Life comes at us with such force some times. Crisis, panic, sadness, challenge, all stress us to barely get through the day. This is normal. There is no landing where this experience of life is all blissful. Often we see things in cycles and we just must ride it out. In these times, finding joy, laughter, motivation and enthusiasm is a practice. There is a lesson in this of rest, rejuvenate and care for yourself so you can get going again.
Choice is always with us so we can rise up when we feel the intensity is too much. Self care, self compassion and self loving are the most important things we can do. Often another part of us wants to push, know, get out of the scene or deny the yuck we feel. This is far more detrimental than accepting the crap we are in. It is not lovely, there doesn't always have to be some reason or rational that the mind wants to have. Shit happens is the phrase and for good reason. We don't have to always claim fault, ridicule ourselves or berate ourselves for feeling bad and being unmotivated. I feel like I have been under the shadow of death for a good part of the year. Watching two matriarchs go down as the circle of life has it. There is no mental rational that makes this feel good to participate in this. It is life. We all go through death and it is a heavy cloud about us. There is great pain and sadness in crisis. To be as healthy as you can through this, you have to acknowledge and accept that. You will not feel so full of joy and energy. In bad times we are tired, overwhelmed with emotion and we need a break of self care. It is the best path through it without getting further issues emotionally, physically or mentally. Down time is not valued in our society and it is the very thing we need to recharge and reboot. It is also the way that we have vital energy when we are left fielded by life's experiences. The value and healing of self care is the only solution. Something we all know yet do very little of. It is as though we must pretend, buck up and get going again and that is not always our best way back into happier states. We have to go through the low vibe and ride to the other side. Otherwise the feelings, the low energy persists in the back ground until we allow it to pass through. No one is excited to do this. No one wants to feel bad and experience sad, exhausted, overwhelmed emotions yet this life has plenty of it. To avoid is to allow it to persist. So hug yourself and go through the crap that you feel. Gently allowing this low energy to express for a moment by taking time to step out of life. There are so many options of self care. A bath. A walk in nature. A facial, a movie day. A nap. Self indulge in something that feeds you on the inside. The rush through causes more illness and low states. Our body has it's limits and will fight us if we push it to far into the doing aspect when it is out of energy. So we call it a low time, go into caring for ourselves and know all changes. We will get through this hard moment as we have all the others. We can inspire rejuvenation and renewal by doing the self care. It is what you body, emotions and mind are calling for. It is the only healthy way through. If we don't take time to rebalance when we have just gone through a crisis, we will add more issues of dis ease to ourselves. There is no way around it. As part of my reset through this dark year, I am nourishing myself in so many ways. In fact, I am not doing much else. I have stepped outside of doing anything other than the minimum. How long this will take and when it will end, I have no idea. I do know if I don't stop and regroup in ways nourishing. I will not be ready for anything good or even be able to revel in it fully with this exhaustion. I also realize that I can make bad choices when I push further as though I am fine. We pretend so much of our lives rather than living them. Pretend we are "good" when we are not. It is not a healthy choice to live in vitality. It is normal to feel off at times. It is normal to be overwhelmed and angry that life offered us a not so delightful experience. To deny or pretend goes against our body wisdom and care. We have to see clearly, feel and find peace with the challenge of life. We learn, grow and appreciate the joy when we have been in the non joy. Don't fake yourself out or anyone. We are human and can only take so much til we get to needing a break from it all. Soothing ourselves back to enthusiasm. Awareness of ourselves is a powerful elixir. Often minding our way through the world we go with no awareness of our body or feelings in a way that could support greater health and joy. We are not making up the world in our mind totally. We have many pieces to ourselves that we can be aware of and use as knowledge to get ourselves on track. Don't discredit your emotions, your body or your state. It is all you have to experience this plane. Give it some love, some attention and some tune it. That is multidimensional living. Rest, care and down time is part of it. You don't need to feel bad for noticing life sucks for the moment. You can gently care for yourself to renew through it. Knowing that your energy will replenish and greater joy is right around the corner. This is how we get through the hard times. We notice, we feel, we sooth ourselves and we recover. Like the animal we are, we go sleep in our space and do gentle things until it has passed. Our mind needs to quiet down for a bit so the rest of us can catch up. It is the power of caring for you as you do all others. It is a powerful healing tool that is always available. We know it but more importantly, use it! It is your path back into an magnificent life!
