As it is dark way earlier, I find that my transition with the dark has been to take quiet moments. As we enter into winter and beyond, we get that inward visit with ourselves. I like this visit as it supports me to clarity. I have had more time alone out here and I like it. I was just sitting looking at my lights on the porch and my greens in a planter. It is so festive and peaceful.
Yesterday, I picked out a card about that Sacred Inward place. It was a writing I created for my masters class project. It was an effective project and I always pick the appropriate writing for the moment. How do we know who we really are unless we take these moments. The world goes so quick and those silent moments make all the different in life. Meditation, visualization, inward time, prayer, contented moments. You feel fulfilled to take a rest. A rest within to check in on yourself. I don't know where my mind goes but after a bit, I am gone. I don't have ramble thoughts or crazy blah blah. usually gratitude comes in. So many I know going through really hard stuff. I send love and consider I am not in a down trough in this moment. I am okay and actually quite grateful. It is a very good way to shift your vibe. At times ideas come in out of no where like dreams I have that seem random. I giggle at the way it all works. The learning and knowing of self. Of me when no one is around. I feel good in these moments. They fill me in self connection thus self care. They can inspire me so deeply. A memory or idea may fly in that expands me. Or not. Then I giggle full of myself for a minute in the most good, perfect way I could be. Take time for the silence. We get more dark and I believe it is to add this rest, this quiet moment thing to our lives. Feeling the good of life. Resting in what is going well. Feeling even if it's not going well that things will be ok. Sonner than you know. Just relax. I seem to here that often. Enjoy visiting with yourself. I am sure you will find a bunch that you really like!
Starting our day intentionally can get a bit rough at times. We get up late, we are tired, our lives need our energy elsewhere from the time the alarm goes off. I wanted to share some very easy ways that have had a profound effect on me here in my new chapter across country. These are probably not new to you but knowing a tool or practicing it are two different realitles. We all know but how can we use these knowings is truly the sign of change.
As I awake and I am doing it earlier these days, I first visualize, create a good attitude in my minds eye. Some mornings this takes time to do as I am not feeling it. Yet I continue to fill myself with good feelings, ideas for the day, miracles, what I want to go right, problems getting easy solutions, all this to inspire joy toward the day. This morning it was so easy but others days it is not. I still take the 5 minutes or less to conjure up good feeling vibrations and images of what I want. This is a great way to begin with inspiration. Drink 2 glasses of water before doing anything else. There are many first thing beverages that can be helpful. Some say lemon in hot water, others have ideas of teas, whateverr works for you knowing water is the big ingredient. This flush of 2 glasses clears the toxins that your body dumped into your lymphatic system during its nightly clean up. This alone can clear as well as set you up for a hydrated day. I am a big water advocate and share the type of water you should be ingesting as we are 70% water. This flush with some small movements really sets us up energetically for a bright day. Take a moment to notice the nature around you. Breath it in knowing your are nature too and connect with your nature. Our bodies of the animal kingdom. If you desire to go out in it, that is great. If not, just looking out the window, seeing the beauty, appreciating the garden we live in will inspire a good day. We call these "high Impressions" which is considered the highest form of nutrition. Inspirational quotes, music, spiritual practices, all can be high impressions. Nature so filled with good ions, inspiring life and beauty that it is the easiest to partake. Movement is key after we awake! Our body can start to flow the fluids, energies, life force back into all organs and cells. I don't do much movement like a gym although you could. I do Tai Chi, Aharaj yoga, some Hatha yoga poses, or free form dance. Simple ways to start to move my body, joints in ease, swish my organs and get the blood and my consciousness going in my body. We live in our heads so much of the time. Morning movement is easy enough to remember we are in a sacred vessel, we connect gracefully to it and we are in unison with it as we begin. Nothing hard or over the top is necessary. Just movement and connection. Being in bed before 10 pm is key to support your body and sleep cycle. In Ayervedic medicine, if you are closer to sleep at 10, the surge of energy that we often feel after that, which causes us all to do late night, is used to cleanse and reorder the body. If we stay up, we use this energy for whatever we are doing and miss out on our regenerative cycle. When I am in bed by 9:45 pm, I find I sleep better, i get up earlier and I am refreshed. This is science for we are following the larger earth cycle so we rhythm with it. We all know that sleep is an issue for many of us if not chronically, here and there. Easy way to correct that. This then brings us to early rising, inspired to get up for we had good, rejuvenating, cleansing rest. I have many times shared I am part of Center for Creators and they host a medication 3 times a week with others online where we visualize our life being what we want. This group energy is powerful when we are visualizing. The practice can be 10-15 minutes or you can stay as I do, for 30 minutes in this practice. I find it recharging, Christie has a great process and it is simple. Here we are putting forth our intentions whatever they are in life, in unison and into the substance of the universe to come forward. We have all heard how powerful visualization is with athletes so we use this for our dream life. Visualization sets up the energetic vibration when done including the feeling nature! You don't need a group but it adds power to everything. I also set alarms through out my day to stop and consider what I am wanting and grateful for in life. All ways to reset the picture! We are a mind, a body, a spirit and energy of emotions combined. Remembering to align all these parts in the morning can shift the entire day. We are in an unsettled world as we shift so keeping ourselves right at the beginning can stave off fear, panic, reactive thinking and acting. I find these practices as simple as they are, really bring health, vitality and joy into my inner world. From there, the world meets me in high vibe often too. It gives us a rhythm and certainty inwardly, a level of control for ourselves in an uncertain world. Blessings to your good mornings! For more information about water and hydration, so valuable to health! My heart sings today as I got my organic turkey without ordering, I am a bit unprepared at times. Things always work out yet in what appears through a chaotic rhythm. Chaos has order in it as you sit looking long enough. All chaos rebirths to order at some point. I was grateful that my chaotic rhythm synced up to have turkey! It made me shine!
