Let us use this simple way to create.
Imagine what fills you up , the creative substance, (ether ) that sparks the electricity, your thoughts, (air) which fans the flames (fire) moves the emotions (water) inspires creation on Terra (earth). I hope to inspire you to really take a look at manifestation, the elements and water's place in that. I want to connect you with it spiritually , scientifically and creatively as an element. On the physical level I feel it is important to be aware and know your drinking and showering water. Beyond that, it is 75% of our earth and our individual bodies. It flows with the tides and the moon. It moves through and by every living thing there is. It has been proven to have memory. It has a 4th state that is gel like inside our cells. We are floating and in and out with water. Really catch how important this is. Once you do, you don't go back. Water is one of 5 elements, 5 forces that creates our world! I heard the planet being called Terra and I love this name. We are in and on and of Terra. The elements are the creative forces. Consider Ether, the creative substance we put our ideas into, air is of mind, thoughts and breathe. fire of movement, burning energy toward the thoughts. water the substance that flows out the play and Earth, Terra, where we play. Water represents the emotions. The passion. The movement where the fire energy goes. Like your direction. Dr. Emoto showed the crystal snowflake structures created when positive emotions are projected into it. That is amazing. We can use its properties to show us the way energy moves. The emotions move the energy in our world. Water shows us this non resistant way to flow down a mountain across the country gliding by rocks and obstacles as if effortly. We are flowing creatures moving, Fluid in our bodies. What we think, what we program to ourselves through the ethers get impressed in the water. The ideas create the electricity that creates movement of inspiration, passion, emotion to move. Energy moving. Being aware of water's role in our physical experience as well as emotional is a positive way to approach health and beauty. We forget the power of this element in our bodies and in creation. We can simply impress upon it our thoughts and it supports us to flow forward towards those ideas and program our body being. We can make certain we are supporting our bodies with the best water that supports the electricity in ourselves to conduct its information rightly through the water. This way action and flow, movement and ideas can be manifested on the earth. This is our playground friends. Let us go to the basics. It is always a good practice to do that from time to time. We get caught up in theories and strategies about our mission. Keeping it simple is practical and usuable. We are on a plane with 5 senses, 5 elements, 5D experience here. Lets realize these things are here to create with. There is only 5 so balance them remembering water has memory and movement as it's properties . Each glass you drink, place the water at your heart and put goodness, positive images of yourself and successful ideas into it. Drink it in gratitude to flow to and through you. We program all the things that go into our body. Water has the connection to the rest of the world as it flows by it. Again: Imagine what fills YOU up , the creative substance, (ether ) that sparks the electricity, your thoughts, (air) which fans the flames (fire) that moves the emotions (water) and inspires creation on Terra (earth). Sounds simple and it is. This is the game here. This is the power of using the elements to create. Know how it works. 5D is the mastery of physical embodiment. You are creating, your are present while creating, consciously creating, you are directing creation, you are enjoying it in your body, our sacred vessel, and you love what your are creating. Quality water adds to the health and flow of your whole being. Learn about antioxidant hydrogen water for your health and beauty.
I will share a most powerful process! I awoke this morning with a text of bad news. I knew it could be coming but I didn't know how to derail it. A flush of panic, fear, OMG, tears, fear, fear, fear overcame me. In that moment, I went to my heart. I directed my energy and thinking. Usually our mind takes over and creates stories in speed, quickly. We use our imagination in a negative way of how we have no power. Instead I went into my heart to feel the feelings from that center. This will slow down the mind and stop the negative imagination!
