I have been one who shares green and sustainability from way back. My friend Beth introduced me to Melalueca so long ago for household products with less toxins. We were customers and would tell others of the chemicals in all household products and they thought we were crazy! We, with Deb of Harmony Clean, started a Green Collaboration and would host vendor shows at Bucks Country Gardens. Every spring we would alert others to cleaner choices and local vendors. I grew organic flowers for years and on a farm sustainability just is as you are growing all kinds of life.
Fast forward to 3.5 years ago when my daughter brought me the Kangen ionizer. It seemed costly but I knew quality water was something we should be going for and it was a confusing world at that. I have since learned the power of hydrogen water and I am thankful I have ionized water and a shower unit to filter my water. Truly, though, the heart song of the Kangen is the sustainability. I do not have to buy laundry detergent or ANY cleaners. My house is cleaner free. I have 7 grades of water I use the water for sanitizing and bathroom chores, cleaning windows and mirrors, floors and any spills or stains. I wash my vegetables with the alkalized water which is an emulsifier of oil so we also use it for laundry. I water my plants with the 6.0 more acidic beauty water and it thrives them. This is a huge reduction in chemicals, plastic, fertilizer and products. I use the water for my face wash, 6.0, and create face sprays using my own essential oils and I never run out. I don't buy makeup remover as the 11.5 takes that off. I mouthwash with the 2.5 as well as use that as deodorant. It supports periodontal disease and many dentists use the ionizer to support mouth health. I have used the water to clear up ezcema and drinking it has cleared most reactions to food. You can use water for sunburn, any burns, diaper rash, cuts and abrasions, it just covers it all. There are so many things to list that I use water for that I can't even list here. It just clears so many products with preservatives out of my home. The food issues we have these days with the tricky labels and ingredients is crazy. That is where the sustainability of drinking hydrogen water comes in. It flushes the body and toxins. The free hydrogen is an antioxidant so it does its work to pull out toxins. My body is supported on the cellular hydration and I think that is the best we can do with the food. Flush and clear knowing our body is magical when given the basics to function. Kitchen stores have lots of sustainable goodies with the loffa scrubbers, re-usable sponge wipes (I don't use paper towels), cloth napkins, good cleaning brushes and metal straws. I think anyway you can change from throwing out stuff and reuse is a blessed way to live. It keeps waste down. Composting another lovely practice that I don't do now for my location but it cuts so much trash when you give it back to the earth. I loved my farm compost and they make it easy for back yards. We all know the beauty of giving away things, garage sales, reuse stores to filter the stuff to others. My call is to share this wisdom of what I consider the swish army knife of sustainability to you. Anyway we can cut back our consumption of plastics, toxins in products and the cleanliness of our sacred home space and body is sustainability to me. I had a garden this year growing my greens and, of course, flowers which adds to the world and my plate. My book The Lotus Project is alluring beauty through green living. It is just a soapbox that makes sense to me. We are in the most toxic world yet so anyway we can keep what we put on and around our body wholesome, it matters to health. If you are interested in learning more reach out. I truly think this is the next appliance and certainly for all the green, sustainable folk as it is all encompassing. It is a great investment that you easily clean monthly, have the manufacturer check out once a year and lasts over 25 years. It is medical grade so it is not like a coffee pot you got from walmart. It is the top of the ionizer and has a great manufacturer behind it that takes care of you. This way of living matters to health. In whatever small way you can get the toxins out of your house is positive. This machine does it so quickly and thoroughly that I have to share it from the rooftops! Eliminate toxicity is the key these days! Blessings on your journey of living in balance with all that is around you! Email me for more info at [email protected] or call 215-813-4073
How can we embody a magical life with all the crisis going on around us? It is the magical question. It is a world beyond anything I lived so we need new tools and tips to roll through so much strife on the larger scale. It truly takes a practice of awareness and consciousness.
