Our idea about our bodies and our connection to it needs a reality check. This relationship needs to be reviewed with the facts if we are to have true health and well being. Slave drivers we are to this most magic animal that we live in. Our pets would never survive how we treat our bodies and yet we get up everyday. We give it very little honor and quite dictator-like direction! Our car gets better care as a vehicle than our physical body.
At my masters class this weekend, we were listening to a seminar at one point of the late founder John Roger, speaking on this very topic. His comment was that our conscious mind, who runs our life and where we are coming from most of the time, should be in awe of our body, this basic self who runs the physical nature of us. It really clicked deep in me in a greater way. Most know I teach honoring our body, connecting to it, reveling in its sensory nature but the "in awe" of it was a profound perspective. To really give it the honor and reverence for what the body actually does for us with no real thinking on our part. Not in awe as of worship it in a above all else, but in awe of what it does and how to work with it in a way that supports both our body, our plans of the mind and our spirit in wellness through life. Lets really think about this for a moment. We have the spirit of us that never ages, our true self. This "us" uses the mind for ideas, to catagorize and label. The emotions to inspire movement and action with preferences on things. And our physical body, animal so to speak, seems to take orders and run with all this direction to create in the world. It runs all our physical situations even when we are in another level. It digests, does all the work, builds our body and runs our physical presence without our thinking. It has an auto pilot that drives our car automatically while we are off in our minds rambling. It really does most everything here for us often without our conscious direction. Often called the basic self, or body deva, it truly is quite an interesting level of consciousness that we are blessed to ride with. When our mind, our conscious self gives it the honor, the awe, we find it works better for us and with us. In fact, that was the learning there. To work with our habitual, animal self in unity, together in a way that is kind and supportive. As yoga calls it, the horse on which you ride. When you really consider this relationship as that states, as a perspective of honor and care, it really shifts what is happening here. It also shows us how little reverence we have for our body! Being quite the task master and pushing it's limits with no communication with it or notice of what it needs to actually run well. When there is no honor or connection, then it becomes as an untrained animal, fighting us tooth and nail as we try to direct it. It is a piece of us that needs care and cooperation to get the most from it. The basic self is a patterned part of ourselves. It doesn't like change, it wants to run in grooves and patterns, it keeps us in sync with the world of nature that it is a part. We are in the animal kingdom, so that physciality cycles with the rest of nature. It has plenty of energy and wants to do and complete. It likes projects and movement. It is our true laboring part of ourselves. To understand and know it's ways, its gifts and limitations is paramount to health. It mode is survival and it has an innate health system that is operating. We should have great awe indeed for what it does for us as we roll about in our mind. When we work in unison, as we do our pets or car, with our body deva, it truly does all the work of health and well being. If we honor, listen and direct it, feeling good and being able to look good and move around is really a no brainer. It is all the meanness and abuse we put forth on it that makes it the unruly teenager. It needs direction but also gentle care as a young child. Once you shift your perspective, really get what I am saying here, fitness, health, being in shape, looking good and feeling good is a much easier affair. Not only that, you don't really have to work at it with your mind for this lovely basic self does it. It takes direction and will conjure what you want with your loving care and connection. The main thing to develop the right relationship is to listen to it. It is continually giving us messages about what it needs by signals we often gloss over. When it's tired, you are tapping it out so illness can creep in. When it's hungry it needs food to produce energy. When the emotions are low, quiet alone time is necessary to rebalance. When it is filled with energy, it needs to move to expend it. It has to manage all our emotions, thinking and plans and it is a worthy servant when we cooperate with it. So tuning in throughout your day, as you would a child goes far in developing this relationship. As you do, the body deva can bring forth such health and well being, joy and good emotions without us even thinking about it. it is its nature to operate optimally naturally. We just need to work kindly with it. Lastly, the ability to feel pleasure, the healthiest elixir in life, comes through a body experience. Our mind can"t feel pleasure only acknowledge it. Our emotions can express how good it feels but the body feels the sensory electricity of experience. The Awe to me is in this. It is the experiencer of relaxation, happiness, joy and sensuality which creates and participates in the feel good chemicals. It comes through our body being! It is the vehicle that connects all levels of mind, emotion, spirit in physical awareness. It grounds everything into the physical level experience in unison with full sensory expression. It is the partaker of it all and it gives us full pleasure completely. Really consider this view of your most sacred vessel of the body. It is the tool of pleasure and every joy we can think of. Honor it as the great conscious being it is and find greater ways to work with it. It will give you what you are desiring in life as the work horse, as the sensory part of yourself, as the doer, as the relaxer, as the balanced spirit you are. You can't experience any of this without the body on board. It is the most worthy gift of being alive here. You may want to be a bit more kind to this pet of yours. It's love for you, of you and by you will create a much more magical experience while you are alive on earth.