Fear, panic, anxiety, not knowing a solution is very real in this world. These are good responses to the initial information. We don't feel safe. Not getting lost in spiral down for hours or even weeks is what I am sharing a technique for. When these overwhelming feelings come in, I allow this wash of them. I go into my heart consciously. I allow the presence of these feelings. I feel them but from the place of my heart, not in my mind ramble. I breathe, I allow, I watch, I don't engage in them mentally, I just feel. Tears could come, usually I feel real heat with panic, I give myself the moment in a very patient way. Instead, I plant myself in the heart and experience. Very different reference point. The heart holds the center of our highest love and highest self. When we use this to experience rather than thinking which will bring even more negative feelings as they intermingle into victimhood, we can stop the spiral. The heart center is the main powerhouse and it can manage feelings easier than the mind. The mind will take that charge and amp it up. The heart will feel and slow down the response. It will calm as you breath through, name the feelings, watch them, allow them, recognize them. A calm will come relatively quick. There is no dinosaur chasing me although for a moment it felt like it. After I have settled, I will bring in an acceptance of this challenge. I accept this fear, panic, loss, scary feelings. They are there and I accept they are there. I feel them and accept they are real, clear, part of my response, a good indicator, something that just is. Acceptance. No tantrum, crying or fear will do anything for the challenge but amp up scary emotions. As this acceptance sinks in, calm is within me rising. I settle, I am ok in the moment, I am settling. You are bringing balance to your bodies. Aligning. Then I go into compassion for myself. I open the channel of love. For me this often feels like I mother myself. It is usually my childlike part that is in fear and panic. I tell myself it will be ok. I open to flush myself with love. I feel true understanding for myself. Just as when someone tells you a hard situation, you feel for them. You want to love and help them. This is your higher frequency self. Your higher self, your divine part, whatever you want to call it. Through the heart your best being will show up to help you. I am settled. I am not in the mind of panic as I could be without this process. After the calm, the compassion has filled you then you shift to your 2nd chakra, at the womb or below the belly button. This is called the Svadhisthana chakra of creativity, flow and joy. You settle into this spot in your body and feel the joy. It won't be like "Yippee" joy of emotion although it could. It will be more like a sweet smile that comes across your face or through your body in relax. Sit in that joy field. This is the creative place and feel good chakra. When you are in some sort of strife, to find your way through this process to your most creative, spiritual, compassionate self is powerful You are present in a higher frequency. This is the high frequency of receiving. It is not yang of mind or pushing to a solution. It is a receptive settled place of receiving the blessings. Receiving is like a funnel. You change from left brain, linear system to the universal spiral system that receives and Lifts. It sends out with a different frequency. This is how embodiment supports you. Our wiring is changing and our experience is shifting. In this high frequency of joy, a grounded, visceral joy, you can calmly find solutions. Perhaps you don't know in that moment so you let it go and do something that rides in this joy energy. I don't have an answer or solution just yet but in my highest settled space I move forward. I made coffee in calm, put myself on a prayer list and am going about the day in a more settled, calm, hopeful, joyful manner. I remember this plane is of adventure. It has uncertainty. I call in remembering that I have made it through all things. I get to that highest, creative self knowing the solution will come as I settle into my most creative place. Often not through pondering or action in that direction. The ways will come in from the calming and love. It is a centered, conscious way to manage fear and challenge. If I were in my mind right now, imagining all the terrible things I will experience, getting lost in the deep emotional vibe of panic, fear, no solutions, doom, it could go on for days. I shifted that energy from panic information to something I can manage and work with. I am alert. I am calm, I am hopeful. I know I figure things out always. I am open now. Open to support, ideas, messages, opportunities, solutions. I often go into "Wouldn't it be nice if....?" I am out of the victim mode of I don't know what to do and I am screwed to the open energy that brings in solutions and support. This joy center is the magic. This basic feeling coming from the heart and core of you can then bring the mind in balance. All pieces aligned. Clear, open, available and ready to move forward in calm anticipation. I didn't bipass my feelings or invalidate them. I manage them. This is the power of the emotional nature, energy moving. You can control the mind, the emotions and the bodies. Yes I still have a challenge. Now I have an adventurous energy about it rather than doom. I am moving forward rather than dropped out. I am doing something positive and it isn't really related to the problem but I am moving and have hopeful energy. That is the key. The perspective is shifted, Now I do whatever comes in and know it will be solved from my deepest self, my creative self, my divine self. I accept and use all my parts together. Aligned in body, mind and heart are the embodiment we are awakening too. It is how you slow down the mercurial mind, get into the heart and ultimately the core center and ride through this adventure plane of earth. Astute, alert, anticipating and flowing forward. Light to me, you and our world. Things work out. Lets connect! Antioxident water Let's face it. The awakening, the shift is that we are moving into is to live in our body fully. Not being this mind construct, but filling our body to our toes with that intellect or intelligence really. We spend so much time in our mind that we drive wrong, trip, forget things, we are out of presence. We are lost in our minds.