We are not taught much of death but we have it all around us. In the old days where there was one dying in the other room as one was being born in another. Maybe we had a greater understanding of this circle. Or perhaps being on a farm with animals, seeing this life cycle often made us more comfortable with it. It doesn't have to always be death of a loved one either, death is in all forms. Could be a marriage or other relationship, a job, a way of living, a life cycle. Death and rebirth are all around us really. We still don't have a good relation to it or skills to cope. We need to find new ways to manage this.
Woman's bodies go through this cycle monthly. They are also usually the ones to deal with the situations of death and rebirth in our culture. Our body maybe has an innate wisdom to know what to do and to be there for others in all kinds of death and rebirth. I consider it is part of our nourishing purpose as we are the birthers of life. We can hold in these sad death like situations with comfort and care. Not really having answers to it but just being there with love for others. We want to shy away from this yet we are the ones who find ourselves helping in it. I have been in a death cycle for 6 years with the ending of my old life. I lost many friends and my community from it that has been a great loss. I also supported friends with their mothers dying and at the end of this cycle, my mom passed unexpectly quick. So it seems this gloomy state has been about me for a bit. I had the recent death yesterday of a woman I cared for part time as she went through her last part of life. It is a bit overwhelming and sad. Sadness we are not so enthused to feel and try to stuff it, shift it quick or pretend it doesn't exist. For me that has not been an option nor do I feel it as a healthy approach. Death, sadness, loss, not getting the things we want are all part of this sense of losing people, places and things. It is part of life and healthier to feel. For it does transmute us. Blessed I am to really revel and feel my feelings for it is the healthy way to manage through life. With the discomfort we have with death and loss, most don't give it the space. It can create illness and as I have learned, most illness comes from this unprocessing of feelings. They hide inside and create this dark area not dealt with, stagnation per se that can lead to dis ease. So for the last 6 years this gloom has been about me. I have had no choice but to deal with it. I have discovered that there is also this richness that comes with loss that is very indicating of love. We wouldn't feel so sad if we didn't love things, people and circumstances. So this grief and loss is really just another facet of love. Heartbreak and sadness is not our favorite expression of love but we only have it if we had love in the first place. Oxytocin, the pleasure hormone of the parasympathetic nervous system is about in grief. The evidence of the love and the washing of the other side of it. We are actually in healing states when we cry, feel sad, miss things or others. This healing hormone is present and supports our body in renewal when we give into the sadness. We are healed and supported as we process our feelings. Not hindered in health. I have also had much reflection as I finish this death cycle. A review of things comes from loss, grief and death that I wouldn't have do if I hadn't gone through it. Allowing this sadness to come forward brings the juice and gifts of things I loved. I have more compassion for myself and others. I value things differently from this reflection and find greater ease in the changes of life. It has not depressed me or condensed me but expanded my understanding of life and its unexpected shifts. Able to step back and see the good and bad, painful and liberating of the pain by actually just feeling and allowing it. Not getting caught in it but letting it be and move through me. It also transforms how we see the surface of life. The superficial things that all seem to think matter. When death and loss is about, all those things leave. Hearing someone moan about traffic or another seems so trite. What we really value comes forward and life has a new, deeper meaning to be here. You let go of pieces of your littleness you have for you clearly see how ridiculous it is. You have greater compassion for others for you know not what they may be dealing with underneath. You have a greater connection to life, to being alive and less small thinking about all of it. Judgement leaves too if you process your emotions. At death, all seem like little children. They are helpless often and their childlike nature of hoping their beliefs are true, that they don't really know what is next and even