I seek the space within
That fuels and heals me. It is not outside of me in a building, another or an experience. They all have their place in my world, but do not ground and center my spirit. If I go inside, settle myself, allow my ramble to express into nothingness, I find my sacred space. This is where I heal, where I see clearly, where I gain strength, where my love is. It has all my answers, soothes all my strife, allows all my peace and blends them into sacredness. I find my light, my Christos, my colorful rainbow, my healing love. It is truly me, my gift of Self, my inward home, the path to me. It is always with me, this golden chalice in my heart. I remember my abundance, my individuality, my gifts and my purpose. I can reset all my peices to exist beautifully in the world. I understand situation and ride the wave or the tornado. It keeps me going, help s me live vitally, support all fully and know the boundless love that I am. That you Spirit for this sacred connect. To the highest of high, the magic of all magic, the brightest rainbow colors. It is me. It is you. It is Divine. And I am blessed for this Deliciousness!! Beauty and Grace through Pleasure and Play Buy my book The Lotus Project Coaching, Videos, Elixir, Organic flowers, Classes Join my Mailing list for weekly inspiration! The "Room" at Meadowbrook Lyn Hicks, Health and Beauty Within Coach, Published Author, Educator and Event Coordinator at The Room At Meadowbrook in Ottsville, PA
Oh my! Everywhere I go there seems to be anxiety! Many people in challenging, soul growing situations with a spouse, ill parents, physical ails, expansion into unknown directions, children issues, you name it, I have heard it. It all reminds me of the first line in The Road Less Traveled, "Life is difficult." We all go through periods of extreme conditions where it's one thing after another. It is part of the experience here.
When we remember that growth is what is occurring in all life, allow this natural twist of fate as normal, cyclical and just what is, we can breathe for a moment. In fact, breathing, relaxing, stepping away to regain your center is the most important thing you can do. In panic, we make bad choices and go into automatic responses that create even more issue to already strained conditions. I just find that when I remember "this is life" , all does shift. We can endure the situation with these reminders, and even settle a bit. Stress and anxiety are killers. They are the cause of body ails and they are unavoidable. With that in mind it becomes, "how can I get through this without additional issues created by being frantic?" Self care, relaxing, compassion for yourself and letting go of the being super person who does it all are most important. These states let us know we are tapped, we are not in our power, so gentleness to make it through is our goal. This adrenal state is very unstabilizing. Our body not designed to hang in it long term without malfunction. So these times are when it is important to be aware, rest, get support and find moments alone that you can recenter or you are just writing your story to a healing crisis. It is often after we get through the hardest part, that illness sets in. We think "how could I make it through all that and now be sick?" The adrenaline gives you juice and juice and juice and when you finally settle, the systems are screaming for help. Understanding this is so valuable to health. For we will be in these situations. Knowing how to pass through is key to finding our emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health. Also, we have to be very aware of this adrenal state in our everyday lives. Often many are in it and they are not really in a crisis, they just live as though one is happening. This is very dangerous for it is extended, and cortisol reeks havoc on our system. We have to put things into perspective and stop running about as though a dinosaur is chasing us. We have to first be aware of this state. Is it warranted? Can we find a calmer way to live everyday life? If it is crisis, remember to care for yourself as you go through and it will end. Tools of awareness are being taught in the healing arts these days for this very thing. We can not go on in fear of the future {anxiety} and expect to be healthy and enjoy life. Finding ways to reset and calm ourselves through weekly classes like yoga and tai chi suport us to remember to reset. Meditation, walks in nature where we allow the beauty to envelop us and in essence empty our cup, massages, healing arts, creative hobbies, these are all part of this recenter. At first we must train ourselves through these things to feel the difference and calm peace that rolls in. Once you get it there are a plenty of simple ways to shift out of this anxious feeling through out your day. I invite you to read my blogs, listen to my videos, buy my book and come to one of my classes to learn how to settle your body as we walk through this time. There are so many options and as we open to learning of our true nature and body, we can live within these conditions and still find peace and joy. Strategies, tools and ways of see the higher perspective are part of learning to mange. I inspire you to find personal ways that support you in this that the healing and expressive arts offer for they are key. We are spirits in a human body with conditioned limitation. Breaking free of these things, atleast settling your physical, emotional and mental self at these times, will go along way to health and beauty. Oxytocin, relax and renew are key to ride in challenge and still manage your state. Energy management is key and understanding how to paramount at