We all know that if you give a man and a woman the same task, they will do it differently. They will both get the same end result but the processing of how will be different. Unfortunately, the feminine way has been dropped by many woman in business and in life for the way of men. Business is the man's world traditionally and their natural ways run it so we have adapted ourselves to it. This works but not as efficiently and easy for woman for they have a different way of doing things.
I have spent 9 years sharing this shift with woman and men as a basic understanding of ourselves. For woman, it creates more flow, health, beauty and changes the ease and grace they operate. To use their innate way, a way that is natural for us, shift our perspective, which means giving permission to be ourselves and open a well of energy we have awaiting us. The issue is that we, as woman, haven't cultivated, honored or used our unique way we approach life. We have adapted ourselves to man's way and we are just not as productive and healthy using their perspective. What does this mean? We are effected on all levels to a different experience of the world when we use our way of woman. This includes using our flowing nature, our adaptability and our natural slower pace. We still get as much if not more done when we come from this creative, flowing way. Efficiency is a man's way, speed and direct. Woman manage things just as quickly but it flows differently with a grace that appears slower. It is flow rather than production. Creative rather than mental. They say if you want a project done, give it to a woman! Not only that but she makes it look easy. Woman have a strong sensing and intuition that guides them magically. We sense and move more from this empathic place, have knowings and can use this naturally. It is not a mind process but an intuitive one. We have incredible connections to our environments, others, the energy or flavor of things and can know how to move situations. We are natural communicators which takes more time yet when things are clear the action steps go more smoothly. We can negotiate peace, collaboration and co-operation with finesse. Taking extremes, opposing views and blending them to a greater solution is just our way. We listen intently with our ears and sensing so we can understand others perspectives and find the common ground. We are more friendly, forgiving, less hierarchical, and understand give and take through a longer term relationship over this for that thinking. We have a community mindset and larger world picture where all elements have their order and place. We are not so ours and yours, we create win/win by the nature of being a woman. Collaboration over competition. We like to gather others, create peace, have more fun doing most all tasks. We are heart centered over head centered. We connect the head heart naturally. These are just a few of the many magnificent traits woman have naturally. They need to be rebalanced in all areas of our lives. The work place will benefit most but we even need to express these in our homes more, our neighborhoods, our community at large. We run most things that have a "group" mentality and we have been overusing the more masculine traits in all things. We have lost this natural connection to ourselves from our experience in the business world which is far more dog eat dog than the innate way of woman. In this collaborative Aquarian Age, our feminine way is needed for it will evolve the world quicker. This way is easy for us. I invite you to really savor these traits in woman. We are opposite in tantra and perfectly so that a greater world can be with the whole of all traits used synchronistically. Too much production and no nourishment of the things produced has way too much senseless creation of things. Woman are naturally the tenders of spaces and we don't need more space, we need our spaces to be safe, nourishing and well run. Woman are seeking change, settling and purpose using the mental, masculine practices that just won't work. We only get so far for we have the emotional, creative, intuitive nature that moves us not the mind. We aren't the powered up, no pain no gain part of the species. We are the heart inspired helpers. We need to use all our sensing and mind combined. We have incredible movement through passion and compassion different than logic and reasoning. It just is the way of woman. As we connect to this in ourselves, connect to it in each other as a sisterhood and collaborate ourselves to empower and support this way of being, the world will follow suit. For we truly run it underneath. We are the infa-structure to all that is going on. The silent workers holding it all together. This feminine way will support all the world gracefully, naturally, in sync as we will flourish in our rightful power position in the new world! Our health and beauty will juice up too! PS. I am doing a class in June on the 7 Petals of the Creative Chakra so we can remember these innate gifts and be sure to cultivate them in our everyday life for health and wellbeing! Grace and ease is the woman's way.
.Nutrition is the first layer of health. You can only be healthy when you nourish yourself wisely. What we eat, how we move and what ways we inspire ourselves are the triad to health and beauty. Food takes time to convert to energy so using the proper food is key to our system running properly.
