I am allowed to walk away and honor me!
I am allowed not to go through others stuff with them. I am allowed to not understand, not fix, to step away and find my peace. I am allowed to leave a situation and find MY Peace! I don't have to hold the space if it gives me anxiety and I want to escape. I can go away and find my center within! It is ok to not be there for another if it is not working for me. I can step away, I can still be loving doing this action. All is not fluffy every minute. Others have to sit with their unfluffiness alone sometimes. I can do what works for me and not be unloving. I give myself permission to honor MYSELF FIRST! It is good to honor me. Let it all go! I don't have to do anything. I can just let it be. Let the light in., I find my boundary. It is necessary self care. I don't have to solve others issues or worry about them. I am allowed to let go. I can love and leave. It is still a high path. I am allowed to do for me what serves myself!
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I know my boundaries.
I don't have to make all right on the outside. I don't have to bring all to peace! I can revel in the peace within me, and allow others to find their own way. I am just as divine when I walk away from scenes I am not balanced to handle. I am just as filled with spirit, when I allow others to be alone with their strife. It is not my purpose to save others,. It is spirits place to save, to transform. I can participate with love when I feel filled to do so. But I am not REQUIRED to be that in ALL situations! . Challenge is part of living. We are not wrong or bad when challenge and hardship occurs. We are souls experiencing the wonder of this earth. I participate when I get the inward call and have love to support. I walk away and go inward when the outside conditions overwhelm me. These are perfect responses, divine ways of being. It is not always my place to stay in darkness and support another to light. I honor my light by sharing the overflow. I honor my light by knowing it is dim. I refuel inwardly when I need too. I shine out when I can. ALL WAYS ARE DIVINE. Spirit offers me these choices. I honor another's light by letting them solve it on their own. Lyn Hicks I know that I know, I remember what I need, I answer my questions.
I trust myself, my faith, my light. I make sense without my mind. I feel my heart, I see my way. It defies logic and reasoning, It creates magic and purpose. It expresses divine love and I follow it's call. I go through any judgment, criticism,, humiliation and embarrassment. They are the things of the lower nature. They add not to my love, my light, my joy. I pass through that hardship, that darkness, knowing I AM supported, used perfect and available. I keep walking, I keep trusting, I keep going, Until the sunshine appears, the solution is shown, the beauty blossoms. I TRUST my divine spark, The brilliance within. I put all my faith and trust into it. I know it gets me were I am to be. I am guided, gifted, supported and lead. Thank you Divine for your presence. your strength, your love and perfection. You are in Me I am in you And we are here on the earth to share the lightness of living love. Blissfully, Lyn Hicks, MMS Health and Beauty Coach Get a free consultation Take a class Video Learning Buy her book I have been blessed with so many friendships in my life. I have so enjoyed girlfriends and guy friends as an instrumental part of my life. They have gotten me through so many challenges, celebrations, enjoyments and crossroads. I don't know what I would of done without them.
They do come and go, morph with time, life circumstances effect them, stages of life change them and activities we are part of enhancing and eliminating them, Some are good to have left, others were sad to have lost, the changing of the guard of support and love have had their tale. My latest transition from married to divorced, cleared many of the usual folks from my life in the quickest of ways. Probably the most challenging of losses of them thus far. At a time when all seems unstable and support so necessary, I found myself with less than more. I understand why this transition creates such a disconnect in the groups and people you have in your life. It is an uncomfortable scenario in so many ways. Memories of old times as a couple seem to infiltrate trying continuing many of the friendships in a odd way. Not sure how to continue something that had a different flavor from the original 2. During a divorce there is much unbalance within yourself as well. Your behaviors, judgments, actions, clarity also thrown off so you don't necessarily make the best choices and that has it effects on others around you. I awoke from a dream of an old girlfriend that I laughed and giggled with for almost 24 years, the life of my marriage. We are no longer in contact, it waned as my separation began. Many conditions effected that and it certainly was meant to move on but there is still such love in my heart for her and so many no longer in my life. It made me ponder the ebb and flow of all my friendships with a different eye. People have such purpose in our lives. There is a time and season for them. Some go the whole way but they are rare and special friends that are meant to travel the journey with you. The others are truly a gift of time and space. Although there is loss as they leave, there is also new beginnings with others that their absence make space for. You can't be good friends with too many for life has many things in it and time constrains what you can have in your life. I am seeing the greater joy in these past friendships without the sadness of their dissolution. Finding the blessing, releasing the discomfort and seeing the newer life I am creating has blessing without them. As life changes, stages continue, we become and expand our ways of being, it is natural for our clan to shift and twist. Not necessarily comfortable yet as we embark on new ways of being, it is necessary for different kinds of support and love to be part of that new path. I am embracing that idea more fully this morning. Feeling blessed for the past friends yet being open to new friends that will be more in sync with my opening endeavors. We often have incomplete feelings about these shifts in friends and fortunes. Lingering sad or sorrow, nostalgia for the old all can take space within us. I feel completed with this. I honor those who have been on my road and have only gratitude and love for the fun and life we shared. I see the higher perspective on it though, and end the longing or loss that has shown up here and there through this transition. There is learning in all that occurs and time supports the jewels of that to see the blessing of the not so happy splits. There is no need to carry sorrow or sadness, only delight in what was shared. New flavors of friends have and continue to replace them that are more in line with what is becoming. The past was yesterday, has been complete and will not return again. It is important that we close those doors completely, release lingering feeling about it and move on clear for the day. I feel open to what new friends will come along in light of this learning of letting go. Fate continues with twist and turns all through our life. We do need to trust that all works out in the end for the greatest good. We may take time to realize this, synthesize it and carry forth the true blessing but it only supports us to complete things clearly and fully. Space for new experiences and friends must be made by letting go of any lingering emotions, beliefs or views of old situations. This clearing is important. The trees release all their leaves in the fall in a most beautiful way that has purpose to prepare for winter only to turn into new growth in spring. Our lives are in line with that as is our friendships. A blessed realization of the wonder of the past, the present and the future with friendships this morning that lightens me for the day and the road ahead. I want to share the truth as I know it from the ancient woman's knowledge about our movement practice. It is logical unless you are really into hard workouts. We have been trained to move hard and powerful as men which works for some. Most woman are to move in grace and ease. It is how we were set up biologically. I did not invent the body but have had great teachings on it and understand it quite well. I will try to walk you through the whole picture. Adrenal stress is killing woman. It is killing their bodies different than men. Our womb, our breasts, heart and thyroid are in great issue for the adrenal stress, cortisol in our body.