this time. We will have anxiety and stress, it just doesn't have to cause illness and aging. Self care is the elixir that I teach about most. It is the healer and I inspire to learn all you can about it! Beauty and Grace through Pleasure and Play Buy my book The Lotus Project Coaching, Videos, Elixir, Organic flowers, Classes Join my Mailing list for weekly inspiration! The "Room" at Meadowbrook Lyn Hicks, Health and Beauty Within Coach, Published Author, Educator and Event Coordinator at The Room At Meadowbrook in Ottsville, PA People often ask me how I can be so joyful! Sometimes they get mad because I am joyful and in a light mood. When they know the challenge or hardship I am in, they don't understand how I can feel bright, hopeful or in a good mood. Joy is not generated by an outer circumstance. It can be but it is not the prerequisite. It is an energy field of highest vibration and you can create it and move through the world in that energy. We are energy. When you truly get this and understand that, feel your own, realize how to play and be in it with awareness, the whole game changes. Most don't truly know what joy feels like or they don't feel it often and consider it more mental. They think joy or tell them selves they should be joy but their whole body is not in it. It is an emotion, energy moving, you can't think joy, you feel it. In our society that is all about "thinking", we miss so much wonder and great emotions. We are so busy thinking all the time that we don't truly embody ourselves and our lives. That is what understanding energy has taught me. Once you feel your energy, know what relaxation, oxytocin, pleasure feel like in your body with awareness, it is easy to create. We know frustration, disappointment, anger, panic, stress too but not in awareness. We run about in mostly negative frantic states. As you get to sense these emotional states, this energy moving from a more detached state, then the game becomes to play with these energy vibrations. You notice, then shift. You have to have the body awareness of these. It is not the thinking but the being of them. As you see it as energy and not yourself, you can play and shift it very easily. For example, music is a shaman healer and energy shifter. You know how if a song comes on it can quickly shift your energy. You will suddenly feel power or happy, maybe heartache or longing depending on the song. It powerfully brings in an emotional, energetic vibe that infects us. It is quick and really quite fun. Or maybe you are in a good mood and you go to the store and the cashier is mean, in negative energy. You walk out with it, "I can't believe they were like that". You have taken on their energy. Energy of emotions and thought states bombard us everywhere we go. As you learn this, which I was so blessed to have great masters teach me this most incredible understanding, it is easier. It becomes a game to notice your energy and then gather tools to shift it quickly. I have studied and played with this for quite a bit so I have many tools of shifting myself. The yoga of living is not about taking an hour class. It is about starting your day in a good mood and then trying to keep it despite what occurs. It is a yoga, being in a witness or observing awareness. Once you understand and gather tools, it becomes quite like a habit. It takes observing, then doing something in a minute or two to recenter you back to the flow of joy. It is the most powerful thing I have learned thus far. That is why I can be in joy so often and float about in giggle and lightness. I am aware of my energy and work to keep it high, clear and ready to face what comes. I get knocked into all the negative states like others, I just have awareness and tools, many tools to shift when I can. If one doesn't work, I keep trying them until I can raise out. It is a practice and I see it as playing. With unawareness, we tend to be low in a world full of strife and challenge. The larger energy is of panic and fear. To not be effected by this takes self awareness. That is why I teach this, Tai Chi Health, Aharaj Yoga, energy and body understanding. We have not the correct understanding of the energy being that we are and how to work in it. We go about and others effect us unknowingly. We all know this, for we go out feeling good and sooner than later, we are no longer in happy. You can't put your finger on it because nothing negative happened to you. You picked up another's energy of feeling or thinking. We are fields and we blend so easily and quickly. We are just unaware. Most are in their mind and its all the world teaches so they miss this presence, an embodying of self. Just because you think things doesn't make them true or cause action. You need the other parts of you, your body and your emotions. They work intricately to move about. When you understand the layer down effect, become aware, you can start to create habits to be in high emotion to move. Then as something else comes along, find ways to move past that and back to the emotional, physical energy you want. Mind won't do it. Mind is often off on a tangent while your body and emotions are on something else. We call it alignment of all bodies and then your are powerful. I invite you to notice with awareness how this play of energy occurs. You can watch it take place. Emotions are very powerful and no one talks of them and how to work with them. It is the energy moving about us. Once you get an awareness of how this is moving, you can start to be in charge of your field. Not taking in others, not letting things effect you creating a really powerful position. Life becomes a game and a magic dance to keep that joy