I inspire us to find the magic by looking for it. We are trained to look for problems and solve issues. Rarely do we reflect or share the magic of life. Here and there you will hear these stories but most are sharing the panic. I get it, it is all around us. Yet someone has to make this more tolerable to be in this re-creation of humanity. It might as well be you and me. Keep your eye on the prize!! First and foremost, you have to see the world as a magical place! A garden of Eden truly! How could we not with all the stories we hear, miracles, and serendipity we each have experienced. Maybe a little, maybe a lot, we all have experienced things that defy logic. We started our podcast to expand perspectives on holistic living because It is time for expansion when chaos is around. It is time for innovation, new ways and experimenting with things. It is an evolving situation so we all need to share our tips and ways we are doing it. Science has documented miracles and these can be part of our life. You can listen and join us in Embodying a Magical Life! With that in mind let us remember we have choice of attention. So much is coming at us and we must discern what to give attention too. I chose the inspiring things to tune into. I have to really watch myself to keep this directed. They have so created a cyber world that is crafty at drawing us into ads, social media, news and information. It is all an algorithm that we are in control of if we choose. So fill with the right media and information. Do the things you love and learn about them. Keep your attention, your only true tool of free will focused on what intrigues you that you enjoy! Be aware of the others but don't make that your main focus. You need others that vibe in this magical way. Those who also choose the creator position and are riding the vibe through the crazy world and releasing their outdated beliefs. Finding tribes in your interest groups keep your attention directed to the fun of life. So be weary who you listen too, play with and engage. You get to choose those who resonates with you. There is a world falling apart and a world building. Find your way to be one of the builders of new ways. In whatever capacity you can, be a builder of positivity coming forward. They are happening simultaneously so pick your program. I choose health, inspiration and paths to that. When I get bogged down in the other things, I ground myself back to being a builder of new ways. This allows opportunities and circumstances to appear for I am looking for them. You can't find what you are not giving attention to! Being a creator means tuning your attention where you want. Noticing when you are not there and redirecting back. Give yourself lots of PLEASURE breaks! This is a hairy time and I can not possibly digest all that is happening around me. When I get overwhelmed it is time to tune into nature, myself and fuel up. This fuel up, playful actions and rest are vital to keep us from hiding. When I want to hide it is because I am overstimulated. That is my signal to go have fun and stop my seriousness. It resets your whole body into our parasympathetic nervous system and creates oxytocin. This heals and rejuvenates so you can again go forward. We need this down time more than ever. Have a purpose. If anything we have learned in the last years, we want to do something meaningful that fills our soul. Perhaps it's a hobby or a charity? I need my business to be purposeful. I need it to have deeper meaning so I can stay the course and feel good no matter what the outcome of the endeavor. I have been a speaker of organic, toxic free food, regenerative farming, green living, spiritual development and now health and beauty through water. It feels good to have my heart in things. To be moved to action for I believe I can change humanity in the right direction. Health seems forefront these days and there are many options. I use online to share health and water as well as the beauty of a magical life. What are your purposes? Do they sing you? Are you looking in the right directions for these things? Email me for perhaps I can help. The last thing I would say is hydrate. It is an easy health tip on all levels. We need to be fluid during times of creation as we are in. To be dry, tight and restricted, our natural panic will not support living well. Water is one of the 5 elements and makes up most of the planet and our bodies. In spiritual circles we use it to wash away negativity and to ground into our presence. It has the message of flowing along as it does and we too can flow when we have adequate, quality water. Reach out if you want to know more! I can share my findings on water. It is a simple health hack that can change everything. Use the water element. It is the stream of consciousness on this planet. It is how everything communicates with in and without us. I inspire you to focus on things magically working out. It is the law of nature that all will balance....eventually. There is a greater harmony, unity and collaboration on this planet that we are discovering. Let us work together to enjoy all the experience even the scary times. It is the only way to see the world and find pleasure. If you don't think that things will work out, they usually won't. Give your attention to the world finding it's way. Be the change you want and enjoy watching it all mesh into place. Light to us all as we ride this new wave of creation! I am embracing my time being alone at this moment in my life. I have not been alone much and certainly not in a relatively new area to me. I lived one place most of my life. I have friends, I have dated and enjoyed that but right now, I am in an alone phase. It is kind of strange to me. I have always been surrounded by many I love and know. There is a great freedom in it I never felt before. Yet it is a bit different.