fear of a child seems about. They look so innocent and vulnerable. You can no longer hold anything against them in action or deed for you just have compassion for them as they will soon leave. Our fears of this come forward too and can be seen. Even in situations or things, this judgement can leave. Yes, it is hard to lose anything you wanted. But an acceptance comes in at some point and the whole judgement leaves you. You see more accurately and without all the mess. It is quite innocent and honest. Your feel free and open that it just is how it is and all are doing their best. Quiet, crying, feeling low all seem fine things to do with this death cycle. I have learned not to bypass it only to find myself losing it at something small. I have learned the art of self care instead of just busying myself. Ironically, when you allow these to come forward, they don't last long like they do when you avoid them. They lie in hiding waiting to bubble up. You don't cry for more than a few minutes I have found and as I stated earlier, it offers healing oxytocin. You get out of fight or flight and actually create renewal. Tears of all situations come out and it really does feel good. We think it won't but it does. You make peace with sadness instead of trying to avoid it. Sadness, loss, are all part of life. No one gets away from it. So it is healthy to be able to process these emotions so energy isn't used to hide it. Greater joy can come in after it is cleared. Sacredness to the process of life and death, rebirth has become very clear to me. You can't have new things or experiences without this letting go. There is only so much room in you and you will encounter many little and big losses in life. You don't take it as seriously if you go through it and feel it. It leaves sooner than later. Avoiding it creates alot of stress. Just going through this regular life emotion and processing creates a health and an understanding. All is sacred that is part of life. Your begin to really feel life in it's highs and lows. The highs are more valuable and delicious. The lows just are. We find sacredness to it all. In being lost, in loss or confusion means that being found or finding your way is just the next progression. If you don't allow being lost, unclear, sad, you won't get to the next leg while you are stuffing it down. All is change and has it's way so you flow with it. Accepting your feelings, acknowledging them allows them to leave and new ways to come it. It is really quite exciting to feel these things for they go and higher joy comes in. Answers, support, clues and messages stream in. It feels quite magical that you can go low only to be lifted by outer sources. Invisible support comes in. It is very mysterious and fun. There is a great richness of love that you know when you feel and process your loss. Life becomes colorful again in a way it never was. You grow and expand your depth and compassion for yourself and others. You find less small things being an issue in life. You seek support from the world in magic ways. You find yourself more ok with all that shows up. You learn to ride the cycle easier. I imagine some incredible greatness will come forth in this next cycle for me. I have learned alot in this death cycle that has inspired and lifted me to new awareness. I understand that love is all that matters in a deeper way. It makes me soften, kinder and more caring. I inspire you to find the richness in loss. I have lost many of things, people and dreams in this cycle. I am not depressed or thinking life is not good. I am the opposite. I find simple inspiration that can lift me so high. I find inward comfort that I didn't have before. I am more accepting of all, mostly myself and my ups and downs. I appreciate life more deeply and know how powerful a smile or caring can be. All has great learning and great love in it. I wouldn't know these things without this cycle and the allowance of it to be felt and processed. I encourage all to dive into this for themselves. It is healthy. It is comforting and it can be releasing so new fun and wonder can show up. I am enthused for this as it makes all life richer in all ways! Blessings to those in this, for it is like compost and has rich nutrients that you would never imagine! Feel, process, cry, be sad! It will transform into great joy and learning! I promise that! This I have experienced and am much lighter for it! For a free Flow In Grace Session, connect with me! We all have the ability to feel our environments and others for we are all made of the same stuff, energy. In fact, we already are using this empathic gift unknowingly in many cases. It is part of the gift of the 6th sense as well as part of being in a field of energy.