with you. You need to remember what true joy feels like first. We learn so much about mind and it is not the mover. The body and emotions are. That is why we know what to do but don't do it. It is because we are not connecting the dots of all our pieces. So to answer the question, why am I so joyful? I understand that I am a spirit in a body. I get that we are energy and as you understand and play with this, life becomes a richer experience. You really inhabit or "embody" your body, your emotions, your mind into real time of presence, not minding. You use your tools to shift when you get off track and it becomes much more easy to glide and flow. Presence, being, the power of now are all related to this. They are not found by being in the mind but embodying all of you. We have lost our awarenes of ourselves as mind, body, emotions and spirit intricately connecting and operating together. You are energy flowing whether you understand, think or get it. It is what is. Once you open to understand your bodies, of emotion and mind, you begin to be able to be in charge, control and have fun with it. Then life becomes like magic and you play with it all. This is how true joy is generated and experienced often! !Beauty and Grace through Pleasure and Play Buy my book The Lotus Project Coaching, Videos, Elixir, Organic flowers, Classes Join my Mailing list for weekly inspiration! The "Room" at Meadowbrook Lyn Hicks, Health and Beauty Within Coach, Published Author, Educator and Event Coordinator at The Room At Meadowbrook in Ottsville, PA Often when we hear pleasure, we think of some indulgence or something bad or unhealthy! It really is a misunderstood word so let me share my ideas on it. It is an elixir and so important to life when we use it properly. It creates health, vitality, vibrance and glow.
The pleasure I am speaking of is the live in the moment joyousness. Enjoying our meals of healthy, colorful, delicious, life enhancing foods that delight our being and our senses. Watching a sunset, really reveling in it and the magic of this kingdom. Engaging with others and being fully present to them, touching or looking into their eyes, listening and being fully aware of the love and friendship. Playing outside and noticing the smells, the breeze, the colors and the textures and being enveloped in it. Listening to music and hearing the notes, maybe dancing the rhythm through our body or tapping and feeling the emotion, singing our heart out or allowing the incredible sound to vibe our being. This is pleasure that is the elixir. Not minding, or thinking about something while doing something else. Really being fully engaged in life that even the bad stuff has humor or pleasure in it for it is rich in emotion, of hardship or challenge that you know will eventually shift. You are in it, in love, in kindness, in support. Not getting so caught up in the to dos and whys and when that you are not even present in all you are doing. Your busy worrying about this, afraid of that, thinking or feeling out of context of what is occurring. Judging it, labeling it rather than just being in whatever it is. To be alive is a true pleasure. We have magical bodies that can experience through six senses and constantly can have wonderful stimulation and sensory modem way beyond the mind. Mind often stops it and we miss the pleasure of being in anything. It is behind or ahead instead of silently partaking. When you play with this form of pleasure, you get relaxed, find joy, see beauty, smell sweetness, engage love and being. Having 3 squares of good chocolate is so pleasurable when you savor and taste it rather than a whole bar unconsciously because you are upset. Walking in the woods inspired and really seeing what is around you is better than walking with your head ruminating your problems over and over again. Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, dazing out the window with soft background music in ease and grace rather than the news blasting turmoil at you as you prepare to face the world. Rocking out in your car to some high vibe song as you see the blooms about is pleasure and joy versus listening to kyw or bitching on the phone on how life isn't working for you. These are choices we make every day and many moments through the day. When you choose what will bring you pleasure, true pleasure, presence and vibrance, you have the elixir. You go places and people wonder why you glow, wonder what are you so happy about. Your just living life from the higher vibe, using your body as the sensual tool it is, your emotions are up, your mind quieted. Getting into all the senses is what supports pleasure and presence. Not in a bad way but in a good way that you use all your tools of awareness to create moments that work for you. This is what I practice with pleasure! It works magic! May want to play with this a tad more! Beauty and Grace through Pleasure and Play Buy my book The Lotus Project Coaching, Videos, Elixir, Organic flowers, Classes Join my Mailing list for weekly inspiration! The "Room" at Meadowbrook Lyn Hicks, Health and Beauty Within Coach, Published Author, Educator and Event Coordinator at The Room At Meadowbrook in Ottsville, PA Everyone loves the buzz word freedom but what is that really? Are we free when we are in our 20's, open to do what we want? The world says get a job and be steady and save. Are we free after we get married? Then everyone acts like your tangled and asks when will you have children? Then we do the family things and I certainly wouldn't say that is considered freedom. So when are we free? When we hit midlife and our kids are grown or when we are kids and everything is handled for us?
