We have not been adequately taught about our bodies. I was blessed by the Himalayan teachings that were simple, practical and understandable. I watch as science begins to share this information yet it is offered in complicated ways especially in the sea of information on health. My experience, thorough study on the body and healing as well as dealing with my own ails continues to support what I was taught.
The healing system is the parasympathetic nervous system. It supports all renewal, rejuvenate, refresh, rebuild, detox, it does it all. We can either be in this system or the sypamthetic nervous system of action or flght or flight. You can not heal when your body is in the action system. All the energy is being used for what you are doing. We are in this system so much that we stress, build cortisol in our systems and that creates ill effects. It is that simple. The question becomes how can we be in the parasympathetic nervous system more often to allow our body to cleanse, digest, clear, get rid of the cortisol and other effects of so much action. We all know that stress is the killer It is not all bad for it is our system to move and create. There are happy hormones that counteract this cortisol. We can create these happy hormones through periods of rest and rejuvenation. Sleep is a healer when we are in this system and we spend half of life doing that. That is why good sleep is so important. Oxytocin, is a magic hormone of this system. Called the pleasure or happy hormone., present during intimacy or bonding, tend and befriend activities considered the love hormone. There are other happy hormones, all only present in our body during relaxation and pleasure. Oxytocin heals with incredible magic so I focus on this one for who doesn't want more pleasure in life? You can not be in the parasympathetic nervous system unless you are relaxed. This creates peace in the body so it can do its repair work. Energy can go to rebuild and renewal only when we are in a state of relaxation and pleasure. There is no other way. That is why all information tells us to relax more. Even spiritual study, nirvana, bliss, heaven on earth, these states only come when we are relaxed. That is when we have divine connect, when higher states of awareness can be present, when life flows, we are calm and clear, we breathe easy and deep, our body can do it's healing work. To me this is clear and simple. The question next is how do we get into this healing system many times a day. 2 1/2 hours will make a full reboot. These are the facts of healing in the simplest terms. I consider that if I can keep resetting myself into this system through out the day, my body will become trained to do it on it's own. I found when I first learned of this, I was in consistent anxiety and stress when I didn't need to be for I had trained my system in that habit. Our lifestyle and misunderstanding of our body creates this bad habit. However, our innate health system is magical when we work with it. With consciousness we can bring ourselves into this system, flood our being with happy hormones and then it eventually, naturally does it for us. Rather than being in the stress of the sympathetic, when we are done using it, our body can naturally go into the renewal state. Easier said than done when you are in stress 24/7 but practice in this makes this whole sacred body temple reset itself to healing. As I was taught, high impressions are a start to this system activating. These are the #1 nutritional source that feed us good energy. You create what is your own high impressions that you take in from the world. Meditation, nature, good books and words, passion for life, waking up to a life you are inspired by, feeling good, meaningful connections with others, anything that you take in to juice up your life. It takes no energy to digest or shift into. it is just raw good energy that you take in. This allows you to relax and create health when you are feeding yourself high impressions daily and many times. You find ways to fill your life with these things. I go into nature throughout my day between things, on my way places, just 5-10 minutes of absorbing nature gets you in parasympathetic. These things inspire and bring pleasure to your life, thus greater relaxation and health starts with these. You begin training the body to chill down throughout the day. Anything that relaxes you will do the trick. We all have our own way with this. A cup of tea, watching the birds, sitting on our couch in delicious leisure, eating with pleasure, laughing, smiling, receiving good news, doing a hobby, tai chi, or flowing movement, connecting with others, the list as endless as people on the planet. It is simple. Taking breaks through out your day to do small and large things, will activate the healing system of your body. This slowly absorbs all the extra cortisol in our body. It starts to reverse it and, of course, we are not creating it during these chill times. I find the healing and expressive arts very supportive in this way. Healing treatments and eastern movements I have found key to getting into this state. You begin to understand what this healing state of the parasympathetic nervous system feels like. That is why I am promoter and activist for these and create education through classes at The Room at Meadowbrook. I love many of the self help practices too. I call them practices because you do them like anything, ie. playing the piano. Repetition improves any skill. I am blessed to that I learned this and cultivated this state in my body. I can feel this shift and energy rolling through my body. We all can do this, I was taught to feel this through Aharaj Yoga, a stress clearing martial art I learned that is simple. It is why I teach it for it taught me to feel my energy field and as I began to get this, subtler ways of sensing opened up. Through all this, I can feel the melting of the parasympathetic nervous system in great ways that allows me to really feel relaxation deeper and deeper in less time. It is a training and why I teach the arts I do for they all created for me a system of nourishing myself through body awareness and inspiring the feel good hormones. When you can get into relaxation, parasympathetic nervous system bliss, it is like nectar from heaven. The sparkly gel I call it. Like honey or a fine elixir, it is melting, chill that warms, calm bliss. I had to cultivate what it feels like for we don't really know the full feel of relaxation in our modern life. It continues to get deeper and more present as I practice. This is the focus of my educating, my coaching of beauty and health. It is all about this. Pleasure and play are great ways to begin noticing and putting your body in this system. I find Jin Shin helps me tremendously and do I do self help practices daily. Especially when I have to wait. I love Svaroopa Yoga for this gets me into such a state of relaxation the whole class, supports the muscles that attach to the spine and I get such relaxation from it. The more I learn, the more fully chilled out arts I practice where I am almost in a meditative state as I do it. Feldenkrais is another wonderful art that is basic movements or the practitioner actually does the movement. I like the treatments where I don't wince or feel any pain from getting touched. I can really flood in relaxation and oxytocin and the more I do it, the greater it is. This has been my experience. I got a polarity treatment for the first time that was amazing and reminded me of a Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment. Any treatment that creates relaxation and supports the body to these happy hormones. There also many things throughout the day that can call up this state. I want you to take this knowledge of the parasympathetic nervous system and consider it when you are living daily life with small doses of pleasure, doing movements so you feel good in your body or getting healing treatments where you feel relaxed. These are great times to retrain your healing system. I find the full on relaxation and pleasure of it with healing treatments and movements where I can really enjoy being in my body. I find honoring my body, my health system, "feeling good" in it so important to have health and beauty. This is different thinking than most wellness knowledge. I stand by what I have learned for I am healing and feeling great when my body is in growing older. These Masters knew what they were talking about with the energy and dynamics of the physical body vehicle. I inspire you to really take in this wisdom. It is easy to find ways to get into this system and you should feel relaxation. It is not a thinking, it is a state of being and for me it feels like champagne bubbles in my body. On my site I have a practice, a breathe that shifts you into this system if you do it a few times. That way you can start to feel the vibe you are seeking to create in your world for activation of the healing system. Oxytocin is the ticket and if you see anything of it, pay attention and learn all about it. Pleasuuuuuuuure is the word! Simple, easy, fun and relaxing to fit in pleasure and calm in the day. Now you simply understand the importance of this. It is not that hard and your natural innate system will do the work for you. It is a beautiful sacred body temple that we live in. Learning of it through the healing and expressive arts, eastern medicine treatments and learning of the relaxation vibe will create healing and health faster than what is out there. This has been my experience that has changed my world and why I am such an advocate and teacher of this wisdom. I am inspired to share this simpler health. Getting to know yourself, understand your body and find ways to chill and play are the best elixirs out there!! Play with pleasure!!
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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