The game seems to be to have tons of tricks, that bring you back into presence which means in the body, mind and heart simaltaniously. I believe we are doing this in a more concrete, energetic way. Really getting control of the animal self, the body deva and working together. It isn't just an idea anymore, it is happening very viscerally. I am experiencing more joy than ever and I am inhabiting my body, my pleasure more. This is the magical flow! We could use food and why many overeat. It is a way to get out of the head. It brings in pleasure and we get the taste, the creative energy center stimulated. If we are not getting creativity and grounding in other places, always in our mind, food stops and grounds us. We could really use this as a stretched, engaged in pleasure moment!! Meat more than other foods. We can use breathe. Just changing how we breath or realizing we are breathing, this can bring us into the now, into our body, like a wake up when you do deep breathing the world gets lovely and less panic again. When our mind rambles, we are in shallow breathe, more in the imagination than on the earth. I like to do the pleasure breathe for if you want to switch quickly to oxytocin it works! Why not breath in pleasure than just calm. Calm maybe necessary but after, make the HA sound in pleasure, stretching it out. Do 4 or so times and you will change your world. You will ground into feeling good in your body! We can stop and look at nature, out the window, watch birds, look at water. Nature will also stop the mind, ground us in our body and give us a quick reset. You can really revel in what you see and add it to more pleasure! Stretch the moment. At first I kind of space out, then when I find myself again and my breathing, I am awe struck by the beauty and it just resets me. Out of the mind, embodied again. Movement. Get up if you are all heady from the computer. Swing your arms, drink some water, remember the rest of your body, not just your fingers and eyes. This will ground us. Also why "Sweep the floor" is a Buddha adage. Just move at anything and you will distract yourself back to embodiment. Doesn't need to be big, but the oxygen changes, you are a fluid being. You shift out of just being in position to long. Gets the lymph moving, the vitality will start flowing all from just a bit of body movement. This grounds you into embodiment. Again feel the pleasure of having your body and just feeling good. Stretching your neck, arms, whatever. Go for a walk using oxygen, nature, movement, all of it. Sound can really ground you. Play a song, voice a lalalalallala! Scream Ahhhhhh. Sing a song. Speak out loud. Sound and movement are quicker than thinking!! Shaman wisdom. It is easier to ground out of the mind with those. You embody when you start using your voice or hear a sound or song. it draws you back into your senses, your hearing and body. And why do we want to embody? It is a crazy world. For that is where consciousness gets to experience pleasure!!! We are here to experience pleasure, fun and joy as well as all the other stuff. When it gets scary we want to jump out, stay in the mind, try to figure it out and shuttdown the body. A protective measure. To be alert and in the body is really the safest place. Consciousness and body goodness together experiencing! That is embodiment. That is really enjoying this earth plane so beautiful and filled with great sensory experience. I love my body. I love how I age and how I still feel beautiful, functioning, enjoying and perhaps more in tuned with how wonderful my body is. The water has so supported me. I have issues here and there but I really know the sacredness and fun of my body. I like pleasure. I like it in all ways and it has endless experiences. We are here with a body and at one point it is gone. I believe we are embodying and appreciating and working closer with this animal spirit we ride with. I am a healthy, wealthy, wise, beautiful financially abundant woman! That is my pleasure and It is made up of moments. Those I can create and stretch out. Practically have a grand, conscious life in a beautifull body! That is my journey! It is by my standards too. Not the media but how I feel and what shines my spirit out. It is a wonderful vessel but vessel just the same. Here today, gone tomorrow so really sink into this grand pleasure. The mind just can't touch it! Kangen water The Magical Holistic Healing Arts Podcast Connect with me. We are in a culture that moves so quick that we don't really revel in much. We may stretch things a few minutes or so longer but generally our celebration of the things complete go past unsavored. Why is this? We spend time accomplishing things, some that are short, others we spend years and then when we really feel we have accomplished it, that moment slips by to the next desire or goal. I think we miss a bunch of great energy and self love by missing this frequency of celebration in our accomplishments!
