We have not been adequately taught about our bodies. I was blessed by the Himalayan teachings that were simple, practical and understandable. I watch as science begins to share this information yet it is offered in complicated ways especially in the sea of information on health. My experience, thorough study on the body and healing as well as dealing with my own ails continues to support what I was taught.
The healing system is the parasympathetic nervous system. It supports all renewal, rejuvenate, refresh, rebuild, detox, it does it all. We can either be in this system or the sypamthetic nervous system of action or flght or flight. You can not heal when your body is in the action system. All the energy is being used for what you are doing. We are in this system so much that we stress, build cortisol in our systems and that creates ill effects. It is that simple. The question becomes how can we be in the parasympathetic nervous system more often to allow our body to cleanse, digest, clear, get rid of the cortisol and other effects of so much action. We all know that stress is the killer It is not all bad for it is our system to move and create. There are happy hormones that counteract this cortisol. We can create these happy hormones through periods of rest and rejuvenation. Sleep is a healer when we are in this system and we spend half of life doing that. That is why good sleep is so important. Oxytocin, is a magic hormone of this system. Called the pleasure or happy hormone., present during intimacy or bonding, tend and befriend activities considered the love hormone. There are other happy hormones, all only present in our body during relaxation and pleasure. Oxytocin heals with incredible magic so I focus on this one for who doesn't want more pleasure in life? You can not be in the parasympathetic nervous system unless you are relaxed. This creates peace in the body so it can do its repair work. Energy can go to rebuild and renewal only when we are in a state of relaxation and pleasure. There is no other way. That is why all information tells us to relax more. Even spiritual study, nirvana, bliss, heaven on earth, these states only come when we are relaxed. That is when we have divine connect, when higher states of awareness can be present, when life flows, we are calm and clear, we breathe easy and deep, our body can do it's healing work. To me this is clear and simple. The question next is how do we get into this healing system many times a day. 2 1/2 hours will make a full reboot. These are the facts of healing in the simplest terms. I consider that if I can keep resetting myself into this system through out the day, my body will become trained to do it on it's own. I found when I first learned of this, I was in consistent anxiety and stress when I didn't need to be for I had trained my system in that habit. Our lifestyle and misunderstanding of our body creates this bad habit. However, our innate health system is magical when we work with it. With consciousness we can bring ourselves into this system, flood our being with happy hormones and then it eventually, naturally does it for us. Rather than being in the stress of the sympathetic, when we are done using it, our body can naturally go into the renewal state. Easier said than done when you are in stress 24/7 but practice in this makes this whole sacred body temple reset itself to healing. As I was taught, high impressions are a start to this system activating. These are the #1 nutritional source that feed us good energy. You create what is your own high impressions that you take in from the world. Meditation, nature, good books and words, passion for life, waking up to a life you are inspired by, feeling good, meaningful connections with others, anything that you take in to juice up your life. It takes no energy to digest or shift into. it is just raw good energy that you take in. This allows you to relax and create health when you are feeding yourself high impressions daily and many times. You find ways to fill your life with these things. I go into nature throughout my day between things, on my way places, just 5-10 minutes of absorbing nature gets you in parasympathetic. These things inspire and bring pleasure to your life, thus greater relaxation and health starts with these. You begin training the body to chill down throughout the day. Anything that relaxes you will do the trick. We all have our own way with this. A cup of tea, watching the birds, sitting on our couch in delicious leisure, eating with pleasure, laughing, smiling, receiving good news, doing a hobby, tai chi, or flowing movement, connecting with others, the list as endless as people on the planet. It is simple. Taking breaks through out your day to do small and large things, will activate the healing system of your body. This slowly absorbs all the extra cortisol in our body. It starts to reverse it and, of course, we are not creating it during these chill times. I find the healing and expressive arts very supportive in this way. Healing treatments and eastern movements I have found key to getting into this state. You begin to understand what this healing state of the parasympathetic nervous system feels like. That is why I am promoter and activist for these and create education through classes at The Room at Meadowbrook. I love many of the self help practices too. I call them practices because you do them like anything, ie. playing the piano. Repetition improves any skill. I am blessed to that I learned this and cultivated this state in my body. I can feel this shift and energy rolling through my body. We all can do this, I was taught to feel this through Aharaj Yoga, a stress clearing martial art I learned that is simple. It is why I teach it for it taught me to feel my energy field and as I began to get this, subtler ways of sensing opened up. Through all this, I can feel the melting of the parasympathetic nervous system in great ways that allows me to really feel relaxation deeper and deeper in less time. It is a training and why I teach the arts I do for they all created for me a system of nourishing myself through body awareness and inspiring the feel good hormones. When you can get into relaxation, parasympathetic nervous system bliss, it is like nectar from heaven. The sparkly gel I call it. Like honey or a fine elixir, it is melting, chill that warms, calm bliss. I had to cultivate what it feels like for we don't really know the full feel of relaxation in our modern life. It continues to get deeper and more present as I practice. This is the focus of my educating, my coaching of beauty and health. It is all about this. Pleasure and play are great ways to begin noticing and putting your body in this system. I find Jin Shin helps me tremendously and do I do self help practices daily. Especially when I have to wait. I love Svaroopa Yoga for this gets me into such a state of relaxation the whole class, supports the muscles that attach to the spine and I get such relaxation