There is alot of information on this and I find it all too much. I stick to the basics, keep it simple, notice how my body feels, see what works and forget about it. There are basics that we all know but remembering them is important as we head into the season of less clothes and wanting to feel good in our bodies. Simplicity is the key to mastership. If you cover them, health is given. 1. Drink plenty of water! We all could continue to practice this daily. It is key to all processes in the body and supports us in fluidity, flexibility, detoxing, refreshing and looking vibrant. We are over 70% water so it pays to flush ourselves continually, supporting that juiciness of hydration. So many health issues, tireness, hunger, headaches, dizziness, soarness can come when we don't drink enough. It is simple, so just do it. This practice alone goes a long way to looking and feeling more vibrant! I continually work on this one. 2. Eat fresh, colorful, organic food in all varieties. Keep the mix shifting and be seasonal. The freshest food and close to the vine is key to all vegetables. If raw food is a struggle, when you don't have enough digestive enzymes, then steam, roast or stir fry. You can also get bitters in a spray an use it before you eat to awaken digestion. I do 3/4 vegetables in colorful, seasonal variety and it contains the most nutrients of all categories. They fill you and add great nutrition. Organic may cost more yet it is worth it! Money spent on food is the best investment overall other purchases, for it builds your body! 3. Eat lots of protein! Protein provides the amino acids used in every process in the body. Most don't get enough protein. This it what 1/4 of my plate is. If I just need to grab something out of the refrig quickly, it will be a protein. It regulates blood sugar immediately, supports stress quickly, builds all things in the body and ignites your brain. Nuts, cheeses, eggs, humus, meats. fish and poultry. I do all organic so the meat sources are rich and humane. I eat all foods and I switch it up. Most woman do not get enough protein If you are vegan and the like, make sure you find complete proteins and eat lots of it. 4. Eat healthy fats that are saturated. Saturated fats do not go rancid. Butter, certain oils, lard, all these are so rich in things our body needs. Fats have gotten a bad wrap and yet they create the outer layer of our cells and are our main fuel. We need fats to sustain our processes in health. Fat is the most efficient fuel for our body. Watch out for unsaturated fats for they create damage to our body. Fat is one of the satiation triggers. In this low fat world, which I would never suggest anything low fat, we eat too much for nothing fills us. Fat fills us and stops the overeating. I use full butter, whole milk everything, real half and half, etc. If it is not real food, the body doesn't recognize it and the liver puts fat around it and sticks it on your mid section! The more real fat you have, the less you eat, the more filled you are and the healthier your cells. 5. Avoid sugar. It is such a dangerous substance that is in everything. The main issue is that it gives us quick fuel and creates havoc in our blood sugar. I think here and there, all in acceptable but overdoing sugar causes the type 2 diabetes which is a killer. Too much sugar whacks our insulin production and gives us highs and lows in energy. It creates that Hangry feeling. It also stops us from burning fat which is the best fuel for our body and keeps us in shape. If you continually use this artificial fuel, you will pack on fat. In all things moderation and with sugar, be very aware of that for it is already in everything! 6. Don't eat much in a box. Boxes, frozen entries, anything quick and easy is rarely nutritious. There are exceptions but I avoid most anything that comes in a box. Too many preservatives and your body doesn't recognize or digest them. If it doesn't know what a substance is, it will put fat around it and place it on your midline. No one wants that so I just avoid as much as possible. 7. Enjoyyyyyyy foood! It is a pleasure to eat! Savor, revel and take in the deliciousness of food. Healthy food is so delicious! When your eat, be in good spirits so you can enjoy, relax, create pleasure and oxytocin the healing hormone! Avoid negativity on any level, emotional, mental or physical when eating. Make eating 3 times a day a moment of pleasure, satiation and nourishment. Emotional eating without presence and in low emotions is the way most overeat and gain weight. Be aware and avoid eating when down. It takes in those crappy emotions and thinkings right in with your food and they too go into your cells. No need to create more. Notice emotional eating and atleast eat with joy and realize it is your call for pleasure. I think most miss the joy of eating and the satiation, pleasure and nourishment it offers us on many levels. 8. Eat moderately 90% of the time and INDULGE in whatever the other 10%! All things are to be enjoyed so do not give up anything totally. Allow yourself the joy of what is termed "bad" food. If you like it then have it here and there. When you do, soooo enjoy it fully. Don't tell yourself you are being bad or shouldn't have it! Indulge fully and taste every ounce. Then you will find great pleasure and only do it once in a while. So important not to avoid things forever unless your system can't take them. But is can usually manage anything in small amounts! So enjoy eating!! 