I have been in the healing arts and know many centers as well as healers. In fact, it has been my mission to find and support the whole field of expressive and healing arts. Learn, explore, experience and get them out there. Sue Walski and I created The Room at Meadowbrook, an education center to share others gifts. I also host a show, The Magical Holistic Healing Arts, where we interview many practitoners and their modalities. I know many who own centers and I must share my latest health findings. We all offer so many great treatments, services, self development and community support. We are the hub of new information especially in this time.
My daughter brought me Kangen Water as an opportunity to drink good, ionized, alkalized water and shower in mineral water. I thought sounds good. Never got deep into water quality. I had a Britta and was on well water. When I moved out west they had municipal water so it seemed that water was a good thing to investigate. As I have been drinking this water, 9.5 alkaline, I have had incredible health benefits. Not only that, i have offered it others with so many health issues, chronic issues and end of the rope health and the healing I have seen occur from just a bit of this water, makes it worthy of sharing this. We forget how important our water is to health. I, an elixir Queen, never really considered the impact of it until this Kangen adventure! Over 80% of our brain and blood are water! We are 75% water. We are like a water sac moving around in reality. Until I started to investigate water, I had no ideas of the acidity of most all bottled waters, what alikaline and alkalized water really means and how R/O (reverse osmosis) water and distilled water are not as healthy as we thought. I had heard that distilled water was to be used in tinctures and that is not the best water. We know very little about the water we ingest and a great filtration system is just the first step. Ionized, electrified water is a whole new situation as a health elixir. Considered molecular hydrogen water, it is the best water support to our bodies. Hydrogen is the smallest and most abundant element in our universe. They are finding it has a huge impact on our health, calling it the best antioxidant there is to date. The Molecular Hydrogen Institute has much science on it or you can google on pub med Molecular hydrogen water and a wealth of patient studies regarding the health benefits for so many ails is there. The power of being hydrated, alkalized and in homeostasis of water in the body does wonders on its own. As healers we should know how powerful the right water is. It can support our clients and patients on all levels. At very least, we should realize the healing power of the right water! It is through this rather haphazard way that I decided to shift my main focus in this new time of less interaction to educating on water. We need to be informed on water as those who support healing and offer this option to our clients as relevant to their well being. When I got involved, I purchased an extra machine to offer to healing centers for 30 days. This way, clients as well as a center, can see what a month of drinking this water does for health. You won't go back. It is that powerful using the right, hydrating water. You feel the difference! I reside now in Colorado and have contacts all over that perhaps could give you a jug or two to see how this could benefit you and your clients. Many are already getting water delivered and paying for it. It is not such a healthy solution from the stats. A Kangen Machine would save money as well as sanitize on the highest level. The system has 7 water settings: 2.5 acidic water, Hydrocaulic acid, used in hospitals to kills germs and viruses faster than bleach. 11 Ph high alkalized water is used to launder sheets and towels, an emulsifier that lifts oils and cuts grease. 6.0 Ph "beauty water", the ph of our skin. a great beauty aid that sparkles us and all surfaces, mirrors and windows. 7.0-9.5 for cooking and drinking water to hit the basics! You then cut down on chemicals in your center as well as save money. It is sustainable on all levels! Just a fascinating system to really transform your space! You bring in sustainability, health and education on this most important substance, WATER. I am putting this out there for all healers and centers, worldwide need to begin to learn of water and how it effects our physical system. Our country is chronically dehydrated, 75% and that seriously effects our health on so many levels. We get unbalanced from this, creating an acidic body, acidosis. Water can shift this state faster than food or any supplement. We are sacs of floating water! Water is an issue now and will only increase in importance. Too boot, having such powerful cleaning water is neccesary in sanitizing of your space! Sharing water to clients and students, gives a real opportunity to see results in a short period of time. Win/Win! The more I learn about it, the more passionate I am to inform others of such powerful information! There are many links here on my site and you can also visit www.hydrateyourlifewithus.com to see sustainability, green your home and businesses using Kangen as part of their operations. All good health information in this evolving world. I will leave you with a link to Dr. Corrine Allen, a neurologist, Your Brain on Water! If you have any a questions or want to learn more, connect with me!
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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