Our senses are the gatekeepers of this information. All our senses are tuning into our environments and others constantly. If we are not in our body, participating in our senses, busy thinking all the time, we miss all this information in our conscious awareness. Our body still records the sensual experience and happenings it is experiencing. We are unaware. Often we are minding and not at all tuning in to the sensory stimulation or radio waves of feelings. We are missing an awful lot of life and the environmental signals around us. We are in this sea of energy, which is emotions, energy moving. How can we manage this gift of feeling? How do we know what is us or ours from what is another's? How do we discern this energetic world? This multidimensionality we are becoming conscious of? Many books are written on it and classes taught. I teach about it in my Awaken Your Magical Woman as well as wrote a chapter in my book, The Lotus Project, the Art of Being a Woman. Most importantly, this is a process of learning. This subtle energetic nature has been happening our whole life. To become aware of something that is happening when we were unaware of it, is a practice and process. There is no one, two, three program to do it. To be masters of this emotional, energetic nature takes play and practice. This is our sixth sense to consciously tune into invisible fields of energy through sensing. It is developed and we learn as we do it. That said, there are a few important factors to keep in mind. Do know it is a practice so I offer that you play with becoming aware of yourself, your feelings. The first part is to know your own emotions! You must know what you are feeling, when you are feeling it and be very accurate with yourself. Often we stuff down feelings, hide them, say we don't feel something when we do. We hide it from ourselves. No wonder we are confused! Have awareness of yourself and tune in. Know your own feelings and pay attention to them. Notice when you sense anger and annoyance or frustration or joy. Most people have no idea what they are feeling until it blows up in intensity. If you get tuned into your own feeling, your energy vibe, then you can tell what others energy vibe is because you know what it feels like. Anger is anger, joy is joy, no matter who feels it. We all have the same emotional frequencies. We may not know why one feels the way they do but we can certainly feel the feel of it. Knowing what anger feels like inside, allows you to sense anger in others. Body language helps yet most often people hide their feelings. To one tuned to empathy, you can't hide for it is a frequency in the room. If they know what that frequency feels like, they know when it is present. If it is not their feeling, then they will know it is the others. It is basic but takes skill to know your own emotions and frequencies of them. Then you can easily decipher yours from others. People often deny their feelings and are unaware. How to protect yourself and all else must first come from an awareness of knowing you and your state. Not what you think you feel but what you feel. Then when you co mingle with others, you know your state and then can start to sense their state different than yours. Sometimes it is obvious. As woman, we feel a room without thinking. It is so natural that we don't even realize we are doing it. As we embody this emotional mastery, it makes the world a whole new magical place and we can read it in more clarity. If you know your own emotion, when go near another, you can perceive them. You can start to see how environments and moods of others effect you. You can watch the play of energy around you. You have to be aware and observing, not minding. Our mind often tricks us or is in thinking so this sensing can be missed unless we are embodied. Often we take in energy, feelings of places and people and then try to get rid of them like they are our own. It doesn't work and it could circle us into anxiety or depression. Trying to fix an emotion or state that is not ours can't be done. An easy question if you are in this wondering why am I so "whatever feeling" when it seems to make no sense is to ask yourself, "Is this mine?" Yourself will quickly answer you with whose it is! So it is easy to then let it go and move back into yourself. Just one simple question, "Is this mine?' If it is not then, "Whose is it?" The last thing I will share for now about this gift is the purpose of it. We have empathy so we can know what people need without them asking us. As babies have needs, we sense what they are without them voicing it. We have this magic, built in, sensing mechanism that is always noticing our environment and others feeling or energetic state. It allows us to nourish others easily, designed by our very nature. It is a tool of compassion and service. This gift allows us to support others around us by tuning into what we are sensing and then offering what is needed. Healers often have a very developed gift with this. The issue that we run into, happens when we ride in the harder emotions with others. Our gift can use us instead of us using it. For example, both my parents died of cancer. So if I talk to one who has cancer or has a family member that does, I know what that whole situation feels like. As they begin to share, I sense with empathy my experiences of it. I know what they need at that moment. I know the nourishing solution that will help