Sooooo here I am........ In Colorado...... In the wisdom years......... I step into my stately place in the Wise Woman Realm. The mountains ground me. Show me a new side of myself. I sense the sinking into the role of the Elder that has not so lovely names. It makes me think of the Wild Woman, Baba Yaga, a seasoned girl. Here is Amy Sophie Marashinsky"s version of this Goddess as written in her The Goddess Oracle. "I walk in the forest and speak intimately with the animals I dance barefoot in the rain I travel on pathways that I make myself and in all ways that suit me my instincts are alive and razor sharp My intuition and sense of smell are keen I freely express my vitality my sheer exuberant joyfulness to please myself! Because it is natural It is what needs to be I am the wild Joyous life force Come and meet me. " I couldn't express what I am feeling in any other way. She captured Baba Yaga! The time space perspective I am in. I am thankful for all I have learned and gained in the fun of my life. I have always been on a mission to share some humanitarian or nature purpose. I was part of a charity in my twenties. Created a Green Collaboration with Harmony Clean's Owner Debbie in my 30s. I created a magical kingdom at my flower farm for events and to adorn green brides and earth friendly events. Had retreats, festivals and workshops there. I build an education room and intimate retreat center for the healing and expressive arts with Sue Walski, The Room at Meadowbrook finishing my 40's. I still am the virtual coordinator of classes. In Colorado I have done some coaching and created a feminine circle. I created a podcast, with Erika, my daughter, The Magical Holistic Healing Arts. It educates on holistic modalities and conscious living. We are showcasing others and learning ourselves! I ve done so many humanitarian projects and the paragraphs is getting long. These are the highlights! Now......with all this wisdom I am to have garnished and feel I have, I find myself sharing the wisdom of good water! How simple does it get after all the study, investigation, training. As an elixir girl, how did I miss the most valuable elixir of all? Plain water without the chemicals and electrified (as lightening resets the earth)! Active hydrogen takes out the toxins! Simple H2O. The emotions, the crappy food, the crappy thoughts, the polluted air, the emf's..... water can clear as the most basic and powerful of all tools. Who would of guessed! My Wise Woman soapbox would be water???? Not me! We are atleast 70% water. A lesson I could of learned in elementary school. Hydrate your body, keep that fluid flowing and with the best you can find. Basic, simple and fun. It is almost a joke to my extreme study girl, esoteric thinker and deep studier! Ha! It is just about water. The flow, the fluidity, flexibility, the energy of water that really connects us. The water circulates the whole of life. We are sharing water with every living thing. Together we are connected, communicating and flowing with all that lives through water. It is deep and esoteric as well! Yipoee for me!! i look forward to those I will help as the Wise Woman Lyn Ann! Whether homeopathy, energy embodiment, my videos, my book, my podcast, the water, a workshop and retreat, my coaching, it doesn't matter. I am here to remind us of our playful, wise self who in the end,..... realizes it is all about laughter and water! What a fun yet twisted giggle of a wise woman role. To really just flow and celebrate it all!! That is my wisdom. My wisest to date! The joyful, playful oxytocin vibe, well hydrated, gets to dance in the world as she is!! I am loving this latest phase. Wise, in a new mountainous, beautiful state. A farm down the road to play at. Leaders to meet that are innovative and hip hearing the call of water. Healers of all types sharing their magical art with me weekly. Presently I am supporting a chiropractor create a a new program, Cracked Open Courage. I get to watch the newer, more innovative, perhaps out there truth of living in harmony with nature is the highest fun! I get to support it's unfolding. As I am part of the unity clan. I see the universal love, know to hold others hands through life and giggle finding humor and beauty through it all. Then you catch the flow, the water, the tai chi energy, the sparkly gel that sparkles in all and you can see it. This is my Wise Wisdom offering. I would love to support you become luminescent! And yesss........that is Athena, The Goddess of Wisdom! All the Goddess are within you!
One of the greatest gifts of all my study and learning is to appreciate it all! I don't always find this easy or do it in the moment of strife or calamity yet I know inside somewhere that I will use it all for my learning. Or that I could use it to strengthen, better or improve myself. Life is filled with so many unexpected factors almost daily so a strategy to manage even the worse of things is required.