from it. The more I learn, the more fully chilled out arts I practice where I am almost in a meditative state as I do it. Feldenkrais is another wonderful art that is basic movements or the practitioner actually does the movement. I like the treatments where I don't wince or feel any pain from getting touched. I can really flood in relaxation and oxytocin and the more I do it, the greater it is. This has been my experience. I got a polarity treatment for the first time that was amazing and reminded me of a Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment. Any treatment that creates relaxation and supports the body to these happy hormones. There also many things throughout the day that can call up this state. I want you to take this knowledge of the parasympathetic nervous system and consider it when you are living daily life with small doses of pleasure, doing movements so you feel good in your body or getting healing treatments where you feel relaxed. These are great times to retrain your healing system. I find the full on relaxation and pleasure of it with healing treatments and movements where I can really enjoy being in my body. I find honoring my body, my health system, "feeling good" in it so important to have health and beauty. This is different thinking than most wellness knowledge. I stand by what I have learned for I am healing and feeling great when my body is in growing older. These Masters knew what they were talking about with the energy and dynamics of the physical body vehicle. I inspire you to really take in this wisdom. It is easy to find ways to get into this system and you should feel relaxation. It is not a thinking, it is a state of being and for me it feels like champagne bubbles in my body. On my site I have a practice, a breathe that shifts you into this system if you do it a few times. That way you can start to feel the vibe you are seeking to create in your world for activation of the healing system. Oxytocin is the ticket and if you see anything of it, pay attention and learn all about it. Pleasuuuuuuuure is the word! Simple, easy, fun and relaxing to fit in pleasure and calm in the day. Now you simply understand the importance of this. It is not that hard and your natural innate system will do the work for you. It is a beautiful sacred body temple that we live in. Learning of it through the healing and expressive arts, eastern medicine treatments and learning of the relaxation vibe will create healing and health faster than what is out there. This has been my experience that has changed my world and why I am such an advocate and teacher of this wisdom. I am inspired to share this simpler health. Getting to know yourself, understand your body and find ways to chill and play are the best elixirs out there!! Play with pleasure!!
As I travel through life, trust is a key word, I am blessed with a trusting nature. I know my dad would worry about me being so trusting. He used to tell me to not be so open to the world. I chose to trust others, life and things anyway for I didn't want to miss all the good for the few bad things that occur through not trusting. As I get older, I realize how important trust is. I even have it as my spiritual intention, to trust God, Goddess, Source, whatever you want to call it, as my partner and working for my highest good.
When you have an intention or a belief, we all know it gets tested. I think this earth is set up that way. It is part of our growth as creators to see if we really believe, really trust, really know that no matter how the cards fall, we are strong in our belief. So often what appears bad turns out to be perfect in hindsight. It happens to us over and over again. Yet we still struggle to really put some of these ideas into action for the things before us seem to want to prove them wrong. It is considered refining, taking us at our word. Do you really trust? Do you really believe in your power to create? Can you hold through 100% til the truth of the situation can play out? That is how it was taught to me and it makes sense. The creative forces work together and some amazing stuff occurs. What we want may not always be the highest good or the solution that will fit perfectly. This is where trust must come in. We know this to be the case too. How many times did we want something to occur and it didn't but serendipitously, a greater thing occurred and we were so glad the idea we had didn't? Trusting that highest good reigns is a tester and refiner for our small mind wants what it does. Greater things are coordinating, mixing and combining to create our worlds and a faith in this process is necessary. I once missed a flight to Colorado and it was devastating. I couldn't get there until the evening when I was supposed to arrive in the morning. As it all played out, it worked perfectly when I arrived for others things went whacky that day for my daughter, her move and her help. When I actually got there, we smoothly managed everything quickly. In the end the highest good and fun was achieved. Yet as I sat on standby, saying my tone, praying for a seat, it was harrowing and I kept having to stop myself from negative self discussion about my timing. Yet divine timing did reign and I learned the power of all is perfect even if it doesn't appear to be. Many don't trust others from their conditions in life. This too is a barrier, for they will naturally push others away unconsciously. There fear will create just as powerfully if not more than their desire to trust. They could really think they want one to trust but their unconscious fear will offer them up many people that could or could not be trustworthy and it will seem as they may not be just by the hidden belief. It is work to live, trust, believe, create. There is no simple solutions other than to see your lessons and stretch, forge through them and refine yourself to what you really want and clear those hidden beliefs. We all have them and our work here to get past them. We don't have to but it pays to work them for that is how we expand, grow and really create what we want. I know there is much on manifesting what you want and I don't think they give enough explanation of this belief, trust energy vibration. If you are not 100% in that vibe, the smallest doubt will cast and not allow creation. All the action and thinking won't matter if there is anything inside that doesn't truly trust and believe. This small bit, this refining of doubt is the lesson and the missing the goal is teaching you to be in that full vibration. Each time you do try to create, you can use the miss takes as a way to refine your trust, your belief. That is the way it is set up. So you use it all so the next attempt will be successful. It is my experience that this is what it is. I write so you can possibly learn from my understanding and error. There is no doubt that it is hard to trust others, the world and even ourselves. Yet if we don't go for it, attempt to have trust, how can any creation occur. Truly