This time of year is so beautiful! The awakening of all of nature surges us all with beautiful energy of becoming. Even despite the odd vibe of us all harboring in, nature continues to show us, this is a time to renew and come forward in a whole new way. Our lives are certainly different at this time. However, the conditions support us to really go inward, reflect on things and support us in bringing forward creative ways to shift our lives.
My birthday this year happens to fall on Easter Sunday. It is perfect for me this year for I moved to Colorado during this epidemic. All is new for me in a new town, a new state, a new environment. I can feel the awakening of spring on so many levels. All things in life are different for me and it feels like a vacation. It is interesting for they say each moment is anew and being in this new place, I feel that so richly. Often we get caught in routine and a "groundhog day" feeling can occur. Yet none of us can feel that way this spring, for we are all experiencing the world in a new way. I inspire you to really take this moment in time, this spirng 2020 to really awaken parts of yourself that will support your quthenticity. Many are get bored now, not sure what to do with all the busy chores done. We are so used to interacting with the world, doing so many things that can keep us busy. We can not longer do that in this time and I think it is good. I know I have rested more, getting used to the altitiude and oxygen level here and catching up on so many things that were put off as I got readu to move. I also am finding huge spaces of "what should I do now?" My list complete and there is this open time on my hands where I can actually just sit and wonder what to do next. It is a great time to just relax. Relax truly for there is nothing to deter us from doing that. The energy of the northeast before I left had slowed down. I would drive and really just take my time driving. The west has even a slower vibe. The roads have only a few cars and learning a new town is easy with nobody behind me in a rush. It feels good to get this space inside. This moment to wonder about what is next? Not only in that moment but in general. We may have thought these things for an hour or afternoon, but now our time can really sit in this space of what to do next. I am finding many parts of me that never had time to express are coming forward. This great level of creatiity is around. My daughter and I created a you tube and podcast of the Magical Holistic Healing Arts. A project I always wanted to do to share with others modalities but there was no time. I also feel the relaxation of creativity. You can not be in creativity if you are stressed and busy. The creative space only comes when there is space. Often you are lost in time and it seems to not exist when you are in creativity. This time of year is considered the most creative time of year. Rebirht, resurrection, renewal happening all around us. Life is awakening from it's sleep with incredible beauty showing up around us. This is the great surge of creation! I am also finding this swirling inside myself. It is the only way I can describe it. I am entering spaces that I have not visited in a long time. Really getting a moment to remeet myself in a way. We become these beings over time that has habits and patterns, we label ourselves as on time or behind, organized or not, shy or outgoing. I am finding things inside that don't fit those old labels. Being in a new place, I have no history here. No one knows me as this or that. Whenever I met someone it is new in that moment. I know nothing of them other than what I am experiencing of them and they the same for me. It is a wonderful feeling of presence that I didn't really notice living in the town I grew up. Swirling inside yes. Going into the crevices of Lyn that I have never felt time or perhaps interest in inhabiting. It is very freeing and quite fun. So many pieces of me that I am and never investigates. it is intriguing to me to get to know myself in such a way. Usually we are learning of others but at this time, we are learning of ourselves for we can. We can face our boredom, our annoyance, our irritation of this situation. Our fear of not knowing. Our panic and anxiety of when will I get back to life as I knew it. Our joy of being able to just do nothing. Our peace of being able to sit and look at the birds or be in nature and truly have the moment to get lost in it. It is a very interesting swirling. My life will never be the same. I no longer will hang in the nature places or see the daily people I did. It is a full on rebirth for me. I imagine if I was still in PA. life would be very different too. We can't grab lunch or drink with those we love. We have to chat, text, facetime or zoom others. However I am sure neigbors and those who live close will get moments of relationship that may not of before. Local stores and the clerks we see become our new visits with others. There are so many shifts in how we live that I find exciting. I am at an air bnb and getting to know the owner in a way perhaps I would not of before. I am cleaning up her garden and supporting the beautiful yard for spring. If we didn't have this lock down, I would of been out investigating the town and classes about rather than gardening in the yard. Relationships have a whole new meaning now. How we feel about our family and being harbored in with them 24/7. Human contact or interaction has changed. When your are out some people fully in fear, others happy to be interacting with other humans. A very interesting dynamic of social interaction. I find it really fascinating that I even have time to notice or contemplate all this. A renewal on all levels. So perfect as the earth is sharing it's new beauty. We can find new beauty in all life. I also welcome all the emotions that arise. I a bit advocate of our emotional nature really being used as the guidance it is. We get the time to really let them come forward and wash up and out. They show us the quality of our thinking even if we don't notice we are thinking. It is the perfect purge of spring like getting rid of the old leaves and stalks from plants. Our emotions are a barometer of ourselves. We actually have the time to really feel them. Letting go as we watch them pass through. A grand cleansing of self only to find what we really feel about things. A magical process this year of really knwoing ourselves. Blessing during this time that we are really getting an opportunity to reorder ourselves on all levels. There is discomfort as well as joy as we walk through this spring. I inspire you to find the joy in all this or atleast the rebirth as a stepping stone to yourself. Unknown to us all this situation yet life really is an unknown. It is supposed to be creative each moment. Perhaps we get to remember and really feel that relaxed, creative energy in a way we never could of before. I am using this renewal time to birth a Lyn that has never been before. Each plant and each tree has never blossomed exactly the same each spring. It is all new matter and cells creatied by the winter and the nutruients the plant has mixed together. We are truly the same. Never have we been in this moment before, this spring before, this lock dwon beofre. What wonder can we get from it? I am truly reawakening to myself as I am now in this moment. I hoep you all are doing the same. The odd, the ugly, the beautiful and creative is all here in this moment. How will you use this for greater joy and happiness? Let us all revel in this new learning. Who knows what wonder and delgiht will come of it! We always seem to make it through whatever has been before so we will now. The question is how will we be reborn from it all? What good will come from it? What can rest, relaxation, renewal do for our lives? We are finidng that out! Great love to you this spring!! For a Flowing in Grace consult, connect with me! To listen to The Magical Holistic Healing Arts! Utube and podcast!
1 Comment
4/12/2020 01:57:57 am
Whenever there are things that are happening in our lives, there is a consequence and a factor that is the reason behind it. We should not give up no matter how hard the situation is because we will not know the reward after the rain and there will be a great purpose that will be revealed to us. We just need some time to accept the little things that are happening and learn to interpret it in our own way.
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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