Victimhood on so many levels is part of being a woman. Even if you are not feeling the victim, there are many woman across the globe in this challenge. The opposite or cure to this victim energy is mothering. Being the mother to yourself. Taking care of yourself fully on all levels. The Divine Feminine. The mothering of your femininity.
I realize part of the path for woman is to sacrifice for a collaboration in family or career. We know innately the power of the group and our maturity to grow into putting ourselves in that group. We, too, get what we want. We are to be factored in. Often, I see woman play the victim here. After seeing the martyr role for decades, we begin by not including ourselves, our sparkly spirit in creating. It is like this in mothering and at times this is the right choice. As our kids age and we feel unfulfilled, it is now our time to learn to mother ourselves. We birth ourselves as what to be next. Mothering each other as well supports the release of the victim. In menopause and peri menopause, we are called to look at our lives, release the anger, unspoken words, times we did not feel honored. As the group leaders we often aquiesce for peace and calm, this can mistakenly not value our needs, Our relationships shift. No longer based on loyalty and giving too much or receiving to much. We together are maturing into a world where we are mothering ourselves so we can feel filled. I know many things are written on this. Self care is a buzz word. This has great purpose and why it is everywhere asking us how we do this. We need to continue to hear and apply this deeper to our lives. Further still, to nourish ourselves and do that first. This seems to go against many beliefs. We keep clearing them for that is why we feel unfulfilled. We are looking in the wrong places for nourishment. We must ground into our bodies knowing for ourselves what supports it. Emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Being in a masculine, yang business world, we are evolving to lead with the yin side. The receptive, the openness, the giving to ourselves to feel able in this production world. We give ourselves permission to do what we want. Only we can mother ourselves. Other woman can reflect that to us and support us to transmute the beliefs that we are not allowed to value ourselves first. We say we know this yet do we live this? Are we really our own best friend and using all things in our environment to support us in health, beauty, love, relationship, career, etc. Are we queen of our dominions? Do we have friends and others that truly support us? Do we live in healthy ways, appreciating our body, our movement, our food nurturing? Do we take charge and say no when we don't want to? We are allowed to say "no" if in our heart, it will create problems for us and our well being. This permission, allowance, accepting our needs and filling them by being in charge of all is in our dominion! How lovely to be queen in our own kingdom! We mother that to be. We are the ones whom claim that. I find myself at this time realizing that it is only me and my purpose, path and joy that is in order. My daughter older, I divorced, a contractor and teacher, I am in full charge. I feel this inside me. It is not an idea which at others times just a thinking or thought. Clearing that codependency that happens in marriage and as a mom. Later this is changed by the very nature of life. Now I am feeling a grounding into knowing, I create what works best for just me. Even if I was in family or relationship, this is my responsibility. I had not taken that approach fully. Discerning by listening to yourself first. Not shorting yourself as I often did as the woman of the house. We feel good helping others, it is our nature to do this mothering. Are we mothering ourselves as well as we could? This I am grounding into. This rooted feeling that the earth supports me. I begin there and support me above all else. We feel the world, create the group environments and often get overwhelmed by this empathic mothering nature. It all mixes up and we don't really know ourselves. I feel at this time we are grounding into a greater understanding of our power. We are the mothers of all things, the masters of this yin energy. Connecting to this truth and grounding to mother ourselves. Using this energy for others is already occurring. The call to mother ourselves and other woman. For us to collectively give ourselves permission and reflect that to each other. Allowing us to change the paradigm of victim by mothering ourselves and each other. Stepping into the Divine feminine in a clear way that is receiving support from each other and ourselves. We learn by knowing ourselves and our emotions. As we learn how we feel and realize these are ours to manage, we mother ourselves. We learn to support and manage others, our environments, and the spaces we are at. We must give and receive, get nourishing and get away from things that don't inspire us to be more of ourselves. Love and understand this me first, then observe the energies from there. Keeping my needs clear and making sure I am in charge of that. Not at the whim of others or waiting. Our root chakra must be stable. We must feel safe. It is our job to only be in safe places. Only the things that create safety for us. We sink in and ground this safety to be ourselves more fully. The great mother, the divine feminine takes care of herself then her kingdom. We run the flavor of the world so we must feel good so it all feels good. We can't fake it. Our energy runs our spaces