9. Pay attention to how food makes you feel. Notice your body and its messages. We all have different bodies and digestion. So watch how food makes you feel and avoid those things that create ill feeling. We all know how good McDonalds can taste but it hurts our bellies in a hour or so. Pay attention to anything that doesn't sit well. Low nutrition bring low emotions. So you can get depressed just by what you eat! You can feel sick, tired, gasy, burpy, many not so cozy states. So pay attention and avoid what your system doesn't like. I have a gmo wheat allergy and found recently nuts are not cozy for me. So I avoid those things for they will make me feel sick. 10. There are no magic pills to anything! Eat good, real food. Watch reading into fads of certain foods and hoopla on health. Good food produces health. Moderation is key. My quick fixes are If you want to drop some pounds than cut out sugar so your body burns your fat. It works, it is simple body mechanics and fuel properly. Drink lots of water to flush out your toxins in your fat as you burn it. Move more. Do a fast 2 times a year of some sort and make all things easy. They are the simple quick fixes that work. Variety in food adds in lots of vitamins and enzymes so switch things up. Eating, nourishing your body that houses your spirit is a practice in love. Love the body being you are and treat it well like you would your pet. Take care of your body with utmost care. Watch what you put into it like you would a baby or your dog. You are in charge of how you feel and how you feed yourself so do it well and with pride. It doesn't need much brain or take much time. We put to much thinking into nutrition. Eat good and move onto the greater thinkings in life. It is simply a process of pleasure and nourishment. Your body knows what it needs! Do savor and enjoy this pleasure 3 times a day!! Delicious satiation of flavor! Our world is ruled by men's power and ways of doing all things. These ways are wonderful for them and production but don't seem to create fulfillment or health in woman. Woman being in the world of business, need to find our way to be in it, our way to participate while also bringing honor to our feminine nature. Not only will this enhance our individual success but also the success of all business and the world at large.
There is a call for woman to be woman in all things. Stepping into the business world not really so long ago with rules and ways of competition, efficiency, production and logic ruling, needs our flexible wisdom of softer intuitive and collaborative energy. As the world has gotten larger in connection of all humanity, woman, the master communicators and collaborators are needed to support the evolving interconnectedness. We began our journey adapting to masculine ways, adapting ourselves ( which we are masters at) to the way it was done. Now as times change, our influence and presence in greater numbers, our collective energy and unique gifts can support a greater business world becoming. I will never forget when one of the Himalayan Masters came to my farm and spoke of woman in the business world and how our way of using masculine energy was hindering our health. I was a bit blown away. It seemed so strange to me that a man, was explaining eloquently about woman what seemed to be such wisdom I should of known or atleast heard of before. All the woman in business events and lectures I had attended and no one had addressed me so deeply as a woman my role in business and explained the dissatisfaction I was experiencing. I was a bit surprised for as he spoke it seemed so clear and almost a no brainer yet I never heard our role or power put in that way. He spoke of how we were working in production, logical thinking which we can but that it was not the best use of our skills. He spoke of how we belong in fields that inspire our innate gifts and unique way so that we have greater health. Using our collaboration, our negotiating which is a great skill of woman, our intuitive way with others was so needed. Doing things that inspire our heart and our connected ways that involve choices made from our heart would expand business in ways that men can not. Our creativity and out of the box thinking in a moments notice to solve problems was masterfully feminine. Our adaptability and way to see the greater picture including the larger group, part of our community gift were brilliant skills much needed today in business. He listed such easy thoughts that I had never heard put that way that captured the essence and brilliance of woman. He also spoke of the greatest hindrance to our health and well being was the way we don't attend to our own needs and refuel ourselves. Generally that when woman took more time to develop their feminine self and spirit, our health. our productivity and happiness would expand for we are not caring for ourselves in the ways that inspire our femininity. All of this was so clear and rang so true for me and all the woman I knew. It truly inspired me to change my ways of being and consciously seek to put into practice the honoring of my skills and cultivation of myself in ways that worked. Often when I speak of Sacred Femininity, woman wonder just what I am speaking of. I am not sure if the word Sacred stumps them or femininity. Yet there is no other way for me to describe this learning I got from Master Perun. He gave me a pride and honor of being a woman and truly being in my ways of that and how needed and sacred being feminine was. Rather than adapt to men's ways, he inspired me to be the unique creative woman I am and bring that fully to the world. His words allowed me to really revel in the gifts that woman have in just being woman and bring them to all parts of my life. This I had not heard for it seems most are in the adaptive phase and pushing themselves beyond their limits. He shifted that all around by sharing exactly what woman uniquely bring to the world that men are not so good at. That was a monumental shift that inspired we to write, teach and share these ideas to other woman. He truly showed me how to honor being a woman and be more of a woman in all things. It seems funny that it happened to be a man who pointed it out rather than a woman! So I invite you to take inventory of yourself and your unique skill set as a woman. Our feminine community seminars and talks with other woman should be centered and geared about these gifts. Maybe woman wouldn't feel so forced to get into the "Me too" activities if we collectively supported each other to be feminine in all things.. Allowing these types of behaviors to take place is something in a man ruled world. It