them. So I feel, empathize with them and then I drop the gift and offer what I know will help. This is using my gift rightly. Often, we empathize and go into our own past experience as they are sharing their current experience and that is where we go wrong. It is not a gift to relive our past while another is in crisis. It is a gift to connect, walk in their shoes for a moment, long enough to have compassion, know what they need and then drop the connection. Otherwise we are both now in very low vibe together and sinking further. If I don't go into my old emotion of when I was there, I can use my higher vibration to offer love, support, what is needed to lift them. If I allow myself to revel in my past tale as they tell theirs and stay in their shoes, we both get more in crisis. Do you see that little nuance that shifts using the gift and being used by the gift? The cool thing about this sensing is that we can also ride others joy, success and enthusiasm! It works with positive emotions too. If I am down and ride someones up, I can lift myself through this empathy. Not by taking their energy but by feeling the vibe and letting it lift! Unconsciously we are doing this for it is all energy. I don't consider energy vampires. Most people are so unaware. They are just naturally feeling higher vibrations and the law of nature is that two vibes will medium out. So you go low, another goes higher. This can be easily stopped with awareness. This is when boundaries come in. We offer others our high vibe when we chose to and if we don't have enough to share, we don't allow the exchange. It is knowing yourself, your feelings that allows control of this gift. We get so lost in our minds, in our panic and rush that these energetic laws will happen and we won't be aware. We are playing in fields of energy every moment. It is fun and fascinating when you have awareness. I inspire you to know yourself better, then you won't have so much confusion of this world of your emotional nature and energy flowing. For support in this or a free Flowing in Grace Session, connect with me! . As I take all my talents and decipher them into how to share the joy vibe with others, I realize all healing, health, life energy, vitality, shakti, bioenergy, whatever you want to call it is about play! Oxytocin, seratonin, dopamine or the parasympathetic nervous system, energy medicine, miracle healing is about having more joy and pleasure in life! This creates the right energy, chemical reactions in your body that lead to health.
To play we must be present, doing what we are doing, in joy, giggling, laughter. This youthful art is what destresses, and heals the system to create vitality or life energy. We could go through the science, the details, the studies, the blah blah, I study it all. No matter how you cut it, it is about being in the feel good chemicals as much as you can in a day that it becomes a healing habit. Then the body repairs and corrects itself. Currently we are in the fight or flight cortisol habit. If we lighten up, play, mess around, we get greater health and rejuvenation! This is so incredibly easy and fun! We could eat this and that, take these things, move this way or that, they all help but all this falls into place when we have more play, more present moments being in the body in fun not stress. It is that simple. You can take whatever path to play and lightness you want. There are no rules as to what makes you feel nourished, filled, light, relaxed, open and playing. This is such good news to me and I find it easy to work this health system. I just have to gather many ways that get me into a youthful, playful, energy every day. Then I will find more joy, abundance and brightness in each day thus a happier, healthier life. I connect with my body vessel in pleasure, in fun, in relax and it's innate health system kicks in to let me ride in vitality. We train ourselves to relax and play rather than be serious about everything. The seriousness is what is creating the stress thus cortisol. We are so hard on ourselves and play is just the opposite. It is light on us. As I am rebirthing through this cycle from flower farmer to health and beauty coach, writer and speaker, i realize it is all about Play! Sharing this with others and giving them awareness on how that energy feels in the body, is the way to add healing to the world and individuals. I can teach others what the vibe of the body is when they are in this healing nervous system. Once you understand this "feeling" of the body and really sink into it and know its nuances, they can reproduce this easily. You can create it in all ways throughout a stressful day with what inspires you. In essence I am like a play therapist. I like this new direction explaining the energy medicine I learned. It all boils down to play and pleasure. Whatever your dis-ease, you can cure it through less stress and more play! To be more healthy and beautiful, glowing in vitality, play until you feel an oxytocin vibe and your body will find its healing! For a free Flow in Grace Session connect! Did you ever go through something and feel so lost in the going through of it, that you don't see full perspective until you reach a certain point? The time element, 20/20 hindsight so powerful. As you went through whatever it was, your perspective was in one view then, suddenly one day, you look over it all and see a new perspective. I had such a revelation today.
