As I travel through life, trust is a key word, I am blessed with a trusting nature. I know my dad would worry about me being so trusting. He used to tell me to not be so open to the world. I chose to trust others, life and things anyway for I didn't want to miss all the good for the few bad things that occur through not trusting. As I get older, I realize how important trust is. I even have it as my spiritual intention, to trust God, Goddess, Source, whatever you want to call it, as my partner and working for my highest good.
When you have an intention or a belief, we all know it gets tested. I think this earth is set up that way. It is part of our growth as creators to see if we really believe, really trust, really know that no matter how the cards fall, we are strong in our belief. So often what appears bad turns out to be perfect in hindsight. It happens to us over and over again. Yet we still struggle to really put some of these ideas into action for the things before us seem to want to prove them wrong. It is considered refining, taking us at our word. Do you really trust? Do you really believe in your power to create? Can you hold through 100% til the truth of the situation can play out? That is how it was taught to me and it makes sense. The creative forces work together and some amazing stuff occurs. What we want may not always be the highest good or the solution that will fit perfectly. This is where trust must come in. We know this to be the case too. How many times did we want something to occur and it didn't but serendipitously, a greater thing occurred and we were so glad the idea we had didn't? Trusting that highest good reigns is a tester and refiner for our small mind wants what it does. Greater things are coordinating, mixing and combining to create our worlds and a faith in this process is necessary. I once missed a flight to Colorado and it was devastating. I couldn't get there until the evening when I was supposed to arrive in the morning. As it all played out, it worked perfectly when I arrived for others things went whacky that day for my daughter, her move and her help. When I actually got there, we smoothly managed everything quickly. In the end the highest good and fun was achieved. Yet as I sat on standby, saying my tone, praying for a seat, it was harrowing and I kept having to stop myself from negative self discussion about my timing. Yet divine timing did reign and I learned the power of all is perfect even if it doesn't appear to be. Many don't trust others from their conditions in life. This too is a barrier, for they will naturally push others away unconsciously. There fear will create just as powerfully if not more than their desire to trust. They could really think they want one to trust but their unconscious fear will offer them up many people that could or could not be trustworthy and it will seem as they may not be just by the hidden belief. It is work to live, trust, believe, create. There is no simple solutions other than to see your lessons and stretch, forge through them and refine yourself to what you really want and clear those hidden beliefs. We all have them and our work here to get past them. We don't have to but it pays to work them for that is how we expand, grow and really create what we want. I know there is much on manifesting what you want and I don't think they give enough explanation of this belief, trust energy vibration. If you are not 100% in that vibe, the smallest doubt will cast and not allow creation. All the action and thinking won't matter if there is anything inside that doesn't truly trust and believe. This small bit, this refining of doubt is the lesson and the missing the goal is teaching you to be in that full vibration. Each time you do try to create, you can use the miss takes as a way to refine your trust, your belief. That is the way it is set up. So you use it all so the next attempt will be successful. It is my experience that this is what it is. I write so you can possibly learn from my understanding and error. There is no doubt that it is hard to trust others, the world and even ourselves. Yet if we don't go for it, attempt to have trust, how can any creation occur. Truly when we want something we must trust we will get it or it is just an idea circulating within us. Trusting in others brings out our vulnerability for we could fail or get hurt. We all have. Yet will that stop you going for what you want? I know I can't let it stop me or what else is there but to be in what is. I would rather throw caution to the wind and belief that a greater experience can be had than just resolve in what is. We are not creating if we do that. We are allowing conditions to run us. That is reactive not creative. If we have this power, I figure I will learn how to use it. Otherwise what they call default runs us. Not choosing means a choice will be made by the conditions. That allows for no creativity. So much could be written on trust but today as we have this eclipse, the longest one in 100 years, these unconscious things that glitch our creativity are going to show up. Maybe not today, the eclipse is a time where the hidden can eventually come to the light of knowing. If we are diligent, we can work with the conditions and find these pieces, use these things to clear, support our growth and creative power. We are so complicated with all our bodies, all the experiences we have had that create barriers to life, all the moveable parts of this reality. Yet mastery is our gift and divine we are so these things are just part of the puzzle to unearth that great divine creative power and use it not only for ourselves but the upliftment of others. May you take time to reflect on trust and how you could have a greater vibration of it. If you truly believe the world is good, people are good and that life is for our great unfoldment then live that belief. The world does have much that goes against that so it is an inward process to have a positive direction. To live in fear, to be small and unable to manuver creatively in this world seems a waste of all we are. My trust has brought me so many wonderful people, situations and gifts. Yea, I have been screwed, hurt and humiliated too. But I don't let that stop me from creating. I just consider I had to learn, I needed to refine myself and what I was doing wasn't truly my highest good even though I wanted it to be. There is a greater creation we are part of that is quite benevolent and ready to support us has been my experience. I chose to live with that over what everyone else wants to tell me. We are all here for different lessons thus the vast array of approaches, conditions, responses and beliefs. The individual nature is to be refined and each in its own way. We would be best supported if we just concern ourselves with ourselves and our learning. Allowing others to create and exist as they see fit. With so many levels of consciousness here, from people in sheer survival for food and shelter to those growing toward enlightenment, how could it not be so different? The rules, conditions, choices are based on such different needs. Trusting it all is perfect and designed this way makes sense. Keeping my energy, my thoughts, my beliefs in areas that I have control will create the best way to power and mastery of myself and my life. You choose, your trust, you believe. This earth seems to me to be all about self mastery in unsavory conditions. Joy, happiness, love, health, wealth, all seem to be in our control as I have experienced. We trust and value how we do. It all counts on us. Trust in yourself, in life and others is the only way I understand that creation can occur. Otherwise we are cast upon the waves of what is. There seems no power in that. Riding them with a surf board of belief in our abilities seems to be the more exciting and fun choice! That is how I am working it.
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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