Nature Fitness and Tai Chi Health7/30/2017
0 Comments Just what is nature fitness class and what do you do in class? First of all, it is valuable to do any type of fitness outside. We are caught in rooms, offices, gyms, buildings all day long. The rewards just in air quality as you are increasing your breathing is enough to do things outside. The trees emit oxygyen and take in our CO2, so there is an incredible exchange and clean, fresh oxygen. We are more present and participating in the movement of our body when we are outside. We smell, hear, feel the air and maybe even have to pay attention to where we step. This present awareness is good for our sensuality, our aliveness and vitality. We are actually participating in what we are doing in full alert which supports the body in so many ways. It also gives our mind and body a rest from all the rambling and intense feelings of anxiety or hurry. Our presence in nature is calming, soothing and resetting on a cellular level. Indoors has so much electricity and currents in the air that use our body to balance electrons. This creates oxidation which deteriorates our body systems. When we go outside, there is none of that, the negative ions outside fill our electrons shells so they are not unstable. Health wise, doing any fitness in nature is so beneficial on many levels. During my class, you learn practices that I call Tai Chi health. In some books, the movements I do are considered Qigong, which is the medicinal use of movement and the base of all martial arts. I was taught through an oral line of teachers from Maria Soledad from South America, The Dragon Gate Tai Chi Line. I do not teach the usual Tai Chi practice. I teach the health moves that we do every day and some of the wake up practices to keep the body fluid, aliven the organ systems and keep our body in a flowing energy. It reminds us what flow feels like, the pace we should be moving and how the body feels in this relaxed yet alert state. This is what I am required to do for my health as a teacher and it is practical health. You can take the moves I teach you and after a few classes, use them in your life to reset yourself if you are stressed, tired or needing fresh oxygen. I am all about being practical, finding tools we can use anytime of day to recenter ourselves in presence. These health moves are perfect and easy. We also walk, chat about energy and the flowing energy of oxytocin. This hormone is present when we are in the parasympathetic system. We all need to learn of this system and find ways to get our body working in this relaxed, renewal nervous system. Our world runs in high adrenal stress and it is killing our body. Understanding this, the ways to shift yourself in a moments notice and practicing being in oxytocin trains our body to do it naturally. It is our healthful way of our body and supports regeneration and rejuvenation. We just have been hanging in too much stress, panic and craziness for it to balance. A little practice and it will naturally use both systems more optimally. We also clear our chakras in a variety of ways. I am in a Himalayan line of The Northern Gate, where Aharaj Yoga is used to strengthen the body and immune system. This allows us to get rid of that anxiety energy that is just stored in our bodies. It supports us to lightness, feeling clearer and more focused. We gain angst energy in just living, to clear our field with easy processes gives us a lighter attitude. We also are less likely to flip out on someone or some situation for we are using a practice to release stress before it builds up into illness or emotional explosion. I will be teaching a weekly Tuesday evening class in September of just Aharaj Yoga. This art taught me to feel my energy field. It is so valuable in understanding our bodies, our health and our connection to the world. I teach numerous other eastern art katas I have learned in my 7 year study that support well being. Sometimes kidney practices for they our vital life organ in Chinese medicine and regulate our water which is the majority of our physical make up. I share some yoga asanas that I find healthful to support our spine. Sometimes we do breath movements that reset. I see what I need, what the students are needing and share from the vast practices I know. I am most interested in sharing tools with others that they can use in daily living throughout their day to reset. I was taught the yoga of living. So all is yoga, all moves can be made healthful, bring us to presence and support us in reset in a minute or two because that is often as much time as we have. My journey has been to gather tools for this. We are heading through our day, something occurs that throws us off or into stress and I have a plethora of