I am a fiery girl and learning to relax my body is a definite practice. As I moved out west, I find I have what they call "the mind of the east coast". We are going, doing, moving, expanding, stretching, on and on with ourselves. We actually burn out more and get knocked down. Then we recoup, reset and begin again. It is how I lived all my life and it felt right. However at this time, my mind pattern keeps going as my body is happy to slow down. This is called out of alignment. I am by no means lazy, I just need to align the mind body a bit better.
Out west they move slower to begin with. I am having a double learning about pace here. Even as I write this, I have a podcast in the background, boiling water for tea and writing. It is an interesting energy to unwind. I do know that not only have I had to face myself and this riled up way and tame it down, but it is wasteful use of my energy. At this covid time, growing wise, less oxygen and moisture in the air out west. I am resetting on huge levels.I have been learning tons of good health information on this break with The Magical Healing Arts podcast as well as study on my own. I must share an Ayervedic approach to energy that I am revisiting at this time. I would highly recommend this course, Modern Ayerveda with Cate . She reviews energy, the body, eating, the cycles and the rhythm of how we should synchronize with the larger beat of life. It has been awakening deeper in me what I learned from the Himalayan Masters. It is all about energy, especially in covid, so we can be vital to face the issues and stay unaffected by illness while enjoying life. Investigating myself, my rhythms and weaknesses, based on some of the things she shares, I realize I burn out myself with fiery imbalance, then drop. I recoup, rejuvenate and begin all over again. With less to do in this time, I can see it very clearly as I am in a scurry for no apparent reason. It is just an energy pattern I have used all of my life. It is not balanced or as healthy as it could be for me now. Taking time to watch myself and my cycles, using her wisdom and others, I see how I could be more efficient in moving without all the burn out and excitement. I can still be enthusiastic, but excitement hits the adrenal stress realm. The pattern is clear. With ayervedic using the 3 energies or doshas as a way to notice and realign simply, I am having a great aha moment again about how I move through my day. We all have patterns of before covid that just don't want to go. Especially if mind created or you are an excitement junkie as I. It is a great opportunity to watch yourself and see how things could work more optimally. For instance, since I like to fire up, and if your nature is one of these three energies, it will go toward the one you most use and unbalance you. That is why they are called doshas, or faults. I will go out of balance by firing up more when I am stressed than slow down. One who is more grounded, needs to move more but in stress they will sit more. We go toward our base line rather than reach for the opposities to balance. That is why this medicine of yoga can only be mastered when we become aware. Living Yoga is all about awareness. What I have learned about myself is to slowwwwww down. As I feel that revving up, which those who know me, I can spin, I can take a moment and really notice if this needs to be the pace. Do I need to keep going faster and faster. Learning how these energies work throughout any given day, how I am using them and at what times, I begin to find ways to align and balance my enery to optimum. We are all in such stress in many ways so this notice of pace and if it is necessary becomes key to remain centered, clear and able to manage at such a difficult time. As I notice this intensity, I can slow down myself and my pace to a more Kalpha(earth) pace or a Vata (air) pace. I can stretch, breathe, do tai chi, all things that will slow me down on a physical level and stop the rev up. I could also go for more Vata (air) activity like visioning, opening up to nature, expanding in my thoughts and visions, conversation, hit the etheric realm. Either way, I will slow down my fire, realign my energy and become more relaxed and flowing in enthusiasm than stress or excitement. Simple moments to reset, support you again, recovering your glide and flow which only adds greater health and well being. I also feel better, more energized, more open to continue but with less nervous energy flying. This is very important to understand so you can make rhythms that support oxytocin and glide versus the adrenal fatigue we all live in. It is just not healthful and causes illness. If you are Kapha, earthy and grounded, you tend to move slower and often your fix will be to get up and do some energetic task, it can be simple but it is movement. That will stop the heavy energy from just sitting. If you are Vata, in too much mental, airy energy, you need to ground by doing something slow and methodical or be really active or attentive in your body so you get out of your mind. It is tricky for when we are stressed, whatever our most common dosha, we will run towards it and imbalance by nature. Awareness Key. I write this for all to start to really observe this pattern and exhaustion we create on top of regular strife for ourselves so we can start to flow easier in our best way. There are times of day that relate to that as well. From 6 am until 2 pm, we are in Kapha energy, We are reentering our body after sleep so we slowly get moving forward. We use this earth energy to smooth into our body, be on earth and feel the stability of our body. We awaken to the day. They suggest a light breakfast so we don't use big digestive energy until fire, Pitta time. 2-6 pm. Pitta is fire energy, we can digest well, we are expanding all over the place. We eat a good lunch and rest for a few to support our digestion. We also find we get most done during the day as the cycle of life is. From 6-10 pm we are in Vata, air, ether energy. We wind down, eat a light dinner, settle from our day as we get ourselves ready to rest for the night. The afternoon bodes well for connection, emaling, mental work, communication. Very important understanding I believe to support us to ride our best cycle. It is a challenge for most to have a big dinner or lunch as we call it, in midday how they did it in the old days. No need to eat alot before bed and when we are busy working, we need the nutrition. Our body also aligned with that cycle of fire so a good time to digest. Many have digestive issues and perhaps trying to eat differently would help. The energy of evening support light digestion, keep this in mind. We all have different cycles that will work with life. I have had a great renewed energy and awareness from this class. In the past week. It is amazing how aligning with the energy cycles of the day, noticing my own and regrouping, I have a ton more energy in a relaxed way. Alert, ready to go but steady and not anxious or nervous energy as I could usually get going in a day. Has been so transforming and simple, I had to share some ideas so you too can realign better with your best energy. Look under Learning for Modern Ayerveda Class.
