,The other day I learned a perspective on two energies that really has shifted my point of view! I did my own birthday Goddess Card reading for inspiration towards the year. In the reading, I got the card of Sekmet, an Egyptian Goddess of Anger and Rage as well as Bast, the Egyptian Goddess of Play. In reviewing the history, they were considered the two aspects of the Sun God. At some point they appeared the same and things evolved to two aspects of the Sun depending on where you reference them. The history I chose to integrate was of Amy Sophia Marashinsky in her Goddess Oracle deck.
This struck me as interesting for never have I heard the Sun, the power energy of our world, put forth as having two aspects listed as anger and play. It really intrigued me to digest this. It expanded me to look at at anger as the opposite energetic of play. Yet when I think of having so much fun and the power it exudes and consider anger with its power, I could see how these are two ends of the pendulum. As it was described through this Egyptian lore, Play is nourishing, the life giving aspect and Anger is the destructive, protective aspect of Sun energy. This was beautiful to me. Never had I heard it put quite that way. It supported me to embrace anger not in a negative way as we often do. We seem to have many judgments on anger, getting angry not so supported and often we have seen very destructive aspects of anger. We can beat ourselves up for being angry or mean. Seeing it as a good use of power, as a viable way to express this life giving energy was curious considering our upbringing. There are definitely times when anger is important and a message to move, stop something or boundary yourself for what is going on is not nourishing! Anger is just an expression or guide to us from our emotional nature that signals destruction is here. Something needs to end, be left behind or is not working for our highest good. It then becomes such a guiding, inspiring emotion! It is indicating what is not working. Rather then feel bad that we expressed it, we can embrace it's presence as a message to get rid of something or move in another direction. Perhaps just boundary and stop what is occurring for it is not working for your well being. More exciting was the life giving aspect of this Sun power is PLAY! That I found most inspiring! The highest nourishment comes from play!! How cool is that? And opposite anger? Wow! Can we use the destructive energy of anger within to be cleared by playing? I like that idea. I like that if we find anger within we can transmute it to nourishing energy by playing. It gave me a whole new spin on humor as well. How often have we been in situations where anger was about and started giggling a bit at the insanity of a fight? it is almost as though our body being knows how to shift this energy to get us more present. Or even after a fight, you consider what occurred and you laugh for it was funny how you acted! Not that this happens always but it does. When sharing the story, we begin to laugh at the craziness that occurs with anger. How interesting is that? I found clearly the message in these two cards in a new way. It softened the judgment of anger as well. It gave it a clear purpose and a way to understand this emotion that many stuff down or send out powerfully. All that is occurring is one is using the life giving energy as destructive and rightly so for they are not feeling nourished or honored in the situation that is occurring. Better yet is the power given to play!! So often I have been told to grow up, stop being so silly and get serious! Yet play is the highest nourishing power!! So being playful, silly, fun and inspiring is great nourishment and the top expression of Sun energy. That is the greatest news to me on this Easter Sunday that also happens to be my birthday this year! It makes sense when I see nature. The awakening of the plants, the blooms on the fruit trees and magnolias. Playfully they greet us in beauty of returning to life. The fruit, the high expression of the plant kingdom has this vibration of delight, beauty and inspiration that feels like play. Nature looks like she is playing often. When you see the animals frolic or the butterflies flit around. The babbling of a creek or the rush of a waterfall, all have this playful feeling. We feel like wondrous children often when in nature. Curious, enlivened, delighted and fully present. Very interesting indeed! That is why I love the lore, mythology and philosophies of story telling. Many ways of joyous living were passed through oral tradition in story. It wasn't necessarily the characters for they represented aspects, ideas, philosophies. Perhaps for us to remember these things. I also find it quite interesting that both these Goddesses are depicted in the form of cats! Sekmet is a angry looking lion and Bast a cat of play! I will leave you with the poem on Bast for it is the most inspiring words on how to heal with play! Perfect for this time of being harbored in our homes! Bast Play I swirl and twirl, I hide and seek, romping and ranging, funning and frolicking, My opportunities for self-amusement are endless and the pleasure that it gives me makes me purrr. Life challenges never stop me for I know how to whole myself with play! Amy Sophia Marashinsky For a Free Flow in Grace Session, connect with me! Watch our you tube and podcast, The Magical Holistic Healing Arts.
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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