physical, mental and emotional tools that take moments to reset myself back to control and direction. These are what I teach. We do it outside if weather permits for there is not greater air supply or healing space to move in. We reset our spirit, minds, emotions and bodies in one practice. That is practical to me and less time needed. I encourage you to join me either Saturday am at 9:30 am or Tuesday mornings in August at 9:30 am. We meet at the Room at Meadowbrook and then go up to Lake Nockimixon, less than a mile away or hang here in the gardens and a woods trail out back. I look forward to sharing this with as many who want a true understanding of their body vehicle, how to move it to health and how to claim the right energy to be moving about the world it. A fun class and the practices are easy to do on your own at any time. Both classes are for men and woman. Aharaj Yoga is more of a masculine practice but woman need it to strengthen their vital body. Nature Fitness Saturday and Tuesdays weekly, 9:30 am in August at the Room at Meadowbrook, $15 Aharaj Yoga Tuesday evenings, 7 pm in September at the Room, $15 Check our class listing of all our healing classes here. Details about Lyn Hicks and her classes can be found on her site
I love potions, lotions, drops, essential oils, aurasoma colors, all kinds of elixirs. I don't easily get sold on them either for I am a master at them. I am curious and have had so many over life that I now consider myself one who can find the best of things. I like natural things as well that don't contain non food ingredients or things your body won't recognize. For our body will put fat around them until your liver has time to process just what it is. Very key to all supplements and potions. If your body doesn't recognize an ingredient, it usually will chose not to utilize it. Our cell walls and body is very discriminating when it comes to what it uses.
I wanted to offer some of my favorites! Part of our artistry and sensuality is to use these wonders on ourselves and our body loves things that engage the senses. It is part of self care and honoring of this sacred vessel we have. Our basic self or body deva loves wonderful, pleasurable products that support its function. Food is the first elixir! Good, fresh organic eatables are very pleasurable and healthful. Most don't even appreciate the value and sensuality of taste. Taste is the sense associated our pleasure center of our lower belly in Indian Medicine and it will be fulfilled. Why many are overweight for they use this as their only pleasure and engage in very little creativity and pleasure. Right nourishment is a great way to get into relaxation, oxytocin the pleasure hormone, nurture yourself and participate in a sacred act 3 times a day to build yourself. It is the only thing that builds the body being. Many miss the very essence of this elixir that truly rules creation of our body. Essential Oils are an excellent sensual way of health. They activate the olfactory sense which stimulates the brain. Of course, scent is one of the senses we all know of. It effects our emotional state and smell activates memories. They also go right into our blood stream from our skin and these oils are incredible healers to all our organs. They are natures great health for all medicine is made from plants initially. Essential oils are a healthy way to support many organs, systems, our brain, our mood and I encourage you to get yourself some and play with them. They heal many ails, inspire us and truly add to our well being. Aurasoma Colors are another incredible elixir. They have the same vibration of color, scent, gems and other great gifts. They come in beautiful bottles of exquisite color. They heal our outer aura and invisible field. These are magic and I don't know the deep science of them yet they effect you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. They have a top color that effects your spirit and a bottom color that works with the body. A consultant of these will take you on a journey as you pick one to work with and has a greater explanation. I have great experiences and have had many bottles and continue to journey with color as I grow inwardly and outwardly. I highly recommend these beautiful gems. Color is the power of creation under Master Melchizedik who governs the law of attraction . It is said the magic of the rainbow, adding and mixing color is how this physical plane creates. Very fun! Mystical and magical. Bach Flower Essence are great emotional tools. I claim no degree in science on these tools just a master at which ones work from experience. I am not much of a detailer and these would stump my mind most yet they are powerful! They have been around a long time and Bach's desire