Soooooo, I have been drinking Kangen water for about 6 months. I have such good reports regarding energy and health. Now I am just dropping off pounds! Took a bit for me but I probably was dehydrated for a long time without knowing it. I am also out west in desert land where there is less moisture and oxygen! The more I learn of water, the more I experience why it is an ESSENTIAL ELIXIR!
We never realized how our body is just flowing water through it and not really absorbing it into our cells! Once you have molecular hydrogen water for a bit, the results are astounding. It is micro-clustered, which means small molecules so the cells will let it in. Water tends to clump like grapes so our lil cell opening just won't let it in. You should check out, and find what is in your tap water. It is a bit unsettling but the reports are there. We have to find this information ourselves and it is on line. Once you learn that, you can understand often why your body doesn't want to drink the 8 glasses a day. The Mayo health clinic suggests 8 glasses under normal conditions. If you workout, drink coffee, take meds, drink soda, are overweight, have health issues, the number goes up! Our body in its own state of correction, will not drink those 8 glasses if it is acidic or poison. It covers itself. So stop beating yourself up or wondering why you can't drink enough water! Your body won't take in water that is not truly helping it. As I share this water, many with chronic issues have incredible support just with the right water! Crazy! I never would of known this or experienced others stories of thyroid issues, kidney issues, IBS, Crohn's, Fibermyalgia, on and on it goes, actually shifting in just a few days!! That is phenominal! I have been around the healing arts and am a lover of elixirs. I share Clinical Homeopathy which is magical but water, Astounding effects! It makes sense to our mind for we are 70% water or more. Most all processes use water to happen so that number goes up. It seems so simple and is so powerful! I am enthused to really see others health issues shift toward healing. Each of us different so who knows what hydration can do for you until you try it. I am sure, as we all hear of magic from countless other elixirs, that many get tired of hearing about water but I can't help myself. It is so basic and blows all other body support away for we are generally like a jelly fish, filled with water. When I see the simplicity and power that the right water can do to shift you, I can't keep quiet. It is like the hidden gem that we all don't think of. For our water wasn't as bad and it continues to decline. You add in this covid which has all of us seeking better ways of immune health and water is the most powerful! The more you learn, the less you ever want to buy bottled water for it is acid first off. It is old and just sitting in plastic often in the sun or dirty spots! The plastic is permeable so if you think the tap report is bad, imagine all the stuff bottled water collects! It is very creepy. As we all know, when we get knowledge, we shift how we see things. I was so alarmed that I feel part of my mission to educate others on this most sacred element. 75% of our earth is made of it! Very powerful element! There is a business opportunity with Kangen as well which is delicious at this time. I am in a group where so many are finding freedom in time and finance when the world is in panic. The hypochlorous acid, 2.5 acid water the system makes is the most powerful sanitizer out there! Google it and see that hospitals around the world use it! Stronger to kill viruses, staph, ecoli, all of it faster than bleach and less corrosive and dangerous. It is just electric salt water! Talk about health at covid! Not only can I make money by sharing gallons of water, so others can try but I cleared my house of most all chemicals! Cost and health savings! I used environmental ones before but now I need very few! I can do laundry with alkalized water, clean with the acidic, use the beauty water for my face and skin that is our pH and drink amazing water! I can clean veggies really well and see the colored pesticides release! I can cook and make coffee and tea with the best water that takes less for it is micro-clustered, active, living water. It is so phenomenal and sustainable that I am still learning and in amazement of this simple water machine. We all know the more you know, the smarter choices you make! Google Molecular Hydrogen water! There is the Molecular Hydrogen Institute that has medical studies on all kinds of health conditions and how this water supports the whole body through all conditions. Top athletes and trainers use it like Tom Brady, the Seattle Seahawks and so many others. You know they are experts on bodies and performance. Be informed! Learn how to hydrate yourself optimally. Learn to convert your house and use less chemicals another bit health issue! The science and solution is already here! To top it off, it is a medical grade device. It is an investment and when cared for it lasts up to 25 years! Talk about a savings! No chemicals, good water and hydration, cleaning and greening your home. You really can't beat it. I feel part of a larger mission to share good water! It you get tired of hearing it, don't follow me. Soon enough it will not be about educating on the top ionizer for your home. It will be which ionizer you have! We all have Britta filters. Who ever would of thought that! You can check my site under Water, The Magic Elixir for all kinds of science and videos or our site on greening your home! This is a powerful mission to get others good, living water from any tap in the world. It is not a filter, it is about ionizing water. Like lightening and huge healing falls. Where water is alive and active, you can't go wrong! I will continue to share what I learn! Blessing to the world at this time! Water can help! Let me know how I can support you in this learning!