One of the greatest things I learned of my body and was about our central nervous system. We have a parasympathetic nervous system and a sympathetic nervous system. Most of all of us are in full sympathetic nervous system in our cortisol state of fight or flight. We have two systems and balance a key word in anything. Men are more capable with their body to be in this competitive, adrenal state of the sympathetic nervous system. It suits their bodies.
Woman on the other hand are less able to sustain health just using this sympathetic nervous system. With our body, hormones and organs, we are designed to be riding more in the other, the parasympathetic nervous system of "tend and befriend." It is our more relaxed state, when our body renews, we move slower in more creativity and connectivity. It is the pleasure system, oxytocin is the hormone that is exuded and makes woman healthy, luscious and youthful. This creates health in our body. Doesn't matter what our mind wants or what the world demands from us, our body is designed magnificently in a certain way. To me this is vital health, anti-aging and well being news for woman. It explains why most woman have problems in their wombs, breasts and hearts and thyroid. These are the feminine organs that are suffering from us running in the cortisol of the sympathetic nervous system! Next it becomes how to we work this while living in this world so run by this fast production energy? That is where education and retraining come into bring us health and beauty. We can still be productive, creative and get things done when we are in the parasympathetic nervous system. Fight or flight is not a healthy mindset or is it condusive to good decision making. When we are in eager anticipation, feeling safe and calm, bubbly enthusiasm not excitement, we are in parasympathetic oxytocin. When we flow at a slower pace, we still get things done, it is our state that matters and how we move. Excitement good or bad is adrenal stress. So we just have to watch how we are moving to bring in that health. Our state key to flow, our body is designed for smooth. graceful ways. When we are stressed, our body produces more acid. More acid creates dis-ease as well as creates fat to pull out the acidity. This can create weight gain. We are designed to be less aggressive. Movement is more effortless yet powerful in different way. It is about the exhale, the release that brings us to that calm oxytocin state. Shallow breathing signals the sympathetic nervous system as does chest breathing. It is about the belly with woman, the cranial nerve #10 is in our belly, this signals the vegas nerve up to our hypothalamus that we are in safety and can be in parasympathetic. We can ride in this state, it is our innate health state and our body wants it. We just need to feel that feeling in our body, create it throughout the day and stop all the adrenal panic that we ride in. It takes a minute to retrain but once we feel and understand the importance, our body will support us to be in this more relaxed, feminine state and create it for us after a bit. It is how our body is designed to move in the world. It is the calm and collected state. You know how you feel in that. We need to make this our base state for greater health. Inspired, more grateful, slower moving, feeling safe in the body, eager but not anxious, these are the emotions of oxytocin. It is not a thinking, but a visceral state that supports health so our energy flows how it should, not as a mans. The beauty is that when we stop this power drink of cortisol and shift to the healing nectar syrup of oxytocin, we create a magnetic field that is positive and extends nourishment to the world. Anchored in this state, we have powerful influential energy that we are not using. It activates higher states of self in others. It is that "mother" energy so to speak that comforts, supports and uplifts. It is called Shakti in the yoga schools of the East. A well of energy we don't use here and awaiting us to tap into. It is powerful for us and for those around us. I can not share enough about this. It shifts so much of your experience as a woman, your health, your world approach, your energy, your beauty, your overall joy. The body expresses best as a woman in a relaxed state. It is science and so we might as well get on board for it is law. It takes time to de-adrenalize but the smooth rhythm of our body is worth it. It is a practice and it takes conscious knowing and feeling of this parasympathetic nervous system. As I said, once you get this flow, this more graceful ease of movement, your body naturally glides in it and supports this energetic experience in the world. The power and energy you feel from this state is so delicious. We get so much done as woman