One of my delights is to study systems and see how to create quicker ways through them. I love philosophy, science, spirituality and health of the body. I am intrigued by all types and the less known modalities through my curiosity. It is a big story to me. As I learned from Spiritual Masters about my body health. I enjoy seeing how what I learned from them that seem basic and often absurd are now being considered revolutionary medicine. A student I am.
As these magical and scientific systems report ways to health, the parasympathetic nervous system seems the winner in all ways. This is our nervous system of repair, renew, rejuvenate, tend and befriend or rest and digest. We are all running around in the sympathetic nervous system of fight or flight as though the world is burning down. That is the only time we need this system and it is a short term juicing system. Our problem is that we are using this all the time and burning out our bodies. It will create disease on all levels for we are not designed to run this way. We unbalance all our systems. When in this fight or flight, all other jobs our body does, digestion, healing repairing , are put on hold. So many of our bodily processes are not occurring as designed. This backs up the renewal, repair, the feeding, the clearing, assimilation, etc. Of course, you could see how illness would eventually come forward! The body is like a car that hasn't any oil, no lubrication of sorts. There is no rest, joy chemicals and the body can not operate optimally. The parasympathetic nervous system is the main system we should be in, especially woman. Our feel good chemicals are rolling through our body, creating high moods, peaceful minds and relaxed bodies. This is also when the body detoxes, heals wounds, repairs its organs, all this occurs in this magic nervous system. In a society where we are in sympathetic nervous system rat wheel, we can easily find greater health by just creating ways to shut down that rat wheel some of the time and be in greater relaxed states. Therefore, in the end, pleasure, joy, fun, relaxation, are the elixirs. We can do these in any way we want but know this is the way to recenter and reset our body. Calm down, slow down, find pleasure in nature and the things around you. These are the healers. Participating in things we like, enjoy, that fuel us and support us to laugh and be joyful. Yes, the world is crazy but we are the only ones who are allowing this fight and flight run us. Yes, the world trains us for that yet all the science is clear. If we want health, we need to find joy more times throughout our day. Quick shifts, fully body awareness and listening, taking time to enjoy and do things you love in life. The rush of adrenaline is killing us. Our pineal gland gets calcified reveling in cortisol. We need the oxytocin of pleasure, seratonin and all the other good chemicals. It is basic. It is clear. It is proven. It is up to you. I know you have a million reasons on why you can't enjoy life or slow down. How this won't work. That is an ok answer if you want to find out how you can burn out your body. There is a million ways you could break down from this adrenal stress and go on drugs to try to support your thyroid, heart, etc. The choice seems simple and clear Great health comes from you slowing down, finding easy pleasure, creating ways to have joy and relaxing into all things! Be in the dinosaur run or pleasure of life? You get to choose! For a free Flowing in Grace Session, connect with me!
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,We have so little information about a life process that happens to every woman. Fortunately, science is starting to uncover greater understanding of this and how our body is operating. This is a process that is purposeful, healthy and part of our path as woman. There doesn't need to be a denial, a dread or a fear of problems that occur when we stop producing eggs. It is part of a brilliant sacred vessel that gives life and there comes a time when it is no longer the main function of our body. It is natural, normal and healthy and it is a time to give life to ourselves!
I imagine I am in it. I no longer get my period regularly and at times I can experience hot flashes from too much coffee. It has not been a big issue with me. I have learned of my body and what is actually happening to it. It doesn't make me feel old, unwanted or uncomfortable. I am in a life process like getting my period, now I am not. It is natural for my body not longer to be able to produce off spring and I am happy about it. So let us get an understanding of this process so we can feel better about ourselves and what is going on. Stress can cause this process to start earlier than normal. All my health information shares how our body gets burnt out by being in high levels of cortisol, adrenal stress. When our mighty adrenal glands are exhausted, our body doesn't run as well as it should. During menopause or perimenopause, these glands are very important in the transition. If they are taxed, the transition will not be as smooth. Our body can't do it's work so easily. It is paramount to get a handle on our responses to the outer world so our body is less exhausted in life, This stress creates issues that are not necessary or healthy. Finding ways to be in oxytocin, the pleasure hormone are the way to rejuvenate as a woman. There is no other way than shifting our body state out of this cortisol and into the parasympathetic more often. It helps with all life, this transition as well. As the ovaries get to the end of their egg generating years, the energy that was used monthly for this process moves upward through our body on a journey to our pineal gland. On it's path it passes through all our body and gives us an opportunity to clear ways of being and review old issues. Our primary focus for most of our life was the family we created. When in those years, it is our nature to consider the group, the peace of our family, the stability of them as our highest purpose. We put up with situations and conditions that work for all and sublimate our desires. It is natural and part of what woman do. Society expects it and we have been trained to be a good woman. Peace on the homestead creates health of the group. Our nature is to nourish so we do this and often through denying our pleasures. As our children grow, our life and purpose changes. We reclaim back energy for ourselves. We haven't put ourselves in the picture fully for years. The empty nest, depression, SAD, putting our nurturing toward animals or a cause, all can come forward during this time of change. We are in a process that is much like the teenage years when we first got our period. Our body now moves the energy upward, allows us the reflection and review of these quieted desires and griefs. We are given the time for this past to come up and be release as part of our birthing a new. Our pineal gland in our brain supports us to expand our wisdom out of our small group of family and into the larger world. In doing this process, we revisit old wounds as part of this journey. Having put others before ourselves for so long has created issues that we get to clear in this later life process. It is purposeful for we are reconnecting to ourselves. We no longer need to tend our clan in the same way and can do things we desire. As we get the opportunity to rebirth ourselves from the full on caretaker role to a role of caring for ourselves in a way that will support us now in the world, a lot of old stuff is to surface and purposefully. We are capable to handle these griefs or losses now. We feel through them. It is a very pensive time in life of inward movement. We