when we want something we must trust we will get it or it is just an idea circulating within us. Trusting in others brings out our vulnerability for we could fail or get hurt. We all have. Yet will that stop you going for what you want? I know I can't let it stop me or what else is there but to be in what is. I would rather throw caution to the wind and belief that a greater experience can be had than just resolve in what is. We are not creating if we do that. We are allowing conditions to run us. That is reactive not creative. If we have this power, I figure I will learn how to use it. Otherwise what they call default runs us. Not choosing means a choice will be made by the conditions. That allows for no creativity. So much could be written on trust but today as we have this eclipse, the longest one in 100 years, these unconscious things that glitch our creativity are going to show up. Maybe not today, the eclipse is a time where the hidden can eventually come to the light of knowing. If we are diligent, we can work with the conditions and find these pieces, use these things to clear, support our growth and creative power. We are so complicated with all our bodies, all the experiences we have had that create barriers to life, all the moveable parts of this reality. Yet mastery is our gift and divine we are so these things are just part of the puzzle to unearth that great divine creative power and use it not only for ourselves but the upliftment of others. May you take time to reflect on trust and how you could have a greater vibration of it. If you truly believe the world is good, people are good and that life is for our great unfoldment then live that belief. The world does have much that goes against that so it is an inward process to have a positive direction. To live in fear, to be small and unable to manuver creatively in this world seems a waste of all we are. My trust has brought me so many wonderful people, situations and gifts. Yea, I have been screwed, hurt and humiliated too. But I don't let that stop me from creating. I just consider I had to learn, I needed to refine myself and what I was doing wasn't truly my highest good even though I wanted it to be. There is a greater creation we are part of that is quite benevolent and ready to support us has been my experience. I chose to live with that over what everyone else wants to tell me. We are all here for different lessons thus the vast array of approaches, conditions, responses and beliefs. The individual nature is to be refined and each in its own way. We would be best supported if we just concern ourselves with ourselves and our learning. Allowing others to create and exist as they see fit. With so many levels of consciousness here, from people in sheer survival for food and shelter to those growing toward enlightenment, how could it not be so different? The rules, conditions, choices are based on such different needs. Trusting it all is perfect and designed this way makes sense. Keeping my energy, my thoughts, my beliefs in areas that I have control will create the best way to power and mastery of myself and my life. You choose, your trust, you believe. This earth seems to me to be all about self mastery in unsavory conditions. Joy, happiness, love, health, wealth, all seem to be in our control as I have experienced. We trust and value how we do. It all counts on us. Trust in yourself, in life and others is the only way I understand that creation can occur. Otherwise we are cast upon the waves of what is. There seems no power in that. Riding them with a surf board of belief in our abilities seems to be the more exciting and fun choice! That is how I am working it. Stormy weather is just part of life. As in nature, we too have stormy, sad, depressed and anxious times. We have anger like lightening, tears like pouring rain. It just is. So how do we surf through this without pretending, stuffing down or denying these feelings which will only to be dealt with later in greater force?
Our reality or perspective has to first know this is the high and low of life. No one escapes this. There is nothing wrong with our life if we go through a low spot. It is part of the balance and continuum of harmony. It storms in nature to balance the atmosphere so it does the same for us. If we hit a low, rather than reach for denial or escapism, see what is trying to be heard. The sooner you catch it, the quicker it shifts. If you put it off, it lingers. If you look at it as your body, mind and spirit giving you a message it becomes a navigation tool rather than a problem. When I feel off, there are a number of things it could be. I look to see if it is just energy I picked up from another or a situation I was in. This can happen like catching a cold. Sensitive people pick up on others misery and must make sure they don't read it as their own. I ask, "Is this mine?" I get a quick answer. If it is not, it tells me who and I just let it go and ask to be cleared of it. It works that easy. If it is mine then more must be done. I identify the emotion or feeling. Is it anxiety, fear of the future? Is it depression, I'm stuck in the past or a past thing coming up? Is it tiredness? Annoyed? Anger? Sadness or loss? It is key to identify it. We often just consider bad emotion as all one and it is not the case. Self awareness supports us to know our feelings so we can better get the guidance it is offering. Each feeling indicates something different. It becomes easy after a bit and you know your feelings and the differences. At first, it takes a minute to tell the difference. Do yourself a favor and learn the small differences in these vibrations so you can better navigate your life, self and messages that these feelings tell you of your world. As you do these things it is quick. It takes longer to write it than to do. If I am angry, I identify why? Am I hurt? Am I victim feeling? What is going on within me? These are important questions for who else will know if you don't? As it unfolds, I can get through it. You must watch the mind though. I will warn you for it can get going on some tangents and bring up more and more energy of feeling that is not necessarily there. You can still clear it all but it gets more complicated as you go into a pattern. If I am angry and know why, I can express it to another in a conscious way. I can move about and express the energy through working out or cleaning. There are many ways to move energy. Do I need to barrier or boundary myself from someone or something? Do I need to move out of a situation or change it? These are all awarenesses I can do as I decipher my storm. As we self question, we figure it out. Sometimes it is childhood issues that were activated by someone acting as another has. We can notice and clear this. We can realize it is a reaction and get present. This will update our childlike way as we grow it up with an reorder. We may need to make a change that keeps coming forward and we are afraid or don't want too. All these