so if we want joy and nourishment, we create this for ourselves. NO other. Together we strengthen the mothering of ourselves and thus the world. We support the clearing of the victim archetype. We feel safe if we are mothered, cared for, in safe places. Maybe we weren't but we can mother ourselves to be there now. I like this! I allow this to reorder me. The Great Mother. The Gaia, The Blessed Mary, The Lakshmi, Isis. We are supported by this energy and need to apply it to ourselves. And this self love and nourishing......feels so good! "The Mother Archetype: Excerpts from Carl Jung The goddess, and especially the Mother of God, the Virgin, and Sophia. Mythology offers many variations of the mother archetype, the maiden in the myth of Demeter and Kore; or the mother who is also the beloved, as in the Cybele-Attis myth. The archetype is often associated with things and places standing for fertility and fruitfulness: the cornucopia, a ploughed field, a garden. Because of the protection it implies, the magic circle or mandala can be a form of mother archetype. The qualities associated with it are maternal solicitude and sympathy; the magic authority of the female; the wisdom and spiritual exaltation that transcend reason; any helpful instinct or impulse; all that is benign, all that cherishes and sustains, that fosters growth and fertility. The place of magic transformation and rebirth, together with the underworld and its inhabitants, are presided over by the mother." The Art Of Being a Woman!
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I believe that we all are shining stars! We all have this most delicious spark in us! Prior to Christ they called it the Christos of the heart. Living the path of love has always been revered and why Jesus claimed the loving Christ ideal for us to see! I so loved that for it is less gender specific, The love of the Blessed Mother. We all have this shining in us somewhere no matter what name we give it.
For me it must be fun and imaginative. I was given a great inner world that comes from this star in side me. I see it as a beautiful twinkle in peoples eyes, light of their smile, the glassy look of tears weld up. I see it everywhere in people and am blessed this is my experience. Seeing the light in others is a magical life! I inspire that we look for this sparkle in others. It is what love, living love, living in love of life, the eyes of a child are all about. When you seek this most kind expression of others, you find it. It is in all situations and circumstances. Somewhere some thing sparkles at some point. In dark scenes as in fun! If we chose to live in this more and more, we would find the word to appear so different. For it all is a light perspective. Have a fabulous celebration of the Christ birth we have today. See if you too, can birth your twinkle more brightly. It is the call of the season and it is there. The gift, the presence and our present to participate in light ways and share them with others. That is my call and in it I find the Christ, the birth, the Christos, the Blessed Mother light filling my spirit! Glory be to you today, you shining star! How do you sense where you are in relation to the world? We can get caught up in the running after ourselves. Our mind filled with this and that, our emotions rolling about and our physical body rushing to keep up. Truly being aware of your state is a great way to keep health and well being at its best. It also supports our beauty for rushed is not a good look. We must check in with ourselves often, throughout our day, cultivate present awareness. At least with how we feel think, feel and move physically.
To ground our spirit and have a bright experience in life, we need to be present in our bodies. Know how we are in relationship with all things of the world. You need to check in and also have a community, friends or family who support you to get back on track. They support you to stay true to yourself often with a reflection that " hey you need to pay attention". This latest escapade of shingles rash or whatever was brewing inside me certainly painfully made me aware that I am not managing my relationship to my health well. A friend today told me I was a negative influence, WOW! So we must really reflect on how we are relating. In crisis it is hard but then most growth comes from it. So here we learn to till ourselves and plant back into the earth by seeing how we relate to life. Our health. Our friendships and relationships. Our finances. Our job. Our hobbies. Our self care really. How are you relating to the world. Is it working for you? Are you bringing in your spark of inspiration and creativity or weighing down on things or neglecting them. This crisis is a rebirth and time to reorder how I relate. It can only be done by checking in with yourself. Indeed the illness, the friend, the victimhood I feel is the point. We are only ever in the victim role when we have not mothered ourselves. The Mother Archetype the solution to the Victim Archetype. It is of the first chakra, our root. If we don't feel safe in the world and take care of our needs or feel we can, we will express the victim, thrown about by the world. Whether big or small ways, our role expressed and the solution is to tune in and mother ourselves. We are strong powerful nourishing natures and we are not doing that for ourselves so we will not feel good, powerful or delightful to be around, lost in our turmoil. Fortunate I am, to have strong people and body ailments to see where this was playing out in me. I felt like a victim