i take a different look on it and it doesn't have to do with our outside conditions. If it does, then there really is no freedom per se. However if we consider freedom is doing what is best for us despite outside conditions, then I think we are more on track. Freedom is a state of mind. It is choosing what will make us happy, delighted and in joy. Any other definition is not reality for we all have to pay bills, do family, manage chores, so absolute freedom is not real here. Our forefathers wrote of freedom of choice. Choice to decide what works for us and not be impinged on by others. That is freedom, the choice to do what works within the conditions but not being run by them. It all sounds good and dandly but how hard is that? Everyone wants to tell you what to do, how to look, what to be and some image of success which I still don't understand for those acheiveing that image, don't look so delighted. So freedom to me is a choice to be yourself, against all conditioning, programs, societal views and family patterns. A big task at that for we only seem to get the outer reward when we follow the proposed rules! As one who has not on many levels and still doesn't, let me tell you it takes courage to truly live freedom. Cast about, talked of and criticized is the least of it. Yet what is the reward? it is the power to be yourself! Your true being without worry of judgement, projecting and playing the game. It is quite freeing and delicious but not for the uncourageious. I like myself, my path, and know the value of my teachings and story. Yet many do not and they love to let me know exactly how off I am. So it is a bit unsettling. Kind of a dual sworded situation. I get to fully enjoy myself and my way yet I am not fully accepted in all circles. So how do I manage this freedom of being? No one is accepted in all circles truly, so to think all will love us fully as we are is a myth. Those who do, naturally gravitate to us and those who don't, fall away. It is a challenge to our side that wants to be loved and recognized. Yet if I am recognized for "playing' a role, then I don't feel so good. So I say, be free and learn your way to be you. There is greater deliciousness in being yourself and being not so liked than in being not you and being not truly loved either for the true your. I have been through quite the ringer in the last three years yet I have been brilliant enough to find study and tools to keep me on track of true happiness. True freedom is really an inner state. It is being able to adapt, feel good, adjust yourself and flow with whatever comes your way based on an inward space. Then the outer is what it is. There is strife, judgement, chores and drama outside. But freedom to me exists inwardly as I chose what to do and how to play it based on my core and compass. The world is full of hoopla, crappy rules and tales that will not lead us to our best self. To do that, we must develop our inward nature to be steady to ourselves and work with what ever occurs outside. It is a travel I can tell you, but the rewards so great when you are truly true to you. To me this is what freedom means. I can not please most, and my direct, honest way bothers many. My human error creates judgement as well. But deep inside, my compass is a loving girl, wanting to support growth and love and putting forth all my heart to do that. It doesn't always come out so good but I own that. I like who I am. I like how I try and what efforts I put forth in the world to educate, love and share joy. No one is for everyone but I do love my freedom to be me! I break the rules, I mess up, I go crazy but I do give it my all and it is true soul learning. This is the freedom I inspire you to consider! Who really cares if others don't like your ways, judge you or criticize? Isn't that already happening? I would rather be true to my mystical girl and go wrong, than try to be "normal" and be shunned just as well. So find your freedom. The world is designed to have many unique, fun, flipping odd folks in it. So add your flavor! It is much better a place when all are true to themselves. Then we can truly flourish rather than all pretending to be whatever it is we are supposed to be! It is killing the spirit! So forgive yourself for being a unique version of spirit that doesn't quite fit in! I have yet to meet one following the rules and being themselves! Be free to be you! The delight you feel will far outweigh the judgments or gossip about you. It all becomes humorous and from my spirit school, you have reached enlightenment when you can giggle about it all! Beauty and Grace through Pleasure and Play Buy my book The Lotus Project Blogs, videos and inspiration at www.lynhicks.com Join my Mailing list for weekly inspiration! Class schedule The "Room" at Meadowbrook Lyn Hicks, Health and Beauty Within Coach, Published Author, Educator and Event Coordinator at The Room At Meadowbrook in Ottsville, PA What is this you ask? Taking care of yourself first! It is the number one change that will dramatically change all conditions in your life. A challenge, yes, especially as a woman for we seem to easily serve others above ourselves. That doesn't negate the fact that if we fuel ourselves first, our life will transform, our health will excel, our beauty will be enhanced, our stress lowered. our joy lifted. Indulge yourself so you can be filled!