are looking at ourselves, our lives, what didn't work, letting it go and moving into a new expression that we haven't had since we became mothers. This is a huge shift and delightful when we understand we are refining ourselves. Yes there is labor involved. We can put time into us and whatever path we want once again. Fear is present for we have been doing this role most of our lives. We have shelved parts of ourselves. it is ok for we are now reviewing them again. It is an investigative time to reflect and let go of imbalances so we can be authentic in who we are. The energy goes upward and passes through the power center. We get to see where and when we gave away our power. Anger surfaces for us and the hormones and chemicals in our brain bring this and old memories forward. It is part of the physiological process. Our brain is now stimulated by the very hormones that worked in our womb. Activating a part of our brain to clear issues and renew our power. Many woman will walk through old abuses as an opportunity to reset their views to clearer ways to support themselves. All the injustices we put up with little and big, get a review so we can realign ourselves for this new way that doesn't involve others running the show. We get to process how we use our power, where we got it taken away or gave it away and how to now experience our power differently in light of our waning parenthood. Marriages actually fail at this time for a clearer view of what was happening comes forward and we get to decide if this is the life we want now that there is no clan to sacrifice for. It is part of the biological process for us to take a look at our memories and anger so we may be changed from it. The energy goes through our heart and wants to clear any imbalances there. It is a gift this review of ourselves. We get to clear out old stuff that is no longer supportive for our future selves. We let go of these hurts by processing them. It is why depression, health issues of these organs and melancholy is part of this transition. We are preparing for our birth of our individual self in a way that supports us. It is like lightening sparks us. It goes through our body, lights up our imbalances on its journey to the brain so we may heal ourselves through a reorder, self care and gentleness. Allowing our real self to come into being in this next leg. Health issues all a sign of the imbalance and an opportunity to care for ourselves in a greater way. The energy travels past the thyroid and throat, another menopausal health issue. What has been unspoken, what words did we not say. We are in a new position now where remaining quiet for the good of the group is no longer necessary. We get to review and speak up for ourselves. Again, the chemicals in our brain are being stimulated to go through the memories, anger is inspired and unspoken words are brought forward. This is for our review so we can transition to this new phase of life that supports us fully in a way of self development that works for our spirit of being. These reproductive hormones are now supporting the reproduction of us by stimulating areas of the brain. They are creating this review and new look at life for us to clear our past and go forward taking care of our true individual self. No longer having to be quiet, neat, ordered and holding the clan in peace. What a beautiful process this is to grow into your authentic woman in this new stage. Of course it has it's hardship and it is meant to have this review for survival of ourselves. We can know this process is happening and honor it. The anger is a stage of it purposefully. Not so we can rant at others but so we can allow that anger to process things that need not hold us in that old place. Perhaps giving us power to change things. In doing this we become a more authentic version of ourselves. Our pineal gland comes alive, we are a true wise woman of our culture. Now helping the larger group in ways that work for us. That is the story of our body, the emotional energy that we are processing in our menopausal years. It is taking back our power that we, as woman have given up for our clan to thrive. We no longer need to do that as a biological position or an emotional one. Our body sets us up for the next phase where our strength, our truth, our individual being can be further brought forth in the power it is. We should welcome this transition and use this inward movement to our great benefit. Health and understanding come from this reflective time. It is similar to our body growing with a baby, business or an idea. We birth all kinds of things, it is our gift of being a woman. We went through the shifts of our body as it grew and feed the life inside and managed through the emotions. the tiredness, the challenge of it. So we do it again on the back end for ourselves. This sacred vessel is well designed to support us here and we need to get on board that it is working with and for us, not against us. There is wisdom to how it runs. We are now the baby to be born yet again in greater power and beauty. Unfortunately, we have not carried an understanding of our body or our role through life. We just were not taught how it works as the ancient woman's mysteries share clearly. See the big picture and the beauty of being a woman. We are young and vivacious, we get in surged with hormones that stir our body to give life. This is an innate drive and we know nothing of it, often we disconnected from our body right then and there. We lived this cycle unknowning of it or the path to work with our body. Maybe we had children and fulfilled that nourishing reproductive drive, nurtured our offspring and supported the clan we created. All natural instinctual processes we are designed to do. Now as we leave those years, our gift of ourselves is given back. We get surged with hormones again to review, release, change perspective after all this process and become an individual again. Now wiser, more powerful for the process. We are woman. This is our life path and purpose. It is a beautiful gift of nourishing force. Now we get to nourish ourselves with all the wisdom we learned from doing it for others. How lovely is that. A beautiful story of menopause. As we embrace the true story of ourselves, we gently allow this review to support our rebirth. We get support in the form of herbs, medical help, psychological help, whatever you deem necessary to birth yourself in comfort. It is not all comfort for it is birth. So we walk through it like all other phases. We are gifted back ourselves. The childlike girl we were before this whole process of hormones began gets to come into expression. We are ready to be a new, beautiful, wise expression of ourselves. How cool is that? I know I am enjoying this rebirth fully and enjoying every bit of it! It is just the Art of Being a Woman! Christine Northrop, The Wisdom of Menopause has great herbal and medical information on this process and ways to support you. For a free Flow in Grace Session, connect with me! So many of the new health studies and treatments are uncovering what the Masters have known a long time. Our unconscious, subconscious, unknown part of ourselves is running the show. We use our minds and ideas to move through life and we hit glitches along the way where often our beliefs systems are not in alignment. We have many pieces to this multidimensionality. Our mind doesn't run everything as we have been trained. Yes, when in alignment with our spirit, emotions and body, certainly we can create. Yet often this hidden side, the shadow, the unconscious has a great power to our experience and we are not conscious of it and how it works. Thus, its name "un" conscious.