It is good to create new ideas, next desires as we need another draw to action. Yet to not really celebrate our achievements seems a waste of joy. Why not really revel, celebrate and feel the juice, the confidence that flows when we do accomplish? Atleast give it a day or more. Geez lets celebrate for a week! We have this quick bypass of so many things, emotions, ideas, learning, that we don't take the slow down and reflect in the goodness. The enthusiasm it gives us after we have stretched and gained is powerful fuel of joy energy. And delicious self love! It changes us! It changes our confidence, our belief in our capabilities and we become anew! We are more powerful and we created it! The critical, ananlytic mind just moves onto the next. It cuts out our embodiment, our sinking into to the new emotions, physical things and attitudes that come when we really feel that we did something. "I did it!" and the joy of really feeling, embodying this is cut short. Gone in a few moments, a few days. We miss the juice of life, of our sense, of our physical, emotional being expanding into a new expression!! Why is this? Are we crazy to miss this? We worked for it, we dreamed it, we put in our life energy and we just fly onward rather than revel? The Art of Savoring! A missed opportunity energetically. A missed opportunity to feel happy and joy that we work so hard to find. It is right there and we just skip by this great celebration of life! This morning laying on my bed looking at the mountains in bliss, one of our old podcasts came across my you tube. I decided to listen, not really remembering the chat much and I listened to a relatively long interview on friendship. I was blown away by the nuggets that we discovered in this conversation!!! I was so proud of this type of information and conversation, collaboration, I am part of in this world. Greater still, it is out there online for others to catch some of the wonder we did as we discussed getting along with others. It wasn't just my learning, it is out there for others who need it. I just reveled in the pride I had for myself. I stretched it out, it almost brought me tears of joy that this is one of my offerings. Then I began thinking of all the other things that maybe I didn't savor in enough. My move out here, now 2.5 years, and all that I have created in friends, business, opportunities, people. I was astounded at all that is in place as I establish this new chapter. I was so full of myself. I was filled with pride, bravery, boldness and enthusiasm for myself. A gratitude for me, my being and all I did here. Then so many new ideas and projects I have started from zero and created came in. I was in awe of my spirit! Oh my do I feel good! I was charged with my spirit! Filled with Lyn Ann and how she has flowed through life. As I looked over all, I wasn't seeing it as I wish this or that was still here. It was the idea that we are always creating new desires, new ideas, changing ourselves and becoming new and different by the things we have achieved. It wasn't about money or the dollars but the wonder of what I was offering the world vibrationly, as a small voice that inspires joy and change. A deeper segment of accomplishment than is not measured by being accountable or what "things" I earned or had from it. Yes, they are important but the deeper revel in my gift of me was beautiful. This self love was rich and tasty. I stay in this presence of how cool I am to me for as long as I can. My mood is beautiful, my energy vibing, my joy large, my spirit and sparkle glowing! I know if I looked in the mirror, there would be a sparkle in my eyes of my true spirit. I think most of my life I didn't really revel in what I have done. I would for a minute or inwardly but not in a way that was truly a celebration for what I just did. A true moment of understanding self love. It resonated so deeply. I reveled more in the failures perhaps. They stuck. Glad for this "AHA"! All we do resonates out into the world and goes so much farther than we know. The lives we change with a hug, smile or story ripples out and out and out. it doesn't really end. Especially today with things on line, forever in the digital world. We are expanding and changing ourselves so much through life. We are continually effecting others with our words, actions and gifts. We can hold ourselves in this mold of who we were based on one or two things negative we did. We keep it alive, hide it within and never really get to revel thorugh the lessons we learned or how we changed through this. This joyous self love. I will rock this frequency and aha moment today. I will realize that I am wonderful, full of loving and innovation in all my body. I am sharing what I value and discovering day in and day out how I expand and change. I am almost so different from my high school or childhood girl. I won't be this me I am today for long either. New things will come in, I will learn, I will effect and be effected by others and life, I am becoming new moment by moment. I can remember that by savoring, feeling the bliss of getting from point a to point b in a deeper way, a celebration of the joy of me. Beautiful self love! A frequency high and creative! We are wonderful beings that deserve celebration, even daily of ourselves. This creates such a delicious frequency for the day. A hopefulness in life. A goodness and sparkle of your spirit beyond before. All this forward moving energy that I can use on the next desire just by Celebrating myself!! A delicious nugget and practice indeed! Yippee to me! I deserve it!! This is high frequency living and creating! Living Water Connect with Me I have noticed the increase of cost of my organic groceries! Almost doubled! I see it most there as this is an important purchase for me that I won't go down in quality. Gas tanks need a fill more quickly. Flight prices jumped this year and I feel it there. Where are you noticing this inflated costs?
