I don't have to prove my light.
I don't need to convince anyone of my magic! I can sink into my belief, Keep my secret garden within. I can allow others their view, Accepting their way of the world. I can be me and have mine, without the need to prove my value. I see all ways lead to our spirit. All views purposeful and valid. All paths perfect and unique. This doesn't undervalue my way It doesn't undervalue their way. All is perfect and beautiful. I honor others path and have my own. All valuable, sacred and precious. There is no need to compare or judge, Or a need to prove or justify. I can can have my own way and keep it to myself. Not project it onto others or let others project onto me. We all have perfection, we all percieve uniquely, There is no need to prove right or wrong. There is no need to be smarter or wiser. We all have our own blessing. Allow, accept, and be free! Celebrate the individual grace. Listen to others view, add if you can. Yet keep your own secret garden. Protected, valued, sacred and honored. Feel safe for it is your own. Blissfully, Lyn Hicks, MMS Health and Beauty Coach Get a free consultation Take a class Video Learning Buy her book
Yes, it is thick out there. I don't remember another time in life where there was so much strife around me and in the world. My fb friends all requesting love and prayers, my personal friends in intense crisis and myself in transition, there seems not much on the surface to keep going brightly.
However, we are required to enjoy our lives and all the mess and joy in it so I offer some tips to keep you going forward and accessing some sense of optimism to keep your spirit and vitality high. They may seem simple and you have heard them before yet don't let that cause you to miss the wisdom here. Are you using them daily? I inspire you to use simple practices for that is all we have time for these days! Gratitude. At this time, finding what is good about you is extremely helpful and healthful. It may be a needle in the haystack at first, but once you begin in floods in. We have all heard of this tool but at this time, it is important to practice it everyday to feel open and hopeful. It could be the simpleness of that you got up and are alive. Where ever you start, it uses your mind, our google search engine, to start to look for things that are good in life. It is a better use of this mind search engine than using it negatively. I think at this time, if you don't have some practice in using gratitude, you are probably in a negative state most of the time. Higher Learning. I don't know how I would get through all the insanity about me if I did not have a strong spirit study and belief in the greater good. I inspire you to get some form of positive direction that fuels your spirit in amazing, expansive ways so you don't look with blinders on. The sacred sciences, in what ever path suits you in one of the greatest tools I have to get through this thick, stressful time. It allows me to see things in greater, higher perspectives so I don't get caught up in the details and drama. There is such a push in the world in all these philosophies and religious ways for purpose, so dive into one and do it with great tenacity. Meditation or Inward Practice. Calming yourself, recentering, rejuvenation or just a break from all the inflow of information is a great tool. We are bombarded from all angles of information from very negative perspectives. It is what is about and yes. reality is here. Yet to realize, endurance, keeping your head up and walking through is the only solution, you might as well create a practice that brings you back to your courage, bravery and truth. Meditation, prayers, quietness, letting go of the need to solve it all or even digest it, allows the overload to empty so a path to continue on can emerge. I would recommend you come up with strategies to get to your core of being so you can begin again the walk forward with greater peace and clarity. Consider using this as often as you can through your day to reset yourself. It is a power tool. Sensuality and Nature. It is a challenge physically to our bodies all the technology and information. The electronic stimulation naturally depletes the body of energy and allows us to be in mental, mind focus. Our mind can go haywire with all this stimulation and we forget we have many other pieces to ourselves. Going into nature and re-embodying ourselves physically into all senses resets us on the atomic level as well as emotional and mental planes. Nature expands our mind, draws forth positive emotions and physically alivens us while flooding us with fresh oxygen not found inside. These all reset and renew your being in ways that nothing else can. Quickly, easily and peacefully. Peace and harmony is in nature and it inspires it in our body as well as our mind and emotions with little effort. This will lighten any burden or overwhelm in minutes. Prime tool! Take Some Deep Breathes. Oxygen intake increases in deep breathing which is the greatest elixir there is. In panic, we shallow breath and stay in the adrenal rush. With deep breathing, we naturally switch nervous systems which allows calm peace in our body easily. There is no thinking to it, just breath deeply for 5 or 10 breathes. It will quickly calm you down and allow clearer thinking. It is science and it is powerful as well as simple. No one uses this enough. Some moments it is all you can do for you are so in strife. To breath can take all your energy but your body will naturally reset with this graceful conscious tool of being alive. A few times each