What a quagmire we are in. We have this base system, developed as a child when we didn't have all the information or used our youthful mind to create ways to be in the world that runs us unconsciously. Hypnotherapy, psychology, many of the health practices are a way to uncover these basic beliefs that run us. That is why it is a passion of mine to share the healing and expressive arts for answers lie in them. This unconscious is tied into us through our emotions. The energy element, not the thought, the feeling nature is what holds this in place. Your conscious mind may want to create something but somewhere inside you, you have a counter idea that will create resistance and you wonder why is this not working? It is unconscious or in the sub consciousness? Here I use them interchangeably. Know thyself, heal thyself. How are we to do this when we have a powerful system that runs us and we have a challenge to be aware of it? So much energy of protection and safety is tired in the unconscious as well for it was how we managed to survive in the world as small beings. There are nonsensical ideas and cause effect responses that have nothing to do with the reality we live in now. We have this locked in emotional energy that is holding limits for protection that is no longer needed. So what do we do? As I have been taught there is a plethora of ways we can address this and many ways is the best approach. More important to that is our understanding that this runs us. We have to accept this first before we can change anything. This perspective can support you uncovering the mess. When we are thinking, out of presence and in our heads, our unconscious is running us. It is driving our car to where we are going, walking, doing the things of life while we are off thinking and out of our body essentially. The unconscious is running us while we are out thinking. This is very important to understand. We all know this and live in this world doing it more often than not. We are out of presence when we are thinking in this way so we don't have full control of ourselves or are we getting the environmental clues about us. That is why present awareness, being in the now, being in the moment is so powerful. This is actually in the only place where change can occur. Changing our minds is done in the mind, changing our emotions is done in the emotions and changing our behavior is done on the physical level so we have to be present to shift any of these things. We can't think a feeling, we can't think an action. We can shift how we feel (present) or we take action now (present). We can think all we want but it is not doing anything. If we want to change a level or an idea, we have to work on that dimension, not just think about it. As we get hold of this idea, knowing we have these multi dimensions running simultaneously, we can start to address getting things aligned. Until then, we are just going from one idea to another through outside stimulation instead of from our core inside. Lets consider an example. My spirit wants me to create by sharing as a life coach. My mind is on board for I have wisdom I have learned that transformed me and I can share it. My emotions love to help others so they are passionate about sharing. My site, my literature, the physical plane stuff is in place. So it appears that I should have a great manifestation. I am teaching and sharing with others but I want more success at this and farther reach. Our mind would say "Do more work. Get out there, you have to have better seo, clearer words, greater visibility" and that could be true. But there are times when people don't have the physical level stuff up to par and they still create so is this the only answer? Now lets see what my subconscious, basic self girl has inside her that needs to get on board. Is there anything inside me that I am not aware of that could be causing a glitch? Well, it is unconscious so I can't just think about it and get an answer always. it is called unconscious or subconscious for we are not fully conscious of it. However, I can bring light to it, find sideline ways to get to it. Hypnotherapy can get me in the Theta state where this story lives and reprogram it. Looking at my childhood and what were my first ideas of success can bring in some answers. It is a dig to say the least to get this unconscious conscious. Many spiritual schools do past lives, processes, energetic shifts to re-calibrate the unconscious. So we must begin here if things just aren't right. Our world says do something different when often it is believe something different is the answer. It is not the action but the beliefs. In this example, I have many ideas of success as I was socially trained. Get the stable job, work hard, get a paycheck and you will have success. Coaching is a relatively new industry and although gaining ground, it is not a consistent paycheck. Right there I am going against a belief on success. I am not doing the job/ benefits route so I have a part of me that thinks you can't gain success that way. My reference point for success now is out of alignment. I must update that success can come in numerous ways, the job idea is just one way to reach success. I also have an aversion to the word coach. Words mean different things to people and often why communication is hard. Coach implies sports and I lived in a sports household and although I played sports, I didn't like its competitive nature. It had too much pressure for me. So now when I call myself coach, the seo word that describes my industry, I have an aversion the name or have an odd association with it. Here again, my unconscious ideas have a programming going against my life path. I am starting to make these beliefs conscious. In the hidden part of me beliefs exist that go against what I am doing. They are counter the plan. I like the word mentor more. Yet mentor implies free and that will not gain me success financially either. We have so many of these inside us. It is a tangle of a life and quite the can of worms. It is part of the learning here to be conscious and in control of what is running you. So there are just two beliefs and there could be many more things inside me working against my creation in the unconscious. I have to know myself, find ways to dive in and update some of this dark side that I am unaware of. That is why alignment, getting all of your pieces on board of a dream are the only way to draw things forward. We must have all our being on board and if the subconscious, unconscious, hidden side of me have things running counter, I will not be able to create in full vibration. Another example is someone trying to get well yet inside as a child they got loving attention when they were sick. So they create illness as a way to get attention even though it is not so healthy, it gets them what they are seeking and the unconscious is doing this. They may consciously think, I am doing all these healthy things, why is this happening? For when they want love or feel they need support, the pathway to get it is to become sick in the unconscious. We have loads of this stuff inside us that is just bad information seen through the eyes of a child. This is the work of know thyself. To uproot these ideas and let them go free and adding the correct beliefs that we know to be true now. It is a process, an unfolding. Illness and genetics are passed down this way. Our family has heart issues or cancer so if we use the same beliefs of our ancestors, we too can have those issues. But today, science is showing that with evolved thinking and emotional processing, we can change our path and shut off those genetics or evolve them to new experiences. Our DNA is not set information as once thought. We can evolve these strands through our