The power of completion is incredible. We have so many open windows really, different projects on line at once. Then the right season rolls in, you find endings to things hanging in the wings and feel so energized. Today I put away patio furniture for the winter, doing the seasonal close down with help. Then I cleaned my car in detail for it was needing it for at least a year or so it felt like. I ordered all the random belongings that I have going in and out. Sorted them, organized what was to be with me and then finally got to the actual cleaning of the car. Our mobile space so part of our lives, finally got a clean out. The last task I did was cut back my plants at Meadowbrook for winter rest. The perfect moment landed as I worked in the sun and rested the perennials for harboring inward til spring. I felt graceful and contented as I shut down each thing that was long overdue. The plants inspired me to recall my last season of life. As I meditatively cut them back, a remembering of these old friends that have been with me for almost 20 years. From my cutflower farm, they were my pals for many seasons of bloom. Remnants of places and times before. I thought these are the last of the oodles of plants I have from the farmer days. They have been tended to since I left my farm. In a new world as I, settled in so well now. I thought "Wow. These are some of the gifts of my family days long gone. I realized how there presence has shifted the land here and that they were one of my creativities of the farm in Ottsville. I noticed all the land shifts I had made here. I lived here for 5 years until I finally got my birdnest, treetop home as I call it over a year ago. I thought of when I first left, afraid and confused. I knew a new life was to unfold but knew nothing of it just that I was done with the life I had. Not that it was so bad or troubled but that a new phase was ready to unfold. The whole 6 years I wondered what am I doing? What is this new phase? Going through loss of a marriage, a farm life and my playful magic kingdom of 16 years was a long process. It seemed like forever for a new way of life to come in. I had to work in different careers, make due to live and find out what it was like to be on my own. I had been a tender of community, of flowers, of a family life so this me, myself and I seemed foreign. It took a while to get what it means to care for myself. Even though I was out making it, I still had my old way deeply rooted. It took a few project efforts to get my purpose to go. I wanted a spa, education, event spot on my farm. It didn't work out so I collaborated to create a spa with another and that dropped out too, after a few years of work. Then I began the Room at Meadowbrook with Sue on her farm. It has been slow and challenging at times. Sue had always worked alone and I was always a collaborator. Finding our way to collaborate with no real knowing what would come forward. Yet though this we did to manifest this space that soon will be Meadowbrook Healing Sanctuary. The road feels hard it to begin from point zero. Being in the world of others rather than playing on my farm. Finding ways to feed myself as a new idea unfolded. Connections, dating, adventuring and sinking into this new life seemed harder than other things I have had to manage. Yet today, as I played with my old familiar plants, an epiphany came of this past 6 years of all I had done and completed. I could feel my energy build as I cut back the hostas and peonies. I looked at all the plants and gardens I created so easily here. I could of been burdened by clearing them on a cold day as the sun warmed me I suddenly saw what the last 6 years had been with such completely different eyes. Settled else where and on this new path, I got a new glimpse of what had gone down. It had a powerful flavor of accomplishment, tenacity, creativity and persistence. I was in "Wow" moments for all that had occurred positively in those years that I had not ever seen in this way before. My mind knew all I did but it had all the turmoil and strife story mixed in. Today as I cut back, cleared old memories as I did, I saw the beauty of all I had completed and built in the transition years of my life. I felt powerful and filled. It was a magical afternoon. A shifting epiphany. I could of listed the things in a mental way but that wasn't what occurred. It was an energy shift of seeing things one way to a whole new way that had a feeling of power. Not confusion or lostness as I so commonly thought of this last chapter. Today it had a magic spirit of what wonder I have done in between trying to recreate a new life alone. I savored it as I cut back the plants. I thought I am cutting the cords, ties and hard memories of this time and putting