Good morning my dear friends! It has been quite a year! Filled with a twist on everything, a virus that has taken many and has us masked up and harbored in. There is a challenge on all levels of security, stability and what will happen next. From weather issues, politics, misinformation, just the changing conditions, it takes great intention to shine your light.
With all that said and we are very aware of uncertainty, how do we move forward in light of all this challenge? I offer some thoughts of how I am finding the mystery of this experience in the most challenging world I have known, to also be filled with beauty and light. Having moved with very little reference to people, places and things that soothe and comfort me, I have had to create new ways to be centered and secure. Nature is always huge on my list of finding joy in life. Nature feels so alive and you are alive! Reset in feeling that vitality. It is so powerful and it operates all around us in a balanced. harmonious way. If we look too close we may not see the balance and harmony yet it has operated that way long before us and will continue. Recognizing beauty has always been a grounding, settling way to clear and open myself. It creates an expansion within us that is often enough to calm and recalibrate. Beauty soothes and settles our soul, our inner being by just noticing. I am by some pretty big mountains that just hold and ground. It gives me a sense to sit, relax, observe and be still. When there is fog or unclear conditions, it is always wise to sit tight until things clear. Even for 10 minutes, to find calm, expansion and beauty can heal and reset us. We become renewed in bright hope to keep going. We tune into a larger rhythm that somehow inspires a feeling inside that all will be ok. It also restores our power on so many levels, physical, mental and emotional. The seed of life within that is connected to the great all of things gets nourished to continue its growth of knowing aliveness. Living a connection to some sort of universal good is powerful at this time. We all have a belief in something operating beyond ourselves. Whatever you call that is for you to decide yet it is all the same force in my opinion. I have been around all beliefs and find despite the names or lines or church, they all believe in the power of love. At this time it is hard to see this balance of good occurring. This has happened countless times in our lives. Not all things are considered "good" but in hindsight we saw the wisdom and growth in going through them. There is always a silver lining and a faith in the world being a place of good that holds us through these less fun situations. It is more like faithing. Not blindly believing but putting effort forward in thinking the world is a good place, people have hearts, life balances out and all can be used for uplifting our spirit. Humanity has kept going up to this time so I consider this is our dark to face and as all others, we will get through the other side. Being fueled by love and hope supports taking action in this direction and finding them around you. Purge the junk and the end of the year will be cathartic. We have had alone time to really think, feel, review, reflect, redirect, see clearly, let go, cast out, move away from and now integrate what we learned. It is clear to see the separation in the world which is separation in ourselves. We are rethinking how we operate on an individual level and now we can take these ideas and express them clearer in the world. I have been challenged by all this.. The slow has me untangling my rapid mind patterns, the coccooning restless at times is evening out. The exhaustion is being freed from my body for it has had time to rest, recoup, regroup and I continue to give myself even more persmission to do it more for myself as needed. I am sinking in to my unique being more than ever before charged by it all. I am not perfect but I am purging those things I deem imperfect and chalking it up to a bad grade. Letting this past blah blah go. Clean out for a new year! Make room for expanded newness of what we want! We care and we care for ourselves and we must be our own best friend and greatest advocate. The shining yellow star in our solar plexus that is protected and strong moves toward the joy and lightness when possible. Visualizing a better world through out the day. My youthful tribe turned me onto Joe Dispenza. I took his thought along with the eastern tradition to bow 6 times a day and put them together. I have 5, I like to personalize things, alarms on my phone that play magical music at times I deemed mystical. My daughter as well. When they go off, we stop and take a moment to visualize what we desire and feel the joy of it being. 5 magic moments during the day, I break into a expanded vision of my world and the world in anticipation of what is next and it is beautiful. We are also 2 or more gathered and that creates more energy of light. I feel the sacred vibe of life that the holiday represents. I have created a sound, musical habit of using my image making faculty to my greatest advantage. And...... it is bringing spectacular results! I am not saying it is easy to be bright with so much tradegy around us. I am sharing the age old wisdoms I have learned so we can all find a bit of ease in this wild state of the world. May you enjoy this holiday in the most heart felt, nourishing way that we all need. Lets love ourselves and journey fully! No judgement or criticism, just moving towards the people where that doesn't exist. Great love To you! Yes you! Blessings of purpose, partnership and prosperity! Lyn
1 Comment
12/15/2020 10:33:56 pm
We like to be the light in those dark times. The different people who are sharing their light in order to help other people will always leave a great mark in their lives. The mark will always stay and that is a good thing because that mark will remind them that life is precious and wonderful and we need to keep spreading the love and joy that we have inside. It will be a great pleasure that we can all have.
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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