I, too, am on this journey to expand my health and life by using this elixir! My ministry is about this very thing, self ministery, aka self indulgence. Not in a negative way of escapism, but a positive way of self honor. I am very masterful at supporting and helping others. To my own demise often so this is a rule I play with and it does challenge me. None the less, I continue to make tracks, overcome outdated belief systems and truly find more joy and beauty in all parts of myself and my life. So I inspire you to go on journey with this practice as well. Incremental change is how we shift so do small doses until this is a new habit in your life. As woman, it is indeed the way we have greatest power for we are fulfilled and we overflow naturally. How do I do this? I check inwardly if I can support others when the call comes in. Many parts of me are screaming often with my empathic nature to help yet I see if I feel delighted or obligated or trained to say yes. In this question alone, I find the truth of whether it is highest good which includes me and my highest good. I have walked through guilt for moments but then let that go knowing serving is best done with a full heart. Otherwise resentment and expectation can come in and then I am not truly helping at all. I consider myself first as I start my day imagining a good day, a happy day so I make sure there are things in it that delight me and relax me. I put ideas of these first in the morning so I am more likely to do them. Maybe it is a walk in the woods that no matter what occurs, I will do this for myself. A bike ride or a meditation rest. Maybe it is connecting with others so I make sure I do it and not allow others needs to allow me to cancel. It may be writing or helping another for it will make me feel good. I have an ongoing list of those things big and small that I put into my day to relax myself. It maybe as simple as dancing to a great song. Either way, I am certain to do at least 2 things, my goal is 5, that satisfy just me! When I get overwhelmed or feel panicked, I take 5. I have learned not to continue forward in this energy. Things get worse, it is the law of energy. Panic will increase, error will continue and then I have a larger mess than the initial overwhelm. I step outside, I take deep breathes, I sit down and cool down. This is a powerful easy way to stop the craziness that works. I am the creator and creation in panic is negative in result. I heed this take 5 rule. There is great self honor and care in resetting yourself throughout your day! I take the best plate or piece of cake or whatever I am serving for myself!! Yes this creates amazing challenge to our beliefs! Yet I do it anyway for it honors me deeply. Why shouldn't I get the best half of the bagel? I do this at least once a week! It is nice to give the best to others only if it is balanced with giving to yourself. I like this practice most and watch the guilt and undoing of my training most here. It is quite funny and I feel like a princess! No one else notices and I honor the me that wants the best! I flow with the moment and decide as I go. Often we say we will do something then later regret it. I often let people know if I am not sure how I will feel so I can keep things open. Just incase something more honoring of me rather than obligated to another or plans I made when I felt different comes up. We overbook ourselves and as my friend Bob would say," I gotta feel it!" For those things that have that flexibility, I take it. Do remember often we dread doing something and then it turns out great that we were forced to go, so use this one wisely. Of course we need to remember the word "no" I am unable to right now!!!!! That could be a whole blog! You must be queen of your domain and know when you can help and when doing so will stress you. We all know this and people understand and will find someone else. You are not the only savior around, there are other woman! Teehee! If there is no one else, remember that often we are to manage situations on our own sometimes and that brings the greatest healing. Don't sacrifice yourself for another! It doesn't help either! I truly look for ways each day to inspire my sensuality, my senses! This alone fuels our feminine, nourishing side for ourselves so we can serve others in loving. I really notice the things, nature's beauty around me. I use essential oils for each has a different quality it stimulates in the brain and enhances our moods. Scent such a healer. I indulge in quality food pleasures in small doses like Owow Cow organic ice cream, great olives or a good piece of chocolate and really savor and taste it. Not often but when I do, I am in full pleasure and full indulgence! This supports me in health! I use music to elevate my mood, a shaman tool. I can easily get happy playing a great tune and move to it better yet. I give myself Jin Shin self care, a Japanese practice that involves touching points on your body that relax me. It only takes minutes to do