them in the compost pile. All the hardship, challenge, insanity and fear, getting cut through and discarded for this new season ahead. No longer holding me in the story, the shape of the form. Really seeing the last chapter as the great success it is. I know what I have done of course and worked so hard. But inside me, vibrationally, in full emotion and grounding, I truly hadn't seen the real picture of what I was creating as I was rebuilding or finding myself. Today, with the time, the sun, the plant friends of old, it reordered me to a new picture of this segment of my life. It felt full, rewarding, transitioned and switched into a more magical view of what was going on underneath the regular changes. These epiphanies, switches in consciousness come through time and reflection. You can't really call them in but when they show up, you say, "wow" what a wonderful way to see something that seemed so different from another lens. I am not sure if it was the plant magic I am so fond of in all forms. Or the letting go season of fall that fits in all levels. Cutting the plants, clearing my memories and perspectives. Deciding without my mind but in my being what was to be kept forward versus put on the dead pile. This review not one of thinking but of watching or multilevel experiencing as I worked on the physcial garden. Suddenly one moment the picture was one way and the next, it had a whole new take that was in my favor of accomplishment and change. Persistence and purpose. Dedication and foreseeing. Really a magical afternoon. I love when we leap, recatagorize life's events after a period of time. You need that element so you can see how when you are in something, it has up close views of everyday. Once you reach a certain hindsight, it all seems to make sense and you can let go of the issues that challenged you or made your world hard. A most beautiful story comes forward and your role so much clearer upon distance. I felt like a view, a phase of life gone. And I tucked it away in closure with a more correct view of what had really occurred. Not with the emotional charge or the mental judgement and expectation I had seen before. In a new realignment how it fit the larger picture. The purpose in the change, "hard" or maybe even the lemonade I had made out of lemons. It tasted sweet as nectar and rejuvenated my whole being. A soulful view perhaps these times are. When we were so on top of what we were doing and had no idea it was happening. It feels grand, empowering. I feel lighter and composted my old ideas. They were valid before but no longer truth as to what was occurring in this chapter. The birds eye view. I feel like I am flying for the heaviness of the process could be let go. I soared above and was impressed with what I had done. I invite you too to find time this fall season to reorder yourself. This was a 6 year ending but all endings give us lightness after the grief of loss is processed. The end of the season, the end of chapters that were so good yet all things change. The unlayering of life to see the paragraph summary rather than the detailed words of how or what. It is the time to let go, review and renew our vision on what has been done. See larger pieces of the plan that are working even when we don't know it. It is that time to let go of the hard, the husk, the challenge of the year and keep only what uplifts and allows us to fly. It is peaceful and satisfying. I am contented as I head to a bath feeling better about me and my world than I did earlier today. Closing a chapter and starting a new one all in a moment. Be still and find calm in this way of the fall. Reflection, rest, reorder is not highly regarded in our culture. Yet it is so powerful to change you, to catalyze your viewpoints, your story, your unfolding of life. It is honoring and sacred . It is often what we miss in this hectic pace. The moments of great soul. So fulfilling. Contented as I write. Peaceful and a underlying joy to see my world with a new lens. Take the time to do this for yourself. Let go. Realign, Review. See the truth beyond what you saw . Then you can go forward with less husk and baggage, fear and judgement. And even Lightness to start the new chapter that all of this came together for. Really a lovely afternoon of regeneration of my light! For a free Flow in Grace Session, connect. I feel like I am an expert at this after 6 years of hard living. I have been in the hardest leg of life for me to date! Despite it all, I live life in an artistic, playful way. It is easy to let life whip us around and condition us to see things in ways unhappy. We all go through challenging periods but it is not enough to drop you out of joy. Joy mostly isn't an outside condition, it is an inward vibe of energy.
