From all the reports in astrology and numerology, we have a stellar year ahead! Last year was a year of transformation and alot of odd junk was cleared. Jupiter the planet of expansion was in Scorpio, a sign of the deep, dark depths of us coming to the surface for review and release. Luckily, that is all complete now and Jupiter of expansion is in a lovely sign of Sagittarius for 13 months. Fun, learning, travel, excitement, just plane double expansion! Very exciting. People are finding their true passions in life! Much happier times ahead.
As we begin the new year, it is a great time for review and renew. We can begin to add new things to life that support a greater experience here. Small change is how we grow and create new ways or habits, so consider small incremental changes that could support a healthier, more empowered you. Big resolutions and changes do not stick as we know. We must be gentle with our body deva or basic animal body and work with it to support us in greater health by loving it, listening to it and working with it to gain new habits that delight us both. So in this new cycle, these are a few ideas to consider. Honor your body and realize how valuable it is. Work with it and the innate health system it has by listening to it, being kind in word and deed to it. It is like your greatest pet, the horse on which you ride as a conscious being. It has it's own brilliance that does most for us without a thought. It digest, cures, heals, purges, beats our heart, turns food into energy, gets us everywhere without our thinking. It has a childlike consciousness so we must be kind and loving to it. If we are, it does wonders for us without any thought. To create a greater look, lose weight, heal illness, we MUST find a loving connection to it so it will work for incremental change. It is the only way! So consider loving and honoring your body just as it is so you may create a more healthful one. Emotionally seek more joy and passion. Feel your feelings and listen to their guidance. Don't stuff down sadness or anger or fear. Notice, watch and let it move through you. Most illness comes from not feeling our true feelings. You don't have to get caught up in them, just recognize how you feel without trying to talk yourself out of it. They are like waves so when you feel angry, notice, observe your annoyance, see it's message and then move to the next emotion. We hold them in, don't honor or notice and then it becomes blocked energy in us, awaiting the wrong moment to come out for it builds energy being stuck in us. They are just indicators, feelings of our idea on what is occurring often based on lenses of childhood. Notice, feel and they actually move very quickly out of us. It is the stuffing or ignoring that creates issue. When you learn to ride your emotional nature as the guidance it is, you have more experiences in bliss and joy. They may be right or not, that doesn't matter. It is a wave of energy so let it be felt and allow it to pass on. Seek toward things that bring the emotions of happy, joy and laughter in simple ways and greater health will ensue. Accept that your mind is just a tool. Like the emotions, it is not always right. Infact, it is often filled with conditioning, old beliefs, many untruths that we operate with. We have been taught this is the only tool. When in our highest consciousness, yes mind is brilliant. But generally we are in low mind which I consider a virused computer. We use it for labeling, catagorizing, systems, analysis. It is behind the body experience and takes us out of presence so it should be used wisely. It is not the finest of tools for it is finite and we are in a world of infinite becoming. Use your emotional sensing, your other 5 senses and pay attention to what is truly occurring not just what we think is. Present awareness actually lets go of the mind or uses it in the observe position. If we are thinking, we are not doing, experiencing or being present with what is. Use this tool wisely or it will use you in chatter, monkey mind and mental loops that waste life and energy. It is the computing tool. Use all levels to discern your experience. Embrace your spirit in great ways. Add in things that excite you and inspire you. Find ways to expand your joyful, childlike ways of your spirit. It needs attention to get to know the true you. We are so filled with conditions, shoulds, woulds and limiting images of who to be. We are not those things, we are unique, playful, brilliant spirits. Developing our awareness of ourselves in fun ways adds such lightness and joy to our days. When we develop and connect with this divine part of ourselves, all other levels shift and become more to our liking and becoming. Participating in ways that enliven your spirit adds more passion, love of life, energy to do and happiness to us. Finally and most importantly, TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOURSELF! Only you know what your need. Find greater ways to relax, rejuvenate, renew yourself DAILY. This puts you in parasympathetic oxytocin of stress relief. We are way to stressed over nonsense and things out of our control. Find time to rest and relax, be creative and playful. This adds greater joy of life as it is in the mess of things. It inspires you with creative solutions, energy to move through whatever comes and vitality to feel good. Relaxing is the master elixir for all things. It provides clarity, calm and peace. It is why there