As I take all my talents and decipher them into how to share the joy vibe with others, I realize all healing, health, life energy, vitality, shakti, bioenergy, whatever you want to call it is about play! Oxytocin, seratonin, dopamine or the parasympathetic nervous system, energy medicine, miracle healing is about having more joy and pleasure in life! This creates the right energy, chemical reactions in your body that lead to health.
To play we must be present, doing what we are doing, in joy, giggling, laughter. This youthful art is what destresses, and heals the system to create vitality or life energy. We could go through the science, the details, the studies, the blah blah, I study it all. No matter how you cut it, it is about being in the feel good chemicals as much as you can in a day that it becomes a healing habit. Then the body repairs and corrects itself. Currently we are in the fight or flight cortisol habit. If we lighten up, play, mess around, we get greater health and rejuvenation! This is so incredibly easy and fun! We could eat this and that, take these things, move this way or that, they all help but all this falls into place when we have more play, more present moments being in the body in fun not stress. It is that simple. You can take whatever path to play and lightness you want. There are no rules as to what makes you feel nourished, filled, light, relaxed, open and playing. This is such good news to me and I find it easy to work this health system. I just have to gather many ways that get me into a youthful, playful, energy every day. Then I will find more joy, abundance and brightness in each day thus a happier, healthier life. I connect with my body vessel in pleasure, in fun, in relax and it's innate health system kicks in to let me ride in vitality. We train ourselves to relax and play rather than be serious about everything. The seriousness is what is creating the stress thus cortisol. We are so hard on ourselves and play is just the opposite. It is light on us. As I am rebirthing through this cycle from flower farmer to health and beauty coach, writer and speaker, i realize it is all about Play! Sharing this with others and giving them awareness on how that energy feels in the body, is the way to add healing to the world and individuals. I can teach others what the vibe of the body is when they are in this healing nervous system. Once you understand this "feeling" of the body and really sink into it and know its nuances, they can reproduce this easily. You can create it in all ways throughout a stressful day with what inspires you. In essence I am like a play therapist. I like this new direction explaining the energy medicine I learned. It all boils down to play and pleasure. Whatever your dis-ease, you can cure it through less stress and more play! To be more healthy and beautiful, glowing in vitality, play until you feel an oxytocin vibe and your body will find its healing! For a free Flow in Grace Session connect!
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
February 2025
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