Guilt is a useless emotion in the schools of spirit. Why? It does nothing for anyone. If you did something to hurt someone, it is done. There is no going back so feeling bad about it does nothing for them. Feeling bad about yourself does nothing for you either. Self negation is no way to move forward, learn or become wiser. In fact, these behaviors support a lurking shadow within. It is better to forgive yourself and let go. Learn from it and anticipate you won't do that act again. It is your best way of self care.
We all hold past actions that we are not so proud of inside ourselves. We have been trained through guilt to do things that maybe we wouldn't do but we feel guilty, so we act to serve and support others when maybe that would not be our choice. Religions, people, situations use this emotion to manipulate us. If you are not willing to forgive yourself and others, you hold the past inside and it eats at you. This is not an honoring of anyone. It can create illness and the apt to occur again. If you did something against someone and you hold guilt in as a negative emotion, by law you will attract that same vibration. You consider yourself "bad". That goes into our subconscious and it will circle about every so often to fulfill itself. It is how the emotional nature works. The vibration of negativity will fulfill itself again and again until it is let go. We think, "Why do I keep doing that over and over?" It is because you never really forgave yourself and let it go. We all are learning; we do things not so lovely. It is part of this experience. We can give ourselves and others a break that bad choices are part of learning. It is in holding it against ourselves that we don't learn and seem to return to the issue again. Our behaviors do not determine who we are. We are spirits having a human experience. We are learning to ground that spirit of goodness here on this level. It takes some mistakes for learning. We need to be gentle when we do things wrong. We need to see the higher spirit and allow that to be nurtured so we can bring it in. We also need to do that for others. We all mess up and truly we are doing our best at any given time. So let go of the past. It sounds easier than it is, but a practice so worthy of health and well being. No one benefits from anyone loathing. We can use the line "I forgive myself for judging myself for ..... You can use this also for others, "I forgive myself for judging so and so". This is a powerful practice that works. You keep saying it, reword it as many times that it comes forward. Allow all the stuff that comes up and keep forgiving. At one point, you will know it is let go and feel very light. You may even chuckle at it eventually. Using this practice throughout your life will support you. We can use this daily, weekly, when a big guilt comes up! Let it go!! It is does no good for anyone! Do know others will want to hold you in guilt as well. They will logic and chat, tell you how you should feel bad for misdeeds. Move forward and let go. We can't hold our negativity with us for good health. It is not necessary to keep remembering your misdeed and don't allow others too. Yes, it is a challenge to live this but your wonder won't fully manifest if you keep holding pieces of anger at yourself and others. It is wasteful of life force, mind, emotions and health. It is over. You messed up. Another did. Don't keep giving energy to it. Forgive yourself and others until it is done and over! We judge ourselves, others judge us and none of it really matters. We are here to honor ourselves and find our brightness so let go of anything that gets in the way. Move forward, let go, keep going! See yourself as a bright spirit learning what does and doesn't work! This is how we grow! WE RELEASE GUILT THROUGH FORGIVENESS! Be free! Delicious self care!
1/18/2019 08:52:44 am
I love this post, Lyn!! I especially love your point of view about us still learning our way as spirits in human bodies ... "Our behaviors do not determine who we are. We are spirits having a human experience. We are learning to ground that spirit of goodness here on this level. It takes some mistakes for learning. We need to be gentle when we do things wrong. We need to see the higher spirit and allow that to be nurtured so we can bring it in." So true!
2/12/2019 01:32:06 pm
Great post Lyn and true.
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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