are so many apps for chill, drinking, drugs for stress, the whole market of items that we don't need if we just breath, relax and find joy in small doses through out our day. A walk in the nature of beauty, a cup of tea watching the birds, a bath, a veg day on the couch, a nap, saying no to something you don't want to do. All these things of slow down and chill out are the healers par exellent. They are free, Easily done. 5 minutes is enough to create reset to clarity and calm. Magic comes of this in incredible ways! May you have a wonderful new year and take these small changes to heart. They are simple ways for a life of greater happiness, joy and energy. They are not hard or resolutions per se. They are simple perspective shifts that can transform your life and give you reasons to do self care. Daily, hourly and weekly, we need to honor ourselves as the spirit we are. We are not this body, our emotions or thinking. We are fun, light spirits here to experience joy and abundance and learn from what occurs. It is a magical world if we can get present to play with the conditions that are here. Not always so lovely but certainly learning and designed to bring out our clever, brilliant gifts to endure and enjoy all things. To a happy, prosperous, healthy and expanding new year of expressing your true spirit that is uniquely you! Love and light, Lyn
We are gearing up for the height of the season and the pace is picking up. Today, instead of doing the list of so many things needed to complete my preparation, I decided to take a break and refuel. I fought my mind for it was telling me there was no time to waste. However, my being called for a recharge so I decided I would listen to my sacred body so it would be beautiful and centered for the rest of the season.
Why? Because I deserve it and needed to relax. So caught up in things, it was time to stop the madness and care for me. I went to the Russian Spa which is the deepest form of oxytocin buzz I know. Not only that but it lasts for hours, even through the night. I know of no other treatment that has such a reset to the body for an extended period. I feel calm and chilled. The list still large in what is to be done but I have no hurry or panic in my being. I feel beautiful, renewed, peaceful and geared up to step it up this weekend. I have energy to double time if need be because I took the self care break. It is the way to reset, renew and head into the next part of the rush with a centered, peaceful, loving feeling. How we are to be doing the holiday in reality. So do something for yourself in the hardest moment of this preparation. The power, the calm, the reset will remind you of what and why you are doing all this. We need to take a rest and it seems we don't have time but that rest affords us more energy the next moment to continue on. Rather than run ragged through it all, you can rest and renew with fresh, bright energy available forward. We know this and have done this before. I am reminding you of the power of this slow down, honor yourself, rejuvenate strategy we all are aware of. Often people say I wish I could but I can't. Well then you can't and you will run yourself to the ground and most likely end up sick for your body is quite pissed at the exhaustion. Try something different. They say a 5 minute meditation break gives you the power of an hour nap! Often that quick switch to the chill affords you way more in energy than running to empty. I did it today and it worked wonders. I will do it again next week when my daughter comes in and make time once again to renew and refresh. They say it is most important to destress when you are in the highest stress. So I offer you the option to care for yourself amidst the rush. You will be grateful and will find your gratitude inward so you can express that outward thorough the season. Just a good health tip to check out. You know you need it. Just saying...... Know thyself, Heal thyself Buy my book Find A Class to join and receive updates and wisdom! The "Room" at Meadowbrook Get a free consult Lyn Hicks, Health and Beauty Mentor be In moving, I went through many of my things to reorder and found some old notes on Tantra. I was inspired to read them this morning and it was delightful to remind myself of this wonder. I learned tantra as a way of learning and developing yourself so you could be better in relationship. Understanding the poles of masculine and feminine within you, supports you to interact more fully and harmoniously with others. What struck me today was the idea of "Goddess" in woman. Woman are Goddesses. The Divine Feminine principle of God is Goddess, I am a woman and want to be my full expression of femininity, my divine nature as a woman. We are different than men in most all ways. Our culture doesn't inspire us to cultivate the ways of woman as a daily practice. It is a masculine run world and business clearly set up and running in this way. The issue with this is that we are all developing ourselves in these ways and the Goddess practices and traditions don't get their due. As woman we need to develop our way that is a bit different. Woman have lost the sense of womanliness in this culture. We don't nourish and develop ourselves in the ways of woman. It is not just of beauty and outward looks of delight deemed oddly by our society. It is cultivating our nourishing, nurturing creative nature. In not doing this, our essential nature is being lost and our health, wish