things create low emotions that support us in growth and learning when we actually try to figure them out. We can talk to another, a friend or counselor. We use these indicators to rebalance and take action in life. We are receiving these gifts so we know where to recreate and change, so life is more fun. The inward move is key. Get to know yourself! It is very important and actually fun. Meditation, writing, going in nature, reflection, all bring us understanding of our world. This alone time is very important if we want a happy life and to know ourselves. It supports us as we grow and shift toward new life and health. It is the first thing that negative low emotions suggest. Find out what is missing, wrong, needs change or be cleared. I love to see it this way. Illness is I ness, or we need to go inward. Wellness is we ness, we play in the world. So if you are low, be alone and figure out your message. It becomes not good or bad but a way to know what to do using your emotional nature. It is a gift to guide us through our feelings. Sharing how the environment is effecting us. Indicators as to what way to navigate. No one wants to feel bad or low. Yet the world is live and constantly giving us guidance on how to move. When we are low, I ness supports us so we don't get illness. It keeps us away from others so we don't make our low worse. It gives us time to see what is without distraction of others issues. It lets us know ourselves and what a part of us is telling us. It is actually good to sleep, rest, be quiet and grow forward. Why we label it bad is that we don't give ourselves this time to review or to know ourselves. We are activitied up so we put off seeing the message and it gets worse and bigger. Ride the storm as it begins with finding the next space to go in and figure it out. It is a helpful world and it is always supporting us. It becomes our task to listen, make time, uncover our message and navigate it rightly. Storms are actually quite clearing of our inward space as the ones in nature refresh the air. If you notice soon enough, take the time, you don't deal with hurricanes. The big storms that become destructive, things flying and life getting out of hand. If you do, no worries either for that is a lesson in itself to attend to the feelings earlier. It is all part of learning, growth, expansion. Discomfort is part of it. The chicken struggles to get out of the egg and the life force struggles to break the seed shell. They do and they grow so big. These things are part of our experience and actually quite a necessary part. Make peace with having low emotions and storms in your life. They are good, They indicate redirect and this creates new growth and happiness. I inspire you to see things in a lighter way. Some days I love the stormy emotions for I express them and they are gone. I forgive myself and feel clearer. Truly all weather is good. It is just part of what is here. So ride it!! Learn and grow! That is what we are doing here anyway! Our society has quite the taboo on sex and sexual desire. We are allowed to chatter it in jest and in a flirtatious way, but a serious discussion to understand this life creating desire is not found about. No one ever spoke of sex to us in a way of learning or understanding. Our world, driven by this desire to create new life, has many things hidden and unwanted energy manifested by pretending this powerful energy doesn't exist. We don't just not think about it for it is not a thinking. It is part of our physical life force, our whole body designed to procreate. We are in an environment, nature, that has only sexual, creative energy buzzing about us every minute. This seems a topic we must address.
I address this as a learning of myself, to understand my femininity and my divine sacred temple body I live in. Science says as woman age, this desire gets stronger. As I learn of femininity and the truth that woman are the pleasure beings of the world, I am embracing this sexual desire nature I have. Many beliefs exist in me and around me about this. Dispelling these untruths part of the learning and embracing the incredible way I was created as a sexual, creative being my goal. Woman are the highest creators and their body designed to create the highest form of life. Our body different, creativity our basic nature, our womb the most important part of our body. Union of man and woman creates new life. This desire is a force. It is not a thinking but a biological, hormonal force acting within us. It has a purpose, it can be honored as sacred. I am not sure why we don't honor and embrace this? Enlightenment, relaxation, oxytocin (the pleasure hormone), the parasympathetic nervous system that rejuvenates, all inspire our body to be healed, calm and peaceful. Intimacy resets us, rebalances our cells and electrical charges, and give us a powerful pleasure that nothing else can give. It creates life. This is some powerful force and good feeling. Why do we not embrace and want to understand this more? Oxytocin, the healing pleasure hormone, the greatest healer is exuded during sexual pleasure. Maybe our desire is based on healing and health as well as creating life. That is pretty cool. We have all these rules about intimacy, when and how, with who and why. We have judgments about others choices. We have a whole "me too" campaign based on the misuse of sexual desire. We have a whole internet that was built from the beginning by porn. We seem lost about this desire, how to embrace it, what to make of it and how to explore it in a healthy way. I think it is an individual and personal choice. I can only learn and understand myself so why would I bother trying to figure out what others do? Especially about this subject that no one truly discusses in truth and openness? I chose to say it is brilliant and part of me as a spirit and a human. I like the feeling of pleasure. Our womb, sex organ area is associated with the sense of taste and considered our pleasure center. We can embrace pleasure many ways and support this drive. Pleasure inspires relaxation and a great healer! It resets our body into the parasympathetic nervous system and creates oxytocin. This balances our cortisol, stress levels. It comes in many ways and pleasure a desire that must be filled. Pleasure is something we all want in this world so lets look at this desire, drive and center. Sexual desire, food pleasure are only two ways to manage this center. Creative endeavors on any front inspire pleasure and support this sexual energy. Often when we are not experiencing pleasure in other areas of our life, we get this need to be fulfilled. Food is the easiest way to quell it. We can often overeat if we have no other pleasure for it is fastest to satiate. We can get overly sexual as well because we don't have pleasure in other ways. This desire very powerful. In understanding the mechanics of our body we can see it as a call to use creative energy that drives life. Seeking ways to do this in our lives will