So many of the new health studies and treatments are uncovering what the Masters have known a long time. Our unconscious, subconscious, unknown part of ourselves is running the show. We use our minds and ideas to move through life and we hit glitches along the way where often our beliefs systems are not in alignment. We have many pieces to this multidimensionality. Our mind doesn't run everything as we have been trained. Yes, when in alignment with our spirit, emotions and body, certainly we can create. Yet often this hidden side, the shadow, the unconscious has a great power to our experience and we are not conscious of it and how it works. Thus, its name "un" conscious.
What a quagmire we are in. We have this base system, developed as a child when we didn't have all the information or used our youthful mind to create ways to be in the world that runs us unconsciously. Hypnotherapy, psychology, many of the health practices are a way to uncover these basic beliefs that run us. That is why it is a passion of mine to share the healing and expressive arts for answers lie in them. This unconscious is tied into us through our emotions. The energy element, not the thought, the feeling nature is what holds this in place. Your conscious mind may want to create something but somewhere inside you, you have a counter idea that will create resistance and you wonder why is this not working? It is unconscious or in the sub consciousness? Here I use them interchangeably. Know thyself, heal thyself. How are we to do this when we have a powerful system that runs us and we have a challenge to be aware of it? So much energy of protection and safety is tired in the unconscious as well for it was how we managed to survive in the world as small beings. There are nonsensical ideas and cause effect responses that have nothing to do with the reality we live in now. We have this locked in emotional energy that is holding limits for protection that is no longer needed. So what do we do? As I have been taught there is a plethora of ways we can address this and many ways is the best approach. More important to that is our understanding that this runs us. We have to accept this first before we can change anything. This perspective can support you uncovering the mess. When we are thinking, out of presence and in our heads, our unconscious is running us. It is driving our car to where we are going, walking, doing the things of life while we are off thinking and out of our body essentially. The unconscious is running us while we are out thinking. This is very important to understand. We all know this and live in this world doing it more often than not. We are out of presence when we are thinking in this way so we don't have full control of ourselves or are we getting the environmental clues about us. That is why present awareness, being in the now, being in the moment is so powerful. This is actually in the only place where change can occur. Changing our minds is done in the mind, changing our emotions is done in the emotions and changing our behavior is done on the physical level so we have to be present to shift any of these things. We can't think a feeling, we can't think an action. We can shift how we feel (present) or we take action now (present). We can think all we want but it is not doing anything. If we want to change a level or an idea, we have to work on that dimension, not just think about it. As we get hold of this idea, knowing we have these multi dimensions running simultaneously, we can start to address getting things aligned. Until then, we are just going from one idea to another through outside stimulation instead of from our core inside. Lets consider an example. My spirit wants me to create by sharing as a life coach. My mind is on board for I have wisdom I have learned that transformed me and I can share it. My emotions love to help others so they are passionate about sharing. My site, my literature, the physical plane stuff is in place. So it appears that I should have a great manifestation. I am teaching and sharing with others but I want more success at this and farther reach. Our mind would say "Do more work. Get out there, you have to have better seo, clearer words, greater visibility" and that could be true. But there are times when people don't have the physical level stuff up to par and they still create so is this the only answer? Now lets see what my subconscious, basic self girl has inside her that needs to get on board. Is there anything inside me that I am not aware of that could be causing a glitch? Well, it is unconscious so I can't just think about it and get an answer always. it is called unconscious or subconscious for we are not fully conscious of it. However, I can bring light to it, find sideline ways to get to it. Hypnotherapy can get me in the Theta state where this story lives and reprogram it. Looking at my childhood and what were my first ideas of success can bring in some answers. It is a dig to say the least to get this unconscious conscious. Many spiritual schools do past lives, processes, energetic shifts to re-calibrate the unconscious. So we must begin here if things just aren't right. Our world says do something different when often it is believe something different is the answer. It is not the action but the beliefs. In this example, I have many ideas of success as I was socially trained. Get the stable job, work hard, get a paycheck and you will have success. Coaching is a relatively new industry and although gaining ground, it is not a consistent paycheck. Right there I am going against a belief on success. I am not doing the job/ benefits route so I have a part of me that thinks you can't gain success that way. My reference point for success now is out of alignment. I must update that success can come in numerous ways, the job idea is just one way to reach success. I also have an aversion to the word coach. Words mean different things to people and often why communication is hard. Coach implies sports and I lived in a sports household and although I played sports, I didn't like its competitive nature. It had too much pressure for me. So now when I call myself coach, the seo word that describes my industry, I have an aversion the name or have an odd association with it. Here again, my unconscious ideas have a programming going against my life path. I am starting to make these beliefs conscious. In the hidden part of me beliefs exist that go against what I am doing. They are counter the plan. I like the word mentor more. Yet mentor implies free and that will not gain me success financially either. We have so many of these inside us. It is a tangle of a life and quite the can of worms. It is part of the learning here to be conscious and in control of what is running you. So there are just two beliefs and there could be many more things inside me working against my creation in the unconscious. I have to know myself, find ways to dive in and update some of this dark side that