experiences and actually change them. So we have many ways this patterning of the unconscious runs us without our full awareness. The game becomes, how do we unlock these ideas when we are unaware of them. Developing ourselves through bringing the light of Awareness is key. We uproot these ideas time and again until the new pattern sticks. We realize that an under layer exists and we uncover these things as we go through life. It is a process of knowing ourselves and our unique operating systems as they come forward in life. We find ways to align ourselves fully and this dig is part of it. These patterns are not bad or wrong, they were how we saw the world and kept safe when we were young. The issue is that we are not those small beings in survival. We have gained many experiences and successes that override that information and we just need to reroute ourselves by conscious awareness. We don't need to get upset with ourselves or use self berating behavior that we are making odd connections and choices. We just love the pattern that worked for a moment and realize we not longer need this outdated information. It is how it all works. This is the core of self development. We allow ourselves to update our selves, our stories, our beliefs, our motives. You learn to know yourself and the odd ideas you have collected. You see if they are purposeful now, and then shift or discard them. It is what we are doing anyway. Science is now offering great therapies that dive into this unconscious as spirit schools have been sharing practices to reveal this as well. This is how we grow and evolve. Grounding our spirit is bringing in our unique way which is clearing the trained way of being. We unmask. The unconscious, subconscious, the dark hidden parts of ourselves that we through protection tucked away in these areas, must be unmuddied. It is what it is. Our being is set up this way to survive and protect. Once we no longer need these protections, we root them out as they appear. Being mindful, aware, going through old issues as they surface, all for our development of being who we really are underneath these things. To clear our body of these emotional ties is the play we are in. So many processes out there are on the mental level. That level will not access the subconscious or clear it. It is the job of the emotional nature. Fear, protection, anxiety, unworthiness, are all emotions. They can't be thought out. We know for we have all tried that for that is what we are taught. It doesn't work. It is not the level where they came to be so we can only shift by using the feeling nature. This is the cause effect level. That tends to be a problem for we have discounted this nature. We look at it as the lower nature, to be subdued, not listened too, unstable. In fact, it could be but it is what creates this unconscious dark inside. So we can only rework it through an understanding, a processing that goes in on the emotional level. Another reason to play and notice our emotions. They are guidance as the thinking is and yet, no one is really teaching us about it very clear or popularly. Until you want to get cozy with this energy nature, the emotions, energy moving, you will not uproot these outdated beliefs. You will be run by childlike eyes in many areas and unaware of them. Self development is developing these into wiser ways. We become aware of our idiosyncrasies and change them in a steady process. The good news is there are great roots to the many connections we have so we go for that root and many unconscious beliefs change simultaneously. Our roots are created in our childhood so clearing those ideas is the way to do it with greater efficiency. We are just opening to really understanding this multidimensionality on the mind level. Be patient and gentle. This is our evolution. I find making it play, not so serious is how to work it. That is how I was taught and there is no right or wrong in play. Just an uncovering of information. I showed you about myself and how these ideas could effect my success. I look at them, feel them and then let them go. I live more accurate beliefs and watch for when another tie to that idea comes forward in the present and clear that. It is the process and we do it unconsciously so now we can do some of it consciously for a healthier way of being. Let me be clear that we do not need to go back to our childhood like opening a can of worms with our mind. We investigate it presently as issues come up in the present. If I consider, something is out of alignment, I then investigate what beliefs I have that could counteract it, then and there. I am present, going forward in sharing my gift and then as I find a block, I then investigate in present awareness. That way we are not getting caught in a mental loop trying to find a needle in a haystack. We are doing something now, we look at then to see if there is a clearing of old information to be completed. It is very different than living in the past or allowing it to run us. Present awareness will bring us to these past things easily, in play, in investigation and as an observer. It is effective used this way. I have found it to be the easier, quickest way to play with my unconscious. I Inspire you to play in the same way. Present awareness unlocks the past! Method is very important here so you can free and update rather than rerun the program! Playing with life! For a free Flow in Grace Session, connect with me. When we are in our highest states. our highest wisdom, we feel so powerful. Things flow, we find answers, serendipity comes forward, life feels like magic. It really is in these moments that we sense the power we are and act from this confident center that all will go the way it does and we will be fine. We will land. We will be our happiness. We will get where we want. We see the joy in living.
Most other times, we are thrown about by life. Reacting, moving, going and doing. There seems to be a pace happening and we just can't catch up. We feel out of control, not sure what is going on, we get worn and unclear, life is happening to us. We oscillate between these states and in fact both are part of life. Both are divine. They are the experience here. We take this whole totality as life as it is. It is wise to see it as they all are states of living. We can however, find a way to have more of the magical living than the stress. We can remember when we are in the thrown about part, we are out of balance or possibly resisting in some way to what is occurring. We have these two extremes. The clearest way to move is to know these and all else is happening. It is not in our control as we like to reference control. It is life happening so we decide how to go about it. In accepting these extreme states and all else, we realize that our only hope is to cooperate with whatever is happening. We must drop our resistance to gain any level of control. Whatever happens, it is here and we just accept. Challenging at times but the only path out. After we have let go of our resistance, opinions, judgments, ideas of what we what or how it all should play out, we come to a place of clarity. It can take hours or weeks sometimes but the quicker we get there, the easier life is. In this place is the turn of where we have control if any. The magical spot. This is happening and how do I cooperate and perhaps even get enthusiastic on getting to a new place. Easier said than done sometimes but it remains how we all move ahead in unsavory conditions. At some point we accept and cooperate with whatever is going on and the flow begins. This is where living in the magic is. It is the sweet spot that we can continue to know where it is and bring us back to that as quick as we can. So much of our life we live in resistance. Quiet