support to move this energy into positive expression. We can choose how to use it. It doesn't need to run us into overeating, over thinking of sex, getting lost in how to express that it uses us. Creative desire may be a more accepted way to speak of this. It opens the idea about this center and this desire in us. We can use it in many ways. The Masters taught me that we can use this energy and move it through whatever expression and chakra we want. Food and sex are one way. In grounding this in our root chakra we can create beauty in our body through movement and health. By using our power center we can use it to work in our passion. In using it in our heart center we can use it as great healing love. In our throat we can be a muse and inspire others with this creative energy. In our third eye we can use it to see visions and connect with divine seeing and will. I find pleasure to be the key and prime experience here in a body. Engaging our senses to really feel, hear, see, taste, smell and touch the world. Not in hedonism or overindulgence but in everyday enjoying the world as we move. We are grounded in our body by this sensing. We are healed, relax and reset by this pleasure and the oxytocin hormone. Sexual desire is just one of the ways this can heal us. It also allows this energy to be useful in our world and around our world. It is not all about sex anymore but something greater. To me, it is all about healing and inspire you to look wider at this energy. Yes, we could pigeon hole it to just sex. That offers us great healing and pleasure. But anything overused or obsessed about is not healthy or pleasing. Balance in all things is the best. To create pleasure in all ways in our life will add more health and healing. Sex is one way. Creative endeavor a vaster way to use this force. Then many things can occur, we use the energy as the power it is and we don't get run by it. We use it wisely and purposefully. I, as a woman, have much of this creative, sexual energy. I am designed that way. I will use it all ways to support pleasure, healing and creativity. I do not feel bad if I want to express it through sex. I teach energy efficiency and management. There is no doubt this is a great healer so I won't call it immoral or wrong. I will place it in my box of healing tools and use it when I feel it is healing. I chose to let go of the crazy thinking about sex and desire in the world. I find it all beautiful, healthful, pleasurable and quite natural as divine expression! I will take pleasure in all ways! For that is the second most healing to oxygen, the Breathe of God. We are creators. This is our creative center and it is filled with powerful energy to be used in the world. Let us embrace, honor and be passionate about this sexual energy! It creates. We chose how to use and direct it! Oolala! People often ask my how I can be so happy and kind. I often am more forgiving than most, I open to many chances with others, I trust in the world and I anticipate goodness to come from all things. Today, as I think of why I see the world like this, I realize maybe it is because I have been around alot of death. Not those close to me, but those who have lost others since I was in high school. It really has inspired me to be open to what is here and now.
After time, only the good remains of others. Yes,we all hold things against others in protection but I don't hold on too long. It seems senseless and time will wash it away. I try to embrace that and remember the good. To take that forward. In the end, it is all that matters. Regrets and guilts are useless. I don't want to carry them forth. When people pass, the good things are what are missed and the oddness or behavior that was not so brilliant is forgotten. So I have used this learning for all people. To remember the good. We all do wacky things and that is not who we are. We are bright inside. I see and seek that in others. I let the rest go. Often when others are not so fine, it is stress in life that causes reactions. We get the spin off. It's just how it is. When we are stressed, we act in ways that are not who we are. They are responses, Others can get offended or hurt. We don't mean to do that. We are just working out issues and confused, so we do messy things. We all have done this so I give myself and others this benefit. I know it is not often as personal as it seems or feels. We don't know what is around the corner. As we get older, we see more people pass on and we realize we all will. It becomes so important to really value what is now and appreciate it. I try to clear up issues, let go of past things and move on toward good remembering the good that was. Many friends I am no longer in contact with. I still remember the fun, the greatness and support that was there and consider there is a time for everything. Maybe now we are different, have divergent paths, whatever that separates us need not be an issue. We can still recall what was good and keep that with us, letting the rest go. Holding grudges, judgments, anger just has no positive health purpose. It is useless to keep such stuff inside us. It takes up room where more could come in. It all washes away anyway at some point and it doesn't matter. We all move onto new things. So I seek the good in what was, let go of the bad and direct toward more new good. It is energy efficient, as my teachers would say, "Hold onto only what fuels well." Keeping your energy positive, your focus on what is good and move forward with better energy rathan than weighted down by negativity. I inspire you to clear out what old is within that just isn't worth remembering. If the past comes forward, review it, let it go and I often say, "Who cares?'" Let by gones be by gones. I don't want to hold crap and pain inside. I want to recall good and fun. We are alive. Love is the healer and joy it's expression. Keep this in mind and put it into practice. If creates health and happiness. We chose to keep kindness in our hearts and let the rest go. We can seek new positive things from our learning and not be bogged down by it. Update your past. Allow the good of relationships to be with you. Let the rest go and if they are gone, be thankful for the fun and even glad they are. Who cares. The next moment is waiting for attention. It just may have something really good to fill you with. I spent over 15 years growing organic flowers on my farm in Hilltown, providing magical pieces for green weddings and events. I had many local businesses and private homes getting fresh flowers delivered throughout the season. When I left my vast farm kingdom, I expanded my love of beauty through woman's health education classes and promoting the healing and expressive arts. This was an outcrop of my growing. I was inspired after Himayalan Masters came and taught me ways to understand my body, beautify myself and transform my energy. I changed my thrust from just flowers to educate others but continued to grow flowers on smaller scale and create for events.
