Filled to the brim with loveliness and femininity after my Aphrodite Retreat in Mexico! With a sisterhood from around the world, I reflect on what it is that creates this power of femininity I feel. I have gathered woman and girlfriends all my life and enjoyed the community of giggles and play. Silpada parties, partylight candles, birthdays, going crazy happy hours, just needing our girlfriends a reason enough to commune. There was always power to this feminine community yet nothing as powerful as the retreats and circles I have been part of.
Our natural instinct is to gather together. There are so many groups of woman with business, hobbies, friendships, all showing our innate desire to unite. No matter what hoops we had to jump through to get there; often many with obligations, children and family, we always awoke the next morning cleared and feeling a delicious juice of self love. It is our nature to be together for we empower ourselves and each other so naturally. In our genes, for we have been in community more often then not for thousands of years. Woman were together in great support of each other in richer ways for most of humanity than as we now experience. The power from the ancient sisterhood comes through a more defined intention. Woman go deep and have much unresolved pain of self and others in their systems. Our ability to feel deeply in our lives as well as our empathic gift to feel others strife, becomes unmanageable when we do not understand that in community this is cleared. We experience healing on the surface level just coming together. One is always high and riding goodness, others in challenge, each nourishes the other and we leave all feeling a balance. Knowing this as the power of community makes it more delicious and we can use this to empower ourselves. We experience the richness and purpose of our community to support all the things stored in our depths for release, healing and reset to joy. This cleansing process of all the emotions, challenges and hardship of the community is managed by woman. Together we can allow each other to be heard, express in true freedom with no judgment, embody compassion for others and ourselves, clear the intensity of life and center back to the youthful, playful spirits woman are. It is like a magic dance we go through to cleanse our being of the gathered emotions around us. It is beautiful and tasty to get reset, feel healing, cleansed and the nectar of self love. It is fun alluring, beautiful, unpredictable, childlike, playful and giggly! Healing that only woman understand and can embrace together. A chapter in my book, Modern Feminine Community explains this most valuable tool we often miss. I learn this deeper as I experience it more. We are doing parts of it unconsciously out of base need and desire that we are unaware of. When done in sisterhood with intention and knowing, the magic that occurs is like a health serum that anti ages, anti stresses and returns us to our youthful way of expression. Our glow is refreshed, our beauty, our attitude, our very well of nourishment refilled. Our energy restored to the sparkle we are. It can be seen in our eyes, through our smiles, in our field of joy and in our hearts as a feeling of being nurtured and cared for. I invite you to experience this deeper innate sisterhood! There will be circles everywhere in every community one day for this is the way of woman's true culture that supports us and our world. So many are embracing this, our longing desire that we may not yet understand, this call for richer sisterhood that is programed in our very being. Once you experience it, remembrance is so clear. Your Shakti, your well, your power awakens. This femininity is fun, natural, easy, graceful and beautifying. It inspires us on all levels and you will wonder how you missed such a grounding of yourself. I hold a Sisterhood Circle and Sacred Feminine Classes at the Room in Meadowbrook in Ottsville if you are local. There are sisterhood circles forming for it is the call of the divine feminine. Seek one out! It is our nourishing tool we have lost and are seeking with our hearts, our minds, bodies and beings. Step into your true power through embracing your sisters in collaboration, support, community, ritual and downright fun! I know this magic and have been engaging in it for 8 years. It is magical beyond your imagination!, Your whole world will change and you will be able to be more of that authentic you. It is the key we are missing and it is right under our nose. Self care, self love, beauty, magnetism, laughter, tears, clearing, dancing, celebrating and nourishing! This is the Art of Being a Woman!
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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