Recently, I saw a post on instagram about a girl asking what would you do if your roomate came home with stage 3 cancer and had only 6 months to live and chemo and radiation was suggested. After I thought, Light to those girls, my hand just started typing all the things I would do. She responded back, "Wow, are you a survivor or a healer?" In that moment I realized just how much of a healer I am. I have never had a big healer business for I considered myself more of an educator even though I have many healing and expressive arts under my belt.
It did make me realize how wise I am and how much I know about food, water, beauty and health. I have been around many with cancer and seen it go many ways. We often forget how wise we are and how so many experiences add up to great wisdom. You think everyone know what you do but they don't. They have their own wisdom. With my mix as a green living detox girl, organic flower farmer, hosted retreats and ran some myself, my eastern arts training in energy and the feminine mysteries, my woman's health book and our podcast interviewing over 50 healers, I know some things. So I wanted to share some tips! Hydrate!!! Do drink the best water you can. Over 85% of the people are dehydrated! Is that you? It was me and I drank water. I suggest hydrogen rich water. I know you have heard me chat about it but at this point and with all my wisdom, that is the first thing I told her. Hydrogen in the number antioxidant and if you don't know it yet, you will. Water is going to go crazy very soon for our water is contaminated. I know, yours is not. I have done the research and it is what it is. . Atleast filter it and I suggest the Multipure filters. Erika my daughter can hook you up. I would step it up one notch to the ERW from kangen. There are over 1000 published medical papers on it. If you have an ail, especially cancer, there is lots of research on how it can support chemo and radiation as well digestion, skin rashes, diabetes, on and on. It is a medical grade device made in Japan. They have numerous blue zones and are top in health in the world. This is my newest study and my daughter actually brought it to me. I did not discover this and thought like many, water? We are 70% and when the math really hits you, you realize that changing the 30% (food, supplements, etc..) is the slow boat to China. Quality water will impact you more and faster than anything else. We are more of an aquarium. The hydrogen sucks out waste, toxins, oxidation at a natural rate that your body will do on its own. It will add to fluidity and cell communication. We are mostly water with electricity messages running through us. Makes sense doesn't it that quality would matter? Next I would buy only organic food where I could and nothing in a box. The amount of crap in even our favorite snacks is insane. I am amazed that it has gotten to this. We can purchase what is clean as best we can. I told my daughter, 90% clean food and then go nuts with the other 10%. It is the best way to be healthy. I call it rainbow eating. A piece of protein, 2 veggies and maybe fill in from there. I would go further and say go to a organic CSA. The organic in the stores is often a hoax. I was a grower and they still spray pesticides so WASH them. Take them out of the plastic and put them in glass containers. The endocrine disruptors in plastic are really messing with our hormones so do your best. That is why the ionizer is so good. It clears this and has the best 11.0pH alkalized water that emulsifies oil which is what form the pesticides go on. WASH it off. Soak them long. Dechemicalize your home. No toxic cleaners. Use baking soda and vinegar. Again why I love the ionizer as it cleans and disinfects so makes this step easy. There are less toxic choices so start there. For me the label reading has gotten too much. I just don't have them. Get rid of fabreeze, crappy candles, plug ins, all of it is being called the new second hand smoke. Dryer sheets and laundry detergent are the worst for PFAS. Use soap nuts or castile soap. , I use the 11.0 or the 2.5 water to disinfect. Honestly, I have so much chlorine in my water here that it is like a bleach. I really don't need anything but something to loosen the dirt. Get the best body creams, shampoos, soaps, everything You may think they don't matter but bits of formaldahyde in everything day after day, over the years equals cancer. I learned all this 30 years ago. I have been green girl ever since. Now a days it is easier. I use organic shampoo bars and my lotion is either coconut oil or caster oil. I only use essential oil to scent. I use the water for make up remover, deodorant, mouthwash, wash my face, create face sprays, it is just used for everything. I do have favorite rose lotions and things but my house is clear and water is the solution. I do have some toxic things like mascara but use the 90/10 rule. . Learn of teas, tinctures, Bach flower remedies, and other healing arts. These are woman's wisdom so just do it intuitively. You have ancestry in your cells that knows it all. It is easy to just play with for solutions before going to regular medicine. I love all medicine but I use western last or as emergency. There are too many other things that work and have less side effects if any. My book The Lotus Project has all this stuff about The Art of Being a Woman. It is a heart felt living so choose with your heart. Play with it. It is fun. Get a shower filter! Multipure has a little head one that is very cheap. I use the anespa by Enagic that also adds healing minerals. You clean your shower less, your hair and skin are amazing and you don't have chemicals turning into gas in the heat. In fact, this could be the first thing for while showering you absorb about 8 glasses of water. The contaminants go straight to your lungs. They have proven the chlorine shower causes thyroid problems which many woman have. Yea, these things really matter and add up. I would definitely have a spiritual practice or way to know yourself. Most woman are unfulfilled because they don't have any relationship with themselves truly. To me this is a spiritual practice. In the feminine arts cultivating yourself first is the rule to awaken shakti energy. A well awaiting you in your body of delicious energy. It comes from filling yourself up first, self care, self love whatever you want tocall it. It is time for you to use as you wish and it changes from day to day, season to season. You listen to your body, cultivate your intuition, this is all done through self time. No more martyr!! Move your body in pleasing ways. I am not one to suggest workouts. I know many fight this with me but flowing and fun is the woman's body. We need to be out of adrenal stress and masculine workouts just add adrenaline. You want to connect with your body and love it. You need oxytocin! We are adrenalized and it effects the feminine chakras of the womb, breast/heart and throat. These are where woman's problems lie. I do Tai chi, dancing, shaking, easy yoga and lots of outdoor adventure. I lift 5 lbs. weights in 4 simple exercises for my arms and push ups, girls ways some days. We need to be connected to our bodies positively for our intuition to develop. If not, we are not using our most magic gift of being a woman. I hula hoop sometimes. Easy, fun, playful movement and it doesn't have to be long. You can split it throughout the day so you reconnect positively to your body. It matters ladies. Lastly, I would say only have positive relationships. Clear out draining people and overhelping. It will kill you. It is a more challenging one but if all your friends are good energy and a circle of giving is clear, then you can manage the others you must that are not. If it feels off with someone, it is. This is a power tip. We can't carry others, we can only bear witness and help if we are strong and overflowing. Stop the martyr. There is my short list. It will change your life. I studied with the best feminine teachers for years and applied what I know and it works. It is why I am in water now. I am an health expert and it is the easiest health hack. I am relatively lazy and don't like to waste time out of pleasure. We are the pleasure beings of the world and we need more nourishing and fun NOW. Erika and I made a course, 22 Ways to Oxytocin Pleasure that I highly recommend. Reach out to me for a discount code! It is the wise woman teachings I learned and used. I turn 60 this year and feel healthy and vital. These choices matter. We are the nourishers and our families depend on us to do that. Start with you and the world will change magically.
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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