fulfillment and natural way is not getting cultivated as it did in the past. Our flowing creative nature, has given way to production, logic and efficiency. These are great principles but the ways of nourishing do not get filled by them. As nurturers, we can not develop these qualities for ourselves or others if we are not cultivating this feminine side of ourselves. Our relationships with all people, especially ourselves, are not going to be nourished through production principles. Femininity is very changing and flowing. It has great freedom and openness in expression and rarely does the same things. It is adaptable, flexible, changeable, creative and freeing. Dance versus march is a good way to sense the direction or rhythm of it. In marching through life, which is good for men, woman have lost much expression of this feminine, Goddess nature that occurs with a dancing, more flowing vibration. Self development is key to relationships with others. To know and cultivate happiness, joy within ourselves is to find greater flexibility and cooperation with others. Having practices that develop your individual essence and nature are very important in all things especially relationships. Otherwise we are seeking fulfillment outside ourselves in things and others and we will not find that they fill us. What struck me today was that woman really don't take a lot of time to put forth energy to develop this nurturing quality for themselves, toward themselves. It is the age old self care that is talked of everywhere yet not really done properly. When woman strengthen their sense of their own beauty, feminine flow, changing nature and emotions, allowing this great expression, they are doing this self care. Having practices or rituals that develop our beauty, our sense of playing, our gliding adaptable nature and giving honor and delight in it, are key to this feminine expression of divinity. Loving our emotional, feeling nature as part of the heart and nourishing we add to the world, is paramount. We are often so disconnected from this flow of feeling, flow of playfulness, flow of creativity. It is not just doing an artistic project, it is approaching all life in a very artistic, changing, creative, evolving way. This is very different from production, order, logic, system mechanics. This honor of myself, the developing of my beauty through honoring my sacred feminine body, really feeling my feelings deeper, allowing my creativity to be present in all things can always go further. To give myself permission to know myself as a Goddess, open to the exploration and expression of this nourishing divine principle is my intention after reviewing tantra. Our culture of thinking doesn't support the feeling way of woman. We do things for different purposes, using the tools of the intuition and heart, from a caring space that flows naturally and nourishes gracefully. Making sense of things is not always the way. Combining all of our nature, blending the thinking and feeling parts is the natural blend of Mother Father God. The Mother God or Goddess part not very present or cultivated outwardly in our world. Without this, we are all unbalanced in relationship within ourselves and with others. No harmony can exist if there is no balance between the yin and yang, femininity and masculinity, giving and receiving aspects of the world. Quite interestingly as well, when we do take the time to cultivate or express in these Goddess ways, there is a bit of againstness towards this practice. Woman and men alike often consider it frivolous or not a good use of time. That is clearly a masculine "thinking" yet we all love to be allured by beauty, lightened up by a playful spirit and enticed to relax, flow and enjoy the moments. Who will do these things if the woman do not live in the way they were created essentially? We are the peacocks. the mothers, sisters and lovers, the relaxers, the beautifiers, the playful, giggly ones, the calm, peaceful forces. It is not only woman who have these qualities, yet we are the sources of such things by our very nature of being a woman. And why we were given the honor to birth life. I am inspired by this reflection today to go deeper into my wonder of being my womanly self. When I am filled within, by my own work, my own honor of me and nourishing of my spirit, I am better able to be in harmony with others. I have greater flexibility, less expectation of others, greater energy to give and flow, creative solutions come forward and I allow myself to be my silly, fun spirit that glides about the world in a wispy way. Not trying to be too ordered that creativity can't exist. Not too caught up in routine that I become mechanical or stiff. Marching when necessary but dancing the rest of the time which is most of the time. Yes I do honor being a woman! The Art of Being a Woman is just that. It is artistic, flowing, creating, adaptable, charming and mysterious, communicating in ways greater than words, youthful and playful, passionate and beautiful to be and observe. Thank you Mother God, Goddess! We are divine in such a magnificent way. I vow to cultivate and honor it more in this year ahead. Purchase, The Lotus Project, The Art Of Being a Woman Connect with Lyn for a free consult! Join Lyn Mailing list! Watch video learning about your femininity! Get mentoring on health and beauty! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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