these past years. Trying to find my new ground in the world. My mom got sick and died and I was mothering another woman down the same road all at once. This mothering of self was absent and since ultimately we should do this for ourselves, I failed to find the time. When your mother dies, I am sure there is great reorder in your mothering understanding and you no longer have a mother. It is your responsibility to fulfill that position and it is clear then. Their is a shift in ancestorial and dynamic energies of a family and it reorders all. There is definitely a check in going on inwardly, I see it is time to be alone and refuel. I thank my body and my friend for the frankness and cosmic 2 x 4 that landed here. There are times when a snap out of it is in how we learn. An intercurrent as we call it in homeopathy, You need a strong reset to remember what you are doing. It is all good despite the pain and sadness I grieved out. We have to forgive ourselves and like ourselves even if the whole world doesn't. That is mothering of the Divine Feminine, to love it all. We are all responsible in a new way as the energies shift, to care for ourselves first so we don't inflict on others. If you do, you forgive yourself, make it as right as you can and move forward learning deeper how to set yourself up. You can't be the bright spirit you are so it is shared with the world if you are not clear with you first. The ending of the year, is the time to really see what it has brought, how you related or handled yourself and what you can preserve in learning from it and move into expansion. What limits are you allowing to be experienced? Are you doing all the things that will make you feel good? Are you aware of how you are relating to the world? I did not feel good dealing with, like many others, the care and illness of a family member. We all may have this as a right of passage here. I inspire to lift all others in this victim role as I see I am not one. Things are not working well for I am not caring properly for them. Not watering the plants. So check in often with yourself to see what is it that is really going on. As my friend said, we all go through good and bad and it just means it is time to grow. Crisis brings growth and new ways of being. My shell of Lyn as a daughter, as a sister and as an individual must shift from these circumstances of life. I am very thankful for the sight, the role I am being that is certainly not the vibe of my highest gift. This is how we learn and part of my teachings. We get off balance to get on balance and there is no judgement just consequences. If there is then let it be cleared. Look at it. See how you judged yourself, others, the situation, the world, that you come out with new ideas of how your relate to it all. Part of the astrological energies are to cleanse us of skins, limitations, misperceptions that are not serving us at this time. I am certainly in reorder as are so many others. To take these issues that hurt my heart, find blessing and learning in them is why they are here. It is not bad, It is the universe supporting me to find a path more aligned and claim the beliefs clearly that I hold true. It is all good and what growth, trial and error are about. We mess up. We go over the edge. We do stupid things. We are learning and all is allowed. I too, must allow myself the "I lost it", as I do others. We are always learning how to be better and it comes in all ways. I knew I was losing steam and not mothering myself. But somewhere inside I could not find the way to do that with my work load. Relate to yourself first and see how you are relating to other things in the world. Are you helping or supporting? On one hand I was supporting my mother but on another i was not supporting myself or my friend. It is really beautiful learning when you can take responsibility and know you are off. I inspire you to see where you are not relating to the world in the highest. I imagine it will bring you back as me to the role of mothering yourself. If we are inflicting on others we are flailing, so to speak and that is the victim. "I have no control, oh I am so sorry I hit you, I am whipping sparks into the world that are not settled." We are in a great shift and knowing that we let in the things our world is made up of. If it is not supporting you, clear it out. Otherwise you will continue to roll down the path out of control. Clarity, self love, self acceptance and forgiveness your biggest tools. Despite the recent events, I feel good as I write. My direction clear. My inward review and greater learning to mother myself first is just supporting me to clear where the victim is playing out in life. Having authority over yourself through really checking in and knowing your state is the only control there is. If we feel out of control, we will start wobbling and put out energy that is not supportive, Feeling unsupported myself, how could I fully support others? Finding safety in my new world. It is a process. As I am in respite with illness and the most ugly rash, I can only consider to count my blessings. I have been in great overwhelm that resulted in this great clearing of illness. It started to come out on Thanksgiving as I was at my best friends to spend time for the holiday. It was delightful to rest, be around a family I love and participate in the New England snow. 2 Feet of it! We got snowed in as my illness and shingles really flaired. I was scared that I was not ok. Blessed I was with my dear friend of level head and came home safely afterward and got the meds I needed.
