After one of the most overwhelming days of drastic news and events, I am back to the joyful spirit of me. As one whom teaches to fully feel your emotions as they come, to the best of your ability and flow through them, I ride the wave continually myself. I don't let my emotions or feelings fully control me. That is not what flow through means. Yes, I like all have allowed that to occur. Yet that is not the mastery of the energy of life, the energy of motion, the power of the emotional nature. I giggle at how they change so quickly when you allow and flow. They may not always be yours. They maybe a response to a situation that occurs. They are fleeting, moving, shifting energy. We use this energy for our passions, goals, support, protection, vitality, rapture and loving. Mastery is key and woman are the natural masters of them. We have not been taught so we can be flung about by them untamed. They are designed to move us about energetically. They are guidance, support, environmental clues, ways to perceive, a powerful sensing mechanism. The intuition is the high form of this nature. We have this as a gift to understand others and our environment. We read events, people, places with them. We are alerted to protect, move, engage, go forward, switch direction that is beyond the mind or logic when used, understood and harnessed. After such a day of too many of my own and others. I regrouped by self care and going inward. I processed them in my own way so it would not inflict. I could sort out what were the messages. This is a slower process and requires our receptivity. a feminine trait. Today, because I went through, felt, cried, allowed anger, fear, anxiety, death, unhappiness and tears flow, I am in a new brilliant state of positivity and brightness. Had I not allowed these feelings to flow up and out of me, today I would be a mess. We often don't process and a cesspool develops like an infection within. By the time it all surfaces, we have no idea why we are so confused, lost, unruly or depressed. Most handle the emotions this way. We are abused by them. In feeling, flowing and processing the messy emotions of low, I have rebounded to the high emotions. Without the full feeling, we can not experience the full high. We participate in them not as they control us but we feel and watch them flow by. We are sensual creatures. This means sensing creatures. So we use this sense as we see sharply or hear loudly. We could drown them out and numb ourselves or we could sharpen our perception. As we sharpen our perception to feel and flow, a power comes in. This power of how to harness, use and enjoy this sensualitiy is a delicious gift of woman. I am back to my optimistic self and quite giggly. Not a giggle as in "Oh my, this is horrible that I must laugh out of response to release tension" which can be good. I am in giggle as in "life is rich with possibility, hope, freshness with no judgement of what occurs. It is all quite a ride." This is how I am most comfortable. the state of love and gratitude I feel is very rich, it is pallatable in my whole being. I can infect others with this powerful field where ever I go. This is most helpful in the hospital where I find myself often caring for my mom. I do it with joy as though I am in a blissful place only because I allowed myself to flow through the other feelings. I inspire you to feel your feelings as they come up. This culture to hide them has us handicapped not to develop our most powerful feminine gift of receptivity of the environment. We waste our unique gift that is so natural. We all use it but when you catch what I am sharing, you learn how powerful femininity is. It maybe dark, foggy, deep, and scary to some but it has the highest unconditional love by nature. We bear humanity within us and we are given this easy, natural gift so we can support beyond mind, words and all other senses. It is magical. I feel bliss, close to divine rapture today for life. My conditions have not changed. I processed my fears so my true being can now come out and radiate in the world my joy. It is really amazing even to me how this simply works. How good I feel compared to yesterday. How enlivened and vital I am with the new day. I love being a woman. It is truly an art and we the artists of this great power called femininity! For a Free Breakthrough Session! Let's Connect!
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I am up to the top, in over my head,
I have no more room, nothing else can be said. Tired, confused, uncertain, can't think, I need to rest, step away, regroup so I don't sink. I notice my craziness, observe I can take no more, I don't try to keep going, I have been here before. So I step directly inside myself, I pull my being away It is time to go recharge, save all for another day. So important is this look inward Some more challenge may come forward I recover and realign, self care will make me fine. A trip in nature, meditation, a friend Many choices of how I can mend. I try many things til one is working I clear myself so nothing can be left lurking. I find calm, peace, quiet and clarity I remember I am in my own little parity. This is what happens often in life This I know works best to deal with the strife I observe myself when I am not right I love myself to bring in the light Then the brightness and clarity returns Th is how I manage when my life churns.. I thank myself for being so smart A shift in my participation is always the start Oh thank you to the me that just knows How to return to space where the loving flows. Today I feel low, low in spirit, can't get my groove.