day, take 10 deep breathes, notice how you feel afterwards and you will see why as basic as it is, it is powerful beyond. In stress our body is gasping for oxygen so give it some. Peace, calm and even settledness can come from simple deep breathing. Rely on Your Support System. This is time to reach out and get help from your friends, family and likeminded. When you are in a crisis or hardship, it is a time to call on others that are your network. We all help others and there is a time to get love from them. So ask for help, get emotional support, chat with a counselor or call a friend to reset you. Others love, perspectives and kindness can recenter your point of view. If we were to be alone and do it all yourself, you wouldn't be on a planet of others. So use your support to redirect yourself and be thankful for them. We all need each other. Compassion is stirred, hearts open, support comes and we are lifted. I think that's a good start to give you some real tools that work. They may sound simple but that does not mean they are not powerful. Simplicity is usually the rule even though our mind wants to complicate with story and drama. Keep it simple in crisis. Use easy practices that can be called at a moments notice. Blissfully, Lyn Hicks, MMS Health and Beauty Coach Get a free consultation Take a class Video Learning Buy her book One of the greatest learnings I have encountered about joy, happiness and well being was to immerse in beauty. To be beauty, I was taught to see beauty everywhere. It is natural for us to be delighted by pleasant sights. We are drawn to the color in spring, the sparkles and color of Christmas decor, the largeness of mountains, the tranquility of a lake, the vastness of the starry night, the inviting nature of a lovely home.
We get so caught up in technology, our thoughts, our rushing that we often don't even realize what road we are on! We are chatting on our phone and we don't see the wonder all around us in color, smell, touch, sense. We have just lost touch with this sensual nature. However, if you want to relax, de-stress, open your mind, get creative, be present, all you have to do is stop and look around. Beauty will naturally call your attention. Whether it is a beautiful car, woman, man, building, tree, bush, flower, it will just naturally call you to partake. I offer this to you as a simple, so easy way to recenter and feel more alive and vital. Immerse in beauty. Make it a study to go out and see all the beautiful you can! It will melt your heart, delight the emotions, smile you, inspire you, exhilarate you! Suddenly a crisis, a bad day, a rambling mind, exhaustion will just leave you in a moment. You have to engage though, really stop and participate in the beauty about. Today as I spent much time on the computer, inside, in my mind, working the stuff of life, I got cranky. It gets me over mental. Not in my body but totally in my mind. The technology has this stressful, caffeine like vibe to it. Jittery, electronic, voltage that pulses us. I can feel anxious, on the edge, just not my cozy self. We all get this from many things but today it was technology for me. I decided to take a break and just move about. At first I spruced up about The Room, in the gardens and got moving, sensing seeing. It took a while to get out of the seeing small from working on the computer. Not seeing the bigger things around. I may not explain it well, too narrow of a focus maybe. After I moved the cranky energy out of me, I decided to further shift my vibe, I would take a woods walk. Just getting into my car, driving toward my destination, I began to relax. I saw the beauty around me, had the radio rocking me with sound, being sensual and perceptive rather than the narrow mind focus. As I strolled in the woods, magic just returned to me. The oxygen, the fresh air, the beauty, the sound, the peace, the allure all about just revved me up in joy. My vision got sharper, my thinking expanded, my emotions released any yuck. I was immersed in beauty. Nature is so rich in beauty and perception but you can use all beauty, not just nature. People watching can do it. Driving through a town at all the signs, delights and shapes. Any experience that invigorates your senses and stimulates, color, sound, texture, smell, any of it. Noticing what delights, what allures you, what calls you to pay attention. You become so present and grounded. It enlivens you, increases energy and mood. Immersing in beauty is a great way to relax and find joy. Truly, to have more positive energy, joy filled emotions and vitality, immerse in beauty. Works every time. Make it a practice to see beauty where ever you go. So much focus is on the negative, unhappy downright dreadful things. Amidst those things, there is great wonder! You however have to look. I promise if you do, you will find much more magic and happiness in your life easily! I use it often and today it just reminded me again of this simple tool. Better yet, you will be more beautiful! If you see it outside it will be created inside and emanate! Now that, is an awesome cosmetic! Lyn Hicks, MMS Health and Beauty Coach Get a free consultation Take a class Video Learning Buy her book Here is Princess the goat tangled in the horse tale. Often she plays with PJ's tail and gets all tangled up to where she is stuck in it. She reminds me of the many tangles or crisis's we get into ourselves. It seems crisis is part of our world. Unexpected and expected circumstances roll in and throw us a loop. Our own doings and the events of others that directly or indirectly effect our lives.
