why not go for the grocery store rather than the loaf of bread is a phrase in my school. So I am going for full healing. It takes awareness on my part to really notice and observe what my emotional and mental states are so I can find the right way to address them. This is how holistic or ancient medicine works. Couple that with my great understanding and practice in energy management, knowing that my goal is to be in the parasympathetic nervous system more so oxytocin, a feel good hormone and rejuvenating body support can occur. We have stress in life, you can not remove that. However, you can acclimate to it with less crisis thinking and emotions by settling in the conditions. I can not remove the intense new pressures but I can calm my state, find a less panicked way of being to thrive in these conditions. Addressing these from an energetic stand point is logical and obvious to me. What is occurring? I can tell you that I feel such joy and lightness after a few months of these simple energetic remedies. I am much less heavy with loss and my new life appears exciting. My body being has balanced to this loss and I feel how its adjusted rather than been in rejection of it. My anxiety is so much less. I notice, take some remedy and go toward the world in a calmer way. My energy is lighter and others continually tell me that. I am not in sympathetic fight or flight 24/7. My weight is adjusting. Weight is protection and when fear is about, we get heavier to protect. My deer in the headlights feeling is no longer present. My eye is stabilizing on less drops! I go in two months to my glaucoma doctor and can't wait to see how it has improved. I continue to be aware of my emotional, mental states so I can be clear not to jump into panic. If I do, I reach for a remedy or practice that will support me in lighter emotion. Either I clear it through movement or another practice that I know to recenter back to balance and joy. This is the game of physical health. It is so clear and simple to me. It takes awareness, listening to the body, observing your emotions and realizing nothing is worthy of fight or flight. It is not a healthy or well state to operate in! There are no lions chasing me but in my mind so to speak. I share this personal story so you can see how to address your health from a well being standpoint. Life is insane here. We can not change that. However we can change our response and reactions to it. It is not all in the mind either. The emotions play an intregal part and no one gives them the due or the honor of the guidance they provide. They are the lost piece to me in the world of mind and body that no one teaches of, shares the brilliance of or realizes our 6th sense of intuition comes from this plane. Emotions are energy moving, the only way any action or task gets going is by getting our energy moving. Having it move in joy, passion and lightness is what health is all about. Really look at your well being from a perspective that can truly offer health. Well being is about living a lifestyle that supports you in all conditions. It is also about creating conditions that bring in the right states of happy, fulfilled, contented and satisfied. This type of lifestyle doesn't come from going to a doctor and taking a pill. It comes from real awareness of who you are, what you are doing and how you are creating and in full control. You must take this responsibility or you are going to have dis ease! It is not a problem if you do either. You use it as a healing crisis to create a new balance as I. I will keep you posted on the wonder of my own well being!! I can not write enough on this topic and the health benefits of it!! It is the one thing missing from our "American" life with all this production. It is the dangerous killer that allows stress to so over rule us and create so much illness in the body. The body can not heal with out sleep and relax. It must get time in the parasympathetic nervous system of rejuvenate and regenerate.
All nature has it's rest and we as humans think we are immune to it? Crazy! Not only that, if you want more joy, happiness and pleasure, you must create it. It doesn't just drop in! Leisure fun, play and chill must be scheduled in. What is funnier is that we work and work so we can have more yet you need time to enjoy the more you have! The cycle is confining and on the health front, it creates so many illnesses, cancer, death and depression. We must allow our body to rejuvenate and renew its cells, clean itself, doing the back up processes that run us clean. People barely take a week vacation and our weekends are filled with chores and work. It is important to feel like things are done but the production mindset is what is killing us. Pleasure comes from being in relaxation. We can not get into the parasympathetic without being in a slower pace, slower heart rate, with the calm feeling of just chill. Infact, most don't even know that feeling in their body or they need a beer or glass of wine to do that. That is fine but we need more than a moment on the weekend. We need this feeling through out our day to support and reset us. Life is more beautiful, happy, clear and joyful when we are in parasympathetic. It is like a high of champagne bubbles to our body down to every cell. It is the oozing feeling of nirvana, of ahhhhh, life is good, just clear bliss. We need to experience this more than once a week! This joyous feeling should be about us every day, several times a day. It is the greatest health elixir. It soothes us tremendously on all levels. Life feels, smells, looks and is more beautiful. Even when strife comes upon us, we are clear and alert to manage with less issue. It is what we all seek and why we all work so hard. It can only come through creating pleasure. Simple things can create this pleasure. Savoring good food, a sunset, the scent in the air, many deep breaths can get us in parasympathetic. Knowing