these small things that truly make ourselves feel loved, honored and not worn out or the doormat. Only we can do things for ourselves in the unique way and timing that we need. No one else knows and we are woman so it changes rapidly. Play with this practice and watch yourself and your beliefs come forward of "selfish", guilt, etccc. It is quite funny for who made those rules anyway? We know they don't work! Helping others can be a tremendous gift and really fill us up but only when we are doing it for the right reasons, overflow. This will truly make your day to day much brighter and happier!! Enjoy this practice! .Beauty and Grace through Pleasure and Play Buy my book The Lotus Project Blogs, videos and inspiration at www.lynhicks.com Join my Mailing list for weekly inspiration! Class schedule The "Room" at Meadowbrook Lyn Hicks, Health and Beauty Within Coach, Published Author, Educator and Event Coordinator at The Room At Meadowbrook in Ottsville, PA Truly we can only know what we are doing, how and why through observation. We often run into the same scenarios with a little different twist but the key elements of challenge there. To enjoy life and find happiness, even create greater things in it, we must be aware of what is happening and how we are participating in it.
Our basic self, our body deva as I call it, like patterns, routines and rhythms. We get up usually the same way, do our morning routine, go about our tasks similarly each day with no thinking. This is our lovely body being running the physical level for us. Thank goodness too, for we don't have to tie ourselves up in this level. However, if we find something to be a problem for us, it is important to look how this pattern runs. It works in cycle so we have to play the cycle to change it. This is done through observation. Not judging ourselves but observing how we are creating something we don't want. If you want to lose weight, the first step is to watch what and how your are eating. Really see the patterns. Maybe too much late night food? Unhealthy foods when you are stressed? Over abundance of something unhealthful? These are patterns that we often do with no consciousness. Through observation we see what it is we are doing. We don't judge this as bad or wrong, we notice and then add in incremental change to shift it. Remember our body works on pattern so we shift the pattern a bit at a time for lasting change. It is why diets and quick fixes don't work. We go against the body pattern we are running and it will win out in doing what we have trained it to do unless we do it incrementally! It is the way of the physical being. It is best to understand it, observe and work to change it to new patterns that are more healthy. Drop the judgement of the whole process! It is just a process of creating a new pattern. There is no need to beat on the body for a pattern you created at some point to fill a need. Just observe, find a way to change it as a process and then the body works with and for you. It is like a animal that needs training. People look at their body in all sorts of ways but it is truly the horse on which your spirit rides. It operates quite on its own to handle most all physical processes of living without any of our awareness until it is sick or injured. So we work with it to train to do unconsciously for us what we want. It is easier to initiate change through this way for when we want to lose weight we really want to thin up and have new ways to live in health forever. You can create a good habit as easy as a bad one. Same process, greater awareness to create a good lifestyle. Observation has neutrality in it. It is very scientific. We can do this with our emotions, our mind patterns, anything that is not working well for us. We observe and see our part in a situation. We never judge for it is not usually not worthy of much of anything but to build our ego. When it comes to ourselves, wanting to create a more joyful life, why judge what is occurring? Just realize through observation with awareness, what you want different and then go about retraining yourself through it. No need to call things good or bad, they just are. Most patterns where created to support and protect you at one time. As we grow and life changes, we just need to update ourselves like a computer. We don't get mad at our computer if its programs are out of date! We just download new software. In essence, that is all we are doing in life as we grow and desire different things. There is no need for judgement about overselves. Observation and forgiveness are the two greatest tools I know to bring about change, joy and relaxation. Forgive yourself for getting a bit overweight, angry, lazy, reactive, mean, obsessed, whatever it is that you want to shift. Then observe how this comes to you in life for a bit. After some neutral study of it, you catch these negatives ways, and can begin shifting how you experience the world and what you do with yourself and others. Awareness is the ticket to a