I have often been criticized for my unique way that I approach life. Goals, plans, security, how I work, how I move in the world. Many times in my life it has been a challenge. I have tried to do the "normal" way, it just doesn't work for me. I am an innovator and an initiator. I see things before they become popular and always have. Does it make me big money and security? Not in the ways the world has valued yet I have lived an adventurous life. I am always provided for and I have always helped others so life has always helped me.
When you free yourself from the "way we were taught" and do our own way in delight and peace within, life works for you magically. Yes, it takes clearing of the "training' we have had but it is a much more joyful life. I was created for different reasons than great production. When I align with that, I am always cared for and in big ways. I maybe didn't earn it financially but I earned the invitation to enjoy experiencing the fine things in life. Should I feel bad that I didn't create it? That is not what my gift is. I am to bring in new ideas, hold space for others in strife and know that if I follow my heart and messages, I will be cared for in grand ways. How that happens is not a concern of mine. I trust life and myself. A new way that will be created from all this mess. If you believe it or not doesn't really matter. I was an organic grower before people wanted organic food. I has environmental products long before anyone cared. I opened my farm for spiritual trainings long before I knew what I was doing. I got into the healing arts and education before many believed they were real. We all have different purposes and gifts that we offer and all are needed. I don't take stock in security as others do and never did things for money. It is just who I am and I followed that. Others are different and must follow and trust in their way. It is the easiest way to surf the world especially at this time. We all have been given a great break in life to really align with our true selves and not the "popular" ideals. A world of just production can't sustain itself. We need to nourish and enjoy equally as we create. We see what ambition, overproduction and greed have done to our world and we are not of this. It is not the way of life and never has been. We have experienced great luxury at the cost of ourselves and our common humanity. We are life and part of all life. It will go on without us. If we overproduce and kill ourselves , life will continue and rebirth a wiser crew. When we trust in life, that it is becoming and we are part of a greater picture, it is easy to find our way in it. We are all important and best when in our authenticity! We are needed as ourselves not the training or beliefs we gathered. Life is happening in every moment and filled with much blessing. If we miss it for we are focused on our mind and things we think, we will miss the power of being alive. Life becomes. It is what has happened for billions of years and will continue. Thinking we are smarter or can conquer it, is just our misunderstanding of who we are. Trust in yourself, your inward knowing and that life is here to support you to become better, greater and a collaborative part of the whole of life. This will support you forward, give you all you need, maybe not all you want but whatever you need. You will continue to grow, learn and adjust as all life does. There is no cookie cutter life or purpose or way to find happiness or joy. It is about you. You are the creator and you have all the tools to do the best life you can. It is an inside job not an outside one. We are here to learn different things, bring forward unique ways of being and collaborate with life. Trust in life. It is the gift of this time. Listen inwardly. Do what brings you joy and freedom. The rest will come in. Our strife is in that we are being other than ourselves and trying when it just doesn't work. There are many ways to accomplish the same things. We owe ourselves the truth to be that unique spark that no one else can bring forward. It isn't about money, things, stability or safety. Sure these things sound wonderful but they don't really exist on an evolving planet that is in constant motion. We are all here co-creating together. Blessings to realizing the real magic and wonder here. Be yourself. Trust in yourself. Know that this is how to live in magic, find your purpose and live in great gratitude and joy that you desire. We all have been in quite an experience of newness these days. Nothing in our structure of life has remained the same. Our regular patterns and activities have been jostled and it is disorienting. Our basic self, our patterned nature grasps for rhythm, routine and certainty. It is like a child that wants to know a schedule or rhythm for security but it is not there.