I am unaware of. That is why alignment, getting all of your pieces on board of a dream are the only way to draw things forward. We must have all our being on board and if the subconscious, unconscious, hidden side of me have things running counter, I will not be able to create in full vibration. Another example is someone trying to get well yet inside as a child they got loving attention when they were sick. So they create illness as a way to get attention even though it is not so healthy, it gets them what they are seeking and the unconscious is doing this. They may consciously think, I am doing all these healthy things, why is this happening? For when they want love or feel they need support, the pathway to get it is to become sick in the unconscious. We have loads of this stuff inside us that is just bad information seen through the eyes of a child. This is the work of know thyself. To uproot these ideas and let them go free and adding the correct beliefs that we know to be true now. It is a process, an unfolding. Illness and genetics are passed down this way. Our family has heart issues or cancer so if we use the same beliefs of our ancestors, we too can have those issues. But today, science is showing that with evolved thinking and emotional processing, we can change our path and shut off those genetics or evolve them to new experiences. Our DNA is not set information as once thought. We can evolve these strands through our experiences and actually change them. So we have many ways this patterning of the unconscious runs us without our full awareness. The game becomes, how do we unlock these ideas when we are unaware of them. Developing ourselves through bringing the light of Awareness is key. We uproot these ideas time and again until the new pattern sticks. We realize that an under layer exists and we uncover these things as we go through life. It is a process of knowing ourselves and our unique operating systems as they come forward in life. We find ways to align ourselves fully and this dig is part of it. These patterns are not bad or wrong, they were how we saw the world and kept safe when we were young. The issue is that we are not those small beings in survival. We have gained many experiences and successes that override that information and we just need to reroute ourselves by conscious awareness. We don't need to get upset with ourselves or use self berating behavior that we are making odd connections and choices. We just love the pattern that worked for a moment and realize we not longer need this outdated information. It is how it all works. This is the core of self development. We allow ourselves to update our selves, our stories, our beliefs, our motives. You learn to know yourself and the odd ideas you have collected. You see if they are purposeful now, and then shift or discard them. It is what we are doing anyway. Science is now offering great therapies that dive into this unconscious as spirit schools have been sharing practices to reveal this as well. This is how we grow and evolve. Grounding our spirit is bringing in our unique way which is clearing the trained way of being. We unmask. The unconscious, subconscious, the dark hidden parts of ourselves that we through protection tucked away in these areas, must be unmuddied. It is what it is. Our being is set up this way to survive and protect. Once we no longer need these protections, we root them out as they appear. Being mindful, aware, going through old issues as they surface, all for our development of being who we really are underneath these things. To clear our body of these emotional ties is the play we are in. So many processes out there are on the mental level. That level will not access the subconscious or clear it. It is the job of the emotional nature. Fear, protection, anxiety, unworthiness, are all emotions. They can't be thought out. We know for we have all tried that for that is what we are taught. It doesn't work. It is not the level where they came to be so we can only shift by using the feeling nature. This is the cause effect level. That tends to be a problem for we have discounted this nature. We look at it as the lower nature, to be subdued, not listened too, unstable. In fact, it could be but it is what creates this unconscious dark inside. So we can only rework it through an understanding, a processing that goes in on the emotional level. Another reason to play and notice our emotions. They are guidance as the thinking is and yet, no one is really teaching us about it very clear or popularly. Until you want to get cozy with this energy nature, the emotions, energy moving, you will not uproot these outdated beliefs. You will be run by childlike eyes in many areas and unaware of them. Self development is developing these into wiser ways. We become aware of our idiosyncrasies and change them in a steady process. The good news is there are great roots to the many connections we have so we go for that root and many unconscious beliefs change simultaneously. Our roots are created in our childhood so clearing those ideas is the way to do it with greater efficiency. We are just opening to really understanding this multidimensionality on the mind level. Be patient and gentle. This is our evolution. I find making it play, not so serious is how to work it. That is how I was taught and there is no right or wrong in play. Just an uncovering of information. I showed you about myself and how these ideas could effect my success. I look at them, feel them and then let them go. I live more accurate beliefs and watch for when another tie to that idea comes forward in the present and clear that. It is the process and we do it unconsciously so now we can do some of it consciously for a healthier way of being. Let me be clear that we do not need to go back to our childhood like opening a can of worms with our mind. We investigate it presently as issues come up in the present. If I consider, something is out of alignment, I then investigate what beliefs I have that could counteract it, then and there. I am present, going forward in sharing my gift and then as I find a block, I then investigate in present awareness. That way we are not getting caught in a mental loop trying to find a needle in a haystack. We are doing something now, we look at then to see if there is a clearing of old information to be completed. It is very different than living in the past or allowing it to run us. Present awareness will bring us to these past things easily, in play, in investigation and as an observer. It is effective used this way. I have found it to be the easier, quickest way to play with my unconscious. I Inspire you to play in the same way. Present awareness unlocks the past! Method is very important here so you can free and update rather than rerun the program! Playing with life! For a free Flow in Grace Session, connect with me.
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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