Many woman wish they had my freedom and many I know want freedom alone. I, having been married so long and a collaborator, like partnership in all things. Careers, projects, life, I enjoy working and being with others when I do. I am more inward than most although many don't think that. As a flower farmer, I was mostly alone with nature and I thoroughly loved it. It was a playful life. Bees, birds, flowers, creatures, farm animals, it was great company. So I am used to being alone for most days but I always had my husband or friends about in a huge way when I was ready to interact. I have that here just not in the abundance I had back east. I think it is a good spot to explore and be alone as there are many adventurers here. I have been so many cool places with others. So I am not all alone. I don't have the reflection of others knowing me well and there is no child or relationship at this time that takes up my time. It is very different the last month for me. My daughter off to another country and here I can settle into myself and chose what is next. Knowing I want a partner that delights in me and I in him, I enjoy myself and explore me so I am ready to partner when the right one comes along. I have had fun looking. I am enjoying this moment to really be alone with myself. Some of the spaces I find in me are not so lovely or fun. Fears of aloneness or not having a support system crop up but I do have a support system so I just need to remind myself it is not true. I am not always sure what to do next. I do the worldly things, go to work, help others, enjoy the beauty and connect but I have more free time than ever. A normal empty nester thing. I have allowed the emotions, the inward growth to happen as I shed all expectations I had at other times in my life. As we age, we value things differently and we need the time to review and upgrade. It can be a dark time some days but I roll through them anyway. This is life. If you want to create and enjoy, you must check in to see what will bring joy now as you roll through the stages. Support being the ultimate condition we all enjoy and seek. Real support to unfold yourself as this is all we do year in and year out. Grow and expand. I think there is a natural resistance to being alone. We are herd animals so to speak. It is good to have balance and find the right mix of spaces. There are also seasons to it and this one is a Lyn creation. I consider there are not many others, so I can feel myself and create what I want and what others are pleasing. It is freeing and scary all at once. Many have the I can do it alone attitude but I never did it alone until recently. So I am still mastering this leg. There is a delight to be the sole creator with no other input. I never had that and perhaps in a way I am like a 20 year old discovering her path. As I go through the good and no so of this phase, I find it is important to love where you are. There is a divine order and path that happens and often just surrendering to it, is the plan. I think I would be more social if I had the collective to do so. I don't however want to waste my time doing things because I should or feel obligated. So I take this alone time as freedom I should use to know myself. It can be sleepy and boring at times. I think there is a purpose to that, although I am not aware of that yet. I know many woman get into this phase of mid life and wonder how to roll through. I do it by truly honoring myself for the first time. It is odd but it is freeing. I take this moment to find out who and how to express now with no obligation. What calls me to share? What gets me up and moving? What and who do I want to attract? How do I want to mingle? I have answered many of these questions on the business level and still doing that personal inventory. It is a very curious time. I send love to others doing this inward rebirth that is the path of all woman. As our children go, our careers for some, we have more time to enjoy who we are. Discover who we are. It is a process of growth and we go through the letting go of what was. The resistance to being in a free place even if we are not sure what to do. We get to investigate it. It can be really fun and the other way too. It is all part of our woman hood. None of it bad or wrong, just the process of change woman go through after such a huge role of motherhood. To mother ourselves the final stage. What a wierd twist that is! Let go of the loss, sadness or fear as the leaves fall. There is great connection in alone time. A connect with ourselves which will only bring in the best connects of others. Whether we upgrade our relationships or build new ones, the quiet alone time allows us to find peace and comfort in our soul. It allows us to rebirth again another day, another cycle. It is a quite beautiful journey to be a woman! It continues in mystery even as we age! Teehee! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
February 2025
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