When we are in our highest states. our highest wisdom, we feel so powerful. Things flow, we find answers, serendipity comes forward, life feels like magic. It really is in these moments that we sense the power we are and act from this confident center that all will go the way it does and we will be fine. We will land. We will be our happiness. We will get where we want. We see the joy in living.
Most other times, we are thrown about by life. Reacting, moving, going and doing. There seems to be a pace happening and we just can't catch up. We feel out of control, not sure what is going on, we get worn and unclear, life is happening to us. We oscillate between these states and in fact both are part of life. Both are divine. They are the experience here. We take this whole totality as life as it is. It is wise to see it as they all are states of living. We can however, find a way to have more of the magical living than the stress. We can remember when we are in the thrown about part, we are out of balance or possibly resisting in some way to what is occurring. We have these two extremes. The clearest way to move is to know these and all else is happening. It is not in our control as we like to reference control. It is life happening so we decide how to go about it. In accepting these extreme states and all else, we realize that our only hope is to cooperate with whatever is happening. We must drop our resistance to gain any level of control. Whatever happens, it is here and we just accept. Challenging at times but the only path out. After we have let go of our resistance, opinions, judgments, ideas of what we what or how it all should play out, we come to a place of clarity. It can take hours or weeks sometimes but the quicker we get there, the easier life is. In this place is the turn of where we have control if any. The magical spot. This is happening and how do I cooperate and perhaps even get enthusiastic on getting to a new place. Easier said than done sometimes but it remains how we all move ahead in unsavory conditions. At some point we accept and cooperate with whatever is going on and the flow begins. This is where living in the magic is. It is the sweet spot that we can continue to know where it is and bring us back to that as quick as we can. So much of our life we live in resistance. Quiet or outraged, it doesn't matter. We resist what is going on and then hit obstacles upon more and wonder why. It is that we are not using the environmental guidance in front of us by pushing our way forward and there simply is an easier way. The way to use the universal flow is to be alert, watch and participate. Patience and openness are HUGE keys for it won't be as you expect. In our world that flows so instantaniously, we think we can conjure great things in minutes. It is not how flow works. The way to feel magical is to be connected to the larger world, watch it, set out our intentions and patiently await the arrival. We do the work it takes but the timing and energy we use is different than pushing or ambition. It is simply a light, playful way this flow. Everyday you can feel magical. You can find synergy, serendipity, coincidence and unexpected surprise. Your energy, your emotions have everything to do with this. If it feels good, go that way, if bad redirect. If you don't like it, don't resist and get stuck, flow around by seeing the true conditions and innovating a new path. The universe helps us with this for we are all connected. If we are clear in what we want, where we are going and focused on that outcome, it will come in. Most of the time we are not clear enough so our visions come in a bit wobbly. Or somewhere inside there is a belief or a emotion, a resistance that blocks the way. When we give up this resistance that is so our trained way of doing things, we have a lighter attitude and a path to begin moving again. What you resist persists is the law. So we find quick ways to let go, make peace or allow what is so we can stay the course, find a path and keep flowing. Flexibility the key to life here on earth. Even the hardest substances are worn down eventually. Don't be one of those rocks that is just stuck where it is planted. Resist you may, maybe even make a point but the river is flowing forward and you will get worn by it. Truly finding a way to get out of resistance is the way to a magical life. Trusting there are many ways to do anything, allowing all to come to be in a way other than you "thought". We can absoulutely have more of the good feelings as we glide through this world. Relaxation, reflection, slowing down, watching, paying attention and then acting when the time is right builds health and greater well being. Energy efficiency we call it in the world of energy medicine. It is a flowing world full of synchronistic events. To have more, to experience greater vitality and feeling of joy, connect to the greater world you are part of. Not just thinking or ideas, but nature, signs, messages, intuitions, hints, clues and flowing support. The universe wants us all to become the wonder we are. It is continually, a live experience here moment by moment where all around us is supporting us to be our best. You notice, you trust, you flow and glide through things. It is what is happening and our mind takes us out of it. It also is so busy thinking that it misses the signs or too set in its ways that it can't see the writing on the wall. You know when you have felt that magical way of being. Recall it. Sense that vibe that the world is working with you. Find that place and recreate the feelings of this flow. It is in our power to live more in this way. It is our choice and our path to health and a good long life. The good feeling generates more good feelings and the energy just builds. It inspires others, you overflow, you find the answers you seek and you find greater day to day happiness. The biggest key to health is our attitude and beliefs. Science now has plenty of studies on how it all creates dis-ease and illness. Our genes can be transformed and deactivated all by our thinking and feeling. They are the only ways the inner cells and body know how to read the outside world. By our thoughts and our feelings. These are the guidance to our body. Our body has magic tools too that support the emotional and mental nature by being present and paying attention. it is a lovely multidimensional life here. There are times we are not so magical and that has it's purpose as well. It often shows us our resistance or imbalance so it too is a message. "We are off track! The way is not working." Expectations, resistance, stale thinking and old limiting systems are moving on in all fields. Stay current and updated in your life as well. Keep shifting, moving and expanding. Change, flexibility and openness are key tools to this next leg of living. Magical it is if you see the world as the connected field it is. It sure makes life more fun and adventurous as well as effective, solutions oriented and efficient. Taking time to slow it all down actually can get you places quicker with more efficient at a delightful pace. For you are experiencing the world, engaging and present. That is what creates the magic, the pace and conscious participation of you. Really being in the world, seeing it as the exquisite place it is and riding the wave of fun. Even if you don't get what you seek, you find life has even better things to offer you. You go up and down and all around. This journey is what is magical. Somehow in the end, it does work out and we are still here. Remember, It is your call how you will see the world. I practice being magical! For a free Flowing in Grace session, connect with me.
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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