just wouldn't be found so frequently if woman stood strong in their power and united to claim it together. We see this happening now, this banding of woman, this collective force growing to honor ourselves and each other in a community way that is our nature. It is time to really embrace what we as woman bring to all parts of the world. We don't need to adapt to a system that is not set up to support our gifts or health. We need to be the change makers we are in groups and support business to grow in unique ways that only true feminine energy can bring. We also support our health, our way of moving and expansion at the same time making business more creative and adaptive. It is no longer about fitting in, it is about changing the ways things are done for we are here and involved and offer great collaboration that men are not so good at. I am all about this Sacred Femininity and so thankful a man shared the honor of it! Filled to the brim with loveliness and femininity after my Aphrodite Retreat in Mexico! With a sisterhood from around the world, I reflect on what it is that creates this power of femininity I feel. I have gathered woman and girlfriends all my life and enjoyed the community of giggles and play. Silpada parties, partylight candles, birthdays, going crazy happy hours, just needing our girlfriends a reason enough to commune. There was always power to this feminine community yet nothing as powerful as the retreats and circles I have been part of.
Our natural instinct is to gather together. There are so many groups of woman with business, hobbies, friendships, all showing our innate desire to unite. No matter what hoops we had to jump through to get there; often many with obligations, children and family, we always awoke the next morning cleared and feeling a delicious juice of self love. It is our nature to be together for we empower ourselves and each other so naturally. In our genes, for we have been in community more often then not for thousands of years. Woman were together in great support of each other in richer ways for most of humanity than as we now experience. The power from the ancient sisterhood comes through a more defined intention. Woman go deep and have much unresolved pain of self and others in their systems. Our ability to feel deeply in our lives as well as our empathic gift to feel others strife, becomes unmanageable when we do not understand that in community this is cleared. We experience healing on the surface level just coming together. One is always high and riding goodness, others in challenge, each nourishes the other and we leave all feeling a balance. Knowing this as the power of community makes it more delicious and we can use this to empower ourselves. We experience the richness and purpose of our community to support all the things stored in our depths for release, healing and reset to joy. This cleansing process of all the emotions, challenges and hardship of the community is managed by woman. Together we can allow each other to be heard, express in true freedom with no judgment, embody compassion for others and ourselves, clear the intensity of life and center back to the youthful, playful spirits woman are. It is like a magic dance we go through to cleanse our being of the gathered emotions around us. It is beautiful and tasty to get reset, feel healing, cleansed and the nectar of self love. It is fun alluring, beautiful, unpredictable, childlike, playful and giggly! Healing that only woman understand and can embrace together. A chapter in my book, Modern Feminine Community explains this most valuable tool we often miss. I learn this deeper as I experience it more. We are doing parts of it unconsciously out of base need and desire that we are unaware of. When done in sisterhood with intention and knowing, the magic that occurs is like a health serum that anti ages, anti stresses and returns us to our youthful way of expression. Our glow is refreshed, our beauty, our attitude, our very well of nourishment refilled. Our energy restored to the sparkle we are. It can be seen in our eyes, through our smiles, in our field of joy and in our hearts as a feeling of being nurtured and cared for. I invite you to experience this deeper innate sisterhood! There will be circles everywhere in every community one day for this is the way of woman's true culture that supports us and our world. So many are embracing this, our longing desire that we may not yet understand, this call for richer sisterhood that is programed in our very being. Once you experience it, remembrance is so clear. Your Shakti, your well, your power awakens. This femininity is fun, natural, easy, graceful and beautifying. It inspires us on all levels and you will wonder how you missed such a grounding of yourself. I hold a Sisterhood Circle and Sacred Feminine Classes at the Room in Meadowbrook in Ottsville if you are local. There are sisterhood circles forming for it is the call of the divine feminine. Seek one out! It is our nourishing tool we have lost and are seeking with our hearts, our minds, bodies and beings. Step into your true power through embracing your sisters in collaboration, support, community, ritual and downright fun! I know this magic and have been engaging in it for 8 years. It is magical beyond your imagination!, Your whole world will change and you will be able to be more of that authentic you. It is the key we are missing and it is right under our nose. Self care, self love, beauty, magnetism, laughter, tears, clearing, dancing, celebrating and nourishing! This is the Art of Being a Woman! We all have intuition. It is part of our sensory abilities. We can choose to develop it and utilize it as the power tool that it is or just go on thinking things are a coincidence and we sense things randomly. I consider it an invaluable sense, the most powerful one we have when we develop it. If we didn't use our eyes or ears much, it would seem crazy! Our sixth sense is just part of the gifts we have to be able to travel through this world and support us in our growth of wisdom.