I have lived on a very steep edge for over two years now. New reference points needed to be created and most all of life is anew. This has stretched me in all ways. There were times of being lonely, unstable, scared, uncertain, wanting to hide in bed and I did. I think often we do things and don't realize all the ripples of change and growth that will come with it. I am not different than many as we are all creating a new life on some level. I have grown through this by feeling and giving space for it all. I have honored my feelings of fear and confusion by watching them pass through. I have asked for support when I needed to hear all will be well and I am making it in this new land. I have stretched to go out, join and participate even when I didn't really feel it yet then enjoyed it. I have also appreciated myself when I didn't want to engage knowing I am doing enough even if it seems not. In essence, I have appreciated it all, especially the harder parts by being gentle with myself. We push, shove, should ourselves and are quite critical of our sweet being. We have been raised without the understanding of self care and gentle loving of ourselves on our worse as well as best days. This insane training has created many issues in our psych. Wasteful brain space used on outdated training that is not helpful or empowering. An attitude of appreciating it all gives a kinder approach to ourselves and our world. Despite the hard knocks of this world, there is much to appreciate even in the darkest times. Love shows up as do other people. Beauty is always surrounding us. Epiphanies show up. Miracles and serendipity occurs, Emotions are cleared and feelings expressed that then open us to more goodness. Learning love and kindness is lurking in the darkest of situations. I look forward with a new attitude every morning knowing my lens of viewing will hinder or support me. I honor the negative I feel and the positive. I have to pick myself up again and again as others. I appreciate myself and my effort. I know I am not always my best and know that is ok. I appreciate that I am doing my best on any given day, some days my best better than others. I truly appreciate myself. I have let go of criticsm and catch myself if it starts to come in. Why beat ourselves up for anything? No one cares. They are caught in their own illusive drama like you. Appreciate yourself like a child needing tending and be there for yourself. This other stuff has to go. It is unnecessary. Most have consciences and will learn their way. We will too. Appreciate all your efforts and the one in you who doesn't want to effort. Not all can be appreciated with the horrible situations around us. Appreciate what is there too. It will support you. It is a helpful world. Others are always there when you need them. Kind hearts are around. Receive support if you need it and give support if you have it. This small remembrance can bring in the sparkles Generally you only need a little goodness to shift you closer to okay. I love you all and this world we are getting to change together. I have no idea where all will land but you can bet I will be in the section that is smiling if I can find them. I will be the helping and recieving hand. I will support a more collaborative world where we can help each other no matter what comes our way! I will be one who notices the blessings already are. I will be enjoying them. What other choice do we have but a hopeful, faithful ideal that we feel in our bones? You ARE Wonderful! On my own, divorced and recreating in a new state and finding ways to thrive, I have learned so much. I know how many feel with health crisis restructuring themselves on a physical level as I have done. I have gone from a wonderful life married and growing flowers to being divorced, single and out in the world creating a new business, a few in fact. I have gone from extreme adrenal stress, being very much in anxiety and panic to grace and ease in flowing. I understand rebirth, creation and reinvention on all levels.