or outraged, it doesn't matter. We resist what is going on and then hit obstacles upon more and wonder why. It is that we are not using the environmental guidance in front of us by pushing our way forward and there simply is an easier way. The way to use the universal flow is to be alert, watch and participate. Patience and openness are HUGE keys for it won't be as you expect. In our world that flows so instantaniously, we think we can conjure great things in minutes. It is not how flow works. The way to feel magical is to be connected to the larger world, watch it, set out our intentions and patiently await the arrival. We do the work it takes but the timing and energy we use is different than pushing or ambition. It is simply a light, playful way this flow. Everyday you can feel magical. You can find synergy, serendipity, coincidence and unexpected surprise. Your energy, your emotions have everything to do with this. If it feels good, go that way, if bad redirect. If you don't like it, don't resist and get stuck, flow around by seeing the true conditions and innovating a new path. The universe helps us with this for we are all connected. If we are clear in what we want, where we are going and focused on that outcome, it will come in. Most of the time we are not clear enough so our visions come in a bit wobbly. Or somewhere inside there is a belief or a emotion, a resistance that blocks the way. When we give up this resistance that is so our trained way of doing things, we have a lighter attitude and a path to begin moving again. What you resist persists is the law. So we find quick ways to let go, make peace or allow what is so we can stay the course, find a path and keep flowing. Flexibility the key to life here on earth. Even the hardest substances are worn down eventually. Don't be one of those rocks that is just stuck where it is planted. Resist you may, maybe even make a point but the river is flowing forward and you will get worn by it. Truly finding a way to get out of resistance is the way to a magical life. Trusting there are many ways to do anything, allowing all to come to be in a way other than you "thought". We can absoulutely have more of the good feelings as we glide through this world. Relaxation, reflection, slowing down, watching, paying attention and then acting when the time is right builds health and greater well being. Energy efficiency we call it in the world of energy medicine. It is a flowing world full of synchronistic events. To have more, to experience greater vitality and feeling of joy, connect to the greater world you are part of. Not just thinking or ideas, but nature, signs, messages, intuitions, hints, clues and flowing support. The universe wants us all to become the wonder we are. It is continually, a live experience here moment by moment where all around us is supporting us to be our best. You notice, you trust, you flow and glide through things. It is what is happening and our mind takes us out of it. It also is so busy thinking that it misses the signs or too set in its ways that it can't see the writing on the wall. You know when you have felt that magical way of being. Recall it. Sense that vibe that the world is working with you. Find that place and recreate the feelings of this flow. It is in our power to live more in this way. It is our choice and our path to health and a good long life. The good feeling generates more good feelings and the energy just builds. It inspires others, you overflow, you find the answers you seek and you find greater day to day happiness. The biggest key to health is our attitude and beliefs. Science now has plenty of studies on how it all creates dis-ease and illness. Our genes can be transformed and deactivated all by our thinking and feeling. They are the only ways the inner cells and body know how to read the outside world. By our thoughts and our feelings. These are the guidance to our body. Our body has magic tools too that support the emotional and mental nature by being present and paying attention. it is a lovely multidimensional life here. There are times we are not so magical and that has it's purpose as well. It often shows us our resistance or imbalance so it too is a message. "We are off track! The way is not working." Expectations, resistance, stale thinking and old limiting systems are moving on in all fields. Stay current and updated in your life as well. Keep shifting, moving and expanding. Change, flexibility and openness are key tools to this next leg of living. Magical it is if you see the world as the connected field it is. It sure makes life more fun and adventurous as well as effective, solutions oriented and efficient. Taking time to slow it all down actually can get you places quicker with more efficient at a delightful pace. For you are experiencing the world, engaging and present. That is what creates the magic, the pace and conscious participation of you. Really being in the world, seeing it as the exquisite place it is and riding the wave of fun. Even if you don't get what you seek, you find life has even better things to offer you. You go up and down and all around. This journey is what is magical. Somehow in the end, it does work out and we are still here. Remember, It is your call how you will see the world. I practice being magical! For a free Flowing in Grace session, connect with me. It is Libra season of the scales. It sparks me to consider fairness. After living life for some time, I can say that fair is a hard concept to wrap my brain around. In spiritual circles the law "reap what you sow" is offered as a level of fairness. It emcompasses so much that is it hard to see how this plays out with our mind. If you believe in reincarnation, there is a greater experience considered that could perhaps give you faith that somewhere along the way you earned what you currently are receiving, good and bad. That takes quite a sense of responsibility on our part. Easy if a windfall comes, not so easy if crisis appears.
Looking at such a huge concept takes a bit of reflection. I can assume there is balance for nature, the planets, the skies, the earth all seem to be in rhythm together with a purpose. So on a large scale there is this level of balance which I could call fairness. Fairness is a judgement and I don't think the greater levels have judgement on what occurs. It is a balance that plays out in the larger picture. If that is the case, then the microcasm follows the macrocasm. I consider there must be a level of harmony, fairness about us that is maybe to large to see. If we consider the world unfair, it doesn't sit right with us. Often how things play out, it feels unfair. This is where a level of faith comes in that maybe our small minds can't really see all that happens. Often we want something, it doesn't happen, we think things are unfair and then a series of events occurs that bring us a greater answer. We all have had this experience of wisdom. We can agree that what we "think" is fair, right or desired, is not always so. For us to know this fairness, we often have to remember hindsight is 20/20 and trust that all will work out in balance. We do sense this on some level. Our world has rules of fairness that don't seem to be followed. We are taught to be kind, nice, share, a plethora of things as children then go out in the world and not many are doing this. We have all kinds of consciousness on the planet at once, following different rules. We can argue about what is right and wrong, do things to change them into what we think is fair. Later when we see how all plays out, we may find out that Idea was wrong and fairness did win. It is a vague subject. What some think are fair, others do not. Groups, cultures, societies all have different rules on