wonderful life. Notice, observe, rework and begin a new. It is our life long process and we are doing it continually anyway. To get ahead of the curve rather than let the default mode of illness or injury to get you to shift, is a wiser way of living. If you don't and it happens that way, big deal, so you had a health crisis and now you will change. Judgement of anything we do is overrated and a block to living a wonderful life. It is the biggest creator of dis ease in our body, mind and spirit and we do it to ourselves. Wasted energy on just learning how to be our best. So give up that one and move forward in awareness by observing, loving yourself for all your whackiness and changing incrementally what new pattern you desire. Then it becomes a fun way to play with life! Play with your patterns and train this sacred animal that houses our spirit here on this level!! Ride em cowboy!! Teehee! Whatever form we are seeking, it is truly the essence of what that form will bring us that we desire. We often get so caught up in the form of it rather than remembering what that form will bring to us. That is what we seek truly and to remind ourselves of this is key to happiness.
If I want a new car, which I am seeking at this time, it is for the fun of the ride. It is for the adventure and delight I will have cruising about. It enhances my lifestyle to have a vehicle fitting my funky personality. The car can do nothing for me for it is utility. Yet when I see the essence of what I desire in the vehicle it can quickly bring forward what I desire. I can have fun, adventure and joy in any vehicle really. The essence is a state and an attitude toward life. I create a form that enhances that. This is the truth of why we want any form. When we stay directed on the essence of what we desire, we have greater power to manifest. We also can have the essence with or without the form. It usually is some inward experience we think the form will bring us. It could but it also quickly fades into another form. When we center on the essence of the experience, we have greater options of what will fill that and this allows greater flexibility in form as well. So no exact one thing, or the rigidity of that one thing has to be clung too. We can be more open to options of how it will come forward and allow the universal energy to bring in what is best. The other part is that as we identify the essence of the form we are seeking, we are less attached to the outcome of that manifestation. Truly we are getting the right attitude and realizing that the form won't bring us the inward satisfaction. It is the inward satisfaction that brings the form forward and makes the manifestation so enjoyable. If we use it for relationship, a job, a home, really anything, it is key to realize what we are seeking from that form to enhance our lifestyle. The openness of realizing this gives us a greater attitude and openness to receive of it with less anxiety and stress. There is greater freedom in experience as we await that form. We have often wanted something so bad and it didn't come to us. Later something greater came along and we were so thankful our first desire didn't occur. Keeping this in mind that we don't truly know the highest good often, having trust in the bigger plan and allowing the essence to drive us rather than some form is enlightenment. We can also live the essence we are seeking before the form and have greater joy. Then when the form does show up, we can see that we are doing the process from the inside which is truly the only control we have here. I invite you to see your desires, dreams and goals from the higher perspective of what the true essence it is you are so seeking. Feel that essence with enthusiasm as you walk to bring that into form. Then be open to the plethora of ways that it can come toward you. You will have greater ease, joy and less anxiety as well as attachment to the material world. You will also manifest greater things into your life. Play with this! Relax as you envision your desires while keeping the essence of it within you. That is what makes the master magician, knowing he can have it all inwardly and that allows the outward to be a field of possibility .Beauty and Grace through Pleasure and Play Buy my book The Lotus Project Blogs, videos and inspiration at www.lynhicks.com Join my Mailing list for weekly inspiration! Class schedule The "Room" at Meadowbrook Lyn Hicks, Health and Beauty Within Coach, Published Author, Educator and Event Coordinator at The Room At Meadowbrook in Ottsville, PA I just graduated from my 2 Year MSS,, Masters Of Spiritual Science this weekend. It was a journey to go through all the processes and learn of myself and many others in the study. In the end, we are all seeking the same things and it is a matter of how we responded to our environments and what clothes we picked to wear. On one end, trying to control the situations for safety and the other to pipe down our enthusiasm and quietly acquiesce for peace.