This spring I did a peony wedding where I created that most magical, handheld, cascading wedding bouquet so perfect for the bride, We added a wrap of her grandmothers handkerchief on the stems and one of her rosaries. It was beautiful and will post it once I get the pics. She loved it and the flowers at her wedding so much that I wondered why am I not doing a few more weddings a year? I have another this fall and realized that I had given too little time to a gift I had cultivated for so long. I know all the local growers so not growing enough flowers isn't an issue, I certainly have a wondrous gift for the right bride. As we grow and expand, we shift in our purposes and there is a period to rebalance in our new way of life Adding in new things, others take the back seat only to recircle in remembering to blend all the things you love. I had a hairdresser once who had owned a salon, decided to sell that and purchased an antique store. I would get my haricut there on Sundays and he often did scrulptures in the back as he was minding the shop. His continual expansion into new arts and recreation while keeping in the old always inspired me. Leaving my farm was a challenge and I let go of this creative gift because I was not in my kingdom of gardens anymore. After a few years away with many new projects, i realize that I should continue creating with the gardens beauty whether I grow it or not. I always collaborated with the other growers anyway and we shared flowers all the time. This new leg of life, need not be absent of floral creations for I am inspired to support brides and gifted with how I create with natures beauty. I will give more time to this magic art I have. This year as I review and reflect with my marketing team on how to update my website, I will put more attention and time into playing with flowers. I also will offer my new love of Clinical Homeopathy. That too has healed me of many ails and supported my energy to be vital. A creative mix of things I have gathered from life that I love to share. Whether it is flowers for a bride, being the minister to perform the ceremony, educating woman on sacred femininity, teaching the martial arts, promoting the Room where spirituality grows through the healing or expressive arts or just playing garden goddess in my small patches, these are the things of me. These are the gifts I have garnered through my life thus far that so inspire me to health, enjoyment and service that I will make a life of mixing them all. We are multidimensional beings with so many facets that we develop on all levels. Others find a single focus to be how they work. For me I am a creative woman that likes to share on many levels. I thrive on the mix of things, evolving my experiences and my gifts into new ways to share beauty, health and wellness. Expansion and growth for me is the elixir that keeps me vital and mixing my artistry. Stay tuned for my new look to the site and how I blend all my offerings into The White Lotus Cottage. Growing beyond Harmony Hill Gardens to a new home with many rooms of elixirs and gifts. I am here to support beauty on all levels so I delight that more eco chic brides will be coming my way. We have a new moon eclipse this Thursday and it is to be powerful. We have much stirring in the skies to invite us to let go and fly forward in greater authenticity and happiness. Eclipses are about those things hidden, those things buried or unknown to our consciousness. It is the perfect opportunity to transform and leave the past behind.