It is inspiring to me to support others. I have always been a humanitarian all of my life. I care about others and often the most down trodden. I can thrive in a crisis as best you can so it is natural that I can support others. Supporting others is a passion and in helping myself, I have learned many shortcuts and tricks to redirect and repattern. I have studied the healing arts for over 2o years and have a podcast with my daughter sharing different ways to holistic lifestyle. Sharing conscious lifestyle and holistic healing a purpose. These interviews have expanded my ideas about health and the holistic perspective. In a world so filled with transition and unexpected animosity, I wanted to offer my wisdom out to the world. We need each other at this time. To share our gifts and learnings in order to support others and be supported. It is the collaboration that builds us all. I enjoy my mix of arts that involve giggles, hydration, oxytocin practices, homeopathy, energy awareness and spiritual perspective to move through life. Holistic is about whole. We realize just operating on the physical level with food, medicine or healing does not enhance our multidimensionality. We need awareness of our energy field, our patterns in thinking and feeling, our mindset and our connection to our spiritual nature of joy for life are all important. We are in these dimensions whether we cultivate them or not. We can shift our life easier, quicker and with greater clarity when we realize these parts of ourselves. Holistic implies this whole view of life. When one level is off, if it is physical, it will invole our stress from the emotional or mental level. If we don't rejuvenate our spirit, our passion and joy, then we will find other levels off. It offers a higher view of ourselves than just part of the physical animal kingdom. I have free videos for woman on my website on the power of oxytocin and woman's health. I wrote a shifting woman's health book about how to have alluring beauty and health through green living. I write my blogs to inspire others with what I learn as I learn it. I share water and homeopathy to support emotional, physical and mental levels. Our spirit and health is enhanced when we are hydrated. All just works better so I share the Kangen ionizers. They support clearing chemicals from our home so we don't live in toxics and use more plastic. I feel many allergies and issues come from chemicals in our products and food and educate on that. I already spoke of our podcast to educate on conscious lifestyle. I coach others in transition as I have been and we create ways to regroup your life into more oxytocin, pleasure and joy as you do. I wanted to offer support and my learning. We are shifting as a humanity. A greater view of ourselves and how we are a whole worldly community is amping up. Collaboration, connection and community are ways to build a joyous life. These things have worked for me. I am happy to share as I go along. I want to help others find solutions to health, beauty and quality lifestyle so reach out. Email me, message me as I am here. Many are looking for a supportive hand and I offer it. Let's help each other create a greater experience starting with our own worlds. We are all part of this together so lets work together creating anew! Fun! Photo by Terree Yeagle of The Moment Photo We are in the magical season of summer here and it is magnificent. The sun beams on us, we enjoy outdoors more, we engage with others in abundance and simple joy is everywhere! Glow is the word that is in my mind today. How are you glowing? How are you enjoying, sharing, beaming with your wonder? How can you cultivate more glow, more vitality and joy? These are the questions I ask myself as I begin the day. What can I offer the world in big and small ways? Who can I effect and what expression gives me the best opportunity to flow and be active in life? We get so caught up in small ideas, rambling mind patterns and things to complain or bitch about when all around us is life becoming. It pays to have a practice in joy. A way to redirect yourself when you catch the mundane causing you disturbance. Glow, emanate, illuminate, radiate, vibrate, shine. All great words that inspire me to be the spirit I am. Sure I could get caught in the doom and gloom as others but it just doesn't pay off. The news, the bickering, the right wrong conversations add nothing but strife to my world. Some say be informed and indeed I am. We must work in our circle of influence not concern. We can get overwhelmed by all about us if we don't remember we have power to focus and there are certain things we influence and others we can not. Focus on what you want. Focus on the beauty around you and then you too will feel and be beautiful. Focus on how you can support, inspire, make a difference. Focus on what gets you motivated, up in the morning and out spreading joy vibes in the world. We need everyone focusing on the good, delight and fun so the field has things other than anxiety, fear and anger. We can choose to glow our beautiful self and ideas or ride with the overwhelming negative energy. Focus on what you enjoy, love and get inspired by. it is all in the field as well. Find it with your attention. I find this supports me continually to redirect. Nature offers it so easily. People smiling can redirect. Taking care of myself with the right food and water inspires me. Movement that flows and soothes, makes me feel good in my body. A book, a friend, a animal, a flower, a bird, laughter, giggles, all can redirect. Seek these things that invite you to glow. Be the vibe that inspires the field around you. It is not hard and it is powerful. The best part of glowing is that life meets you there. Good things occur. People are kind and offer the goodness back. The earth smiles and the creatures show themselves. The opportunities show up like magic. The offers of fun and delight land near you. It creates a magical experience in the same world you were in but with this attitude, it becomes enchanted. I inspire you to find your glow! Glow into the world. Radiate joy, fun and laughter! Find ways to lift others and support humanity in the smallest ways. It fills you up, you sparkle out and the world draws in the very goodness you put out. Reap what you sow. Sow seeds of glowing delight and watch how it returns! Blessing to all! www.Hydrateyourlifewith Inspired coaching with me. Lots of ways to health and wellness on my site! Reach out for information or inspiration to flow in grace and ease! I have been in connect with so many lately and it seems quagmire, cocooning, confusion, slowing down, not knowing, uncertainty, all words I have heard. Many have stepped back from our usual ambitioning. Taking time to go inward and it is not necessarily comfortable, yet seems the call. No one certain as they were before, reviewing, evaluating, revaluing what is important. This is a crazy time. Our government issues, our inflation, our unrest is everywhere. How do we find our balance?