The intuition is tapped into the interconnectivity of the larger world. It is more energetic, beyond our other senses and even the capacity of the mind. It is a guidance mechanism for us to use so we can be aware of things before they happen, see things that are present but our sight may not see, feel others emotions, hear vibrations that our usual ears may not and many other gifts that people experience when they hone this unusual sensitivity. It is a connector of our immortal spirit to our body. A support that expands beyond our physical boundaries as they appear. I am not sure why we don't make it top priority to use this sense for it gives us so much information that the other senses and the mind are too rudimentary to catch. It seems like it is part of the greater universal field and we can experience our individual connection to it. This allows us to receive information that we would maybe miss. It is a subtle sense but once you start to develop it, like all other skills, our awareness gets greater. Many may not even believe in its existence which seems to me to be unscientific. We all have observed experiences when we just knew something, felt something, heard something that we couldn't of know or predicted until after the fact. It is with us always and a most precious gift to navigate the world. It keeps us safe, allows us to support others better, gives us direction when we feel confused or unfolds answers we have been searching for. It is instinctual in many ways yet advanced beyond our mind. A magical tool to at very least, investigate. There is talk of multidimensional experiences. I consider that the intuition is our proof of these. We all have this sense as part of being in this body. If you choose to believe or cultivate that is truly a personal choice. I can't imagine why as brilliant humans, we wouldn't want to investigate and strengthen such a creative, expansive ability. The best part of this intuition is that it is operating whether you are aware or not. You can play with the still small voice inside and see what it does, expresses, offers or inspires. You can test to see if it works for your best interest to move forward. It doesn't cost anything and you have full command of listening or not. It can't hurt you or create anything negative if you listen to it. You may wonder why it gives you what appears to be an odd message but in the end, if you notice, it will come forward why you heard it. Even if you don't listen to it, you will know if it offered wisdom in hindsight. I play with my intuition and am so inspired by the magic it seems to bring me. I spend time around others who also use their skills and in ways beyond what I can understand. From observation, watching, listening, I must say I have seen things in the world that I couldn't explain. I find that magical, fun, connected and divine. It supports me to play with my inner wisdom, experiment and use it to navigate the world. We use only 10% of our brain so imagine what real skills must be in there!! I find intuition is often more accurate than all my other senses combined. It may not be logical to my mind, but my scientific observation can't be denied. I inspire you to consider you have a powerful tool with this intuitive sense that interconnects you to your environment and the world. Play with it. Cultivate it. Ask yourself questions, put problems to it, ask for guidance and wisdom. It will answer you. Maybe softly at first. Maybe you will think it is crazy that you try. Yet I would consider to keep going with it in a playful, investigating way. All skills strengthen when you practice them. This being one that offers magical serendipity, synergy, odd coincidence, aha moments, accurate guidance and great fun and delight along the way. There is a wave of spirituality on all levels these days. It is understandable with this hectic world, we reach to understand our spiritual nature, a way to find peace amidst chaos. So much going on personally, in the larger world and it seems challenge is all around us. So what is this drive, this desire in us to find a new grounding, a new value to make sense of things? It is our call to really rewrite what is important to us, Our way to rework our definitions of happiness, success, a life well lived.