was that every home would have them and use them to support themselves in balance. They support our emotional state and work through the electric connection of our spine and central nervous system. I know that when I take them, I feel balanced and never remember it is the essences. When I don't, I notice imbalance and then realize I don't have a drop mix. Holly essence is for anger, Rescue Remedy many have heard of and is for when you are in need of rescue. Impatients flower essence for impatience in life and Larch essence is for confidence. Walnut is for when we are in transition and olive is for when we are exhausted to name a few. I find these magic drops a tool I would not live without. They are created out of the essence of these plants or their vibration. Magical indeed. Standard Process Supplements are great healing organic foods for the body. These are only found at Healing art practitioners and chiropractors, certified to share them. They are created at a farm in the midwest that grows them in an incredible operation and has been around since the 30's. Dr. Leeds developed them and has healed many conditions including cancer with simple food. They have no fillers or unrecognizable ingredients for they are whole foods that the body knows and utilizes. I have seen and experienced many healing of conditions that western medicine has not idea how to heal, like psoriasis. You get certain supplements and then when you are done you move on to other systems and supplements. Our body in constant flux dealing with stress, different issues and this continual monitoring and supporting with whole foods is the healthiest solution. They muscle test you, too so your mind doesn't get involved but your body speaks of what it needs. Very cool! Wouldn't live without these and continually support my body with whole foods like these that give the body only food which it recognizes and can utilize. Olive, coconut and other healing oils are essential elixirs. I use these only on my face and body. Again the body recognizes food for it is made from the animal, mineral and plant kingdoms and technically an animal in its own make up. Oil in and on our body is very healthful for it is a lubrication that supports our joints and our processes. Oils and good fats are very important to our body to function and be fluid, flexible, youthful and soft. I highly recommend using oils as a grand elixir. The final one I want to share is ASEA. I have a link to this one on my site to give you the science of it. I find this as a magic healing potion that supports the body on a cellular communication level through redox and salt solution. Redox is the immune system support, antiager, antioxident that we have lots of as we are young and it is depleted as we age. Google it or learn the science here. It supports our bodies cells by telling the immune system where to go. I understand it as a communication enhancer for the immune system. It heals each person differently for it gives our immune system power to operate better so there is no claim to heal any particular ail but support all based on what our body needs individually. That it is in salt water, which is what 70% of our body, the transport system par excellent is key! So it is basic, it is cleverly created, support us on the cellular level and I use it on every cut, my face, skin condition or injury topically. I also drink atleast 4 oz. daily. This is my latest find and it continues to unlayer and heal the body on whatever level is necessary. I love it and know I can make it through all conditions and continue to heal as I grow older. Adds youth to skin and inwardly. A magic elixir as I call it! That is my list for now and the things I use everyday that are natures gifts. Be very careful what you put in your body. Our food system is filled with alot of not so healthful things and even finding good food is hard, let alone adding in chemical mixes, strange fat replacements, appetite increases listed as flavor enhancer. Our lotions, dish soaps, cleaners, all have much danger in them and we put them on our skin, our largest organ and it takes it all in. Our livers is so overworked detoxing these odd things that it can't even do it's other jobs. So pay attention. Find good food ingredients to support your body on the outside and inside. These elixirs are all very fun, cutting edge and many old remedies that have the research to back them up! Enjoy your sensual nature with fine, healthful, beauty enhancers! Oolala! Today I have a solid feeling of peace. The adjustment of weather? Thunderstorms shift the energy of the environment, No overwhelming list to do at this moment? A shift inwardly? The natural rest that comes between things? Not sure why but will use it for myself.