This is a natural desire for we live in a rhythmic universe. It is like music, when we experience it. We feel good when there is harmony to the random notes. This is not a creative part of ourselves but the part that wants stability in what's next. We usually don't get into the higher states of creativity and openness when we feel unsafe. It is all quite illusionary for in reality, the nature of things is still in a perfect harmony and rhythm. The sun still comes up, the birds and trees are still singing and growing, Overall life is becoming. It is our small view of the world that has changed. Our perspective of how it should be. This can be a challenging perspective to have now. As I moved during this pandemic, I am truly managing all things new. It can be disorienting and exhausting so I remember expansion goes in cycle. Overall, nature is always expanding but she goes through the cycle of 4 seasons. The rebirth of spring, the growing of summer, the harvest of autumn and a siow down of activity in winter. All things new does keep your more aware and alert as to what is going on in front of you. We have lived with many things on automatic, most of our lives. Now those things are not automatic. Our mind can't figure out what is next which creates uncertainty thus feeling unsafe. In reality, each moment is new so we are not going through anything more than once. However the way we lived was like ground hog day on many levels. Today these levels must become alert and perhaps be different. This is really being alive when each moment is new, all possibilities available in each moment and responding to what is going on. So although we are not in usual ways, we are in great creativity which is the power in any moment. We all know living now, we must be so alert, unpatterned, and this needs a slower pace to digest the world. To be present, respond in possibility, review the best solution in the moment takes a pause, a reflect, a slower pace. We can be more adjusting and thriving when we use this slower pace to move through the world. Our mind and regular being doesn't feel so good at this. It is used to moving fast, expecting certain things to be a certain way. We end up with our body being present and adjustable but the mind wanting to fight or glide over the moment and do how it has been patterned. It is a messing mix yet it is an awakening of our greater self that operates in creativity and innovation. Knowing really nothing is the same. We are set up to thrive in this! As all life is new for me, I am learning to make the most out of this newness.I have found the slower pace, being in the moment and watching the world with greater observation is the way to create life comfortably. It I try to go at the pace I could when I knew my surroundings, where reference points where automatic, I become overwhelmed. I get exhausted and then want to rest. Every bit of information is new to me. From what roads I drive, to find where I am going, in all moments I am required to move slower with great observation. I have to be very gentle on myself for I am not used to all this alive awareness. It is important that we realize that just because the mind wants to move fast, understand quickly and judge situations doesn't mean it is the best way to do things. We have let is run us with its finite view and love of pattern which is only one part of our mind. Our creative, innovative, alive mind needs to connect with all the other senses we have as it moves. Then it can create ideas and optimal situations by what is happening before you, not what you wish was happening. I find life anew is more fun and easy when I take it slow. When I am gentle, notice when I am uncertain or in stress or fear, I step back and slow down. This easily centers me. If I have had enough newness for the day, I honor that and rest so I can digest what occurred and where I really am. It is basically how we learn when we are young. We are not so trained by the mind or logic and just experience many things without judgement. When we don't get what we want, we may have a moment of upset but quickly let go and move forward. We don't have the ability to expect what's next for we are in full time learning. As we get older, we lose this present awareness and truly step out of life. I think it is a great time of reset in how we move through the world. You can stay stuck in what was or being upset that things have changed. There is another way, by realizing everything is creating anew. It is obvious these days but it has always been the case. This awakening is the realization that our nature is much more vast than we have been experiencing. The world allows us not to use so much automatic movement with our mind somewhere else. This creative experience becomes more reality and we find the way we moved before will not work. We are now more in alignment with what is really going on, having to use more present awareness and slow down. We have always been creating in each moment and just forgot. Now we are really evolving, using more of our capacity of discernment and creativity. We just can't be fully aware and move fast at once or we will exhaust ourselves. It is a bit scary yet offers greater power in creativity. Realizing we are really creating moment to moment. Being in a new world it is clear to me that I have far more power than I thought. I just need to live this, slow down and see all that is occurring in the moment and make live choices continually. There is no automatic pilot allowing me to check out of life. This is awakening to a new world and all that is in it. We have lost our sight and sensory experience. Now it is turned full on. It is good. Take your time, realize your power and see all is new. You do better with this perspective rather than using the old ways. God Bless us all in this uncomfortable but enlivening time. This is the fun, adventure and aliveness of living! For info on Kangen Water see the resouces here! The Magical Healing Arts Podcast and you tube have great creative inspiration for this time! For a Free Flowing in Grace Session, connect with me! Clinical Homeopathy consults available as well! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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