As I have rode through my own transformation, seeking a new expression without none of the usual pieces of life I knew, I can tell you it is about finding the lightness of things. No matter what s going on about us, to find humor, lightness and simple joy is the way to ride. I also find that staying in the areas I can control or have influence, bring greater lightness and joy. I may be concerned for the larger world yet I have little control there especially as I write a new chapter. No news for me, no againstness about the larger world works best. Others would say, but you must know what is happening yet do I need to? Does it inspire me to be a better person, help others and appreciate the day before me? Or does it depress me, make me feel limited and small, unable to move? I find the news paralyzes me . I feel the larger world will just have to take care of itself for a moment while I spread joy and sparkle in the places and people around me. It creates a lighter attitude so I bring some goodness to the world. Seeking things that bring me joy a much worthier task than saving the world or even judging the state of it. I have power in my world when I can inspire and find places and people where I can make a difference. I build community and promote classes that support others to find their joy, their spirit, their inward compass no matter what goes on around them. Inspiring people to find their inward spirit, balance, their place of inspiration supports the world in its own way. We need calm, grounded people in this world. Able to support whatever occurs with clarity over informed people that feel helpless and stressed. That adds more panic to an already negative situation. Some may be inspired to step into world change and I admire that. It is not my call at this time in a way of politics or renewing the state of affairs. My call is to support others bright spirit and value as an individual to add unto the world their gifts. To realize the innate power in them, the unique gifts that our world needs. Adding love, light and healing to their circle and many of us doing this in fact, can truly effect the world. I look to "lighten" up things which is the true meaning of enlightenment. Supporting our truth and true spirit to shine is a big work in this world. We are told to be so many things and to produce in certain ways to be successful and happy yet they are not working. I find daily joy, inspiration and fun is success. Working all the time in crappy conditions to maintain things that are symbols of success keeps you very busy doing things that are uninspiring. For some this gathering of things works and I inspire them to go for it. For others their are different ways to a life well lived. I support us all to define that according to our personal, spirit nature so we have more joy in this world. It is a unique time and a transition from the right/ wrong, black/white world, considered the Piscean Age to a more collaborative, creative world where the individual is honored as its unique gift. The Aquarian Age of group mentality while honoring the units that make it up is being grounded. I may not see this full shift but I can support bringing in a more unified world. It only makes sense and it takes those of us who see it to hold and prepare for the wiser, more expansive generations in the evolution of humanity. It is the bigger picture going on in our human experience. When the world or ourselves goes through transition, change, shift, humor, lightness, silliness even is a key to expansion. When we don't know whats next, when expanding brings uncertainty, fear and panic responses are natural. We all like to know what is next and how to prepare. Yet it is a time of not knowing and I am not so sure we ever even get much knowing of what is next in life. All the planning can be kiboshed so easily. In light of that, I find accepting, seeing what is occurring and finding ways to cooperate the best plan there is. Often that makes me laugh for I can't believe some of the things that go on in my world or the greater world. Maybe it starts out as a nervous laugh for I am in shock. But laughter it is which creates a lighter vibration than fear or panic. So I flow with it. If we do not seek ways to lighten up, to light up, to shine on not matter what conditions present themselves, it appears we would all be depressed, angry and afraid. These are the options. I choose the lighter forms and seek to create this with support of study, elixirs, healing treatments, walks outside, connecting with like minded, using my support group of family and friends, practices in self care and self love. Staying in my circle of influence as Steven Covey calls it. I keep my vibe as high as possible in an effort to support the larger picture with this lightness and joy. . Do consider the power you have to be lighter toward all things. The seriousness is truly not so helpful. What is serious today in 2 weeks is nothing and there was nothing so serious about it. I find facing death or others facing death as serious and not much else. Even that has it's lightness in many circumstances. If it is not present, I don't consider it very serious at all. I have lived long enough to know what I worried or stressed about, turned out ok and I still continued on. If I have done it thus far, then I can continue with most anything. Make it a practice to find more lightness, en-lighten-ment. We need more of it in our world and it supports all by raising your own vibration. It is a practice, I have created the habit over time and continue to work it. It is very valuable to happiness, health, well being, a good life. Otherwise, you are just an angry, whining, panicked, fearful beings and that is dis ease! It will end in disease. It will create a very hard life that feels like you have no control. No one feels good coming from this place. It is your choice each day. Find the light or play in the darkness which is the larger energy field. This choice is simple to me! I find more things funny than serious and it suits me well!! A giggle one of my mantras. It is not always well received but I have grown to not care. It suits me!! And who else am I trying to please anyway? We all add to the world what we choose. I choose LIGHT! You might want to check it out and see if it works for you! To ride in a giggle get you quickly through some of the worse situations! Weeeeeeeeeeeee! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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