and always have yet in the panic, anxious state we are unfulfilled. Our body is worn too. In this gliding, flowing pace, we enjoy getting just as much done without all the anxiety and illness. It is really science, understanding the dynamic of our body and how it works. In the West, we were not taught the basics about the feminine way or the body of a woman. Once you learn, experience and understand the dynamic, it becomes a greater experience with alot more joy. Life is still filled, moving and has its stress but you get why you need to approach it in a different way. It becomes natural, we are filled with energy to move in this new way and we are not getting ill from misuse of our body. Woman do a ton and have the capacity to do it all. We just need to do it in our feminine way, slower, more in ease, the right attitude. Moving fast doesn't always get more done. For woman, it creates a more haphazard approach and wrecks havoc on our body. In oxytocin, we ride in grace and ease having more energy to do more in a uniquely feminine way. Yes it is a blessing to have learned, transformed and educate on this most beautiful art of being a woman! I am sharing a 4 week class in May Woman's Health, beauty, power and magnetism about this very thing! I share about this in all my classes! Join in and find your Art Of Being A Woman! Terree Yeagle of The Moment Photography created this photo with the lotus in the background for International Woman's Day a few years ago. Yes a bold move to post such a photo of myself but in light of the day, I am feeling beautiful and fully inspired to be a woman at this time! We, in our authentic nature are on the rise and the world so needs our feminine gifts!
I want to inspire woman everyday to really embrace our gifts of sacredness. We often forget what they are and don't revel in them. In a world run by men's rules and us having to adapt to them to play in it, we push aside the very gifts that we need to bring forward. They are natural to us, we use them so easily for they are part of us yet we don't honor or realize the power we hold. Just hearing about them gives us a better opportunity to embrace the wonder that we are. We do not even honor most of these traits for they are so easy and we are natural at them. Yet when we really get it, we see these are the things to cultivate and use more in our worlds. The coolest thing is that we will find more health and balance using them as our mainstay. We are the nourishers of the world. We naturally care, support, involve, engage and provide others with nurturing to be greater. We know how to do that easily on all levels from the physical of food to the emotional with our muse like inspiration, the mental with caring words and the way we say them, and spiritually we are the holders of the sacred space. This is our territory. As example, our house is so wonderful, relaxing, pleasing and inviting because of a woman's touch. We nourish all with our artistic ways and inspire relaxing and letting go just by being around us when we are in our authenticity. This nourishing is second nature, we don't even have to think about doing it for we just are that. It rolls into every area of our life. We are the community holders and communicators of most all things. We set up practically everything that happens in togetherness. With our families, groups, teams, friends, charities. We can bring together all types of people, vastly different and support them to blend, be together and cooperate. We hold the thread of togetherness naturally. If there is a crisis, call one woman and watch support and help flood in with the woven community woman have without any list or work. One calls another and boom, like wild fire, many do a little and support is brought forward in a big way. We have this magic of community, collaboration, blending, flexibility, power that takes no effort. Our gift of communication so incredible. Our voices like magic, our connections deep, our web unbeatable with no plan. We go into all situations, dark or light. If anything occurs, a catastrophe, a death, woman are there serving others and supporting. We can go in with the courage, love, understanding, stamina, hope, presence to just be and support. This is very powerful for we do what needs to be done. Do we like this? Doesn't matter, we are there at every turn helping others through all situations. Celebrations more fun but we create them too in fine artistry. We are the masters at all this work. We do it magically too! We can balance all situations too with our communication, master negotiation and flexibility. If there is a conflict or disagreement, a woman can get in there and bring peace in most occasions. Our very presence cancels out the drive to be right or wrong. We are the masters