After covid with the instability of our jobs, many are considering new ways to make money, shift careers, build side hustles and really consider stability in finances. It is clear the cost to live has gone up so how are you dealing with this? What proactive way are you expanding to increase your income? There are so many opportunities in small business and self employment that can support you in extra income and tax benefits. When you have a side hustle, you can claim expenses on your taxes even if you have a regular career. It all supports more income in your pocket. This is a huge time for side line and entrepenuerial endeavors. Health is huge too. With all the illness, we are learning more about natural elixirs, preventative medicine and eating well. I went back to PA and 3 people were on eating plans to detox and regain health. It is all over. Health and income. Two really new issues to the forefront through this 2020 regroup. I, too addressed this. I was to be in event planning but the shut down eliminated all job possibilities. The side hustle, my own business was the only way at that moment. Fortunately there was an opportunity brought to me right at the start of the lock down. I knew the Room classes and events were not going to happen so an out of the box situation was a necessity!! Serendipitous that an idea was around just in time. The divine timing could not be more perfect. Going forward it seems these two ideas of health and income with be in our life in a different way. Thinking out of the box and creativity necessary and inspiration to love what that option is. If your doing a side job, it has to inspire you or you won't have energy and time. We want to enjoy our work, our lives more, a better balance to life while making money to adjust to the new costs. Before you jump in on any opportunity, really consider if it rings true, inspires and has energy to it. Otherwise you will burn out from your normal job and this and the side job will drop out. I had to jump into my own business in a new state with covid restrictions. Maybe a YIKES but is has been so valuable to me. I do other part time endeavors now that we are moving to meet others for my new industry. It gets me around others, opens doors to find friends and keeps me going out in a world where I don't know a ton of others. I invite you to check out what we are doing, my daughter and I as it is really a good wave to be part of. You can do small things to support yourself as I do with my chiro job and garden job or you could use these to support you as you build a bigger idea to support your income. High ticket items are perhaps harder to share versus low ticket but in one sale, you can really pump up the income to support the groceries and gas. That is what I found. Yes, not all find your product affordable but those with health issues, in fitness or holistic lifestyle, healing water is valuable. Value allows others to part from their money. If health is important, we spend so much on supplements, creams, teas, elixirs, these are valuable to us. Health is valuable beyond before and preventation a way to keep viruses at bay. Just inspiring you to expand into something that supports your income that is fun and inspiring. We are changing our consciousness to live life more fully by discerning choices. We are buying better food, using alternative prevention and being alert to where we put our consciousness. We discern where we plug into. The world a changing, we can fear this shift or make it work for us by starting new things that in the long run will carry us financially and in freedom and health. Consider this deeply. Change is here and we are creating new realities. I invite you to investigate my path to share health and beauty. I do my woman's groups, my podcast about alternative healing and holistic living and changing lives by educating on water. Water is simple. Water is basic. We all need water and need to learn how to get good water. it is a growing problem with our taps, wells and bottled options. It will only get larger and we all know, we are spending money on this weekly. Convenience is not always healthy. Chemicals in our food, water and homes is creating plastic and toxins. There are ways to hit all these ideas with a simple solution that we found. It is in the right industry, the right time and a solutions that saves money on water and elimates toxins, plastics and protects against the toxicity in the world. Keep an open mind. Check into options to create your new life post covid. Increase your joy, your fun, your influence, your income!!! Many people in my world have changed their job, offering, are building greater ways toward a better life. A life that has fun in it with work. A life with more powerful community to support them. A life that has freedom for them to do things on their terms. All to support themselves, famly and the larger world. I What's your upgrade look like? Let me know. Maybe we can collaborate! It is time to enjoy and work together as we shift to this more automated world. A new consciousness is here and how are you embracing it to build your health and lifestyle? I would love to know! Reach out to me! I will help with supporting your, promoting you or sharing with you what I know in this new world. Let us build together! Here we go!! I am not alone in coming to the other side of this great covid world. I see things as part of the upliftment of my life and experience or I come to see it that way. It has been a process we all went through together that was a great reset in how we see the world. Every thing has changed and I see it as really good.