As I chill, care for myself with soup, do the things that we don't ever get to in our busy lives, I realize how grateful I am. Even with this mess, pain and fear that comes with illness, I feel ok. I know people want you to be down and believe me I have cried and been sad with this illness. It is not so much the illness as the death of those around me and the strife that preceds and comes after. Yet there is always a blessing. I have another friend visiting for work and enjoying that company, My house if full of holiday color and lights, cozy and calm. I needed to just do nothing but relax, healing treatments, reading and I am even inspired to write today. I have healing megahertz sound on, candles lit, I am free form writing clearing my being of all levels. Taking this time to tune into me. As woman, we often are called to so much caring. It is our nature. We feel good to care and help others for we are created in the divine feminine, the nourishing nature. We just haven't learned the full rule of nourishing ourselves before we serve. We serve, we feel good, we do the tasks of care as it is our nature. Often life calls us to do things and be in situations that we really don't want but our nature calls us there for we are born to serve and support all life. However, we need to do this in overflow. Not by using our energy alone. We miss this and when we find ourselves depleting ourselves, putting the needs of others over ourselves to the point of illness, we have lost the great way of the divine mother. We all try to stay filled as we support. I did not quite get it. I knew I was going down, tired and overwhelmed but it seemed It was necessary to keep going. I do not get upset with myself for this is our nature. I do realize now for the going through it, that greater measures are necessary for myself to be whole and healed. I am grateful that I am learning, understanding my own limits and listening inward deeper. These messes, failures to know the nourishing law correctly are part of the process. The feminine wisdom has been lost and our generation seeking to find it. So I too learn, even though I know the laws, how to live them in greater ways with each attempt. The divine feminine is the Mothering Principle of nourishment. We must mother ourselves. Not waiting for our mothers or thinking another will do this. We draw on the mothering of ourselves, from nature, from the divine ones, from the Blessed Mary, from where ever you find it. It is in us. We are it. We must cultivate and use this for ourselves, not just others. We all need support, rest, renewal and love. We can only do this for ourselves and know our limits and our beness that works to keep us healthy and participating. I certainly participated beyond what I am able. This illness a clear sign for myself. I willingly accept it as my bodies way to say, Stop! Back up! Lay down! Be chill and peaceful. Fill your well. So I do. I learn yet again and grow and expand into this understanding of myself. It is our process here and so we learn and embody the health and beauty that we are. We must watch and listen as we do to others. We need to hear our needs and release any thoughts or beliefs that say it is wrong to say no and take care of ourselves first. This is part of our path of our generation and for all woman before. There is no super woman who can do it all. it just doesn't exist. We must know how to care for ourselves as we do for others. It is new and different for us all. I sit in gratitude for this reflection and learning of myself. I became a minister to understand self ministry which I believe many woman need to learn. I step deeper into my learning of me. Of my own unique things I need to stay healthy and feel beautiful and stay connected. And if I can't, then I step away and go inside to learn how to feed and nourish myself on whatever level there is. It is the magnum opus of life. How do I mother me to be my best expression in a world of so many ideas and information? I learn by trial and error and I use the error to preserve the wisdom. I am thankful. I am learning. I am finding greater ways to care for me and thus others. I look back on the year and wonder could I have done something better or been more clued in. My answer is it went as it went. Now I have time to see what I could of done to support myself. I am not sure there is an answer or this was just one of those times where it was important to get illness and clear my being. All is in divine order so I take what I can learn and use it forward. Illness is not bad or wrong, it is just a message from our body. If we don't listen, the body does what is necessary to support itself. Illness, healing crisis a way to talk to us. It is nice to not participate in the stress of the holiday and experience the soothing of it. The beauty of it. The magic healing that is there if we notice. I am blessed to see it for the love that it is. Not caught up in keeping up with anyone but myself. Feeling good at whatever I do slowly, gracefully and in nourishing of myself. I will slowly gather my gifts, attend events, marry a set of friends and engage in the holiday on a level that serves me perfectly. The Blessings Already Are! For a free Flow In Grace Session, connect with me. |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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