of win win and we do it from kids, to neighborhoods to board rooms. We naturally dispel competition when we are in our feminine state. It is our natural group mentality and good of all instinct. Many men love this and bring woman into meetings for they will dissolve the testosterone hype just by their presence! We can bring all types of people, ideas, cultures together easily. We are naturally flexible and adaptable. No matter what comes forward, we shift, switch, turn around and make it work. We think quick on our feet and can recover from unexpected with a new plan in no time. Our adaptability a key gift. It is why we are the child bearers and it is a gift in all things of life. Much unexpected occurs and woman can adjust themselves, others and the situation very quickly. When in our innate way, we live from our hearts. There is so much insult about our emotional nature and heartfelt ways but it is a power way beyond thinking and connects us to intuitive sensing that is more emcompassing than logic. We can know greater things, see bigger pictures and support the core of life force in ways men can't begin to understand. It is easy and natural for us although these days, most woman are cut off from this feminine power. Our emotional nature is an unerring guidance system that is bigger than just ourselves. We have stuffed down so many feelings and have no trust in this voice but that doesn't mean it is not there and awaiting our cultivation. This time is about the feminine principle, the nourishing on all levels and woman will soon be reconnected to this most sacred gift that supports the larger world. We must connect greater to ourselves and our bodies for it to be available. The world is calling and inspiring it so it will be uncovered. The heart way to live is one that is superior to just mind alone. Mind is very flat, with no texture or understanding of the nature of things. It is all just thinking and yes, a great task master but the heart blended with that has greater understanding and brilliance in all situations. A sterile plan with no emotional connection or energy is just mechanical. We have enough production and mechanics in our world and look were we are? We need woman's heart mind ways. We are the artists, the beautifiers, the emotional passion, the motivators, the supporters, the blenders, the magic to this world in a way opposite and complimentary to men's skills. We need to embrace this and bring it forward rather than just use the "man" skills. It is a lopsided world with everyone playing that way. It is time to bring balance, grace, ease, harmony, collaboration and gentleness to the table. Without woman, we may just blow up the very existence of all that lives. With woman in their innate power, that would never occur for we live to support the very life pulse of the world. It is our gift and our nature. Not only for life to go on but in beauty, harmony, peace, play and fun! A much lighter power than domination. Cooperation is the woman's mastery. So embrace these innate charms that are of all woman naturally. These are just the few that popped in to revel in myself today. Thank Goodness for all the woman around you! The world would be more serious, competitive and have no fluff, excitement, glamour, intrigue, mystery and charm. Woman are the flowers of the world, men the bees. Imagine no flowers and all bees? No one would survive for the bees are nourished and feed by the flowers. The flowers just flow and flex in the wind, look beautiful, smell exquisite, have intricate architecture and provide the food and beauty to the whole world! We couldn't exist without either. But there ways very different and both need to be equally expressed or the world looks like it does today. So embrace your wonder as the magic lotus flower your are! The bees need us, delight in us and whether they get it or not, all our survival depends on woman stepping into their true authenticity, gifts and power. Join me in embracing and savoring the loveliness we are. It is not wrong for me to boldly claim my wonder with this picture or within myself. For if I claim it for me, I claim and support all woman. It is indeed time for us to collaborate our way to balance. Being full of ourselves is important for who else would we be full of? Our own spirit is all that can fill us! We can be nothing but ourselves! So embrace it! Happy International Woman's Day! Revel in your great femininity!! We journey through life and it offers less than optimal conditions. I am very aware of the challenges we all face and I have spent a good 4 years in newness and expansion beyond most. I am a happy spirit and flutter along, anxiety an issue for one in my shoes, yet I find incredible amounts of wonder, bliss and things to be grateful daily.
