As I grow through life and take all as an experience, it becomes clearer what I am to do in the world! My life filled with shifts in EVERYTHING over the last 5 years! From my "career", to being single, to new homes, new connections and friends, new endeavors that have switched up through the 5 years and finally to the here and now of my new world. I can whole heartedly say, I am here to support others to "Own Their Magic" in a playful, authentic way by just being themselves!
Part of that shift that I have experienced was learning the incredible body we have and how it works. It is the foremost learning! Science has a huge shift coming about regarding our cells, how our DNA evolves and it is spectacular expansion from what we learned. I learned this on a more spiritual level of knowing my body as an energy system. It shifts everything and empowers us tremendously. I spend more time teaching woman for I am one yet so much of my learning was from men and supports both men and woman. Before you can really shift to this new reality that is coming upon us as multidimensional, an idea of our body and our body awareness, senses which I call sensuality, must expand. We are not separate creatures as we appear but energy fields constantly feeling the world. A greater understanding of our emotions, for they are energy moving must become clear. No one shares much about the emotions and the mind is the key tool we are educated on. Once you learn the power, pleasure, information and sensing of the true emotional nature, the world shifts completely and well worth it. That is where the word magic comes in to me. For it is about sensing, experience, noticing the indications of this energy nature, not letting the mind run the whole show. We have all these other tools that being in the mind we have forgotten all our perceptive nature, 6 senses. In this way, as you own living in a body, being in it, embodiment as they call it, using all the sensors to experience the world, a whole new perspective opens and it is like play. It brings us back to the curious, child like innocence that openly notices the world moment to moment and all becomes a greater plethora of delight and pleasure. We move toward those things that incite or inspire good feelings, pleasure states, joy and move away from those things that don't. It becomes much more sensory fun, more youthful, more exploring, more sensual, more tuned into what is really occurring rather than some mental construct of what should be, what appears to be happening or we want to be going on. In reality, we are designed to operate this way. Our sensing, our outer membrane of our cells as our outer sensing with our body, tells us what to let in and what to move from. We are like amoebas really in the end and that is just plain fun. When we use all of our body to feel, sense, see, hear, smell and taste the world we are more present. We are move participatory and experience things on all levels. We have better data to make choices with and we get to enjoy more of things for we are not just in our heads thinking, using no sensory mechanisms. I love this wonder that I understand and live. I am thankful that science is coming around to put this in terms that the mind can conceive. I am thankful that the emotional nature gets its due for how else do we sense love, joy, happiness, ecstasy if it is not through this sensing nature. Passion is the movement of this emotional nature, otherwise the world is just a bunch of words labeling things with no experience of sensuality what so ever. What a bore and misuse of our gift of the temple body! I inspire you to explore your emotional nature, your senses, being embodied in your vehicle so sacred. We have been trained to miss the very essence of experience and pleasure. It is so opening once you get it and takes only a wee bit of time before you start using all of your being to experience, engage and play in the world. Life becomes so much greater and joyful. Einstein really shifted science in ways they are just discovering what all his work really meant on the quantum physics level. We are creative, innovative, feeling beings. As he said, "Creativity is the intelligence having fun!" Creativity solves problems. Creativity can't be experienced with just the mind it takes all of our being. Creativity can't be done at speed, it needs an openness and us to be in and use all of our body. Yes we can own our magic. We are it, it is here and we can experience the truth of this reality by realizing parts of ourselves that already are and honoring that we have them and using them in unison to enjoy the world. For support to Own Your Magic, connect with me for a free Discovery Session. My online course Feb. 20 Awaken Your Magical Woman is coming up soon!
2/12/2019 01:15:10 pm
This is such a good reminder! I am a survivor of abuse so I have lots of practice *not* owning that I am in a body. And even as an adult, I have to remind myself to stay present so I rest when I need to, and take care of illness, etc. It's interesting, because spiritually, I am being reminded to rest right now & not push myself so much. It was in my devotional even today.
Thanks for your thoughts! Yes it is a situation that would have you step away from your body and very good protection. It is brilliant that you realize what a divine gift our sacred vessel is and how it shares itself with us to know what is about and how to care for ourselves and it. I am glad you are taking care to rest, it is winter and time to do such! We harbor our light and what is best to stir inward and create next!
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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