this. Just because a group decides on something they consider fair doesn't necessarily mean it is. In history our ideas of fairness have shifted over time and some days it seems like nothing is fair. We see arguments all the time in the news on what is fair and rarely does it follow what I consider fair. It is a mishmash to say the least. A connection to your inward nature seems the only way to really honor this fair in a way that works. You certainly don't see it played out in this world in a way that makes sense. Yet if all is in a larger harmony, there must be a sense in our individual lives somehow. I am not sure I will ever understand the great fairness that exists with my small mind, seeing what occurs and trying to read the cause/effect. I am thankful for my belief in reincarnation for it gives me better ground to have power. Rather than think I am a victim, I can just know that a balance is occurring and I can't see the larger picture just yet. It doesn't feel any better yet it does get me out of victimhood and whining when I don't get my way. For a moment I may complain, but inside I just keep going in a direction and try not to get caught up in this fairness I don't see. Our circumstances, beliefs, experiences all are put into this belief of what is fair. I have a humanitarian view of things that considers the whole. This is my barometer. Highest good of all concerned. We all need different things to strive in life. Some need money to support them, others need love, still others need help with their children. Fair to me feels like all get what they need. I choose how I support others by what they need not what I think they need. We are all different and have different values so fairness of all seems impossible with this reality. Too much help also creates a dependence. Not enough makes for separation. Truly a maze. Currently, I am in a bit of disagreement with a group on what is fair. They are all in agreement of their idea. I see things differently and as the circumstances play out, it seems to my blessing. However, they consider it immoral for me to take on the blessing and see it as taking from them. I am not sure how to play this out. I do have different views than others about the larger picture. I do believe seeing the parts of the group needs. The group should consider the larger picture of the members in choosing fairness. Equal money is not always fair and yet that is our system. How things miraculously turn out is also an indication of this great balance. I don't think others are weak if they need support either. We are on a collaborative planet where all different versions of life sync together. We help as an opportunity to give which feels good. If no one needed anything, we wouldn't have to give. We all have been helped when we needed and supported others as they needed. That doesn't make us weak or less, it makes us human and supportive of each other as we go through cycles of life. There is always one high on things while others are low. This demonstrates this law of balance so we support each other through this cycle. Who knows what is really correct. Maybe it is just our own level of fairness that we should concern ourselves with. Outrage is everywhere on fairness. We simply don't agree. Going inward, really sensing your heart and what you can offer and be open to receive. I don't think I will ever understand or know for sure. With so many variables, levels of consciousness, levels of survival, how could fairness of the mind make sense. It can't possible weigh in the variables of all that is involved. I trust that there is a higher level of fair that I can not see. I operate to trust in this and hope to see it play out as I understand. I am sure it will sometimes and it won't others. I try not to judge it and consider the greater whole is operating. I do wish that someday, resources will be shared in a kinder way. It is hard to see people trying to eat when others have so much. Obviously, reap what you sow brings us many things but as humans we can see the imbalance and share what we have lots of with those who don't. Maybe it isn't so fair but it seems human and kind. How can we take our equal share, be ok in our hearts when we know what is not so much to us is a huge bit to another. Lots to consider on many levels! Very interesting and endless contemplation! ' We naturally get the urge in the fall and spring to purge! Reorder our lives, our homes, our spaces and our body. It is nature's cycle to let go of what no longer serves. We renew ourselves, reflect at what we are, have, want and shift it through letting go. This is the beauty of the cycle and growth. I love watching the leaves and listening to the message to let things, stories, situations, people, habits, all levels, drop off like leaves in grace and ease.
I have cleared my moms house, helped a friend clear her storage unit, reordered my magic closets. I dropped things on my website, reordered my emotional eating while my mom was sick, giving up old stories of life and am participating in a juice/soup fast this weekend. It is part of the season. I invite you to engage consciously with this energy of transformation we are seeing with the fall beauty. In my book, I have a chapter "Release and Rejuvenate" all about cleansing, Resting our digestion for a moment. I have engaged in many ways of doing this from a day of fasting to 21 day cleanse programs. All have been so helpful for my health. These things have been health for thousands of years. Many religions "give up" something prior to holy days as an effort to renew their physical body so spirit can better inhabit. It is often not what we put in as much as what we don't let go! I am doing a 3 day juice cleanse supplemented with soup, bone broth or miso for this weekend through Monday. I didn't want a big to do with all this year has brought me, I am tired. I decided to do a rejuvenation and nourishing for my system as I reorder back to life. It feels good, my body was asking for some quick easy nourishment and juicing takes no digestion. It allows the nutrients to rush right into our blood stream and nourish immediately. I eat plenty of fiber but if you need that, you can do smoothies instead of just juice. That takes in the cleaning fiber. You will engage more digestive action to make it into energy. I am also supplementing with Ashwagandha tincture, an adaptogene that will support where it needs too. I do take other tinctures daily like milk thistle to support my liver, hawthorn berry for my heart, sometimes sunflower. I am an Elixir Queen. I use homeopathy and flower essences as well. Elixirs are my fun and preventive health blessings. I invite you to regenerate your body, your digestive system this fall as you clean and clear. The sacred space of your body deva is the first and foremost environment we live in. There are many ways out there and folks whom sell these programs, Find one that calls you and check it out. At the end, you will feel lighter, healthier, more energized and your body will be thankful for the self care! Drink Up! For a free Flow in Grace session connect with me! I am grateful for the teachers I Iearned feminine health from. I have followed the woman's health movement my whole life and I hadn't learned what I did from the Himalayan Masters. Still, today, the basics I have learned are not really being taught. There are many ways to learn things but the basic components must be there. I like the fun, practical, result oriented, perspective I learned to understand my body as a woman, different than a man. We are so mis-trained about it. We get no real guidance most of our life. Atleast now, science is studying woman! For years, they gave us solutions based on studying men's bodies! Seems ludicrous.
