I am not an expert on the Feldenkrais modality. I am a curious experiencer of the healing and expressive arts. I do love to share my understanding of modalities so others will explore and use them to support their vitality. With this perspective, I want to share my experience of Feldenkrais so maybe you too can find the incredible benefits of it.
I first ran into this modality when I was in Mexico 5 years ago. While at a yoga retreat, the woman who owned the magical property we were on, was from Germany and offered a Feldenkrais class so we took it. I was amazed by the simplicity of movement we did to retrain our body patterns. It was easy rolling around as I call it in simple movements. I was amazed how in sync my body felt afterwards. Simple and gentle yet so effective in resetting the body to relaxation and alignment. I thought, I must find this back in the states. Until a few months ago, I had never found anyone doing this method. I found a brochure on it at Nellie Raes Vegan Cafe and got in touch with Dayana Pereira, a local practitioner to investigate. I so enjoyed her as a beautiful girl and person when we sat at lunch together to see how we could collaborate. She spoke to me of private sessions which I was unaware of when I learned in Mexico. Of course I had to see the benefits of this for my personal body issues for I was so intrigued with this modality 5 years ago. It was an amazing, peaceful experience of having her move my body gently and back into the proper movement patterns so natural for the body. The energy of it was similiar to Jin Shin in my experience. Peaceful, rested, flowing and opening to my body being. We get patterns of moving in our body that are not to our benefit from overuse, injury, life. My understanding is that she supports this pattern for a moment until your body allows her to move you gently and smoothly while resting. Once your body relaxes and allows her to do the movements, she slowly begins to move that area in the way it was designed to move, repatterning it back to its normal function. As I stated in the class, we did simple movements like a baby, the basics of mobility and in doing that the body reset very gracefully. I understand this concept of gentle easy moves to realign as a Tai Chi Health teacher. Each person and treatment is different but on that day I had a kink in my left neck. She supported my whole spine into a new alignment and fluidity with these gentle movements and my neck pain disappeared after the session. It was quite magical for I just relaxed and allowed her to work kindly with my body in such simple ways of little movements. Soothing, no pain, quieting and relaxing it was. I understand that it takes years to become a practitioner of this modality. It is a gentle process of working the body and retraining it back into the simple,basic ways of movement that are natural and so healing to us. It isn't painful physically but I could see how old emotions or feelings could be released in a healing cry or other emotions as the memories or things locked in get a way out of us. To me this is even more amazing for our cells, our patterns hold emotions in and anyway you can have them released will only support your body movement and health tremendously. This isn't a scientific view of this modality but an experiential one. I invite you to investigate this healing process. It is gentle for those with mobility issues. it is peaceful for those wanting to experience more relaxation on a deep level filled with oxytocin hormones. It is healing in ways I never experienced by any other modality and I try them all. It is kind to the body deva as I call it for our bodies need loving support, not so much hard movement to be healthy. Dayana Pereira's contact and website are listed below. I am enthused she he will do a free class on Sept. 22 at our Vibrant Living Festival at 1 pm if you want to experience this incredible art. It will be a chair class for we all could use a practice to realign ourselves while sitting throughout our day. Dayana is part of a new collaborative of healers that will be opening in Doylestown this fall. I highly recommend her and the Feldenkrais Method for great body healing and connection. We have an innate health system that often just needs some support to reset. She was gentle, soothing and a powerful healer from my experience. Truly worthy a modality that has only 7,000 practitioners around the world! Blessed we are to have one in our area! Dayana Pereira www.dayana.io 917-297-2733 The Happy Body Mentor® Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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