this, learning how this feels energetically, vibrationally in your body is so important. Then we can create it as many times as we want and through all kinds of pleasures. Playing, giggling, jostling, joking, all do it as well. Creating this lighter attitude for health, for the elixir and anti aging tonic that it is goes along way to bring a happy life. It is not about the outside conditions. Yes, you can use these things to inspire the relaxation, the parasympathetic too. But realizing why this lighter attitude, this practice to feel this nervous system kick in daily is a key health tip. In fact, it could heal all your ails! It is the system of our body that must be operating for healing to occur. So really ground into this tip. This is the practice that I teach most about for it is the one element we miss. When we do this, we feel better and do better at work, in crisis, in emergencies, in daily challenges. It is why we take anti anxiety drugs, drink alcohol, get healing facials and massages, acupuncture. All the healing arts or creative arts put us into this nervous system. They open our being to feel free, our spirit to relax and express and provide us with many chemicals that soothe the emotions, calm the mind and allow the body to do its renewal and healing work. Make this a practice, a seed your sow this spring. If this was all you did, learned of your oxytocin state and daily created it, so much in your life would change! Your world would be more colorful, more filled with contentment and satisfaction. Bliss, nirvana, heaven on earth, all the feelings we strive for would be present daily. As your body gets back to this state more often, it will naturally produce it for you. The body deva operates best when this system, the other half, yes, half of our nervous system is actually being used as it should! As is natural and healthful. We have lost sight of our body being and the pleasure sensations of our body. We live in our mind and are absent our very body which is the only tool that can feel pleasure, joy, bliss and relaxation. Pleasure and play are elixirs par excellent! Art by Erika Hicks, EHringinals
So often we go for things in the outside world when we really are wanting what it gets us. Yes it is nice to have all these things, but it is often how we feel when we get them. It is not the thing we want as much as what we think that thing will provide us. A big house gives us lots of area to be cozy and entertain in, security. Some jewels make us feel protected, beautiful, wealthy dripping in jewels Cars are status symbols, all the like that really make us feel successful. It is not the car, it is the essence of success and these things just symbols, outward things that we feel show us that. We all have different ones as well, depending on our goals, values and wishes. What's key in manifesting as well as living is to remember these are just things that represent a trait, quality or essence to us. Often in our world, we get caught up in the thing and we lose the true direction, power and frankly, don't get fulfilled by things. We will need another and another unless we really see the essence of what it is what we are seeking. Often, many can't feel the essence, the vibration of what they are seeking and it becomes hard to feel the direction. It is a most valuable tool to really look at what, the essence of what you want and why. This can make manifestation quicker and your focus, direction clearer. We do not need more things. Most of us have so many and they have their moment until we are seeking again. There is nothing wrong with that, i just want us all to realize in this outward, material world, we are not really seeking things. We are seeking the feeling something gives us, the symbol it represents or some trinket of an essence we want. As you create your ideas at this high time of year for sowing seeds, be very clear what you are seeking. Maybe it is a new job so that you have more freedom. Freedom is the essence and keep your eye on that prize so you can see clearly about you what could come forward in a magical way. It is not always what we see, usually it is not. The universe has a great magic that comes in unexpected ways. Knowing the essence is key to being open to the highest good and your greatest wishes. Maybe you want to quit smoking, eat healthier, workout. All these are ways that give you health, vitality and feeling good in your body. Maybe you want to travel alot. Here you maybe seeking adventure, uncharted waters of delight. As you set your ideas, see what is really behind them. So often we get caught up in the things and then wonder why happiness or fulfillment doesn't come in. It is because we are forgetting the essence we are seeking to experience. Knowing that as your north star gives many more options to arrive at your door, rather than an object. We can feel the essence of what it is we desire and that is the drawing power. It is easy to feel adventure, freedom, or health as a vibe. As we conjure that up, we then just watch and see how that feeling, that vibration brings in a plethora of things for us. Some we thought of, some so fun and crazy we couldn't of conjured. Always go for the essence of experience! In this way, we are truly using magnetism, openness, magic and creativity as our magic dust. Often we didn't get one thing but got something better. So keep your ideas open, truly clarify the essence of the experience and you will find many more exciting things come as well as opportunities beyond what you imagined. it is way more fun, more satisfying and magical that way. Let's face it, we don't always know what is for our own good. So work with the universe, the wonder of the world and see what magnetizing with the essence offers you! The solutions are endless and much more can come your way!! Art by Erika Hicks, |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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