I am not sure what to do, where to go, how to move. It seems so heavy, unmotivated, not right. I want to move, have direction, be in a plan, work my light. Yet this too, is part of this great experience we have on earth. I am deep in the womb, I am awaiting a new birth. I feel confused, not so fluffy, wanting to be feel something else right now, I am here in an usettled place, not sure what is my inspiration or how. It feels slow, unmoving, sludgy and thick. I want to do something to get out of this darkness and quick. We don't roll so well in the low vibrations so part of this world. Yet slowing down, being present with what is, is how we unfurl. So I sit in the fog, unclear, unsure, not so happy, not knowing my call. I can only imagine I am ok, just fine, knowing this is part of it all. I will release, consider this is what to do with this time, Let go of expectation, wanting to move, knowing whats next, wait for a sign. The unclear stillness, we all know this, this waiting and waiting Seems like eternity, like eons and my energy is fading. We don't do this low place, this waiting, this stillness so well. Always wanting to be directed and moving, have some plan to tell. Yet I am here, just sitting, just being in quagmire, felling numb and low. I shall sit, I shall be, I shall feel, I shall experience this, no place to go. Deep inside I know there is purpose, there is a slow for a reason, I will endure through, be patient, go through this season. We all need to embrace this less cozy place of unknowing sometimes. Time seems to stop, be still, maybe so I can read between the lines? I will embrace my low spirit, find it okay that I am here. I can only endure, find peace and anticipate that it all will clear. Yessss, I will consider I am a seed, deeply planted in the soil. Knowing within is the plant I will be and not toil. The cycles are clear, progressive, step by step, There is a slow rhythm occurring from one state to the next I hang here in peace for I have shared where I am. Feeling greatful that I can be, not knowing my plan. Now being peaceful with the low vibe i feel in this moment, here and now. I will allow, accept, cooperate, this is the how. I feel better, allowing, sitting in this dark cool place. I'm feeling the warmth, know it is right, I will be just fine, that puts a smile on my face. Releasing the desire to be elsewhere, to do, to know, to change where I sit. I will make space for the light within me to twinkle, reignite, start burning, it is lit. Settled within, fine to be here today. I feel through it, endure it, things are changing, I allow to come what may. Lyn Hicks Sacred Femininity Today I watched a show from a nuerologist/psychiatrist who spoke of mental/ brain health and our states. Depression, anxiety, stress create so many issues in our body. He came at it from the perspective of brain health and showed scans of peoples brains from so many ails and how simple things work to make them feel better fast. Often, he said that simple fixes, not always the antidepressents and medical answers work. Not to discredit these things but they don't support the brain in many cases. There are other ways that are effective which he call nuetricueticals. I call them elixirs, tinctures, Standard Process Products. homeopathy or healing with plants or food medicine.