We do not have the same body, our organs are different! Our whole mid section of our body is just a beginning. It seems clear to me that all the fitness, health, losing weight issues would have a different solution for a woman. We have huge hormone components, we carry life for goodness sake. A different body. So we have to address ourselves differently. We ride our emotional nature in a way different than mental men. This is not a hindrance! It is a gift of being a woman. Rarely, do I see anything about really getting a handle on our emotional nature. Yet, we have the biggest disruption in life as we pretend it doesn't exist or manage it improperly. We stuff it down when it is our intuitive gift from being life bearers. The law of attraction kind of gives a sense of the power of vibration, which is emotion, or energy. This is the biggest key difference and issue to address if you want health as a woman. To learn what, why and how to work with our emotions. They have purpose. We are designed this way very precisely. Our hormones so tied to our emotions and endocrine system. Empathy, feeling others, a natural gift of woman, is another innate skill to understand about our body. If we don't know our own feelings, their purpose and how to use them, how do we navigate that we feel others? it gets to be a big mish mash of emotions which is energy whipping around. As woman, these two pieces of ourselves make us different from men and we know very little about either. We have been told we are unstable, confused, too emotional, lead with your head continually yet we don't operate that way in health. Men can feel others too yet for woman it is innate, a powerful species survival mechanism. We use it to raise babies and sense their needs. We have very little understanding of our cycle which really effects our emotions. We are flowing every 28 days as the moon moves the tides. That is quite a cycle to be tied into. The flowing water of the earth. We act like we don't have our period by trying to do things that take way too much energy as our body is in release. How crazy is that? We act like nothing is happening yet this is the main system that runs our whole body! How can we think we can have health with no understanding or education on any of this? Our ideas of movement, exercise is based on building a masculine body. Do you know men have more muscles than we do and have a different purpose than us? Traditionally, we had the babies, tended life and they got us food. They have a more stealth form as we have a child bearing form that moves more slowiy and purposely so. We burn out our bodies using this adrenal stress lifestyle that hinders our health in the long haul. We are just designed differently. Communication is another way we are very different. We have a bigger emotional brain than men. We chat, have many stories, trains of thought going on at once while men compartmentalize, like boxes of information. They put the work box away and then get out the family box. Meanwhile, woman have "tons of windows open" at once, going from one to the other and back again effortlessly. Men get lost. Our brains have differences! We are not just mad woman! Community has a completely different reference between men and woman. It is very powerful for woman's health to have friendships and be in community, . Men, not as much and for different purpose, to play and compete . We call the men into gather, engage, be part of the social clan. It is one of our purposes and of our beauty and whimsical way that they like. So how could we use the same health tips for men and woman? Yes, moving is important to us all and good food will build the body. There are commonalities, of course as we all must eat! However I think Having breasts and a womb, carrying life in our body, has a huge impact on our health and differences. Science is just starting to support us during this health crisis. It is simply because we have been following rules for men's bodies, not our own. It took me some time to really catch all this 8 years ago with all our training on health and beauty. But it was so obvious. Once I heard it I thought, how did I not learn this before? We just didn't. Our lines of health and well being have been dropped out of traditions. They are coming back. The most important thing I learned in all of this is that woman get health from doing things with ease and grace. Things they like and are easy. We just have kicked them out of life for we are in competition, taskmaster and linear thinking. We have not cultivated our emotional flowing that comes easy. We just were never taught. We find solutions to the same things just differently. Once I learned that if my body felt good, it was healthful for a woman, I was so excited. It is not about being hard, push, no pain no gain, that is men's health. Woman are very different. I invite you to check out my site, my videos, many of my blogs share this feminine way. It is not better, it is for woman and is just different than men's ways. We feel better in our bodies when we work with them. They are very productive, for what woman do you know that is not doing a zillion things? But we can use our body rightly, the way it was designed by knowing our gifts and skills that are uniquely ours. Reveling, using them and creating a flowing life because we actually work with our body, emotions, cycle, communication, community ways. it is really quite simple. It transformed me and I wrote a book shortly after! I have been sharing ever since! And expanding my wisdom! I feel like a magical woman because I am! For a free Flow in Grace Session, connect with me! As I grow in understanding my femininity, I realize I am many woman all rolled up into one. I started to get an understanding of this when I received the Goddess Oracle from my daughter. I asked her to get me one so we could learn of the best woman role models. It wanted atleast 52 traits that we could cultivate as woman. I didn't know that many. As I have played with, shared and learned from them I got an epiphany, that the Goddess map was a guidance system to my emotional nature! I realized I was all of them at one time or another. Some are so loving they could melt you, others are so loving they would wildly protect you from harm. I considered that these are our emotional states as woman. What a powerful way to teach them! Through Beautiful Goddesses! The ultimate femininity with the crowns, jewelry, luscious outfits and beauty. I loved being them or that part of them that is me. I learned that they symbolize parts of me, traits, emotional power and these guide me through the world. This great emotional nature, symbolized by beautiful woman was how I could understand the purpose of my emotions and how better feel the world. It was a magical day and still is. This is delightful ancient wisdom I play with! This lead into a noticing, an investigation of my emotional nature. There is Segmet, the Goddess of Anger for when she shows up my boundaries are being crossed or someone is taking advantage of me. . There is Kali, the scariest me that I am, shows up when I, or one I love, is in danger. The mom who finds strength to pick up the car her child is under. There is Kuan Yin whom I become when I am compassionate to myself and others. There is Sophia, the Goddess of wisdom who shows up when I have experience and brilliance to share. There is Lilith, she is power. She supports me to be who I am, with all my mess and be bold, love myself no matter what. There is Nut, who remembers life is a mystery and we will never know all the answers. There is Oshun, of sensuality, reminding me that pleasure, beauty and being in my senses feels good and is who I am. There is Morgan Le Faye who reminds me to be rhythmic, life is cyclical and my way as a woman has it's slower cadence and dance. There is Blodellwedd, of betrayal who shows up if I am being betrayed or am betraying myself. Eurynome of Ecstasy draws me into the highest raptures of life. I could go on and on of these Goddesses we are! And there is so many, endless lists of Goddesses. I have yet to discover some with in me still. I loved this realization for it allowed me to be all the characters and roles I am. They change, are added to, some deleted and outgrown, but many woman are within me as the many emotions I ride. It is fun. It is interesting, It is femininity. The first master I met told me "Woman are like the wind of dynamic change and men are the trees they swirl around". This is our nature and it is good. We even surprise ourselves often. I inspire you t embrace the many characters you are. All woman are these beauties. We flow from