In speaking to others I hear the perspective shift. They are closing a loop on many ideas, projects, stories, chapters of life from the 2 years to larger completions of other cycles. It has its clearing, healing, releasing sense that I see people really moving into new expressions of themselves. The one reborn, or becoming always. Really the biggest leap in life I have seen in my lifetime. A new consciousness is awakened. . It feels like a trickle in where different things have clicked. My world has changed dramatically and not just because I am in a new area, inwardly really is the shift. Infinite possibilities exist always. Imagination creates worlds. With the down time to do a bit of daydreaming we redirected out new ways as a World! Individually it has been really rewarding and settling. I believe as a group, we shifted our world and it continues and now seems more hopeful, more in my control, more in the direction I want. It is all about channels. Which part of the world are you tuned into? The inward effects the outward greatly and we are living that. I feel that we have dropped a collective past. DNA activated, cleared ancestory thinking and systems, let go of unnecessary views in many ways, whatever you want to call it. It is a perspective shift so big that I am anew. My great reset to myself and life. The podcast my daughter and I do weekly expands how I see my life or this experience. Very different than what I was taught or what I thought. Continually expanding. We are learning to live the laws of quantum physics!! Imagination is more powerful than knowledge. We are realizing the slowing down, the visioning of life, the slow ideation part of our day (that we forgot, too busy moving,) is the way to create worlds and life. Because we had more quiet time inside, the intuitive, the consciousness, awakens and becomes very active. We are learning how to live these energy laws different than plutonian physics. It is an expanded consciousness. We are learning what fun and capability we really have and the old ways are falling by the wayside. A new consciousness is here in us. It has really brought in my lifetime gifts. a new view of the world, myself and the control or creating I am doing. I feel good in a new area even at a later age. I am designing the projects and people I want by considering who I want them to be and cultivating in that area. Water for health, healing arts and conscious living ( my podcast and the Room in Ottsville), growing ( an old love) and conscious community. These things are unfolding and I am finding like minded thinkers in the ways that I want to live. Our whole life we move in and out of groups but now it seems we have more consciousness to pick these with discernment. Not out of need or programming. It is as though the slower time has birthed us anew. Really new. Not just a shift from one stage to another but a real consciousness shift like never before. We see the fun and power it in our body, feeling the world and create a world that feels fun and healthy. We can just delete the things not worklng by stepping into the belief and the imagination that things are working out just perfectly. See it, believe it, then I think feel it is next to attract it. Only a few words but the energetic shift to a new level of inhabiting, embodying your you. A beautiful reset, awakening indeed. Even though the world around me seems to be in hectic crash and burn, I find my world is just opposite that to create the vibe I want rather than be sucked into or run by the greater vibe of fear. We are in a change so it is unsteady and fear could be the clutching action when uncertain. When we let go of the systems and beliefs while listening clearer to our heart, the newer ways of the world can be developed and unfolded through us and our vision. It feels good to be powerful in creating my world for me knowing that will add to the happy vibe as I find others with the same desires as me. It is all just one big magnificent journey called Life. And I am really digging on the new views of the world to become and the new technology of consciousness quantum physics has brought in. Our great reset! Enjoy and expand. Living Water for health The Magical Holistic Healing Arts Podcast The Art Of Being a Woman In my journey in new lands, I have found myself to be more quiet than I was in a world that I knew. The space of no thing, or nothing has tripped me up many times in the last two years. So used to doing and doing, even when I was not centered. I have had to really challenge my mind and beliefs about action and accomplishment. It has been a process.