In my school, peace is always present within if you create the awareness and knowing of such. It seems a high ideal on many days and something we seem to be looking for. I do know that often breathing deeply can bring me peace. Going outside amidst challenge can reset me. I do know this inward peace to be found there for I have experienced it. It is nice when I feel it all around me as well as I do today, I will revel in it. We are so busy always, moving, doing, rushing which tends to wear us out. The days end with nights for rest, the seasons have a cycle, our bodies move within a rhythm if we notice and naturally all things need this peace regularly to reset, settle down, recharge. It produces oxytocin, the relaxation hormone in our system causing us to move slower, feel deeper, experience more sensuality, refuel our whole being. It is a health elixir to find this peace inward or outwardly. It is a worthy practice to cultivate it, get to know how our body, mind and spirit feel in it. Revel and savor it when it comes so it is a reference point for well being. There is a settled feeling of being in peace that I am experiencing today. All is ok. There is no rush or impatience which this Aries is thankful for. What occurs today will, what I accomplish will be enough. I have no expectation or concern. I feel all is well and what unfolds will. I feel acceptance and openness. I don't care if my concerns or questions are answered. In fact, I feel no questing at all in this moment. I feel settled and expansive at the same time. These are beautiful vibrations. This slow, calm soothes and heals my body, mind and spirit. I invite you to seek and create peace as a practice. Find your own ways to notice it about you, to create it within you, to play with this calm, healing feeling. Find when and where peace is present. How can you find it inside when you are in havoc? When do you notice it outside of yourself? How can you get more of both? It is healing and healthful. It is very near you when you are open to it. Blessings to this journey. I give you peace, my peace I give you! Lyn Hicks, MMS Health and Beauty Coach Get a free consultation Take a class Video Learning Buy Her book
We have heard to have gratitude is a path to an enlightened, happy life. We all use gratitude in ways but I believe we need to understand it more clearly, as it is a high spiritual key. Maybe we have heard it so many times and miss it. It is spouted out so frequently. Do you realize just how it is in all philosophies and religions? Alchemy, law of attraction, magic, on and on? The secrets to life are simple and obvious. Like breathing when we are in strife. So simple. We all know yet we don't use this tool of breathing as often or readily as we should. We miss the power of just breathing for it is simple, obvious. We are untrained to its power and don't have a habitual practice. I inspire you to really visit the gratitude key that supports us in ways beyond the physical. It is a vibration, a moving energy that has incredible power to manifest. Why? Because it is reveling in what is present, here, right now. This great contentment for what you have, is the same vibration level of receiving what you want. You can't get it through thinking alone. You can only use the draw, the attraction, the magnetism when you are in a vibrational match of receiving. The receiving vibration is in the contentment, the satiated feeling of gratefulness being full. It is that simple. When you are grateful, you are in an open position, filled to the brim in joy, then and only then can you draw or magnetize, attract, what you want from the invisible world of ideas. There is nothing greater in vibrational frequency to manifestation. Feeling filled allows the draw of feeling filled. The desire of "what it is" doesn't matter as the filled feeling to create the draw. It works opposite with fear, doubt and anger, they too, are a vibration and magnetize in negativity. Tis the season where gratitude is slated as the high emotion with joy and love. All of these are the same frequency in satiation, in fulfillment, in contentment and in power to draw forward more. It is also the season of presents and receiving. Interesting!!!! Like attracts like. You can begin with the feeling and you grab a thought to match and create this gratitude that draws abundance. Or the thought of gratitude can begin and you generate the feeling. From there you walk your body in action toward what it is you are desiring in the magnetizing vibration. We feel love and then we see all the lovely in things. We feel joy and like rose colored glasses, many joys show up. Gratitude starts a state of fulfillment and ripples on from itself as well. As we use gratitude in as many moments as we can, we increase its power to bring in more things we will be grateful for. The mind follows suits and starts listing what we are so happy about and that energy sends out a vibrational pull forward. It really is like a magic wand this gratitude energy. You can say,"Yea, I know that", but do you know this? Do you use this as an experience to bring you what you want? Do you use it in stressful moments when you need to redirect? Do you use it daily? Throughout your life as a pair of rose colored glasses to see and receive what you want? Do you use this key in the high power it is? Are you making full use of the power here I am speaking of? Often we have information, have heard of things and say, "I know that." For the truth is usually simple. Not easy but for simple minds like a child. Knowing and having information are two different things. Knowing is experience and what we consider wisdom. We use the principle rather than just be aware of it. Lets face it, we know lots of things to be happier and healthier. They are only information if we are not using them and experiencing the results. Don't miss the important, simple keys to life by the overuse in words. Principles are to be applied. I hope you play and work with this key over this season and watch it work so naturally as it does this time of year. When you are in those incredible moments of gratitude through the holidays, really feel that vibration in all your being. What is going on in your body, your emotions and thoughts? Watch how it oozes through you so you can bring it into more life. Watch how it expands and fulfillment, satiation and contentment feel, taste, and see. Revel in the experience. Play and experiment with it so you really know this vibration. Once you have done that, you now will know the true wisdom of what they mean when they say use gratitude in all things. You will understand and have the experience, the awareness of how it operates to draw forward other things. You will experience the open space of receiving that all these great works speak of. We overlook the true value of this simple magic. It's only a thought or feeling away and this season is plentiful in it so play with this magic! Oh and do notice all the stars about! Perhaps there is a reason there is one at the top of wands! Teehee! Have fun with this one! Great blessings! Lyn Hicks, MSS Health and Beauty Within Coach I would love a consultation! Oh the summer is full of aliveness! It is the most sensual season for all the world is alive and playing! The outdoors growing and lush with color and scent. The weather inviting us to be outside hiking or beach hanging. We have parties and celebrations galore to participate in where we see old and new friends and vibe with community. The activities for adventure endless with nice weather. Vacation months in the northeast, where all take time to just enjoy play.