I can be in a disasterous situation, full of fear, anger or anxiety, wondering how will I get back to balance and find my peace? Within moments, I can be in complete bliss and joy wondering how I was ever so blessed. This is a practice I have cultivated through all my study and experience. It is a blessing and it gives me such ecstasy in living so I encourage you all to find ways to do this and share my tips. It begins with knowing all is for my becoming and great unfoldment. This is no easy task, especially when fear, panic is about. Yet there is an observer or underlying being in me that knows in 20/20 hindsight, I will see the reason and perfection in nightmare. We all know this and I call this forward to calm me when strife is about. This knowing is paramount. Knowing I will understand at some point or atleast find a learning. I also remind myself, I have made it thus far through many things I never thought I could. I call upon this often by saying "I am still here and alive." Secondly, I ride my feelings like a wave. I don't stuff them, I don't negate them, I honor and often express them in the moment. I don't talk myself out of them and I feel them for they are fleeting. I get angry, mean, unkind feelings and I see them for the gift of protection they are. I allow my bad, temper tantrum girl to exist, I keep her in check most times. If she lashes out, I make amends and love her anyway. I do not believe we will all be holy and kind in every minute ever. I know I can strive to have loving in my heart even if I use harsh ways of expressing it but I don't expect I will not be express "negativity". I honor and allow myself to be present with what I am feeling. If we do not, it will remain inside and be like a toxin and gather poison in us of resentment, unexpressed anger, self hatred and victimhood. I know this for this is how we are trained, especially woman and I will not participate in that anymore. Nice girls do have mean expressions and they often are protective not just being a bitch. I own that anger and upset and call it a good part of me looking out for myself. If we do not ride our feelings in the moment, they can bundle up within us and create powerful emotion, energy moving and will express. It will not be controllable or pretty. Then we will have to forgive ourselves and we will judge ourselves for blah blah. It is a bad pattern and a cycle that doesn't use the feelings as the brilliant guidance system they are. Be very weary of this pattern. Find awareness and flow with your feelings! Priceless! Thirdly, I clear things as they come forward. If I am angry, I notice and will say it if I can. If I am in a situation and get uncomfortable, I notice and rather than hide it, I often will share it in honesty and not in a way that will attack one. I am not perfect at this and I do not expect that. I use the term perfect to mean "completion" for that is the true meaning of the word. I try to complete weirdness and disturbances with people as they occur rather than carry around that angst. We call this clearing. It is a practice and it supports us in relationships as well as in having access to our true joy. This is a practice and if I do not feel I can share it out loud, I at least look at that in myself as soon as I can. I look for learning and my participation or role in it but I do not take all miscommunication as my fault and use it to doubt myself. I practice at this and I get better as I go. Fourthly, I notice beauty around me almost all the time. I do this by riding in my senses, seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling, activating all my body senses as often as I can. I use this to avoid getting so caught up in my mind ramble. We have a body, we need to be in it and use all the sensory gifts we have for they are there to support us in reading and participating in our environment. This brings in the pleasure of life. Pleasure is not a thought. It is a full sensory experience so our senses must be turned on to experience it. The more senses engaged, the greater the pleasure. I often find mind is not even involved in pleasure other than to label it pleasure as we are in it. Beauty is an easy thing to activate this sensual nature for we all feel good upon seeing beauty. Lastly, anticipate things to go my way by speaking and feeling that I am lucky. I often say, " things just work out for me." I believe it and they do. It is called positive direction not positive thinking. I look for miracles and blessings everywhere and they come in. I anticipate things will find a solution and they always do. I don't expect for that is a trap for us at times. I like anticipate and if it doesn't go as I wanted, I just flow through it rather than allow the pissed off pattern to run. I have worked on this one. Expectation is a shadow and detachment is the gift to get through it. Then the mastery of this, celebrating anything that happens as ok or manageable becomes the direction. That takes us back to the first thing I spoke of. In hindsight this will all be learning and maybe even make sense. It ties together. These are the main techniques that make my life joyful to bliss and grateful for being alive. This creates an energy that lifts me and others. They are the highest vibration feelings we can have, love and joy as well. They all ride together. It is my intention and purpose to teach people these things and how to play with our vibrational nature for health and relaxation. These are the keys. The practices can be whatever you want that will shift you back to positive direction. Movement, nature, sound, sensory awareness, all these just tools to refocus our vibration or feeling nature out of the low emotions and ride up to the high. Bliss, ecstasy, joy, rapture, love are really not far away in any given moment. You can retrain yourself to live this and it is not as hard or mental as our world tells us. The training programs out there are often far too much mind and time to do these things and their are quicker ways as I described above. Awareness being the biggest key to all of life. Life, fun, joy, happiness are much easier to find in the moments than we have been taught. I get so tired of these lengthy ways and processes promoted to do these things. We can do things the hard or easy way and I am lazy and playful so I choose easy. I invite you to use some of these ideas by just being alittle more aware. Life will truly become more magical everyday. I promise! It is not rocket science! It is living in vibrance and pleasure! We are designed to do this naturally!!! It involves most importantly using the mind rightly for it is only a small portion of our tools. We are trained it is the greatest one and it is only great at what it does. It has many limitations and truly confines our brilliant spirit from expressing here. Feeling, sensuality includes a slew more parts of ourselves with body pleasure and health as the result! So I say, Make love to life! Yessssss! Can you feel the surge to move, to start, to get going? Even though it is still a bit chilly here in the Northeast, the power of the inner earth energy is calling us to get gently start to expand. Our bodies feel the need to get in shape, move more, shift to lighter foods and inspired action to clear up about us. Getting rid of old and making a new order for the rebirth season.