I realized, as most with this "cup half full" attitude, I celebrate the simple things. We gear ourselves up at the smallest of gifts of life going well. Many often save celebration for the big things yet the small ones can ride you through each day. Having an attitude of gratitude and celebration helps me deal with all the mess of life. Life is messy regardless. To have this openness to look for the right in the small, finds a joy spark you can ride. In the midst of great crisis, something inside of me can see joy. I can radar in on the good that occurs. I was at the grocery store and asked if there was a space for cards. It involved getting manager, blah blah so I just told the girl next time. She loved my card about the podcast and water. She asked to keep it! Another wave of joy came upon me for a good interaction. My view of the mountains can do it, my favorite songs on the radio, the kindness others offer in a smile, the happy neighbor wave, even my flinging of things that shatter brings me to giggle. We have to reset our radar especially with all the news. No looking for signs of the scary, the fearful and bad. We need to step away and look for the simple goodness of daily events. I inspire you this holiday to really revel in the simple things. Our lives have been simplified and there is goodness in that. Less of everything has been nice. Less rat race, more true interaction and savoring of what we have. Even reviewing what we want as times have changed. The joy of this simplicity you can ride and spread its deliciousness! Yes I have many tough, hard, failing times in life too. Far more than I share. Yet my thankfulness for what turns out right supports me tremendously! Preserving the lesson makes the hard have purpose and that will eventually lead me back to gratitude. Really work this word. We all know this. Yet when we interact, create energy and really sink into this wave, life changes immediately. It is a most powerful tool and why we have a day to celebrate! Have a blessing filled Thanksgiving! for info on water! This fall has really been a review of what do I need. We have such news and ideas of fear, lack and uncertainty. In a time as no other, I think to be clear on what I need to feel safe, express myself fully and finding simple joy is paramount!
We all need the security of money. The essence of this really is a security that all will end well and in our favor. Feeling that I have what I need each day to take care of myself in whatever way seems appropriate. The essence of security is that we have enough to thrive. Many at this time are scrambling to manage this with all the shifts. I, too, finding innovative ways to attract what I need. I remind myself the within /without law. If I feel the essence of being supported, taken care of by the world and my own activities working, I can then draw in the opportunities outside myself. I learned when getting my Masters in Spiritual Science, about feeling the essence of the things you desire. Not thinking them but feeling the accomplishment, like an athlete who visualizes the win. Win in your fantasies! So we conjure the feelings of being content, supported, safe, secure, creative, innovative, loving and on and on. We see our NEEDS getting fulfilled. In fact we are celebrating it. First you decide what you need. Then feel the essence of it for a practice and watch is come to you. It doesn't just take a second a day. This is a practice in creating the joy of life you want. I have alarms that reset to gratitude and visualization for a few minutes 6 times a day. I stop what is happening if I can, and feel this essence of whatever I am wanting. It naturally turns to gratitude I noticed. Very powerful way to bring in what you desire if it yours to be had. If we all really refined what we need and the feeling that gives us with our imagination rather than using it for all the doubtful things we envision or worries, we could shift our world. We have spent our lives finding ways to get what we need and so far it has worked. If it shifts or crazy things come along, we adjust and keep going. So far we have made it. We are still alive and breathing. We have successfully weathered some storms. The key I believe is in knowing what you need to be safe, secure and comfortable to be yourself. It sounds simple yet you must keep answering this question through out life. With the answer and the visualization or feeling of having it sprinkled through your day, you practice that vibration in your body. Most of us don't know what or how that feels. Many have never felt safe in their life. So it is not a one and done deal. It is a journey of embodying what you say you want. Give time to whatever process comes up as you do this and continuing with it. This has been an anchor for me through this time. I am not always so sure what that is being in a new place and creating innovatively. I keep remembering what I want and adjusting it to what I need and what is happening. I make certain I FEEL deeply what the essence, the essential nature of that need is!! Powerful Practice to try daily! "Win in Your Fantasies!" JR |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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