We hold onto things, people and memories often as nostalgia or protection. I understand there is often ways of life that created great fear or panic in us so we hold them present so we don't run into them again. However, so much has usually occurred since many of these things and we need to update the world here and now. Often parts of us are still operating as the small children, holding fears and scares that really can't touch us now. Holding on too long creates patterns and ways of being that are not necessary now that hinder us. We all have this, these unconscious fears and patterns. Yet when we have these and never really let them go or clear them, they run us and take us away from joy or happiness that we could be experiencing now. With consciousness, we can use things like the magic of the eclipse to transmute and use the energies about us as a way to release the old, outworn, no longer serving us. It does takes conscious choice and action to allow it all to be transformed. We don't need the worries, the energy tied up or the odd habits that keep us from our true selves and joy. Each day is new, each moment can be fresh, all is moving and growing and we can ride with this by updating ourselves. Allowing our new experiences, our greater wisdom gained from living, our reordered version of life to be born anew. As the eclipse addresses these things, in the sign of cancer which is watery and of emotion, we call allow old feelings and fears to be seen and released. Cancer is a very mothering sign offering us an opportunity to nourish ourselves with those things that support and let go of those things that no longer serve. Maybe they did at one point but the time is now to release with the support of the higher energies. We also have expansion of Jupiter about and the wonder of Neptune, the spiritual oneness planet supporting us to be more of who we are and not who we were programmed as. Whether you believe in this stuff or not, you can allow yourself greater expression through consciousness. I invite you to truly feel the power of this new moon when we are to be putting forth new ideas and ways of becoming. Use the eclipse as a way to let go of stuff within. Whatever it is that comes forward, old emotions or situations that have plagued you, it is time to Let it All Go! Who cares what was. Who cares what you have done yesterday? We can begin to allow ourselves freedom from our critic, our past mistakes, our indulgences, our bad ass ways. We no longer need to carry forth things that don't nourish and inspire. We all have skeletons in the closet, we are all a mess on some levels, learning about life as we go. No need to hold ourselves back with these errors or miss takes on things or fears of what was done to us. Our being is in constant evolution. Gaining wisdom and knowledge about life as we go. What we honored yesterday means little to us now. Our thoughts, behaviors and actions are in constant shift. We get that opportunity to update and cleanse ourselves with consciousness instead of keeping junk around. We become lighter, clearer, have greater opportunity to thrive and live vitally when we clear ourselves and let go. The balance of the year offers such beneficent energies for growth, joy, expansion and experience. Clear yourself so there is room for the greatness ahead. The world truly does support our becoming. Life is live and is happening each moment. We get the opportunity to participate in this or to carry old stuff keeping ourselves clogged and weighted down. I say, Let It Go! Be present to the wonder here! Allow yourself permission to shine and open to a greater you. It is a sky full of stars supporting our greater unfoldment whether you believe it or not. The new Age of Aquarius is knocking at the door offering us new ways to be and experience. So might as well just join in! Blessings and peace to your journey! We hear that life is a celebration! Each day a gift. Why do we wait for big things or key turning points to rejoice in the blessings? Some mornings getting up and getting where we need to be is it's own celebration! We could experience greater joy and a better moments if we expanded what our view and meaning of celebration is. Part of my ministerial blessing directs me to rejoice that life is a celebration. It states that as I get this deeper in my mind, heart and consciousness, I will be a greater gift to others. This rings in my head to remember, to notice what there is to rejoice in.
If life is a celebration, how can we experience this more? Pondering that expands our ideas and ways to be in joy for what is happening in the moment. We often wait for something or are seeking an end result. There are things that we could celebrate for they are already here. Expand your expression and lift your mood by pulling in this vibration. For instance, this morning on the porch, this cat bird was in the tree. on the walk and coming very close to me that I almost thought it would attack screeching or singing at me. I wasn't sure if I was near his nest, he was giving me some message or this was just a celebration of nature noticing and engaging with me. I chose to see it as a cool absurdity that I never had before. I giggled and talked to this flying fellow! It lifted my mood and vibe. Nature continually brings in small moments of celebration. The blooms, the scents, the small miracles can inspire this rejoicing vibration that brings spring to your step. Others good news is often a moment for celebration. Really feeling their success can bring us into a greater mood. I see it as mine must be coming soon for they are receiving goodness. Feeling their joy can give me a joy vibe easily and switch my perspective. Small things like completing a project or task I hate can bring in a "Wahoo"! Any time we accomplish, even cleaning or organizing a mess can be an inspiration for rejoicing. We do these things daily and can accentuate the vibe they give us by amping it up rather than moving onto to the next quickly. Taking the time, resting in the moment of completion or settled feeling, the glee we have. These simple things renew our energy. Good connections with others. Finding a piece of information I was seeking. Getting an answer to a question I was pondering. A synergistic flow of things. All these are opportunities to celebrate and delight in the simplest of things. So many ways in a day to see life as a celebration. Seeing different animals cross my path. Catching the sunset at the lake. A look at the moon or starry sky in awe. Seeing kids play is a vibe so infectious. What brings your life greater richness each day? Celebrating often can support us gliding over the rough spots. Redirecting our focus, relaxing our mind, allowing lighter vibration to carry us and inspire us. I invite you to considerhow to bring in this 'life is a celebration" in your own way. We hear many quotes and they sound good but lets apply and live them. This one especially, for it offers good energy and sustains a positive attitude. There is always something to bring us into the joy. No, it may not be a pollyanna world, yet the more we celebrate the minutia, the more positive direction we have. This is what creates goodness. So celebrate!! Talking things through with others is so important. We must present in honesty what we are feeling and thinking so we can continue to be connected well with others. In our techno world and with such speed of things, we often put out all kinds of words without the immediate interaction with others. It has it's place but a good relationship needs true discussion or things can be interpreted wrong and havoc ensues.