It was amazing to see how it all really comes down to the same factors we are all looking for and that even our issues, as we went into the depth and patterns, were pretty basic and simple. We think our lives are filled with so many things when often we are doing the same situations, relationships and responses over and over again thinking all is different when it is not. Just our defense mechanisms playing about in our attempt for safety, security, understanding and protection. It was truly a magical journey. I understand so much more of others and it intensified my 6th sense and ability to read and understand them. A gift to know what they need for safety, to open, be settled and support them in strife. In the end of it all, it came down to one word that I could use to explain my experience and learning, We all need to relax! We just don't relax, allow, get present and flow with life. We get so caught in our mind, our ideas or desires, add extra to situations making them much more complicated than they are and truly tangle ourselves up with non truth. Relax is such a simple word but very few know how to do it and how it feels in their body. It is a worthy practice to play with this word and understand it fully. So many of our issues, perceived problems, confllcts, troubles are far more confusing because of our inability to relax. For instance, lets consider we have many tasks to do. We rush around in frantic, get fumbled and then spill something, lose our keys, rush about creating more panic energy and actually wasting more time when we are already behind. If we could breath, regroup, calm down, we could glide through it in grace and ease. How many days are you in the flow and you get so much done you can't believe it and there was no rush, plan or schedule. Yet you proceeded to flow with what was occurring, almost dance like and simply accomplish a ton with what seems little effort. That is what relax does to us as we move. We are more joyful, less pressured, easily present and moving from one to the next and we get much complete! How many times does our mind get in to second guess us, react more intensely to others comments, not see all the information correctly then we ruminate things in our head. We are so busy talking to ourselves about what could be or should be or what we will say and we are moving around missing out on life as it is happening. We blow things out of proportion, create strife where there was a light misunderstanding and just get stress, tight and combative and it truly was all in our head. In our class, we saw these things over and over again as the issue rather than real issues. It was our energy, our approach, our thinking that was not reality but bad imagination at work. That is why breathe is so valuable a word and tool that you hear everywhere to calm. Why? It gets you relaxed through deep breathing, creates clarity in the moment and stops the energetic panic flow. If you do it for more than a few breathes, it literally switches nervous systems and you find yourself in the parasympathetic one of relaxation, renew, rejuvenation in oxytocin, the healing hormone. So I invite you to really pay attention to what you are doing to yourself. Observation so key in the two years of my class. When you catch yourself all caught up in things in a tizzy, just stop and breath. Go outside. Call a friend to reset you. Take a breather as we say. It is a powerful practice and can be used many times in one afternoon and still do its magic every time. You will find you are moving in a more graceful gliding way. I don't care what it is you are dealing with, it will lose its intensity. Then clarity, clear thinking can come in for panic thinking is never wise. Our health crisis of stress and stress related disease, no sleep, no fun is all based on the panic state we live each day. If you could just start to bring in an awareness of this and find ways to get to know what relaxation is in your body and mind, you will clear so many health issues. It is not good for us to be in adrenal stress all day. Our lives are a panic nightmare that never ends. Simply play with these ideas. It is the magic elixir of all time. They say relaxation is enlightenment. For it lifts you up, out and beyond present circumstances and allows you to be clear at seeing what is occurring. Stopping your mind, slowing down your body, moving in a more graceful flow. Play with it and you will see the fun of life that comes in! Truth is simple just not so easy! Relax for a moment! It is truly magic health! Relax, be calm, know all is perfect.
Breathe In, Breathe Out, Appreciate the blessings around you. All that is happening is the Divine Plan. No need to rush here or there, There is action in stopping, being and breathing. Find your inner light, The Star that YOU are. Connect with that, The Joy, the Calm, the Peace. Know the plan is perfect, even if you don't see it. You are good enough, you are doing enough, The Light is in you. Be directed, focused, calm, still even. Nothing wrong, just your judgement of it. Settle in, breathe, find the warmth. the peace, and grace of your light. Your divinity is always here, awaiting your notice. When you settle and feel blessed, You have clarity and love. This is all you need. Your inner connection. Listen for your direction. Slowly move forward, do what your spirit calls forward. The blessing is here. |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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