What was fun for me was that here is this man, sharing the neuroscience of things, offering what the Himalayan Masters and Eastern studies had taught me. Not with the scans and sciences per se but from the energetic, multidimensional way or spiritual path.. They are the same solutions that can be simply added into our lives. It giggles me that science is proving what these ancient systems knew in their way of health and energy. I get so delighted for others don't consider this woowoo so crazy anymore. When I wrote my book, 7 years ago, it had so many of these things in it from a different angle but the same activities from an energetic perspective. It sings my heart that more and more people will get this valuable, simple information that quickly shifts their life, their state of happiness and their vitality or energy. Here are his ideas and you have read most of them through my blogs many times. 1. Optimize the function of the brain. He uses scans for his patients so he can use other alternatives first to see what area of the brain isn't working and knows how to improve that. Angry children, low attention, lethargy, depression, all can be managed many ways other than drugs. i wouldn't of stated it this way but I have often shared different behavior and elixirs that in the end support the brain. 2. Train mind to help you rather than hurt you. This was all about self talk. He offered writing out crazy or rambling thoughts which I call free form writing. He cautioned us to be aware, which is called observation or witnessing in spiritual circles. What you tell yourself comes true. The google search engine mind I call it. If you ask how bad you feel, it will search all of you and give endless answers. If you ask how can I feel happier, it answers endlessly too. Self talk a huge support to our being vital and happy. 3. Medical Hypnosis. This I call meditation and there are many on line that are what he termed hypnosis. Slowing your breathing, closing your eyes, relaxing from head to toe, visualizing a peaceful nature spot and then visualizing your illness or pain as healing. Tons of spiritual practices on line that support this. 4. Flood all 5 Senses with Happiness. I consider this the Tantra of living or being in pleasure in your body. Using smell, he spoke of scents that give good vibe which I term essential oils like the citris scents bring in good moods. Touch, massage, petting your dog or getting a treatment of the healing arts I term it. Sound. Going in nature, going to a sound healing, or listening to a "happy play list' her termed it. I call it using music and the radio to lift your spirits. Music such an elixir and quick shifter. Vision. Pictures of nature and loved ones to scroll through when you are down. I call it looking for beauty in all things to bring in peace, love and beauty through family, nature or good memories. Using taste of chocolate, saffron, mint or nutmeg to enhance your mood. I just share pleasure in eating, really tasting your food and savoring it. 5. Boost serotonin. He offered B6, saffron, bright light therapy. I mention so many things to bring in feel good chemicals, most easily go in nature. Be with friends, Move. Breath deep, Essential oils. Hang with friends when down, get into relaxation! He also spoke of forgiveness of self and others. Holding on is an issue with feeling crappy. I written a ton on this topic. 6. Consider nutriceuticals first to support yourself before opiates or antidepressents. Passionflower and lavender tinctures do this for anxiety. Adrenal stress can be supported by feeding the adrenals what they need to operate. Standard Process has all these food medicines that support organ and body function. The right nutrition goes so far. Eating low vibe foods causes low emotions. Nutrition so important to energy and happiness. Herbal medicine is nutriceuticals. 7. Be the authentic support you alone are in the world no matter what others think. He is an innovator in the psychiatry and neuroscience world. He has fought his way past his colleagues and practices to amp up what he learned from all his years in practice as easy ways to feel good fast. I loved this idea and am with him on that. I have been sharing a long time what I know works for me and others and many have been waiting for his science to take it seriously. And many in science and medicine still don't hear. But we must share our knowledge, wisdom and gifts to support the world in greater way s. Western medicine is not the only options and we should educate ourselves on all ways to feel good and healthy. I hope you use some of these tips to support you. We all get overwhelmed, anxious, in challenging issues where depression or exhaustion or just not being right in the head. There are easy ways to begin to shift yourself dramatically that are easy. I encourage you to do these things to support yourself. Use them as prevention as well so you don't find yourself in a mental health crisis. Simple changes can solve huge issues. I feel greatly blessed by what the masters taught me! It is being proven more each day. The eastern arts, the healthful movements, the power of relaxation, loving your body and treating it well, taking plant and food medicine, using your sensuality to feel good. All these things I have instituted and teach others. They work. They support the brain, its function, its look in scans and your overall good feelings to live your life no matter what comes in. Feels good know nueroscience is confirming what the ancients have been sharing all along. We forget that we are nature and it is our nature to be human. We are homo sapien sapien,, the highest form of animal on the planet. We do live on the planet and rely on it, it's resources and gifts, its interdependence and cycles, everything about this planet and how it functions effects our lives. We are created by the very same elements and substances that everything else is created. We all breathe the same air, drink the same water, eat the same bounty as the rest of nature. Choosing to love ourselves, our human nature and the larger nature, Gaia as the earth is call, is pretty important to us as a species.