At first the rest was good. I needed it but after a bit, I felt like I needed contact and action. We all probably felt this. I would move this way or that, sometimes it worked other times, it netted no results. I have really had to go inward beyond and try to feel my way through this. Sometimes I am bored. Other times confused as to which way to go. I have days of too much activity and I get overwhelmed. It has been a true inner journey as well as outer here in this new state. I do realize that action just for the sake of action is wasteful. Yes, we must act but the intent is far more important than the action. I learned this many times here. Sometimes going out to be with people but if they are not the people that inspire me, what is the point? In my home town, I always knew people to interact with. Here I get to choose those and what things inspire. It has been very opening as it is quite a question. Who do I want to be around? What things do I want to be doing? What purposes do I want to be involved in? These are huge questions when you have a blank slate. I have narrowed down many of these ideas. Then it becomes going out and finding that. This takes time and trial and error. I am finding my way with it. It is covid question, who am I now? We are not taught the value of being quiet or knowing our true feelings. We often operate out of a set of norms. Being in a new community I see how I have no norms. I don't have to be this way or that based on how I know someone and what they expect me to be. This is very interesting. It is freeing yet it also is overwhelming. I can be me with no constraints. Who is that girl? Being quiet lets me learn. It is not always comfortable and I usually could just go do something and avoid this question. Here I can not. I inspire you not to avoid it. Many times along the way this question comes in. You recraft your branding as a wife, a mother, a professional, a empty nester, etc.. many times in life. The word brand sums it up well. Are we a brand? A ketchup? A beautiful label we put on ourselves. The label changes. This giggles me. Who are you now in this moment? With all you have been through and learned, who are you now? Not the old version of yester year but right now? This question made me step away and begin a list. A delightful list of all the things I love.. It brought a smile and a giggle to me. I think this is the etheral question that needs to be answered in the alone silience. We have had this reset. A slow down to recreate and open to the one we truly are. It is kind of truly magnificent! Never in my life has the whole world gotten to stop, go inward and find what ever they do. On the spiritual level, this is the gift and upliftment of this time. How exciting to the Goddess in me. Perhaps we should ask ourselves that daily to get the juiciest experience. Starting with this moment and considering who are you in this moment seems really big. Who am I in this moment? Apparently a writer!! Maybe it is the gift of age to know that slow down is good. In fact, really evaluating what you are doing day in and out asking if it inspires your heart is a good start? If not, how can you microchange something to head more in that direction? This takes quiet time. Quiet time can be many things. Meditation, prayer, sound healing, dazing out the window. I look often out the window at the mountains. They seem to say stop. Sink in. Settle. Be calm. Breath. Find joy in this most present moment. They help me stop so I can really embody being in my body fully. Presence comes in then. I still myself. That is quiet time. Who are we? What are we doing here? Are we to allow this insane world to continue? What is our small or big purpose truly that will help the collective recreate a safer world? Safe is what we seek. A safe place to be and know who we truly are. Who others are and our kids? Where we can play and try out ways of being, okay to make mistakes and as a group, we help each other determine and cooperate together to bring in this safe place by being ourselves truly. War and resistance must be cleared from our collective. How can we in our peaceful way make it safe here for us to be us and others to be themselves? That is what my inner world says to me these days. It asks the question from deep inward. What's my gig? What is yours? Let us work together if we align. I want to bring healing and safety to the world. The only time I can find that or be that who is me is when I feel safe. Nourished, filled with yin energy, Satiated and settled. We should have a world like this where safety exists. Then we can be creative and discover who we are continually as a process as we roll through life. I do know one thing. We are creative. We have fun being creators. We are enlivened and inspired when it feels good and like play. That is the passion of life. This creative feeling. The thing that has energy to it so you don't have to make yourself. That is the who you are. We are on a reset to determine this. It is actually huge and fun if we ask the question in lightness and inquiry. What are you creating to make the world more safe? That is my question after who am I now. Let's use this winter season to rebirth this who am I! Let us slow down enough to really dig up that real us. The one that enjoys life and find it easy to express our true selves today for we are safe and secure. That's my wisdom for the moment. Present tense being. Love and light to all the Politicians, People, Ideals and Us as we move into this new place of ultimately safety. Be creative and be you! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
February 2025
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