We journey through life and it offers less than optimal conditions. I am very aware of the challenges we all face and I have spent a good 4 years in newness and expansion beyond most. I am a happy spirit and flutter along, anxiety an issue for one in my shoes, yet I find incredible amounts of wonder, bliss and things to be grateful daily.
I can be in a disasterous situation, full of fear, anger or anxiety, wondering how will I get back to balance and find my peace? Within moments, I can be in complete bliss and joy wondering how I was ever so blessed. This is a practice I have cultivated through all my study and experience. It is a blessing and it gives me such ecstasy in living so I encourage you all to find ways to do this and share my tips. It begins with knowing all is for my becoming and great unfoldment. This is no easy task, especially when fear, panic is about. Yet there is an observer or underlying being in me that knows in 20/20 hindsight, I will see the reason and perfection in nightmare. We all know this and I call this forward to calm me when strife is about. This knowing is paramount. Knowing I will understand at some point or atleast find a learning. I also remind myself, I have made it thus far through many things I never thought I could. I call upon this often by saying "I am still here and alive." Secondly, I ride my feelings like a wave. I don't stuff them, I don't negate them, I honor and often express them in the moment. I don't talk myself out of them and I feel them for they are fleeting. I get angry, mean, unkind feelings and I see them for the gift of protection they are. I allow my bad, temper tantrum girl to exist, I keep her in check most times. If she lashes out, I make amends and love her anyway. I do not believe we will all be holy and kind in every minute ever. I know I can strive to have loving in my heart even if I use harsh ways of expressing it but I don't expect I will not be express "negativity". I honor and allow myself to be present with what I am feeling. If we do not, it will remain inside and be like a toxin and gather poison in us of resentment, unexpressed anger, self hatred and victimhood. I know this for this is how we are trained, especially woman and I will not participate in that anymore. Nice girls do have mean expressions and they often are protective not just being a bitch. I own that anger and upset and call it a good part of me looking out for myself. If we do not ride our feelings in the moment, they can bundle up within us and create powerful emotion, energy moving and will express. It will not be controllable or pretty. Then we will have to forgive ourselves and we will judge ourselves for blah blah. It is a bad pattern and a cycle that doesn't use the feelings as the brilliant guidance system they are. Be very weary of this pattern. Find awareness and flow with your feelings! Priceless! Thirdly, I clear things as they come forward. If I am angry, I notice and will say it if I can. If I am in a situation and get uncomfortable, I notice and rather than hide it, I often will share it in honesty and not in a way that will attack one. I am not perfect at this and I do not expect that. I use the term perfect to mean "completion" for that is the true meaning of the word. I try to complete weirdness and disturbances with people as they occur rather than carry around that angst. We call this clearing. It is a practice and it supports us in relationships as well as in having access to our true joy. This is a practice and if I do not feel I can share it out loud, I at least look at that in myself as soon as I can. I look for learning and my participation or role in it but I do not take all miscommunication as my fault and use it to doubt myself. I practice at this and I get better as I go. Fourthly, I notice beauty around me almost all the time. I do this by riding in my senses, seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling, activating all my body senses as often as I can. I use this to avoid getting so caught up in my mind ramble. We have a body, we need to be in it and use all the sensory gifts we have for they are there to support us in reading and participating in our environment. This brings in the pleasure of life. Pleasure is not a thought. It is a full sensory experience so our senses must be turned on to experience it. The more senses engaged, the greater the pleasure. I often find mind is not even involved in pleasure other than to label it pleasure as we are in it. Beauty is an easy thing to activate this sensual nature for we all feel good upon seeing beauty. Lastly, anticipate things to go my way by speaking and feeling that I am lucky. I often say, " things just work out for me." I believe it and they do. It is called positive direction not positive thinking. I look for miracles and blessings everywhere and they come in. I anticipate things will find a solution and they always do. I don't expect for that is a trap for us at times. I like anticipate and if it doesn't go as I wanted, I just flow through it rather than allow the pissed off pattern to run. I have worked on this one. Expectation is a shadow and detachment is the gift to get through it. Then the mastery of this, celebrating anything that happens as ok or manageable becomes the direction. That takes us back to the first thing I spoke of. In hindsight this will all be learning and maybe even make sense. It ties together. These are the main techniques that make my life joyful to bliss and grateful for being alive. This creates an energy that lifts me and others. They are the highest vibration feelings we can have, love and joy as well. They all ride together. It is my intention and purpose to teach people these things and how to play with our vibrational nature for health and relaxation. These are the keys. The practices can be whatever you want that will shift you back to positive direction. Movement, nature, sound, sensory awareness, all these just tools to refocus our vibration or feeling nature out of the low emotions and ride up to the high. Bliss, ecstasy, joy, rapture, love are really not far away in any given moment. You can retrain yourself to live this and it is not as hard or mental as our world tells us. The training programs out there are often far too much mind and time to do these things and their are quicker ways as I described above. Awareness being the biggest key to all of life. Life, fun, joy, happiness are much easier to find in the moments than we have been taught. I get so tired of these lengthy ways and processes promoted to do these things. We can do things the hard or easy way and I am lazy and playful so I choose easy. I invite you to use some of these ideas by just being alittle more aware. Life will truly become more magical everyday. I promise! It is not rocket science! It is living in vibrance and pleasure! We are designed to do this naturally!!! It involves most importantly using the mind rightly for it is only a small portion of our tools. We are trained it is the greatest one and it is only great at what it does. It has many limitations and truly confines our brilliant spirit from expressing here. Feeling, sensuality includes a slew more parts of ourselves with body pleasure and health as the result! So I say, Make love to life!
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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