We all have intuition. It is part of our sensory abilities. We can choose to develop it and utilize it as the power tool that it is or just go on thinking things are a coincidence and we sense things randomly. I consider it an invaluable sense, the most powerful one we have when we develop it. If we didn't use our eyes or ears much, it would seem crazy! Our sixth sense is just part of the gifts we have to be able to travel through this world and support us in our growth of wisdom.
The intuition is tapped into the interconnectivity of the larger world. It is more energetic, beyond our other senses and even the capacity of the mind. It is a guidance mechanism for us to use so we can be aware of things before they happen, see things that are present but our sight may not see, feel others emotions, hear vibrations that our usual ears may not and many other gifts that people experience when they hone this unusual sensitivity. It is a connector of our immortal spirit to our body. A support that expands beyond our physical boundaries as they appear. I am not sure why we don't make it top priority to use this sense for it gives us so much information that the other senses and the mind are too rudimentary to catch. It seems like it is part of the greater universal field and we can experience our individual connection to it. This allows us to receive information that we would maybe miss. It is a subtle sense but once you start to develop it, like all other skills, our awareness gets greater. Many may not even believe in its existence which seems to me to be unscientific. We all have observed experiences when we just knew something, felt something, heard something that we couldn't of know or predicted until after the fact. It is with us always and a most precious gift to navigate the world. It keeps us safe, allows us to support others better, gives us direction when we feel confused or unfolds answers we have been searching for. It is instinctual in many ways yet advanced beyond our mind. A magical tool to at very least, investigate. There is talk of multidimensional experiences. I consider that the intuition is our proof of these. We all have this sense as part of being in this body. If you choose to believe or cultivate that is truly a personal choice. I can't imagine why as brilliant humans, we wouldn't want to investigate and strengthen such a creative, expansive ability. The best part of this intuition is that it is operating whether you are aware or not. You can play with the still small voice inside and see what it does, expresses, offers or inspires. You can test to see if it works for your best interest to move forward. It doesn't cost anything and you have full command of listening or not. It can't hurt you or create anything negative if you listen to it. You may wonder why it gives you what appears to be an odd message but in the end, if you notice, it will come forward why you heard it. Even if you don't listen to it, you will know if it offered wisdom in hindsight. I play with my intuition and am so inspired by the magic it seems to bring me. I spend time around others who also use their skills and in ways beyond what I can understand. From observation, watching, listening, I must say I have seen things in the world that I couldn't explain. I find that magical, fun, connected and divine. It supports me to play with my inner wisdom, experiment and use it to navigate the world. We use only 10% of our brain so imagine what real skills must be in there!! I find intuition is often more accurate than all my other senses combined. It may not be logical to my mind, but my scientific observation can't be denied. I inspire you to consider you have a powerful tool with this intuitive sense that interconnects you to your environment and the world. Play with it. Cultivate it. Ask yourself questions, put problems to it, ask for guidance and wisdom. It will answer you. Maybe softly at first. Maybe you will think it is crazy that you try. Yet I would consider to keep going with it in a playful, investigating way. All skills strengthen when you practice them. This being one that offers magical serendipity, synergy, odd coincidence, aha moments, accurate guidance and great fun and delight along the way.
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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