We often don't speak up when we are uncomfortable, afraid to say what we are thinking and how another will react. This is a terrible practice that causes conflict where there could be none. It is hard as well to honestly share our feelings sometimes. Vulnerability or what others will think comes into play. Yet if we don't share it when a discomfort occurs, how can we learn the nuisances of another? When you bring it up later, the person may not remember or be able to support in an honest answer. We call it clearing in spiritual circles. If something comes up, we are advised right then and there to deal with it. Then there is no opportunity to fester it within, overthink it, create more of it and eventually build resentment fromr not speaking up. When we do speak after we have over thought about it, we come with a form of attack and how is another to support you with your understanding if you come at them. They can only defend themselves. We all have done this overthinking and the way society teaches us, doesn't support thriving relationships. Marriage seems the easiest example to see this. Many times we look the other way, don't say what we really feel and then resentment builds between two people. Feelings are not right or wrong. They just occur and often we get triggered by situations and our feelings may not even have to do with the one we are with. If we don't bring forward that we feel off then and there, it is much harder to clear and get good communication by holding things in. My last blog was on wild boy and how I felt he was maybe desiring one different than I. In putting forth what he desired or liked, I took insult to who I was. Not knowing him well and my own experiences with others created this disconnect. I told him boldly after I felt things and let them stew inside me and created a disconnect in our relationship. Yes it felt honoring of myself to say what I felt. That was good and I got learning there. However, the way I approached it was anything but a way to thrive in connecting with him. I should of done things differently if I wanted to continue forward. When we feel uncomfortable and don't share it right away, we can make more of things in our minds. It is not easy but the study of tantra is about reaching past this to find higher connection. Old situations come into play, triggers of other relationships and we are not dealing directly with that person live and present. Relationships get ruined from this. I may have done the same with this guy by not really being clear and open so we could discuss it properly. I told him, he was angry, we stopped chatter and it dropped out. At one point we did have a discussion on things and greater understanding was reached. I could of prevented this by being forth right in a chat rather than a message. We all know this and don't heed it. It creates havoc in our connections. When we do discuss things in a live manner, tones of voice, ideas, ways of seeing things, interpretations, feelings, moods, all can be walked through to create understanding. After we spoke, there was questioning of what was going on and how it would work. The way I handled honoring myself created more disruption than harmony. I am not sure if we worked through this, but I realize again what we all know that chatting is the way to connect with others. Feelings are not right or wrong, they are energy and can come out of no where. The best way to work with them is notice, share and let go. Often we don't do this and cause ourselves and others disharmony. We all have different ways of doing things. It supports to have opposites blend and expand into a greater whole when two are not alike. Communication is key in this tantric process of harmonious relationships. Since I had no reference for this new man, it is even more important for me to share what is going on. Men and woman are very different and if we are to create harmony, we must be open with what is occurring so we can support each other. We know that we are very different and the only way understanding can occur is if we communicate clearly for our way of processing is different. I claim no full understanding of men or dating or relationships. I do know the ways that will create greater connection yet I like every one do not always follow the ways that will best support that. Life is live and we make errors in how we do things. This creates growth. I can't waste time feeling bad for doing it the way I did. I can only look at what could of better supported the connection and do better next time. It is the way of life to miss take on things and then hopefully do differently next time. I do give myself freedom to be wrong, to make error and know it is just how it is here. I also allow others that freedom and have to remind myself that communication is truly the connect of energy that creates harmony. After discussion which was pretty uncomfortable, we came to a greater understanding of each other. We found common ground again to atleast not walk away with anger or misunderstanding. We had a better take on each other. That is what communication brings, understanding. It is such a simple thing that we often don't use it to support us rightly. He gave me adoration and did many wonderful things for me when we were together. I said how much fun it was. I just got stuck in hearing other things that he didn't mean the way I took them. We were enjoying ourselves most of the time and I went off on something that probably had nothing to do with him. We don't know the inside of others. We all have past ways in relationship and communication. It comes in as baggage whenever you step into something new. In essence we often have many more things going on than meets the eye. How we grew up, how we were taught to manage things, how our other relationships went is all present. Being live and communicating clearly is our best hope to surf through truly connecting. He reminded me of others and when I claimed my position boldly, it reminded him of his ex. We both got hurt and annoyed which naturally creates a desire to run. Yet we can't clear or learn of each other when we do that. I am not sure how it will play out but I see how valuable in dating this honoring of self could be done to my better advantage. Communication is not easy always. That doesn't mean we avoid it or think our way is right and shut the door. Tantra is a whole study and science of harmonious relationships and it is something we must continue to learn. Each of us is different so honoring that, being open to share yourself truly and seeking connection through understanding is the only way for good relationships to thrive. This wild boy whom I don't really know has already taught me so much of myself. If we want to blend a mix of opposites as in man and woman and thrive, we must be very willing to communicate and allow for that process to unfold. I inspire you to stretch in your relationships to allow others to be who they are and give the space necessary for them to be open. Allow yourself openness to share as well. Truly share, even if it is uncomfortable. That is the only way to reach a soul connection with anyone. Knowing you both will interpret things differently can be expanding if you discuss things through. We are taught to run and cut cords and there is definitely a moment to do that. Yet the highest tantra, union is only reached when you expand in understanding and love with another. It is the highest form of connection and creates fabulous sex. Worth reaching for even if you fall short! The journey continues....... |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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