I imagine all of you, like me are a bit creeped out on all this sanitizer stuff! A few weeks ago there was news on certain brands having carcinogens in them! Everywhere you go are all types of hand sanitizer! Even health places and restaurants I go to for farm to table or organic healing, the smell of bleach is in the air. This is not so healthy for our systems to be in this "kill" environment. We have on masks that suck in the CO2 we are exhaling. We need to adapt to this new "sanitized" world with some health strategies! Although it is all about health, these conditions may not benefit our health on all levels! Let us be aware creating true health for ourselves.
1. Engage in Nature! Detox Your Body Effortlessly. I have always been a proponet of going in nature and just being, connecting, breathing. It is most important these days to get that fresh oxygen from the trees! We have air quality issues, viruses, chemicals and masks now suffocating us in many ways. Invite in the true healers of rich oxygen from nature, the expanded mind and emotional space of the outdoor world and the break from all the electrical field of the indoors! We need this even more than usual. Clear and clean your nature body with the outdoor negative ions and oxygen! Being closed in our indoor environments is not physically healthy! 2. Create or find your own sanitizer rather than using public ones for as safety! Thieves essental oil and others are disinfectants. You can create your own spray bottle. Tea Tree oil is another good one that kills well and these are safer than the chemical versions! Many woman sell essential oils so ask them what you need! This is a powerful, easy solution. Your body is not overloaded by essential oils! Plant medicine is easily recognized by your cells. 3. Learn of Hypochlorous Acid! One of the most powerful things in this moment is the Hypochlorous Acid, electric salt water, 2.5 ph Acid water from my Kangen Ionizer! It is the Top Sanitizer at this time. Used in many hospitals, retirement homes and businesses as a better solution to bleach. Quicker, cleaner, easily created as you need to keep the most deadly germs and viruses at bay. I love this! Kick the toxic cleaners out the door and still be using the most effective sanitation there is! A worthy investment for future health is to learn of the amazing power of water! Many businesses find this to be the only reason to have one. I am not liking the bleach everywhere after every client! The employees also getting effected by this practice of health! There are healthier solutions available to us! 4. Drink plenty of water! We all overlook this simple solution! In Chinese Medicine this is the season of thick mucus! As seasons change, the opening for respiratory illness is naturally hieghtened! Hydration supports the body in the most basic and simple way especially if the fluids get slowed from the season change! Drinking good water has the most power to support us. Clearing the body of toxins on all levels simply and naturally. Our bodies designed to operate in the flow with proper hydration! This is the quickest way to alkalize the body! I have learned so much about water and what we ingest is scary. Lets get educated and hydrate ourselves the best possible way we can. My daughter has a water seminar this week to educate. 5. Move more to clear things through your body! The lymphatic system clears when we move our body. It has no pump like the heart yet moves most of the liquid in our body! It moves the toxins the cells release about and out of our body, our cleansing system. Movement supports it most. I know I have been less active in this covid time. As we enter winters rest, create an easy movement practice for a few minutes here and there with the thought of supporting the lymphatic system. Nothing big is necessary. Swirling your arms as many lymphnodes there and in the chest and belly, reaching high and low, dancing about. Do this a few times a day. The Tai Chi health I taught was a perfect reset throughout the day. A simple qigong or yoga move with the intention of moving your liquids is perfect. Do an easy practice a few times a day of a simple move. 6. Eat hearty, healthy, colorful, varied vegetables! Eat organic, hearty roots as they are harvested this time of year. Soups, stews and warmth. Alkalized foods are helpful to fight off illness. Alkalinity key to a dis ease free body! Your food and water the most powerful ways to build healthy cells, body and immunity to all things. 