Why? We are in constant stress of production for it is a man's world and his way. Men thrive much better in this adrenal, production, systematic way. Our business world is set up for them, by them and we are recently new to their world. Our bodies thrive much differently and we were created for other ways of being. I think the hunter and gatherers dynamic speaks volumes to this. It is the way of creation and we were designed to move differently in the world. Fast forward to now and we as woman have acclimated to their business world. We do things in systematic, production, efficient and effective ways. We all have this power but for woman it drains their physicality for they are the more creative, playful side of humanity. We grew life, children and food, were the healers, gatherers, nurturers. We were not about the competition or the intense drive for we were the community holders. So our bodies are not so excited to be in such stress all day or in mentality of the game. Yes ,we can enjoy it but not 24/7. It is killing our bodies. Now lets talk work outs. Do you realize only in the last 20 years have studies in medicine been done on woman's bodies? Most all medical studies have been using men til quite recently. Recommendations for all physicality deals with facts, studies and advice based on men's bodies. We have very different organs, hormones and issues. Studies on health and exercise of woman's bodies are even fewer. Scientifically what supports our systems, our hormones, our organs has barely been reviewed. Most movement advice is based on men. Sure we could do what they do, get lean and look muscular and amazing, even man like but what does that do to our body? Men are stronger, have more muscle mass, are centered in their hearts anatomically and we are centered in our hips. Are you getting the picture on how there is relatively little information that truly states that when woman do workouts as men they thrive in physicality. They may look good but often as they age, adrenal stress will take over and create health issues down the road. Often when woman workout hard they miss their periods, interrupt the natural cycle of their body. Maybe convenient, but does that sound like their body is thriving? More possibly an imbalance for it is not working properly?! These are very important facts to be aware of as you gather your advice about how to care for your body. I learned woman's knowledge passed through ancient cultures regarding the health of my feminine body. In the East, China, India, Persia and Egypt, woman were reverred and medicine was different for their bodies than men. They also had strong woman cultures that knew more about the body than we have been taught and they shared it amongst themselves. It is easier to be healthy, move and feel good when we follow the nature of our bodies. As you chose your movements forward to get in shape, stay on track or just keep the current shape you are, ask yourself these questions. Do I feel fueled, in pleasure of it as I do my workout? Do feel good about this movment? Does it bring me pleasure to be doing this or is it just another task in production? Do I feel better and more connected to my body in a positive way or is this another reason to be hard on myself? We are in this competitive, adrenal stress to be doing business. That is all we can take. To use this way of being in our home life, our workouts, our downtime, in everything is the crisis. We love pleasure, moving slower, artistry, communication, flowing, nourishing and nurturing. When will we fit these in? This is our way of being. Not just a few minutes a week. This is how we are set up to be 90% of the time biologically. We are meant to be the more relaxed side of humanity, in oxytocin, in the parasympathetic nervous system, in balance. We need to reclaim this way of being back into our daily living. Workouts, what I call movement practices, are a great time to get into this state and clear the cortisol in our body. If we are doing a cortisol creating activity, no matter how much weight we lose, we are magnifying the adrenal stress. It will catch up to us. So I encourage woman to do what feels good to their body. Certainly you must stretch yourself but flowing ways like dancing, tai chi, yoga, walking, stretching, these are ways that work to calm us down into this oxytocin. That is all we should be seeking in all our activities for we are overstressed physically. Not to mention mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We are not doing what works for us to get to relax and pleasure. Our body is different and it would be best to understand it. When we move, we need to feel good in our body. Our body is where our intuitive power is and we need a positive feeling about our body, feeling good in it, getting pleasure. Workouts are a great way to reset and redefine this connect. It moves stress, clears emotions, releases toxins and gives a sparkle if movement is done in the right way. Flowing is the word for woman as flowers in the breeze. We need this state for health more than less. For me, I am in stress in business and life so all the rest of the time, i am seeking practices to get to relax. I seek movements to support my destress and it is easier to stick to for I like it. It is better for my feminine body, balancing my hormones and systems, giving me a good feeling in my body no matter what shape it is in. Amazingly, I feel good in my body and move in ways delightful and it gets fit without all this effort. It can rebalance on its own with its own innate health system when it gets to rejuvenate, renew, recenter. That is only done in oxytocin, in the parasympathetic nervous system. As you come up with your new routine this fall of how to find better physical expression. Keep these truths in your mind and consider dong something truly enjoyable for your body. Make sure your body likes it to. Forget the mind and the principles you think matter like no pain no gain. They are for men. For woman it is all about grace and ease! It works too for you body is happiest when it is in this playful, fun state as a woman. I couldn't be happier with all this! The Art Of Being a Woman! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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