We like to forget we are animals and connected to all life here. Considering we are part of this great experience and we are the most wise, the stewards and leaders of all that is around us is true reality. We think we have to conquer and create, absent minded that we can find our solutions by investigating nature and in connection with it. She is cooperatively running all things and solving all issues quite harmoniously. Mimic Biology, advanced science studying how nature solves the problems we have. It is quite brilliant. Quantum Biology has some breakthroughs of thinking as well. We also could embrace that we are not perfect or controlled or tamed at all moments. Maybe that ruins our image of the perfect man but often untamed, risky, out of the box is what evolves and creates solutions and greater ideas. The eccentric are of the greatest brilliance of our history and they certainly were not normal, perfect as we call it or rule followers. They were innovative, creative, went against current science and thinking. Having this untamed, mysterious, maybe even childlike crazy side is very supportive to us used rightly. It stops us from having to always appear so adult, so demure, so together. No one is and if they appear too, they are just pretending and we all know it. To love our not so wonderful social nature has it's benefits. Allowing individuality, cooperation, collaboration and seeing what works all around is not bad. The only thing it effects is our ego which certainly is not known to see "reality". I just went through an experience where my dark , flippant, crazy side was out in the open continuously for quite a bit. All the social rules were broken by this wild energy that came from within. I had hidden this incredible energetic power because I was taught to "appear" a certain way, act a certain way and think a certain way. We disconnect from our animal nature rather than embrace and work with it in a positive way. Not seeing this side as bad or corrupt but using it for its benefit of survival, creativity, connectedness. Most of my life this more "creative, eccentric" part of me was hidden within. It was the side of our nature we pretend we don't have, are shunned if it shows and we feel ashamed of. We all have this inward energy that we know is there, that hides and lurks for it has been labeled inappropriate. Yet what a power it is. After I got through all the judgement, feeling like you better get this under control, forgiving myself for this unruly self and it still showed up, I decided that maybe it had a very perfect reason for being. I had to make some sort of deal with this part of myself and look deeper at what was going on. In doing that, I realized how much I loved this insane, crazy girl of power that didn't take crap and told it like it was. She was refreshing and honest. Clear and directed and read through all "stories". I thought this is our natural human, animal nature that allows us to survive. This social snowing we put forth is not her way at all and I was amazed at how brilliant this energy, this side of me was. It is my nature, our nature, all of nature. In disowning it, it is not so helpful and loses it's place in the mix of the whole. We are like all else on this planet, here to grow, expand, learn and collaborate within and without. We are not perfect in this social sense and that social sense changes anyway. We are perfectly human, full of error, not so nice feelings, frustration, annoyance, selfishness, worry, fear, anxiety, all of the same "low" as we are filled with High. Our society, philosophies, religions, systems all put forth this "ideal" of our perfection. It is okay to have that when we realize it is a direction to move too but attaining it is not really a reality here. I suddenly loved this nature of me that is not so pretty as is prescribed by society. She is feisty and witty, cunning and powerful. This animal self for lack of a better way to describe her is really a wonderful ally as I must live on a planet of animals. Yes, I am a spirit in an animal body but we work together for highest good as all of nature does. I was not taught to see it that way or live in unison that way. In fact, I was taught not to be that animal and be evolved. I am more evolved when I realize I am animal to be refined and aligned with my spiritual nature. Not so it doesn't exist but like a childlike nature that is an incredible ally, vessel. "The horse on which you ride" it is called in Buddhism. I really got the connect to that phrase and the power of this horse, this animal, this homo sapian I am. I invite you to see yourself differently and love thy nature you are and the nature you are part of. We have not yet figured how to be those "enlightened" beings here on earth and it is ok. It is not a secret and we don't need to pretend we are all that. For if we do, we may never find our way too! We are wild, unruly animals on one hand and loving divine spirits on the other. To blend, to meld, to integrate, to cooperate these pieces is the highest nature. Not only within but also without to the larger, Gaia that we are also a piece of. All one big experience happening in unison. Nothing really separate going on at all. My independent survey of reality and truth of what is occurring here. It is quite magical to boot. Immensely synchronized beyond what a small mind, ego could even imagine. I do love my nature and thy nature. More and more each passing day and whatever the great goodness that put this all in motion, I am in complete awe!! Such a joy to be alive in an animal body and loving it!!! And all its sensual delights!! Love thy Nature!!! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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