7. Slow down! We have been slowed down and although my mind fights this less activity, my body adores it. We get this great opportunity to move slower, decide what is good for us, reflect and clear the crap out as the fall season shows us. Let go of quick rhythms that exhaust. Harry carry not a good energy flow all the time. Find peace with this flow on all levels. I know mentally I get challenged but it is a better pace for me! I like fast and fiery but it is not healthy especially for woman. A more syncopated pace with ebb and flow is how we are all designed. Nothing is awake and moving 24/7. Find a new rhythm to feel good at. Balanced with rest, fun, work, family, alone time and service! These are my health strategies during this next season and scenario in our world. I am not so sure this or any virus will ever leave as the flu is always about. With Increased sanitation and mask wearing part of our new world, let us keep clear on how to support health with these strategies wisely. Clean your masks often! Another issue that we all fall short on! That homemade sanitzer can spritz it up in a pinch! Stay healthy friends! This the biggest issue in our world today! My COVID journey has been one of celebrating myself. I have found I can actually give myself persmission to move slow, take my time, be somewhat restful and celebrate the things I like about myself. It seems whatever baggage, sadness, old stories and beliefs we have can be let go once and for all! This more solitude time has unraveled many stories for the good.
I find myself each new moon, writing what I desire to create and it is getting simpler all the time. Fun. Lightness. Sustainability. Health. Education, Community of likeminded folks. Seems to boil down to the same things I have always been creating in a complicated world. The causes, products and ways shift but the same message comes forward. To Celebrate Ourselves! To know and enjoy our unique wonder. To care and nourish ourselves to be our best. Permission to be the authentic one that is ourselves. And this COVID unfolding yet another form of me. The ambitious, push, pressure, shoulds, coulds are just leaving my energy these days. These pressures don’t support moving forward at all in this time. It is more nourishing, honoring and slow energy that couldn’t delight me more! I am releasing a lot of the ideas society has taught me. Maybe they worked before but not now. I don’t want to live that way or believe life has to be a struggle of hard work. I give myself permission to create in a light, fun, easy, graceful way in this new land. I know few but I can determine how and where this will go by my action and energy use. Truly determining where my energy is used, renewed, rejuvenated and flowing full. It has taken me most of the time to get to this conclusion. I believed I wanted to create in fun yet I had so many ideas against that. Unaligned in my energy. Wanting to enjoy, be playful and create yet watching all my old beliefs sabotage me. I am clear now. We can have fun or not have fun. We can be joyful or stressed. Having taken care of myself, rested, listened and allowed renewal, I am clearing this old paradigm of life is hard. I create forward in joy of life even more than before. I hope you too have come to this conclusion. Judgement needs to loosen on ourselves and others. We have had ample time to review what we are doing, resist not doing, watch ourselves battle this inside and deny the mental junk. We can listen to our body, emotions, mind too but in a greater way of synchronicity. Letting go of what life was to be, is and will be. It is all up in the air. We have this open moment to create it as we want and see if it sticks. So far, I am much more joyful and open to a surrendering to this new world with my ideas clear as to how to move in it. I give myself persmission to celebrate me as I am. I inspire others to celebrate themselves as well. This inward movement truly about this and embodying in a new way. Getting out of our head and putting into action those things that thrive us and being proud of it. No more following the rules or census! I am my own independent survey on what works for me. It is a heavy world so we do need many embracing this celebratory way of living and honoring themselves and others. Most still may find this to be trite or unnecessary. I believe it is the way of the future and will forge ahead in this celebration of me! It is simply a permission we give ourselves and others. We all get to do it our own way. We are creating anew together. Let’s support fun, alignment, health, compassion and individuality! Celebrate yourself with nourishing! Wahoo! For info on Kangen Water see the resouces here! The Magical Healing Arts Podcast and you tube have great creative inspiration for this time! For a Free Flowing in Grace Session, connect with me! Clinical Homeopathy consults available as well! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
January 2025
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