I have so engaged in the sensuality of this season! I invite you to make these two months a practice in being and presence. I encourage you to really play with your senses and this body being you have. We can tune out of our mind during this season more easily and just ride the pleasure and delights that our body is experiencing all the time. We rarely focus on these senses as important versus our mind. Yet when we are in this playful season, we let go of our thinking and really partake in life more fully. We can do this any day or season. It is natural in the summer so notice, observe and amp it up! We get so lost in thinking and forget all the joy and pleasure around us at a moments notice. We forget we have 6 senses and rarely do we revel in them fully. This is such a waste of the joy of being in a body. We can find delight, pleasure, high states of being by participating in the moment more fully when we actually notice and experience the stimulation our body recieves every moment. We can redirect our mind, clear patterned thinking and refocus ourselves in the moment through our physical senses, our movement to have a life of more clarity. Well being is easier when we use all our being. Health and relaxation are natural outcrops of using all our senses and participating in life more fully. The mind is a powerful tool but it is only one. We have emotions, we have our senses and these are more connected to our sacred body. It is called embodiment for it is purposeful to support us in moving in vitality, in joy, in peace and relaxation. These are the healing vibrations that balance the stress and challenge of life. Using this sensual time to really connect and ground into our body so all of the tools of awareness are used is a way to experience more happiness and presence. We can't run around always with our mind on this, our emotions here and our body trying to follow it all. It is bad use of the sacred vessel that is here to support us in reading our environment. It supports us to health as well when we sharpen all our senses which only add to a greater experience every day. So as you play this season, I inspire you to really savor and observe everything with all your senses. Play with this presence and develop your sensual nature. We are energy and the senses are the tools to feel and experience the energy. Stop and notice the smells, the sights, the sounds, the feelings of goodness and joy as you have fun. Really observe this vibration and how you feel in your body being. You can create reference points and practices that you can use any day, any time of the year to find more joy energy. Sharpen those skills of sensuality. The world becomes richer and richer as you develop your sensory nature. All the daily tasks become refined. Tantra is all about this nature to really use our skin, our eyes, ears, nose and touch to electrify the body. We have so many sensors and we can develop them to feel more subtly and fully. Summer makes this so easy. Awareness makes it a playful way to enjoy our body as we enjoy the world and fun! And each moment becomes more delicious, pleasurable and filled with magic!! Beauty and Grace through Pleasure and Play Buy my book The Lotus Project Coaching, Videos, Elixir, Organic flowers, Classes Join my Mailing list for weekly inspiration! The "Room" at Meadowbrook Lyn Hicks, Health and Beauty Within Coach, Published Author, Educator and Event Coordinator at The Room At Meadowbrook in Ottsville, PA This season of heat upon us and fun opportunities everywhere! In Chinese medicine, this is a season to be aware not to overheat literally or with all the activity! It is important to really take care of yourself on both levels with this playful season I just returned from over a week on the beaches of Caroloinas! Hot indeed! Full of activity and upon return, I am indeed a tad tired. So this week, I move slow, I stay out of the intense heat and remember renewal is necessary in this season.