one woman to the next, the girl, the woman, the mom, the wife, the leader, the teacher, the lover, the fighter. Draw on the lovely ladies that you are more often. Allow them to protect you and remind you when to act in safety. Be the Queen of your Dominion with this harem of woman you are. Use your emotional nature as the guidance system it is. These role models of Goddesses support you always. Learn to ride in them, enjoy them, use them but don't be run by any particular one. For we are dynamic change. We love to play so many parts and experience so many rich, deep beautiful states of feeling. It is our nature. We are the Living Goddesses . What a fun perspective shift!! Oolala! For a Free Flowing In Grace Session, connect with me! Oxytocin is something you want to understand for vital health! It is the hormone of pleasure and relaxation. When ever this hormone is present, you parasympathetic nervous system of healing is building and resetting your body. We want to work with our body, understand it, know when it is overloaded and support to reset it. This is the system that allows our body to do the renewal, clean out, build itself, release, rejuvenate our organs, all this happens when we are in this parasympathetic, nervous system. We want our bodies to be circling this hormone more often. We can tell when we are in this state by our relaxation. Our tend and befriend attitude. Collect and protect speaks of having necessary boundaries, these allow us to feel safe and loving. Our body will calm down, feel alert but not in hyperspeed of adrenaline. We have two choices with our nervous system, fight or flight energy or tend and befriend. We can actually create this to be balanced with awareness. Our body wants to be in tend and befriend most of the time for stress is fight or flight. We all know stress kills. One way to consciously support ourselves is to learn ways to get our bodies into oxytocin. My whole series of videos, my blog writing, my gift of sharing is all about going from Adrenal stress to flow. It is my mission to give you practical ways to do this for yourself. It is the main key of health, beauty and happier states in life. It is that simple. I learned of this, played with the practices that I share on my videos and "Walla!" My whole energy of life changed. Better yet, that as I did the practices and retrained my body, it started to be out of adrenal stress on it's own. For this its job. To be in both nervous systems as needed. We do not need to be in fight or flight all day. It is killing us. My videos share simple, practical little tricks, ways to perceive and perform our everyday tasks in a more nourishing way. It doesn't take much time. It asks for more presence in how we are doing it. It can easily be added into our life! The practices or actions are things we like. Things of woman. Things that are natural for us to do. If they don't feel that way it is only because we have some other training, beliefs that go against our natural rhythm. It doesn't mean the beliefs are right, it means we need to address the outdated thinking and start to work with our body, our feminine body rightly. If it is grace and ease, it is healthful for woman! That's it in a nutshell. I encourage to watch some of my 10 minutes to health, The Art of Sparkle. I watched them all last night in an effort to update things and although created years ago they are very clear and offer you the wisdom consciously! The logic of why, the call for heart centered emotion and physical practices. They are what I use everyday to be creating this oxytocin state as much as I can. It is health, beauty, magnetism, attraction, fulfillment! This is the oxytocin state. And although 10 minutes may seem soooo long these days, you will clearly understand the practicalness I am offering you to health. Magical truly, for you are using your energy system, your nervous system, your emotional nature rightly. Then you can begin to master your energy field, what you are presenting to the world and doing only those things that nourish it when you can. Health and beauty are not complicated. They are simple steps of self honor, understanding of your sacred body, its systems and a base level logic of how they work. Then you just work it in ease. We have not been taught so we are now making changes. Body connect, pleasure of taste, movement, beauty, resetting our system easily and quickly throughout the day is all it takes. In grace and ease. Allow yourself the time to listen to these easy ways of reclaiming more health that require simple awareness of yourself. A magical world awaits you! Riding in oxytocin brings more pleasure and joy to your life!, The Art of Sparkle Free Videos! I offer consultations toward health and beauty! I can support you in feeling your vibrance! Let's connect! We all say we want to receive yet many are not so good at it. Our world trains us that if we receive, we are weak, we are losers, we are not confident. It is about being self sufficient and yet no one is truly independent from the world. We need to update our ideas especially in light of a collaborative, Aquarian Age. We are supported continually and we miss so many things because of our view on receiving.
I have had a power learning in this receiving and I have found a whole well of support that I was missing. I am thankful for this support and it doesn't make me weak. It makes me stronger for knowing that I give and do get to receive as well, with no payback that must happen. I give not expecting so I can receive without that same expectation for all we get was earned at some point. That is a bit different than our world would have us think but it is law, you reap what you sow. This law happens for good or bad as we would judge it. We seem more open to it when the bad comes and don't open when the good comes but it works both ways. To allow others to do for us gives them power as we know for most of us are givers, it makes us feel good. That good feeling, that sense of I can help should also be allowed for others as they give to us. We need to really shift our consideration about receiving or who do we give too? If all just gave and no one received, there would be no exchange and the energy circle disappears! We don't give to others because we think they are weak. We give to others because we can. We may have resources or wisdom that they need and it is true with everyone. We all are learning different things, have different grasps on life and we can be teacher and student all at the same time. I invite you to review how you look at receiving from others. God works through others and when we pray or ask for support it often comes magically from another. That is spirit working. Whether a tree, a road sign, a book, a bird or another human being. We don't want to miss our fulfillment because we have the wrong mindset. It is often why we don't receive. We are missing the signs and we are missing how it comes by expecting it in a limited way. It is a grave mistake when working with the light of our world. It happens so unexpectedly. We all know this and why we have words like coincidence, synchronicity and synergy. It is this way that our wishes are fulfilled. Open to receive by simply saying that. I am open to receive of the blessings and path. In being open, we allow all the world around us to lead us. Much greater a resource than our mind. Yes have a prize, a direction you are going but allow the magic of alternative routes to take you! Let it be a mystery just as if you were driving to a new place. We drive just following the gps. Our world, all our bodies, emotions and mind are our gps, It is all directing us at any given moment. Pay attention. Be open. Look for the path not with eyes closed off but with a wide angle view. Then it becomes magical truly. Life is happening, meeting you moment by moment. You don't have to get what is yours. It is coming toward you if you loosen the reigns and watch what is going on around you, participate fully in all the world so that you can RECEIVE the blessings that are waiting. Don't discredit them or ignore them. Allow the mystery of newness to inspire and sparkle you. Consider you are worthy of all good things and allow that thinking, feeling, movement to pervade you. It takes work to overcome our training but bit by bit we walk into the magical world of manifestation that is co-creating. We do that by learning to receive, listen and be accepting to the bigger way of things. It is just how it works! For a Free Breakthrough Session, connect with me! I |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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