If we get serious about it, maybe it could be all doom and gloom. I watched the news today and it giggled me. I couldn't even take it seriously. It is the he said she said drama. Many give me a hard time for not watching the news yet I haven't for 6 years and it hasn't been a problem for me to be out of the loop. It has made me healthier! This vibe is certainly not going to give you joy or any high level energy. To me, that is the game. How do I find joy and fun as many moments as I can? The news is not an answer as are so many other things. LIfe is art. It is innovation and creativity. We are always making choices to go here or there. We are thrown all kinds of things out of the blue and it takes creative thinking to make it all work. Some parts of the painting are dark and gloomy yet we get the next day to add a bright color, shift our view and make our painting brighter. Awareness of what we are doing is important to live creatively forward. It is the goal right? Joy, happiness, bliss, fun. Isn't that the goal of working and accumulating all these things so we can have a joyful life? Somehow, many got lost in this goal and do not even enjoy it let alone consider it a artistic, playful creation. Yet it is. I educate others on how to ride in the vibe and energy of lightness. It is a self fulfilling prophecy. How can we really be so serious about all this? Nothing is as we were taught. The morals, the ideas of leadership and strong character are certainly not alive in many places. The values are all amiss. People talk a good story but when you watch how and what they do, it never fits. Not that I am aligned in all ways and I am not certain any of us can be. We try things, mess up, we do "wrong" things, disasters occur and in the end, these things don't matter, they are part of this experience. It is how did you love and do right? How have you been joyful? Who have you helped? What goodness did you experience today? What are you doing to create pleasure, fun and joy despite the mess about? I invite you to consider that this is an artistic, playful experience. Seeing it as this over a serious success story really gives you freedom. Consider the goal is to fall in love with your life. Not because you get this or that, here or there but because it is here as it is. Most know that no matter what you plan, dream, design this life to be, it doesn't show up as we desire or expect. At some point you accept, what is to happen will beyond your will, actions and ideas. When you shift this, it is more of a ride with unexpected twists so we learn to accept, often let go and still find moments to enjoy it. Artistry is a point of view. Some like abstract, some traditional, some messy, some precise. It is subjective and unique to all of us. Then it becomes a playful adventure. A mystery and story where we can be heros and heroines not matter what occurs. I find this perspective more playful and light. No one is living the life they dreamed. It is impossible to control anything with so many variables, temperatures, conditions and people. They are enjoying the life they are living and thus it becomes a dream life but they are not living what they thought life was to be. It is an opposite perspective. They love so much of their life because they know how to have joy or make joy out of what is there. It is not an outside job. Having the outer conditions perfect is impossible. The perfect and dream comes from inside and it is more an emotional vibe than an outer condition. As you catch this, the whole picture shifts so totally that you wonder why you ever considered it could work the other way. So play with your life in an artful way! It is far more inviting and the expectation shifts. You have more control and freedom for your goals are to enjoy, laugh, create fun out of whatever happens. Your control the inward vibe by presence rather comparing it with the outside conditions. There is greater laughter, less devastation, less pressure and far more fun and creative living. Making a masterpiece out of the colors that are there is much easier than waiting for the right colors. In the end you only need the primary ones and can create most others from them. Then ride the wave, dance through life, turn lemons into lemonade all make more sense. You notice, they are playful light perspectives, not serious goals. A youthful giggle comes in and suddenly the world has far greater fun and magic. This is what I share. How do you enjoy it anyway it shows up? That is mastery. That is the masterpiece. That is the Magnum Opus written about for centuries. In the end it is not how many breathes you take, it is how many breathes that take you away! Artistic, creative living! For a free Flow in Grace Session, connect with me! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
February 2025
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