The heat slows us down and is purposeful. Relax, rejuvenate, renew, rebalance all part of the summer months. In the northeast, we are so happy with the warms that we fill our calendar with everything outside that we can. I am one to play outside until the late nights and enjoy all the adventure. However, there is a greater message in this heat to slow down, move slower. So find balance in this season. Yes, enjoy the fun of it but listen to the heat and be sure to cool down. The pace down south with the heat and humidity is much slower. Try to heed some of this pace in your summer fun. It is not all about activity as we seem to think in our culture. There is great health in chilling and relaxing that we miss. With the heat so intense, it is trying to remind us to hydrate, move slow and enjoy it all in observation and rest. We take vacation to get away from our hectic schedules so really rest and renew. Don't overdo on the vacation or you will need one when you return. I say this so I may hear this as well. We are so excited in the newness of a beautiful environment, around new folks and delights that we want to explore it all. I am reminding us all of the season, of the reason we vacation and the pleasure in just hanging out. Watching the ocean, appreciating the lake, star gazing,watching the fireflies, hanging out and chatting, These too are part of our great summer. So enjoy, relax, play and be sure to sloooowwww down! It is a season of heat. So heed the wonder of activity as well as the peace of leisure! Enjoy it all in pleasure! I am blessed to go away on vacation and visit my family. My brothers, sister and mom, the nieces and nephews and wives of my siblings, my extended family. Rarely do we all get in one place and this was not everyone but I chose to find a way to gather with as many of the southern contingent I could. It has been so enriching and fun!
It is not always all roses, for we all have family karma and lessons to learn together. We are all different, raise our kids different and have different goals and means in life. When you see the diversity in a family and the challenge that represents, you can understand why the larger world has conflicts, for different views are not always easy to transcend. It takes courage and openness to be able to accept others as they are when you are all different. However, isn't that the wonder of the world and what we all seek? Peace and understanding in diversity. It is the goal here and our family can support us in that practice. Yes, tension and difference arises. Buttons are pushed, the sibling order and old patterns come forward. Yet, we don't need to cling onto, hold grudges or allow this to linger. We can see the good in all our ways, the end goal reached often through different means. It takes great openness to be allowing of others and stay directed on the areas you connect. I find my family to be great practice in this and I seem to learn so much from continually directing myself to love. Loving it all, even the negativity and difference as a wonderful way to learn and see the blessing in all things. If you seek this connection, allow the tension and opposing ways to fall off and let them go, you find the interaction to be so joy filled. I have stepped away when I felt the conflicts coming, keep my mouth shut and been open to expand how I see things by observing rather than engaging. It is an art with family as we all know but the rewards delicious indeed. The fun with the children, the giggles of the adults, the humor and laughter rich and the disturbance a test to love it all. It can be done. Knowing how to quiet, walk away and let go the gift of learning and the connection when you do, pure rapture! I inspire you as you gather this summer with family to allow the differences to be there. They make the great tapestry of humanity. Open yourself to see the loving in all the family craziness and suspend your judgments for the greater law of love. Yes, we all have our differences and ways of being yet it does not have to cancel out the commonness you have with your family. We do all love each other and hope for the best. Our actions not always showing that but no one is on and in their best through life. We all a work in progress and these gathers an opportunity to love more and see the greater soul through the behavior. I am still vacationing with them and loving it all. Learning of myself, how I am different but mostly how I am the same as my siblings. We all love our children and our families. We strive to be our best and to love our best. We do it differently but that is what makes us unique and different. To see past that is a gift I have and cultivate often in courage and bravery. It is good though for I love my family. I stand by them all and support them to grow as I do. We are part of the greater human family learning acceptance and cooperation. It is a lovely clan to grow and learn with. I am indeed blessed that this motley group gives me great life lessons to expand my awareness and love! Another chapter in becoming! I am off to the beach again!!!! Wahoo! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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