I, too, have been on my own re-creation journey in new lands. It is not easy or comfortable most times. I often wonder what should I be doing? I interact in groups and expand but it is not always so fun or cozy always being "new" and explaining my story. As a flower farmer for years, I am quite cozy on my own. I can isolate or recluse especially when I am not feeling powerful. Many post all their fun on social media and often we think their lives are filled with joy. It is a great positive media yet we must remember most are going through a catharsis. As above and so below. With the world in shift, so are we. I inspire you to use this time to up level yourself. I have found through this time that some of my self talk has become clearly not helpful. I seem to ask, "Why is it not working?' Well the answer to that question is never ending as though that question is going to help me get things working. I am clearer in watching myself, my own questions I ask, what I focus on and these have been great tweaks to myself. I have encountered many emotions that I never had in my home town. Being lonely, feeling jealous,(something I never really dealt with feeling before), second guessing my choices, all emotions that come up when confusion and instability is around. Our world reflecting this so we too getting chances to clear ourselves. I have listened to motivated doers who are at a lull. have ditched projects and are going in new directions. This is not normally the case as we like to complete things. With this uncertainty, it can get in us and our personal ideas. Remembering it is occurring world wide supports us to not consider we are just lost. Humanity is in a transition so we all get to participate on the outside and inside. I find it again, a time to notice myself, observe, see if these are outdated ideas and patterns or just the energy of the larger world reflecting to me. Second guessing or doubting ourselves never a healthy practice. I wrote to let you know, no one is alone in this. We are all in a quagmire, reviewing and a bit confused. It is not you personally only. It is us all and the larger energy field has a great affect on us. I do encourage you to be with your feelings and shift through them. Getting in disagreements or battles with others is high now and often the case when things are in unrest inwardly. Chances are whomever you conflict with, you will not open or change their mind. When defenses are up and people are clear on their opinions, I find it best to disengage or just listen. I won't turn anyone on to something new when they are in that righteous, I know space. So be cautious with whom you surround yourself and engage. Silence is golden when conflict is the other choice. I also inspire you to really hone your radar on what is joyful about. It is harder these days to have joy when we are all in a big field of confusion and conflict. It seems everywhere you go, on all stations. I am using this as my refinement to find joy even harder. Nature offers it often to me. I do take time to reset more, doing Tai Chi for a few minutes or just looking at the mountains. I am more aware of my emotions and when discomfort is building, I take responsibility to shift. Either a friend, a book, a quote, an action that can lift me is a great practice. As I said, hone in on joy and get better at finding it. Use the tools you have learned in life to reset as this is a good time to become a master at that. Resting more, self care in greater levels, quiet time or meditation all help. An old adage when it is foggy, just sit. A hard thing to do when we are in strife, uncertain or panic. Yet if you don't know what to do, doing nothing can be the best solution. Otherwise you could use that angst energy and create an issue with something or some one just because that resistance inside is present. Take care of yourself. Be wise and listen to what your body needs not what you should be doing. These all very different than our training but more effective and good times to practice caring for you so you can add to the world in positive ways. I am right here with you all in finding my way. It is challenging and many others are feeling it. Rather than let that larger field affect you, step away and listen. I think our guidance systems are being activated on greater levels and listening for it is part of this time. A new world is unfolding and we are part of it. I feel that I want to add to the world in good ways, inspiring equality, individuality and freedom to be ourselves. I must notice, direct and control myself when this energy is around. It is easy to get caught up in. Yet I am creating a new way of myself and for the world. Take this crazy time to really up level and know you. See what can change and become more real as you. We can lift others by just lifting ourselves. I inspire you to do that. What other choices in joy do we have but to create it when it seems rare to find. Blessings to you all as we are on this transformational journey! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
February 2025
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