I inspire you to do some sort of cleanse!! It is so easy to clear our houses, order about us but the body deva too needs to be cleared. It rejuices all our systems getting the sludge out. Like a power wash so all is sparkly and clean like a tune up for the more active season. All religions have observed this pre-spring rejuvenation. It is natural for us to want to clean our vessel for new growth and expansion. There are so many options these days. Many companies have great nutritional lines that support clearing through eating just one type of food, as vegetables and allowing parts of the digestive system to rest. When it rests, it detoxes and cleans up that area. Or some do fruits an vegetables, others water, cayenne pepper and maple system (Master Cleanse) or you could do real food with tasty smoothies. Any way that gets you taking a break from normal and allowing your body time to get rid of stuff within. When your digestion doesn't have to work full gear, it renews its parts like magic making it more efficient and effective. Pick one way, do for a day, week, month, whatever works. We all are different. You get the opportunity to watch, observe your relationship to food. When and why you want certain foods, how your body has patterns and also balancing desires. Often cravings are it's way to want to heal itself. Emotional eating is a thing we all do and a cleanse allows you to see how that all works. It strengthens your system for you to avoid here and there. Not in a bad way but in a good way that says, I am in charge of my body, it doesn't run me with it's cravings. I find it very enlightening every season I do it. You will find more energy at the end, more lean body weight and a renewal on all levels. You also have prepared your body for fresh greens of spring. They are harder to digest so get that engine ready for the healing fresh foods rather than slow cooked foods of winter. If at first you feel crappy, know that is normal. As we detox our body, emotions, old thoughts, crap comes out to be cleared. You may ache and feel sick. or moody as the detox runs its course. It only makes sense that if you are physically moving out toxins, it will effect your moods, emotions and thinking. Just go with it for at the end, you will feel grand. Food will taste better and the delights you put aside for the moment will be richer and have greater texture. Your body will be stronger for greater movement, have less excess weight and all will seem sparkly. Just like that fresh feel of the house after a spring purge. It is more powerful though for it is your sacred vehicle that moves you through the world so it is energized beyond any other space you could clear. I know you all will clear the closets, yard, bedrooms, possibly paint or shift about furniture. These are all great changes inspired by spring energy. I want you to consider your body being and work there. It is ancient health that has supported humans as long as they have been on earth. It is a natural instinct and desire of our body so flow into it. Your emotions could use a clean up and same with your thinking. Expansion can only occur where there is new space and openness for new ways. You have to clear for that to occur or you are just stuffed to the gills. I am doing one this year with real food. I normally to the 11 day Standard Process Cleanse which I love. However, I like to try different things and we have a 5 week class at the Room called the Restart Cleanse. I also am increasing my movement a bit with Sensual Dance. I will be teaching a Monday evening class in March to get my body back to it's beautiful grace of the warmer months. You can join me in this spring rejuvenation and rebirth of body! The Law of Sacrifice it is called. I have a chapter in my book that discusses the power of this release and renew practice. Many think this is a hard law but I see it as magic. You don't have to sacrifice things that you love or that are inspiring. You can sacrifice the old, outworn, detrimental things that no longer serve. Giving up is giving up. So give up the things that you don't like or need so new things of finer nature can be brought into you. All levels are seeking a clean and clear! Do use the spring vibe to support you in this. The energy and instinct is there, you just direct it into your highest good and becoming. Nothing hard about it. Just ride the wave of emerging energy and........ Make love to your life! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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