For me in this segment of my life, it seems they are coming from within myself and outside at quicker paces. So new ways to manage and center myself are on the table. That is also part of the learning of crisis. How can we find peace and centering while the nightmare swirls? We must update and reorder ourselves all through our life as we grow and conditions change. I recently went through a rapid series of events that felt like one crisis after another. We all go through periods of this and take our turn. As I kept going through them, grasping for balance, it seemed the next one hit before I could process the last one. I knew I was getting further shaken but time didn't seem to give me a rest. This is how it appeared atleast. However, I knew that I needed alone time to regroup, to stop all my doings but I couldn't see how so I kept going forward, with what balance I had and thought "I will soon." As we all know, this is not the best strategy for as you spin, it starts to get out of control and seems to attract more mess if we don't slow down. Needless to say, I got a great lesson to regroup for I didn't put forth the moment when I felt I should. It was one of those hard lessons, the cosmic 2x4 as we call them. The default. Like a healing crisis that if you don't slow down, you eventually get illness to stop and regroup how you care for your body. So yes I got my "wake up" to do things differently. It was a hard one and will have consequences to come. As I write, I am digesting the learning of all this. I know that I was getting off balance, not processing and did not give myself the moment to stop and regroup. I let the outer world dictate my pace, my movement and that is not wise for us most times. I could of stopped, for we always can but my desire to be all, do all ego overran my inner knowing. This is so important in crisis. Take the minute. It can be just 5 minutes to go inward and find our sealegs. I heard the call and over road it time and time again. So I got the support to stop in not so wonderful a way. However, it has given me the rest to recenter. The lovely universe, our divine part does get involved. Just often not in what we call lovely but definitely effective. I am on an inward break now! The other thing I garnered is that I can't judge myself for the way it played out. We are taught to be so hard on ourselves and it is our first go to. Some feel this is good yet in my study we seek review in neutrality not judgement. Shit happens as we say and it is for our growth. In fact, error is the only way we learn. So to spend time beating yourself up or playing hindsight quarter back with a negative spin is never the highest path to growth. Our society has taught us to berate ourselves or ask questions like "Why did I do this when I know better?" then proceed to feel bad about ourselves. At any given moment we are doing our best. Some days that is better than others. I have practiced enough compassion for myself to stop any of this kind of pattern. As soon as it sets in, forgiveness is my go to now. We are on a world that spins so quickly and learning the game here. We will mess up, do less than we expect and relearn things often sometimes. This doesn't make us stupid or bad, it makes us human. So when crisis hits and you make bad choices for you are uncentered, forgive yourself. If you were in a clear place you would of been different. That is why stress kills. We chose unwisely when we are stressed and it creates more strife. It is wiser to reflect on better strategies than hash over what has been done. In the speed of this world, crisis's will play its part. Try to realize sooner than later when it is about. In that realization, make the time to stop no matter what and find the moments to recenter as many times as you feel you need. Learning from this situation has been valuable. Knowing where I didn't use my wisdom is valuable. We all know alot of things but putting them into practice the true measure of it. It takes time to create new responses. Be gentle on yourself. Realize we all lose our head when stress and strife are about. It is part of learning to manage our world in higher ways. We only gain this through practice. In two weeks, whatever seems so large will be gone and we will be on with the next. Learn from them each so as we continue on, there is value in the crisis. We are becoming and shifting purposefully. Use it all for your upliftment and find ways to giggle. For in the end, it just doesn't matter. What does is that we continue. We find joy. We find love. We find next to spark of joy for it is all here. Focusing on the negative is just a bad strategy to have a happy, healthful, joyous life! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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